Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:16 pm
Soq's Name: Galahad Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: This stallion follows his namesake. Pure of heart and more than willing to play the role as dashing and steadfast knight, this unicorn has been given the best of both worlds; from his serious father, he has learned to be diciplined and is knowledgeable in the art of war. Forever a protector, he has vowed to rid the world of evil and to use his might for right and protect those within, not just his herd, but all the kawani lands.
From his mother he inherited a gentler side; he learned etiquette and finesse and, most importantly, the art of healing. While she walks with the spirits, Galahad has done his best to follow in her footsteps. A strong healer, he tries his best to please his parents and would do anything for his fmaily. Do not cross them or else. . .
Personality wise Galahad is a calm spirit; he harbors a stubborn and iron will when the situations calls, and is strong in his convictions of right against wrong. Charming and intelligent, this stallion is a loyal companion with unwavering faithfulness and a desire to serve.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? That's right folks. I decided I wasn't going to pair him with Kaiya because I fail at self-RP. So this boy is officially open and searching for a sweetheart. Race or looks aren't important - it's all about how they click through RP. Someone who is good is a definite must, though that doesn't mean he'd turn away someone with a darker past. I could see him attempting to help someone reform as he too is out to 'save the world'. I'm in no rush to breed or pair him, mind, but I am a glutton for some sweet romance.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: RP Flirt or serious relationship?: Serious
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:20 pm
**Reposted** Soq's Name: Chetan Soq's Picture:
 Describe your soq's personality/interests: Chetan is one of my more passive soquili. He comes from a very loud and boisterous family and honestly kind of stands out because he is so quiet. Introverted, a little shy, but very polite he did not inherit his fathers silver-tongue. In fact, around mares this silver eyed soul tends to fall to pieces with anxiety and an overwhelming need to flush. A little bit of a geek, preferring to watch the world and study it rather than step in and experience it himself, he might take some work to get him to loosen and lighten up.
I'm hoping he can be an unsuspecting hero for a mare in distress. . .or multiple mares for that matter. The spirits enjoy playing tricks on him and he wallows during his youth in a lot of bad luck and circumstance. ((All my doing, of course)) He claims he has no interest in females at this point in his life, but I would like some long term plots to see if something couldn't be developed further on for his future.
Once again, I'm not looking to rush off and breed him, I'm just looking for potential RP plots! What is your soq looking for in a mate? Nothing because he doesn't want one right now, if ever. What I am looking for in a mate for Chetan: Anything goes. Nobody mean and abusive though, for all his quiet ways he can only be pushed so far before he'll snarl. He is not a doormat even if sometimes he can act the part out of politeness. Preferably someone who won't mind partaking in his adventure-plot-o-doom . . . How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: Heavy RP since capturing his heart WILL take a lot of RP time and I'm not ready for him to settle quite at this moment. He needs some growing up first. *grins* Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:12 pm
still curious
Soq's Name: Jumanjii' Soq's Picture:  Describe your soqu's personality/interests: Jumanjii' is a soqu that's young at heart, but brash and aloof due to harsh growing experiences. His childhood behavior of laughing and playing have long faded, leaving only exploring and rudeness in its wake. It's not on purpose, but it's the only front Jumanjii' knows. He'd rather be regarded as a grumpy force than a weak nobody, someone to forget or ignore. He tends to find meaning and thrill by pushing others to their limits, itching them in the wrong spots to react with aggression or anger. Anything to stir up a challenge and prove his own strength and value, and reaching his own limits. But despite his rugged manners, Jumanjii' does hold some restraint when it comes to kindness, though not so openly. While he may seem arrogant he is far from it, as his mother taught him dearly to be humble and respectful. He will defend others if he finds their situation desperate enough. And he will pause long enough to engage in chats with others, though he's still blunt to state his own opinions. And once all the drama and socializing is done, Jumanjii' takes great appreciation to his time alone. Journeying to find the rumored spirits of the Kawani lands to guide him. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Option 1: Someone mature and with a calming/patient air to her. A mare that he'd find boring at first, but becomes surprised and intrigued by her strength and wisdom. Not a motherly figure though, and someone who would respect his need of personal space. She'd be unphased by his seemingly careless words, but still be concerned enough to keep contact with him, helping him overcome his inner conflicts. Option 2: A mare just as headstrong as he is. Someone to prove an entertaining and worthy rival, making his blood boil with honest fun. His snickering of her presence would be replied smartly by this mare, and he'd find himself motivated to prove better than this mare. Even if it means showing off gallantly, for once in his life to snag another's approval. How do you want others to contact you?: gaia pm RP or non-RP?: rp, by either guild or im Flirt or serious relationship?: serious only!
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:53 pm
Soq's Name: Duranjaya Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Somehow, Duranjaya went from being a happy go lucky, goofy man-child into a silent, watchful protector. He doesn't talk very much, preferring to listen and watch. He's not very opinionated, or if he is, he rarely says so. Duran is a protecting stallion, and when (if?) someone gets in close enough, he will give life and limb to keep them safe. In his time, Duranjaya has seen many things, and he's fearful for losing what is his to some big, unknown entity. He can be a sweet heart, in fact he used to be one! It's just... hard to bring that side out in him. Being in solitude so long, Duranjaya lost his ability to recognize hints and subtle gestures that would indicate romance. The most you're gonna get out of this guy at the start is a few carefully chosen words. This would be a strained relationship at the start because of that, since, yenno, he's all quiet and kinda broody now. |D What is your soq looking for in a mate? Duranjaya needs someone to protect, and someone to teach him that the world isn't as bad as he thinks it is. Good things can happen to good people, just like bad things can happen to good people. Since he's in this broody kind of personality, a happier Soq might be best for him. On the other hand, a strong-willed Soq could mold Duranjaya into the perfect companion with a little hard work at the beginning. He's fragile, no matter what he thinks, and with the right buttons pushed, he can be broken and put back together. (Duranjaya could be interested in either mares or stallions, so if you've got an idea, go ahead and PM/IM me. The worst thing I could do is say no, amiryte?)
I'd reeeeally like natural colored Soqs just because I looove natural soqs, but it's not required. How do you want others to contact you?: PM or IM is fine. c: (Kinnetik Twink is my IM.) RP or non-RP?: I'd prefer RP, because I really want to get back into RPing at Soquili, but I'm okay with a non-RP fling. I'm also okay with doing AIM rps instead of guild RPs if that's your cup of tea. :3 Flirt or serious relationship?: Both? Srs would be awesome, though!