Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:56 am
Dragain *nods* I think RP slots are a great incentive for RPers. There's nothing worse than RPing out an awesome romance/breeding plot only to wait months for babies to come into the picture. It not only stops the plot for that pair, but does not promote RPing. Even with the 'higher chance of third basket' incentive, it'll only come into play if you have that breeding slot.
Also, with the huge number of breedings these days (an awesome trend, by the way) I think there could be, like Kai said, a super-LL slot for the really unlucky couples. I totally agree that more RP slots would be awsome -and totally would encourage more and more couples to RP. I personally am aiming to try and get all my couples RPed eventually XD hehehe.
As for uber LL -I agree wit the idea, and although I can see Kita's point of view about people who are lucky with other couples shouldn't be classed as LL I do think its unfair to the couple in question AND the other person involved. After all the couple is still LL despite the owners luck with other couples and I don't think they should be punished for having a lucky roll with another couple -after all its pretty hard to get any slots and people seem to have waves of luck XD
To the colourists: Thank you for all the awsome breeding slots lately! =D I hope it continues as I love watching all the beautiful baskets pop and grow! XD hehehe.
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:31 am
Its not always as cut-n-dry as that, its why I was pointing it out. There are a lot of different things that can and do happen, and sometimes its not all about dice roll either, people ARE cc'ed, and sometimes its not all about just one person in the breeding. Sometimes both have luck, or sometimes both are owned by the same person, etc.
And, instead of just discounting it, since there are a lot of different things that can happen, I thought to bring it up. *shrug*
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:50 am
Then how about super-LL slots being for RPed couples only as a super incentive? I can see how non-RPers will probably be unhappy with this, but they'll still be eligible for normal LL slots (which is the more common slot anyway). It takes effort on both sides to RP, and as RPers probably know, it doesn't always work out... So RPed couples can get that extra incentive if they're really that unlucky to not have bred for 30, 40 raffles.
Or maybe super-LL could be a CC'ed thing where colorists pick their favorite pair not by looks, but by the story behind the love. Not all RPed couples have a good, solid plot behind them, so this could be a reward for people who really invest time and effort into the breeding?
In cases where the Soqs are owned by the same person, I'm speaking from personal experience when I say that self RP is not easy. ^^;; Its easier than RPing with someone who tags like a snail, but switching between characters so suddenly can take time too.
To Kita, I understand what you're trying to say... But Sya does make a point too. I have seen people who are really lucky with breedings, and win at least once every few months. However, there is a reason why LL go by couple rather than by owner - I can have a couple who win on their first try, but my other couple might have tried for the past 30 raffles with no luck. Although its true that one basket from both breedings will be mine, they are still two different couples with two different plots.
Ultimately, these things can never be fair because the dice isn't fair. xD So all we can do is suggest ways to make the CC part of it as fair as possible, thus the suggestion that super-LL is a CC rather than a RNG thing.
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:00 pm
Sorry, didnt mean to start an entire discussion over it (as this isnt a discussion thread), was just trying to point out a 'lesser' seen view, not that people dont have their points ^-^;;; *pulls out*
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:13 pm
I actually like the idea of super LL being a special slot for Rped couples as well.... sort of like a reward for people who try to give their pairs the best chances but still have no luck, by that I mean they try to get them eligible for as many catagories as possible.
I think that an uber/super LL slot should be 40links plus... so double the normal LL. I know there is currently only one couple close to this (Kaisanti's and her friend *always forget her username XD sorry*).
Kita I really wasn't simply discounting your point of view at all, I understand and see where you are coming from but just felt the other side needed to be said as well smile in the end of the day its up to the store staff and stuff to decide so by us all giving them our opinions and showing more than one argument they can make a fairer judgement based on what every one wants and stuff....
....for all we know they may decide just simply ignore this uber LL slot talk and just tell everyone to keep trying for the slots that are currently available smile
*huggles everyone and withdraws also*
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:22 pm
Oops. Wrong thread. Don't mind me. Sinus medication and doing too many things at one time. smile
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:05 am
Kaisanti I do have a question. I know the LL slots have been revamped, but once again its getting full of new pairs hitting the 20-try mark. My long term pair, are now at 38, and have been trying consistently since 08, and have only missed one raffle when I was out of the country. I never thought Id have to hit 40 raffles to get them bred, but it has made me think about couples that just don't have luck and aren't pretty. Could there be a cap on how many raffle tries a couple has to have before they get put on something like an ultimate LL listing.. say, 50 tries, and then the next colourist who has a free breeding slot that month and has time to take on an extra breeding (say, from the CC master list) has to take on the longest running super-LL couple. Its an idea Ive had since I was fairly new to the shop, a kind of guarantee that, if you try long and hard enough, eventually your soq will get bred and its not just up to the luck of the die, when there is no guarantee they would get picked in regular LL slots as the LLs are filling up again. I completely and totally agree with this statement on more slot possibilities for higher tries in LL breeding slots. In my opinion, 50 tries to get a breeding is... complete and utter *insert word here* though. I am sorry if I am ranting but I really give you credit Kai to keep trying considering you are past the 40s mark. I agree that some change needs to be done for LL entries or CCs. Because lets face it more and more soquili are being made/ being paired together, and that really narrows down the chance of winning a LL breeding in the future. Which makes it not so much as LL anymore but a regular breeding raffle, just fewer entries. ------------------------ I have a suggestion. Have a LL slot for those trying on their 30th or 40th breeding and up. And another one for those who have hit 20. Those that have tried 50 times should ATLEAST be considered as CC... That is just my opinion.
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:09 pm
Just to offer my two cents...
You can't force colourists to CC a couple (it's grossly unfair to them), particularly if they don't have inspiration for your couple. Sure you could "demand" they take your couple but then what happens if they have kids and you hate how they look because the "colourist didn't do a good job"? A Colourist Choice is exactly what it means, they pick what they want based on whatever factors they personally consider.
As far as I'm aware Felmino seems to make a habit of PICKING lowluck and RP couples in her colourist choices alongside couples that appear to inspire her. I've noticed a few other colourists will take the amount of lowluck attempts into consideration as well but it's only a 'factor'.
I can sympathise with those of you who have been trying for a painfully long time, but it's not appropriate to start stomping your feet at the colourists and demanding they CC it because there IS the risk that a colourist will get the couple and REALLY not want to do them. For example, some colourists hate marble affects, some hate gore, some hate clothes and so on and so forth. If your soquili has those features then is it really fair of you to say "tough luck, they've tried a million times so you HAVE to do it"?
I applaud the dedication but don't twist anyone's arm, you'll find it could screw you over at a later date if you end up forcing a colourist to do something they have NO inspiration towards and you could even be disappointed with the results.
(Sorry, long post)
HOWEVER I would agree that a Lowluck Roleplay slot should be created to give those who do RP their unlucky couples some consideration. It would give incentive for people to RP (something I know the shop wants to promote). It doesn't have to be a monthly thing, could be bimonthly or whatnot depending on colourist preference.
That being said, any sort of lifemate/roleplay slots would be nice. I see a lot of uneditted slots but unfortunately I can't enter them with my couples. My couple's mates may be uneditted, but my soquili usually aren't. n-n
Sorry that makes for a long read but I wanted to get my point across as best I could. >.<
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:15 pm
Maybe there could be some sort of official rotation to slots? Something to make sure that there are more slots than just unedited slots in a month. Right now unedit slots are the majority of slots offered and it'd be nice to see some of those alternated out with RP slots, lifemate slots, LL slots, breeding newbie slots, etc.
Just some sort of official way to make sure that one type of slot doesn't completely dominate.
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:20 pm
Completely unrelated to this discussion, sorry. Does anyone know (staff or otherwise) what happens if you've won a breeding, but the other person involved has gone MIA?
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:35 pm
Again, however, I don't believe it is fair to force a colorist to take a specific kind of slot or another. It appears the majority of time, if a colorist does more unedited slots it means they don't have oodles of time to dedicate to more edited pairs. The only thing that I feel should be allowed to regulate is a ratio of CC slots vs. raffled - but that is a matter of opinion/rant and does not relate to the topic.
The colorists are free to pick what kind of slots they want to do. And I think here we can suggest different kinds of slots they may offer but it should not be a place to demand one. And technically, they don't have to offer any breeding slots. The fact that soquili grow/change meets the "must breed, grow, or otherwise change" requirements of the forum. So it is a perk that they breed.
If you have problems with the slots, you can always enter another pair in those to increase your chances of winning. And if you cannot (due to lack of soquili) then there are usually other options to increase your chances in other ways - RP, lifemate, etc.
TanuKyle: I would talk with the colorist and/or a shop manager. I believe in the past, you've had to wait so long after the baskets arrive (or was it foals? - they need to be named?) and if they truly are MIA then it is figured out later. However, in other situations, the other owner gets a basket/foal and it has stayed unnamed (but I believe a rule has come about since then)
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:51 pm
This has been well said already, and I have to agree. While I think another list for couples that have been trying significantly longer might be needed, I don't think a colorist should be forced to pick a couple. If there are multiple couples that make the cut and they can choose one if they please that's one thing. Some couples just might not inspire a colorist and personally I wouldn't enjoy being made to do a couple that just doesn't inspire any creativity in me because they have been trying longer than another.
Yes something needs to be done about couples that try for obnoxiously long periods of time and still can't seem to get a slot, but still forcing a colorist to take a couple just doesn't seem right or at all fair to me.
In the end there really is no real fair way to do it, the dice are always going to be unfair.
Just my 2 cents.
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:56 pm
I never mentioned ANYTHING about forcing colorists to do ANYTHING.
I suggested that they should atleast consider those that have tried 50 times. Please do not twist my words around making me look like the 'bad guy'. Sorry if you disagree with what I've written but that is how I felt and wanted to share.
*dropping this as well because it doesnt matter what I say words will get twisted around*