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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:25 am
“I am mistaken. I thought this was a revolution, not an assassination. What is it you want Tozzar?” Rogak felt the need to ask because suddenly you were not making any sense.

-Tozzar we have located the next four closest Herald Miners Facilities. There are two on a giant planet the next system and two more on the other side of this system. I will send groups over to them now.- Terra informed you.

-Oh boy play day. Giget funnel all the resources to me. I will need it for this project.- Barney got on the next ship to the UA battle ship and would start his big project. An engineer coordinator went along with him; someone had to do all the things Barney order Giget to do. Everyone but Barney knew she wasn’t going to do them.

-Uhh Tozzar, this could be good or bad, but the UA is contacting me.- Dowser explained. He shuffled around his command floor while ordering everyone to suppress the message. He would be able to fake bad connections for only so long. Dowser was a huge official in the UA and he took a substantial amount of force with him when they left under the impression that this was a pleasure cruise for his son. They were probably expecting him back soon. With the new revolution messages flying around space they probably had their suspicions to why he was not back.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:39 am
Rogak was a brillent businessman, he had built an empire off making weapons; however, he was not nearly as smart as he seemed. Tozzar smiled as he puffed on the cigar, "What do I want? I want to see those weapons of intergalactic genocide destroyed and those who made them taken out. You might fear how the loss of some major companies might affect business afterwards, but my friend do not worry about that. Life will keep moving on and there will always be people to sell your weapons too, whether it is Tithletel or some other company you will have your buyers."

Tozzar started to tap his secondary tenctacles as Dowser hailed him on the com. He start to tense up and hoped Rogak didn't notice. Of all times to have to deal with the UA they had to pick now? For ******** sake! He is in a ******** meeting, don't they have any curtosity. Tozzar puffed on his cigar a little faster as he thought, -Well those who left should be getting back anytime now, so a ruse won't really work. Well...do your best to come up with an excuse, but don't lose sleep over it. If they catch you in a lie or know already, just tell them to ******** off...unless it is someone you could persuade to join us..then do that.-  



PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:35 am
“This dis what I hoped Tozzar. Here I was dinking you were dreaming do change de systems. If it dis company heads you want den go and take dem. You dave my 5 closest planets. Dey will know by morning. Once you get more money you speak do me again. If you can afford it, I will lend more recources.” Rogak finished his cigar, sensed your straining and felt it was time for him to leave. The old cor stood slowly, bracing himself as though joint pain made this difficult, and faced you. “Tozzar I like you. You are going places. I dave more daughters if you are ever looking do join families. Oh… might we rest a day? My ship will depart after a day’s hour worth.” Rogak asked before exiting the room to his ship.

Once you were finished with him you had Terra waiting online for orders with the remote Herald Miners Factories. She was waiting on Sizzir with her Lunar Angles. Like she mentioned before her scouts had located the other factories but Rogak has yet to direct the facilities.

-I told you this was a good one. You tell me to get find more to join our cause and I delivered.- Terra boasted over con link. –We might want to check out each of the facilities to make sure nothing like what happened earlier will happen again.-

Dowser is messaging the UA

Lynch is scheming a way to reveal the traitor.

((At this point you have Lynch and Dowser doing things that don’t involve you. Do you want to hear these conversations or have me right them out because most of them would be documented so Tozzar could stay up dated. Or would you rather just get updates about what is happening.))  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:16 am
-Very well dispatch some small teams to investigate and asses the facilitates Rogak has promised to our cause. Also is there a report on the state of the galaxy at large since the information has begun spreading? Rebellions, smaller companies folding into alliances, declarations from the major companies, people requesting our aid or to join forces...all that jazz. If not I want one as fast as possible we have momentum whilst the news is new. Emotions will be raw and overactive, we need to do as much to our advantage as possible in the next couple of days. I want to see our forces grow. Please tell me your diplomatic contacts and missions have brought new forces into our hands. They are out there we just need to reach out.- Tozzar said as Rogak departed and he puffed on his cigar. Tozzar laid back in his chair and closed his eyes. This was the first moment of peace he had known since he begun his revolution, and even this was barely "relaxing". He couldn't enjoy it because he knew there was so much more work to be done. Every second he wasted sitting there was another second he could be strengthening his revolution, but he was so tired. So very tired. All these decisions and negotiations were tiring. He was use to stuff like this, but on a way smaller scale. If he messed up a negotiation for a job he could resort to force or just formfitting the reward for the job, but now....everything little thing he did had to be perfect. Thought out and calculated. There was no room for error. This pressure was getting to him already and the revolution was in its infantcy stage still. Tozzar laughed to himself as he sipped his drink.

Even if he could be doing better things, he had all of the most important tasks delegated to the others. He was going to take this rest while he could. Tozzar started to hum to himself as he felt himself start to drift off. Tozzar put his drink and cigar down and turned to his side away from the door as he rested. It was so peaceful, so relaxing. Tozzar use to have many days like this. He would finish a job and then kick back for a month or so on the money he earned. Just doing as he ******** pleased; drinking, smoking, picking up women. Since boarding Troyce's ship it has been go, go, go, go, go. Every time he had even tired relaxing since it all started he was interupted by some diesater or another. Speaking of which, it had been a couple minutes so one was probably going to walk in the door, but until then....

((Possible Terra-Tozzar time?))  



PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:10 pm
Your peace came from having nothing to do but the truth was the Herald Miners facility was nothing peaceful. After the last attack from the un-named Cor the factory was in major need of repairs and those repairs made nearly every sound possible all at once. The rail of chains cranked nonstop as cranes lifted materials all about. Hammers, saws, drivers, and all sorts of equipment rattled on. Honestly you didn’t care about any of it. It was music to your ears. You would take all of it because it was not the sound of a gun firing which you had grown to loath more than ever.

“It’s good to see your still living. What do you think of Rogack?” When you turned over your hopes were satisfied. The voice belonged to Terra. Cloaked and hidden against the entrance her eyes met with yours. There was a smile somewhere behind the shadows. When it moved into the open laugh it was obvious she could care less what you thought of Rogack. In fact what she provokingly revealed under her cloak made you think talking was the least thing she wanted to do. “You know I never thanked you for saving my city!” She took another step closer to you. One tentacle reached around her cloak and tugged at a tie holding up the cloak. She stepped closer. Another knot loosened. She stopped in the middle of the room. Her smile beckoned you closer. “You’re unlike any Telth I have ever met. I like that.”

-I have galactic news up. There are a few different stories circulating. Would you like me to run you by them?- It was as though Simon knew exactly when to cut in over con link. He was jealous but you thought him above trying to block you.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:15 am
Tozzar heard her voice as he laid there resting. Slowly he turned around on his chair onto his other side as Terra stepped in clothed in the cloak. A soft smile fell upon his face as she spoke. As she grew near Tozzar felt his heart start to race and (bodily response of arousal..not going into detail as I don't know how a telth experiences arousal...not sure if I want too)....Tozzar sat up as Terra started to pull the tie of her cloak, what lay beneath it was so much more interesting then Rogack. "Well my dear I must say you are quite the surprise as well. Who ever would have thought that landing on your planet for a rest would have lead me to leading a galactic revolution." Tozzar slowly ascended to his feet as she drew near, a secondary tentacle went for the bottom of his shirt as he was going to play fair.

Suddenly Simon's voice cut into his comlink. Tozzar scowled and let out a curse as he tore his gaze away from Terra. The reports of how the universe was taking the news was extremely important. He needed to find out what was going on outside of the small sector of the galaxy that was folding into his control at the moment. If his calculations were right smaller rebellions would spring up across the galaxy providing perfect opportunities for him to sweep them up into a powerful armada that could combat the bigger companies. Tozzar turned his head back towards Terra and he licked his lips. Even with this pressin gnews Tozzar found hard to focus on anything but her. Blinking a couple of times Tozzar started to weigh out what would be more advantageous, finding out what was under that cloak or finding out what was going on in the universe. It was a close call. Tozzar knew he needed to find out the news. To start planning his next move. That was the right thing to do. That was what a responsible person would do.

-Forward the message to Dowser, tell him to reformat the news into a tactical report, address the minor issues and prepare the information about the major developments for a report to me in a little bit, I am tied up at the moment.-

Tozzar was not a responsible person. He reached out with his tentacle and grabbed the remaining knot that held Terra's cloak and pulled it slowly as his other tentacles wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. "Simon can wait, there is more pressing information here under that pesky cloak I must...unvail" Tozzar said seductively....

tl;dr they had sex...moving on  



PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:12 pm
“Hey sleepy head you’re slow to waking. You better get up and dressed. Everyone is convening meeting room downstairs. I am sure there are plenty of big decisions needing made!” Terra woke you with a nudge of her tentacle after getting out of the bed. She had practically finished dressing in a gown she packed for the stay. “Last night was fun. Whenever you have a free moment from saving the galaxy give a girl a call.” Terra smiled and then left your room.

A new day was just starting and with the newly gained factories, workers, and materials, things were really coming together. For once there was a good sense of organization. With everyone meeting that would hopefully only increase.

Tart3, the third of a tri sphere planet, was the official name for the planet you stood on now. The Herald miner facility was the only standing building on all three planetary masses. The rest of the planet was harsh minerals that gave no support for life. Being huge collections of rocks and gasses, they were easy to mine and work on. The Herald miners easily collected all of the minerals they needed to fuel their expansion. Huge elevators dug deep into the planets core and connected each planet. They were very small planets in comparison to most. The Tart’s system had a huge sun and each planet hugged near it. Most indoor facilities had to mimic normal day and night sequences because a day could last for months. Now that it was supposedly day on your biological clock all the shutters opened to reveal a huge and marvelous burning sphere.

When you arrived in the meeting room most everyone was there except Simon and Barney. Lynch and Dowser were talking about tactics and Bergheim was telling Terra about a past bar fight. Blitz sat idly by Terra. The room was filled with excitement as each person fed a bit of their personal passion for the cause into the environment. It was a strange team but these were the people anyone would be proud to work with.

As you entered Terra was the first to look over. She smiled and left her place near Bergheim. She moved across the room to greet you and then found her self a seat near your designated end, the end chair furthest from a display board. Everyone shared their greetings with you and then found their own place around the table.

“Simon will not be joining us. He chose to take a much over due vacation. I don’t care how you feel about the ordeal. The poor thing needed it.” Terra leaned over to explain.

“I couldn’t get Barney to budge from my ship earlier this morning. He is working endlessly at this mech. He wouldn’t reveal a single thing to me but the cor is a bit mental. I don’t know if any of you noticed.” Dowser shared from the opposite end of the room. He was the only one left standing. He cleared his throat to begin the presentation.

“Well then if we are all accounted for I say we get started. I think it is fair to say we each represent a substantial portion of this ‘revolution’ and it is for each of us to come to some agreement on each decision before us. To start let’s examine the news that we have stirred up. I will first report the most credible sources from each of the major galactic zones. I recommend that you view these accounts with objectively because each are run by the contractors.” Dowser took a breath and then displayed Tilt’s, the Telthisian contractor, brand attached to an article. Dowser scrolled through the jumbled information to key points. “Quote, ‘this uprising is expected in difficult and confusing times. As your largest supplier, your main supporter, and protector, Tilt has stood to face many uncertain times such as these. This will be no different’. Those pompous farts think everyone worships them. It continues, ‘this is not the first time our friendly neighborhood contractor Tilt has been accused of deceptive plans. Back in 2250 there was the huge land leaking scandal that suggested that Tilt was buying precious wilderness to build more factories. These allegations were dropped when it was proven everything was untouched. Spokesmen Sile of Tilt claims these new lies are nothing more than fearful and confused pirates that want to get noticed. I assure you anything Tilt does is for the protection and forwarding movement of the telth people.” Dowser pulled back from the article to show a map of Tillistile, a major planet in the Tiltith system. The article came from the heart of a massive metropolis heavily influenced by Tilt. It was the most read and influential news article to all of the Telth systems.

“Now another article from them had some pretty surprising news come from it. Here read this, ‘Moments after his escape pod was discovered, Tithlitel Commander Thitan was rescued from deep space. Once we approached the scene he was more than willing to speak his mind. ‘They are no more than an organized pile of barbarians. After I attempted to save the brutally murdered Harvengers from the mob of Heretics they attacked me and took my fleet. These people cannot be trusted.’ And there you have it. A whiteness account from Tithlitel Commander Thitan, he says they can’t be trusted. I will let each of you decide. Here is more footage of the same group advancing and killing hundreds of Cor on a remote working facility. They murdered countless cor. If anyone is attempting a genocide it is not your beloved Contractors at Tilt.’ Those bastards are turning everything around. How is anyone supposed to see through that?” Dowser was frustrated already. “What do you guys think, should I show more?”  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:59 am
Tozzar kissed Terra gently as she got up from his bed. He laid there and smiled as she told him to call on her agian. Damn what a woman! Tozzar thought to himself, usually he was a hump and dump type of guy, but Terra was something else. A return visit might be in order. After she had left Tozzar got up naked from his bed, slung on a robe and walked over to the window. Hundred of Cor, Human, and telth workers were busy as bees trying to get the facility operating. On other planets he already had thousands turning out weapons for him to use in his revolution. It was a beautiful sight as he looked over the smoking buildings. Thousands of weapons, entire planets producing arms, alliances with powerful Cor....mere weeks ago Tozzar was just a two-bit spy working for alcohol and sluts with low rate information....now though he was the leader of an armies hundreds of thousands strong, all ready to fight and die at his command. So much had changed since that day he Dowser contacted him, weeks ago Tozzar would have laughed if someone told him what he would be doing. It was ridiculous that out of the trillions of beings in the galaxy Tozzar of all people would be the one standing here today. The idea made him chuckle.

Later he slid into the meeting room, the last to arrive. Terra was sitting further down on the table, but when he entered she moved to a closer seat, which drew some eyes, but no questions. Dowser started to play the broadcasts to him and Tozzar laughed as they came to a close. "Am I the only one not suprised? Did you really anticipate anything but this happening? I mean this is light compared to how I thought they would demonize us. But it is just scare tactics, and we got plenty of our own. That nonvital data I released in my inital broadcast, the video of their "witness" pulling out the experimental bugs...this petty broadcast pales in comparison to footage of all of that. I swear to god we have better have media influence and outlets by now, if not then Terra, Dowser I want you on that the minute this meeting is over, and I want your staff on that while this meeting is going on. I want a galactic broadcast set up this afternoon for myself, Dowser. and Lynch. We will have to fight fire with fire. Send a messenger to see if Rogak will go public with our alliance, if so I want him to appear endorsing us as well...if he would be so kind that is." Tozzar said casually as a human soldier set a hot mug of coffee down in front of him. Tozzar picked up the mug and sipped it as he looked down at the reports coming up on the monitor in front of him. "So things on today's agenda; naming our revolution, seems petty...but very important to the mass..never underestimate how powerful something so sensational as a name can be. The press conference...check...alright we should also cover deployments of both our troops and the current deployment of the enemy, especially the Tilthlatel that where massing outside the zone where we gained the farming planet Lynch.....I need updates on the spy situation in the Telth forces, Dowser your exchange with the UA...we need to track down any rebellions in the nearby areas to sweep up, other means of production that are good targets" Tozzar paused to take another sip of coffee as everyone at the table tried to figure out what to say first, "ohh this is good coffee, now then more pressing then all of that is Troyce's death. Without him we have all hope of contacting his organization which is a major blow to our efforts. They have been working this war in the shadows for years before us, we must attempt to reach out to them and garter their support. They will bring expertise and knowledge that we would take years to gain, especially the spy networks they will already have set up in the enemy...any and all information and leads on them is vital to bring to the table...anyone else have things to add to the agenda?"  



PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:22 pm
“Oh and that is only the beginning. We see this same stuff all over Prime and Capital. The big contractors are trying to throw this under the rug. I don’t think they see how serious we are. I spoke earlier with the UA and they have denounced their involvement and labeled my fleet and crew as traitors. That is in the public side. I pulled some strings and they are on board. We have the UA’s support. They will have to work in secret for the most part through. A felt was sent out just the other day to detain us but they will stage a battle and we will resume command over them. Prime is the furthest from out location so that should take some time though.” Dowser was so excited to share this news he could barely hold it in. He blurted his comment out shortly after you asked him to work on a broadcast. He wouldn’t show it but that was his way of dodging some grunt work. Making a broad cast wasn’t really his strength. Military he could play all day.

“s**t, did they really.” Bergheim got a chuckle of of this. “I’ll be damned, the news caught me off guard too but I didn’t think the whole company would be for us.”

“The executive board is and they will work hard to keep everything in secret but my guess is the employees on our home planets will not be so keen. Hell you know very well at least 50% of those privileged pricks would love the idea of an all human floating planet.”

“Get Tozzar and I a meeting set up with them as soon as you can. I got to hear this for myself.” Bergheim could not stop chuckling.

“Do it yourself, here is the number!” Bergheim froze with anxiety. The last time he contacted the board of executives in UA was to tell them he is retiring and they can all forget about the next 10 years they have on contract with him. He cowered away into a corner to work on the right words to set up the meeting.

“Well broadcasts are really Simon’s thing. Funny he left for a vacation as soon as we would need his expertise. I could probably get Rogack to do an endorsement.” Terra was quick to think of all the ways she could help out. She started filing off commands to prepare a meeting with Rogack and start working out a way to get him on board.

“I think I have footage of Thitan releasing the bug. We could broadcast that as physical evidence of Tilt’s intentions.” Lynch began running through files before he found the clip. With a few clicks it displayed on the meeting room projector. For a moment you relived one for the hardest choices you have ever made. Sure enough the video showed Thitan denouncing the revolution and then unleashing the bug from beneath his armor. You didn’t notice at first but saw that when he died it was just a throw down hologram and he was actually able to slip passed everyone and into an escape pod. “This footage will even retract Thitan’s validity. He was the one who attacked us during a peaceful negotiation.” Lynch was pleased to see how well this will work.

-I propose we call ourselves the Correction Crew!- Barney yelled out from con link while working on his master piece. –We are the Correction crew on course to correct you.- The rest of the group held back laughter as they considered the name.

“Well why you all think of a name I have reports with the telth fleet of whatever we are called. It seems as though we have a spy or spies that have been alarming Tithlitel police force of our movements. So I chose to share different plans and coordinates with each fraction of the fleet. I assumed whoever was feeding Tithlitel the information would be where I found the Tithlitel fleet. To my surprise I didn’t find anything. Just when I needed it to, nothing happened. Any ideas?” Lynch was getting frustrated with the issue. Having just a few bad apples made the whole bunch rotten.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:31 am
Basicly everything that was said troubled Tozzar. He didn't trust the UA, they were probably in the dark to the true nature of the stuff they guarded, but the whole company? Just like that? No way, something smelt there. Everyone wanted to believe that the UA was on board and he could see the excitment in their faces, he didn't want to ruin their hopes yet. He would wait till him and Bergheim met with the UA and gauged their intent themseleves before saying anything.

"Dowser Terra can handle the PR, start working on the logistics of intakin the UA forces, start mapping out missions and possible strike locations. I am going to upload some of the data from my files, it contains some of their means of production. I want to strike those first while we build our army. We aren't big enough to go after the weapons themselfs, but we can slow their creation by taking out their factories and resources. We ourselfs will be focused on building resources. That is the general plan I think will be best for now."

"Terra get the footage of Thitan and start the ad campaigns. I want both public broadcasts, and viral videos going around. I am going to search through the data later and see if I can't find some tidbits to help build our credibility and get people talking. Don't just send out messages attacking the companies, also send a message of peace, and justice. Invite people to rally to us and stop these genocides. I want people to feel like they will be safe by joining up. Focus on that message as well."

Tozzar tapped a tentacle on the table as he looked over at Lynch. The spies among his fleet were troubling, no doubt the humans had some among Dowser's fleet, but they were quiet and since they were quiet Tozzar couldn't let them hinder his movements; the Telth on the other hand were using their spies from the get go. A bad desicion in Tozzar's opinion, you shouldn't ever show your cards that early. However, this was the best, better to deal with the spies in the Telth fleet while the revolution was still young, then the spies in the human fleet that would wait till they revolution had picked up momentum to come out of the shadows. "These spies are very troubling. I am afraid that until we have discerned away around them I will put your fleeton the defensive. Patrol our territories and keep an eye on our enemy. Dowser and his fleet will become our offensive army and carry out our initial missions. I want both you commanders to start selecting contingents of troops to trade. We want to put forward the message of cooperation and segregated armies will not do that. We need to start breaking down the "telth fleet" and the "human fleet" slowly and start to integrate them. That lines between races is what started this mess, lets not fall into the same downfallings as the companies have. Does anyone object to this notion?"  



PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:47 pm
“Understood. I hope this doesn't jeopardize the safety of our HQ.” Lynch looked worried. This was not a problem he was sued to dealing with and had no other ideas on how to solve it. If no one shared their info with Tithlitel then it had to be someone even higher than the fleet teams. That was not a good thought.

“Ill get working on the ad campaigns right away. I can justify our attack on the Harvengers as well. I’ll shoot three different streams, all three viral and broadcasting. One will show Thitan releasing his bug, giving physical evidence to our story and discrediting him, one showing justification for our attack on the Harvengers, and the last will be a message of safety for all who wish to stand against the crimes of the contractors.” Terra explained herself just before leaving. There was too much work for her to do at this point than to sit around and listen to any more.

“Oh a battle campaign against the contractor’s resources is a good choice. If we cripple the giant contractor machines than we slow them down or they topple. We are probably closest to a lot of Titl’s main resource companies.” Dowers was so ready to shoot something down he stood out of his chair.

“Hold up. Rogack might be one of those companies. We have to be careful what we hit.” Bergheim regretfully shared. It would not be hard to pick and chose what they destroyed but that would slow down the affect it had on Tilt. “Should we destroy the facilities or assume control of them?”

Before anyone could answer the room went dark. All of the lights were shot out at once. Everyone in the room ducked immediately as panic instilled. Then a small light, the only one in the room, lifted and grew into a hologram projection.

“Do we speak before the surging revolution?” The hologram of a cor spoke clearly into the room. The identity of the cor was concealed with classified bars and its voice was masked. The location of the holograms input was even concealed.

“Speak your business. You have reached the ones you want.” Bergheim answered with little delay.

“You have jump started something that once had careful calculations and precise missions with a plan that reached an end goal we share. I hope for the galaxies sake you have not jeopardized the chance for success. I come before you to fulfill the final portion of Troyce’s will. All of his possessions now belong to the one called Tozzar. If you accept, his belongs will be delivered to a disclosed and secure location. Troyce also declared Tozzar to be his successor if he should fail. If you accept you will be inducted into the league of irrational numbers. His resources will become yours. If you accept there will be a trail mission and an impending mission that mutually fulfills our goals.” The masked voice paused as if to allow everyone to consolidate the information. “Do you accept?”  
PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:14 am
Tozzar sat back as the cor in the hologram spoke to him. He was a bit suprised actually. He hadn't expected to Troyce's heir. So much had happened since he met Troyce, it was surprising that he had time to set all of this up, however Troyce was a busy Telth always up to something,so maybe he shouldn't be that surprised.Leaning back he looked at the disgruntled leaders around the table, upset over the interruption. Whoever these guys where they knew a lot more about what as going on then Tozzar did. They had resources within the companies that Tozzar could not match. Resources that would save millions of lives in the battles to come. Troyce's group's alliance was vital to the success of his revolution.

"I accept"  



PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:47 pm
The hologram flickered with your response as if it was reacting to a sequence of commands. It was as though your reply caused some input to play a different set of recordings. When you thought about it that was a pretty good idea. If this was a set of prerecorded messages spoken through a hologram then they could not be traced in any way to their original source. The hologram of the cor, short and stocky compared to most cor you had met, turned until it faced you directly. The bars that concealed his appearance were more intimidating than what you considered would be his real appearance. The bar crossing over the cor’s eyes was lifted away by one of his hands as if they were glasses. His little beady eyes looked up at you, into you, and you could tell you were secretly being scanned.

“Smashing!” The cor came to life in a different way. Before now the weight of his words had a serious tone that only the security of the galaxy could bring out of a person but now he stood from his throne like chair and waved with excitement. All of the classified bars fell revealing the tubby cor in his dark purple cloak with a large 10 pasted across the front of his hood and chest. “I always look forward to a good induction. How soon can you come to our head quarters?” The cor asked with a bright shark smile. All cor had fierce fangs. This particular cor must have a good dentist because his huge fangs where as white as the background of his hologram. “Oh that is right. I cannot ask you that. Don’t answer that!” The cor followed quickly with a bit of a jump. “We will know when you come. Come alone when you do and use an escape pod with the auto drop turned off.” Then, like he had never been there, the hologram was gone and the lights shot back on.

The whole room stood in silence. The stillness was almost distracting the way it revealed small white noises that went unheard normally; the creeping of vents pumping in fresh air, the turning of gravity, and burning of the planets giant sun. The first to make a sound was Terra. Without saying a word she reached into a compartment below the meeting table and pulled out a finely aged wine bottle. Everyone’s eyes were on her as she snapped the cork lose with a tentacle and the loud pop shook the stillness. She poured out a glass and then raised it into the air.

“To Tozzar!” She declared with that smirky smile she could get that made you want to just dive over on top of her. Laughter filled the room with her words and soon everyone had their own glass in the air. The room was filled with people that were looking up to you and for the first time, more than ever before, you felt like you were doing something right.

There was so much more to talk about and so much more was shared; other news in the galaxy, a barrage of companies that had contacted the revolution asking for help, battle campaigns, rescue missions, and more. None of it however seemed nearly as exciting as the Irrational Numbers. The big question still lingered: do you go. It was easily all anyone wanted to ask and talk about. It seemed like a risk but at the same time the rewards sounded endless.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:26 am
Tozzar laughed as the Cor hologram spoke. The excitement on the Cor's face tickled Tozzar. This is just perfect! I finally get an army. I finally get out from being people's b***h and to be my own man. I have spent months chasing across the galaxy trying to escape people's clutches and now I am willingly going to throw myself under some else's thumb again. God, I was finally excited about not having to go to any one place on someone's orders! Guess I should have saw this coming though.

The wine started to flow and everyone was celebrating the good news. Tozzar partook in the celebration, clinking his glass with others. Laughing sharing old war stories. However it was all part of his never ending show. Tozzar was more worried about the Irrational Numbers then the others were. They still knew nothing about them. Hell 5 minutes ago they didn't even know the organizations name. Why were they so excited about Tozzar joining? Blind faith? Troyce, as much as they were at ends with each other was a great Telth, but that did not mean the rest of his organization would be. The last few days had been hard ones, moments had happened when everything was about to burn around them, Tozzar could not break everyone's spirits here with his skepticism. Morale was all too important right now. Plus the Irrational Numbers, regardless of how they ended up being, had information Tozzar planned on acquiring....one way or another. If he had to play along with their initiation then take it by force when the time came, so be it.

The other news of the day was more hopeful. The revolution was kicking off with a blaze. Thousands were rising up in arms against the major companies. Tozzar had become a spark. The spark that lite the galaxy on fire. Troyce and the Irrational Numbers had their shadow campaign, fighting the enemy in the dark, striking at them from the shadows. They hurt the enemy, delayed the enemy, understood the enemy...but they could not defeat the enemy. Troyce and the others think that they need only destroy those at the top to crush the problem...but the problem was so much more deep rooted then that. Killing Capital Prime or the Titletel would only cut the head off of a hydra. More would spring into its place, until there were more heads then the blades could cut. The problem wasn't the companies and their weapons of mass destruction, these were only the symptoms. The problem was the galaxy and the mindset within it. The companies think themselfs invincible, they think they rule the galaxy with an iron fist..their money, and power, and connections made them untouchable, sure they might loose men or companies here and there, but as a whole the companies were immune to destruction. That is what Tozzar's revolution was about, showing the galaxy at large that companies have no power. People have power and the people will not be ruled and killed and maimed and tossed aside by corporations and their greed. If Tera and Das and Barney and Lynch and all the others saw Tozzar's true vision and dream he did not know, but they would come to understand. Tozzar would show the Irrational Numbers the error of their ways. Tozzar would break the companies and show them for the pathetic nothing that they are. Tozzar would share his vision with the whole galaxy, he would burn it down to the ground if he had to...and birth it once more like a phoenix from the flame. All he had to do was keep pushing and pushing until the inferno raged so vast that no one could stop it.

As he sipped his wine he looked down at his joyous friends celebrating victory where there yet was none. "I leave as soon as our affairs are in order."  



PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:47 pm
Every face in that room was filled with laughter and energy. The morale was at an all time high and you did all you could to feed into that. Bitterly you drank and cheered and listened as those with more field experience told great stories. Bitterly because behind each smile you could see something going wrong. It was as though the unfortunate road to here had prepared you for the rollercoaster ahead. Somehow this celebration felt faintly like the eye of the storm with the worst yet to come. You had a lot of hopes and suspicions but nothing meant more to you than your gut feeling and the facts at hand.

This next step was monstrous. It was like taking a sip of freedom and control and then snapping that shackle back on. There was no telling what the Irrational Number was all about and you may never fully know but it can’t be all bad if Troyce was a part of it and felt you should take his place. That was the fine line of working in Intelligence. Everyone is just a few sips away from paranoia and trust is your currency.

After the daylong meeting everyone returned to their respective locations among the, still unnamed, revolution. There was much work to be done and everyone hard their part. Dowser returned to his ship for warfare campaigns, planning, and calculating. It was a night of information overload before ending with a relaxing spare against his most prized pupils which he called the Unyielding Glaives. Lynch spent his evening on the mining planet as his fleet was pulled back into the system for lock down. He would smoke out the spies if he had to. Anything it took to get his fleet back into the field. Bergheim also remained on the mining planet. He was charged with working on confirming the protection of all of the smaller companies seeking to join the revolution. He would send out squads and resources if necessary but his main goal was getting into contact with everyone that needed them. Terra was the last to leave at the end of the meeting. She waited outside the in the hall for you to depart. The two of you walked together through the facility, the buzz from the room quickly dying. Terra looked you over and smirked.

“You’re just another authority figure scrounging to compete for control aren’t you?” She was quite blunt with her observation. Her voice although beautiful was difficult to listen to in that moment. You did not share much with others and you could tell when someone was attempting to pick out who you really are. Her face filled with a smile as if the poison was a joke. She was so hard to pin down. “I can tell your holding back a lot of emotion. I can see it in your every move. What is your deal?” Up until the night before the meeting you had never asked much out of Terra and somehow now she wanted everything out of you.

((This conversation does not weigh into the progress of the next part so let’s continue this character development while still progressing the plot))

Morning came all too fast. Today you departed to be inducted into the Irrational Numbers. With your excitement and anxieties combined you could not stop thinking about all of the possible outcomes from this union. You did as they instructed, turned off everything, left it all behind, and then entered a drop pod with the emergency landing turned off. The pod fired from the mining facility straight into space. After a quick count down from 10 the pod launched into light speed. Link a blinking star you were gone and there was no telling where you would reappear.

When the ship came to it was in the middle of dead space. There was nothing around but tiny slits of light. The closest planet had to be a many lights years away. Like expected however it was exactly where they wanted you to be. In the strangest way the starry image of space was removed like a blanket only to reveal you were sitting motionless inside a massive warehouse. A large telth knocked on the glass of the drop pod. He was in a sleek black jump suit with the number 19 written on the front and the back. Instead of just opening it up and without a word, the telth unassembled the drop pod almost as fast as what you have seen Barney capable of doing. You plopped out of the pile of, what was now, scrap metal and shake yourself off. The telth nudges you toward the only source of light for the warehouse; a doorway. The light leads you down a hallway where you are greeted by a human wearing a black jump suit with the number 14 on it. He looks at you, nods, and then opens the door ahead. The room you walk into this time looks like the same starry scene expect blown outward so as to show the entire known galaxy. There are small labels that read in gibberish floating along what you guess are key points. As soon as you look at one and then look away to look at another one all of the letters change.

“The galaxy doesn’t seem so big when you look from this far out.” A large black man says as he turns from behind a chair that blended into the galaxy image. One the man’s shirt was the number 2. His face was lit with a friendly white bearded smile. He wore an expression of joy as his eyes met yours. “Tozzar Tassadear, 195200843,” The mention of your name and your number caused the room to zoom in on every location you had been at in some point in your life. There were notes, video, recordings of conversations. One in particular that caught your eye was your first attempt at a real relationship. The next one was your discovery of the information. The room lit up with notes like a Christmas tree. More gibberish was also attached to that location. The room did not however show you where you were now. “One name is but a puff of smoke on the screen of the galaxy. I could say any name but no less 99.9% of them would have less than 10% of the light on your screen. You are a busy little telth. Do you think you have signed up for more than you can handle?” The black man chuckled and leaned back in his chair. He motioned for you to explore your world as the room showed it. He wanted you to come further into the room. “Let me ask you something about your life, are you proud?  
Dark Hand role playing

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