Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:25 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Lady Argentum Draconis Familiar Name: Arpeggio Familiar Breed: Songbird, long tail Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Boisterous Familiar Description: Colored similar to a mocking bird but with colors drawn from Galious 1 2 3 Accessory color: Flowers in the tail? Similar to Galious' Teepee: N/A Price: 100k?
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:27 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Revolutionary Roniel Familiar Name: TBD Familiar Breed: Koi Familiar Gender: TBD Familiar Temper: TBD Familiar Description: A doitsu showa koi. See also here. The exact pattern is CC. Fins type CC too! Accessory color: n/a Teepee: n/a Price: 5 bil?
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:40 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Celestial Requiem Familiar Name: TBD Familiar Breed: Buffalo Familiar Gender: TBD Familiar Temper: TBD Familiar Description: Family member of these two. They're siblings. Everything is up to yooouuuuu~ Accessory color: CC Teepee: - Price: $$$
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:00 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Silver Metallic Dragon Familiar Name: Syth Familiar Breed: Mountain Lion Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Wise Familiar Description: Something inspired by by my boyo Tyzaeph. They'll be bonded. Accessory color: CC Teepee: - Price: 100k plus tip. [/size
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:02 pm
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:23 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Wasteland Wyvern Familiar Name: Caesar Familiar Breed: Ferret Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Commanding Familiar Description: I would like to have this plushie from Mind done please? OwO
Plushie Wingless Uncert If possible could you use the Wolf Maned Hair on him? Colored like the hair of the plushie. If its not possible then just ignore the hair from the plushie. <3 Please also ignore the flower on the plushies head. I don't want flowers for him. xD Please also ignore the wing colors. I don't want them to affect the ferret, just the body colors transferred. <3 Please use the lighter color of the belly on the inside of the ears. <3 Accessory color: No Base Ferret Accessory please but I'd love if you could morph the Soquili three hoop earring and put it on the ferret's forefront ear? Color would be shiny gold for the rings. Teepee: N/A Price: 500 Platinum (5 Billion Gold)
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:59 pm
Taste the Mutant... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: ~Twilight...Angel~ Familiar Name: 椿 (Tsubaki) - For the Camellia flower Familiar Breed: Mutant Pronghorn Familiar Gender: Female Familiar Temper: Enchanting Familiar Description: - Feathered Wings - Unedited Sumi-e (if possible) - Ringlet Hair - Fancy Eyelashes - Unbranched Horns
She will be to go with 静香 (Shizuka) as her dancing partner and hand maiden, so matching her. Doesn't need to be matchy matchy, you are more than welcome to mix up the markings a bit <3 Accessory color: CC on any accessories and their colors; If there are any that cover her body, I would love an uncert without the items as well <3 Teepee: N/A Price: 50 plat
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:26 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Fea Line Familiar Name: Ulysse Familiar Breed: Pronghorn Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Omit Familiar Description: Ringlet hair/tail, White tailed deer horns. This for inspiration, mainly colors first, pattering secondary Accessory color: coin trim tabbard with connectors+small bead chain + uneven beads. CC on colors, something complimentary Teepee: n/a Price: lotsoplat
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:34 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: AstoriaFallen Familiar Name: Damia Familiar Breed: condor, exotic Familiar Gender: Female Familiar Temper: Omit Familiar Description: Base her the best you can off this photo. I own all rights to it <3 She will be quested as a SOQ eventually to XD (Phoenix template please, with the Mohawk crest)
Accessory color: CC to fit Teepee: [ x ] Price: 1 billion <3
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:22 pm
Taste the Mutant!... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: dolphingurl Familiar Name: TBD Familiar Breed: Mutant wolf Familiar Gender: Female Familiar Temper: Spirited Familiar Description: I am looking for a winged wolf to match my Catrina. I would like it to have the big fox tail, red wolf ears and small feather wings. I would love for it to have some of the subtle white sugar skull markings that Catrina has and perhaps some subtle white skeleton markings along the body. Accessories are up to you if you think you can add details that match her. Accessory color: Similiar to Catrina's Teepee: N/A Price: 100k + larger tip!
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:26 pm
Taste the mutant!... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Kyjoto Familiar Name: Aratan Familiar Breed: Racoon, new style Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Omit Familiar Description: Kudu colors, giant ears and maybe little horns? 8D Accessory color: CC on colors, something complimentary Teepee: n/a Price: 1 billion
Happy Birthday!
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:30 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Azael_Rose Familiar Name: Mal'i Familiar Breed: Octopus Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Flexible Familiar Description: Similar colors and markings to his bonded, A'kai. I would absolutely adore the bioluminescent orbs as well...but that's probably considered an edit.
Quick sketch reference:
Black body. Teal markings on back of head, around eyes...and (MAYBE) a few limbs. The markings should be like the markings on the head, barely there and not on every single visible spot (he is predominantly black). If needed I can sketch up an example - I just didn't wanna sketch all of the leggies... XD;; Purple suckers. And glowy orbs (if an edit) are up to you to add, k! Accessory color: N/A Teepee: [x] Price: 500 P
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:30 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: Cheyriddle4 Familiar Name: Gavin Familiar Breed:Mouse Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Silly Familiar Description: This is a mock breeding. I would want a saddle and bridle. I would like the fathers blue's and the mothers spirals in White..With some light purple around the paws. Father- Procylian, Avalon- Mother Accessory color: The saddle and bridle to be purple, If at all possible.. Could the mouse also have a silver hoop earring? Teepee: N/a Price: 1,000 plat
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:39 pm
... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: o-Elixir-o Familiar Name: TBD Familiar Breed: Pronghorn Familiar Gender: Female Familiar Temper: Omit Familiar Description: I want it based off this plush
Ringlet Hair & Tail Fancy Eyelashes
Accessory color: CC Teepee: Teepee Price: 1bil
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:41 pm
Taste the Mutant!... Paint drops are fallin' on my head... Owner: irishgirl1107 Familiar Name: TBD Familiar Breed: Mutant River Otter (Everything) Familiar Gender: Male Familiar Temper: Callous Familiar Description: Would like him to be based off Cruncher but have lighter colors similiar to Noble Masquerade Dream Accessory color: Similiar to Cruncher Teepee: ]X Price: 5 bil