Name: Serk Owner: Wasteland Wyvern Date Received: December 23, 2016 (Via PM) Temper: Omit Sex: Male Method of Obtainment:2016 CYO Roll Colorist: Mindsend
Cert Type: Standard Text Color: CC to match cert BG (for font please nothing super curly or messy looking. Its hard on my eyes!) Frame Color: CC to match cert BG Background: Crystal Forest BG with Butterfly Modifiers Tag Decorations and Colors: Would love long and short Runeglow Bones, white with pale blue rune glow. If you decide to go elsewhere just please no molars. The fangs are fine! Breed: Snake
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:03 am
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Lantea Star Owner: Kaya Wolf Moon Date Received: 12/23/2016 via PM Temper: Cryptic Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:CYO 2016 Colorist: Mindsend
Name: Iluminación Owner: Rein_Carnation Date Received: 12/20/16 via PM Temper: Fervid Sex: Male Method of Obtainment:CYO plush conversion Colorist: Mindsend
Companion To:
Other Note: Is it possible to create a small glow around the wolf so he doesn't blend completely into Cavaleras since they are almost identical? Would love identical cert like his bonded heart
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:07 pm
v --- Ryuu Claimed --- v
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Mamoru Owner: Pandora Talie Date Received: 12/28/16 Temper: (Optional) Sex: Male Method of Obtainment:CYO Colorist: Mindsend