October prompt is over! Lists will be updated soon, they are partially updated now.
Here we go November
November is all about having an “attitude of gratitude” and—Scratch that, I hate when people say that but what they really mean is you can’t complain about or be upset about anything. Being grateful is good, but it’s okay to let out our emotions from time to time.
In short,
it’s okay to not be okay. Say it again.
it’s okay to not be okay If you’re mad, sad, or whatever it’s okay to express that from time to time–it’s even healthy.
I know this time of year is stressful. Write a 750 word RP about you soquili getting upset,mad, or in an argument. Do they rage against the dying of the light? Rant against the heavens? Finally tell someone enough is enough? Or just let someone else know how they feel, even if it’s not pretty or grateful?
Maybe you want to make the RP into a parable that mirrors real life but in soquili way. Example (which you can totally use!) IRL your car has stopped working or those vacation plans have fallen through–tell me about how your soquili’s favorite basket breaks when you need it most. How that jar of honey didn’t come out flavored how they wanted. You’ve got the right to vent, so use this as a way to let it your frustrations (RULE: You cannot make it about any human, soquili can fend for themselves.)
Dude, it's been a long year...
PROMPT ENDS:12 NOON EST December 3, 2023 the Sunday after American Thanksgiving, so you can overcome your turkey lethargy. REMEMBER, you can now win two freebies a month.
PRIZE: Points for end of year raffle and Hue Shift Prizes (famliar and soquili) Feel free to mix and match
PROMPT REQUIREMENTS: All RP's have to be completed for credit. 750 words minimum per RPer. If you are RPing with someone else, only the person putting in for a prize MUST meet the word requirements.
Rping with a partner will give you two tickets instead of one.
(Note, the fams match the little birds on the soquili but you don't have to pick that one if you don't like. It's all up to you. XD)
[b] Dude, it's been a long year....[/b]
[b]Link to RP:[/b] [url=LINKGOESHERE][XxX ][/url]
[b]Solo or Partnered:[/b]
[b] Which Gaia color scheme would you like?:[/b]
[b] Which little birb?: [/b]
ONLY ONE SOQUILI AND FAMILIAR EACH. We delight in the joy of the pain of your indecision. SUFFERING!
ANUBIS wingless nekCATHARSIS wingless nekGUNMETAL wingless nekMOLUCCELLA wingless nekROSE SAGA wingless nekSAPPHIRE wingless nekVELVETINE wingless nekCERTING TO GENERAL all soquili by Malikztiah Ankhwave
Birbs are stuck in migration pattern and will be sorted out in a day or two with the cold front. Birbs made it here!
These are coloured by Calixita BUT they go in GC not her personal certing thread this time.
Anubis SongbirdCatharsis SongbirdGunmetal SongbirdMoluccella SongbirdRose Saga SongbirdSapphire SongbirdVelvetine Songbird