Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:18 pm
Elf Princess Flannery Mhmnnn... I would have to think about that. otherwise i was going to suggest that maybe Kynreeve could initiate her in the meantime? then those two could kind of run things until the leaders get customed. >< slots are so elusive. as of now, they are "away" and the current herd is a bit messy (sort of like it is in skyrim actually ._. ) didnt plan for it to work out that way but im cool with it. well Im going to think this over more carefully so I know how well it can transition once the rightful leader makes it into existence xD beyond that I am flattered that you would offer co-ownership, Im just uncertain, I have never been in a co-ownership and Im not entirely sure how they work @_@, but your right it would be handy.. But if Kynreeve n Tyler are running things i could just assume Tyler is there doing things, I dunno >< again I'll have to think it over and figure it out.
sad you forgot tyler in the black hand family thingy and are we gonna do an rp?
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:31 pm
IsoldeQueenOfSpades Elf Princess Flannery Mhmnnn... I would have to think about that. otherwise i was going to suggest that maybe Kynreeve could initiate her in the meantime? then those two could kind of run things until the leaders get customed. >< slots are so elusive. as of now, they are "away" and the current herd is a bit messy (sort of like it is in skyrim actually ._. ) didnt plan for it to work out that way but im cool with it. well Im going to think this over more carefully so I know how well it can transition once the rightful leader makes it into existence xD beyond that I am flattered that you would offer co-ownership, Im just uncertain, I have never been in a co-ownership and Im not entirely sure how they work @_@, but your right it would be handy.. But if Kynreeve n Tyler are running things i could just assume Tyler is there doing things, I dunno >< again I'll have to think it over and figure it out. sad you forgot tyler in the black hand family thingy and are we gonna do an rp? your right im sorry @_@ it sort of slipped my mind. Well sithis is here, and Kynreeve is speaker. I could still give her title of treasurer like you suggested. I could even put a vault in the sanctuary lol if you send me her uncert i can make an icon of her
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:38 pm
Elf Princess Flannery IsoldeQueenOfSpades Elf Princess Flannery Mhmnnn... I would have to think about that. otherwise i was going to suggest that maybe Kynreeve could initiate her in the meantime? then those two could kind of run things until the leaders get customed. >< slots are so elusive. as of now, they are "away" and the current herd is a bit messy (sort of like it is in skyrim actually ._. ) didnt plan for it to work out that way but im cool with it. well Im going to think this over more carefully so I know how well it can transition once the rightful leader makes it into existence xD beyond that I am flattered that you would offer co-ownership, Im just uncertain, I have never been in a co-ownership and Im not entirely sure how they work @_@, but your right it would be handy.. But if Kynreeve n Tyler are running things i could just assume Tyler is there doing things, I dunno >< again I'll have to think it over and figure it out. sad you forgot tyler in the black hand family thingy and are we gonna do an rp? your right im sorry @_@ it sort of slipped my mind. Well sithis is here, and Kynreeve is speaker. I could still give her title of treasurer like you suggested. I could even put a vault in the sanctuary lol if you send me her uncert i can make an icon of her
Sounds good to me smile thought treasurer sounds kinda lame lets think of a better name.
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:40 pm
Tally man Or something. Because soquili prolly use favors as a trade instead of money's.
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:44 pm
like a dept keeper? thieves have fences.. what to murderers and assassins have? blood counters head hunters? vault keeper blood bank lol
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:54 pm
book keeper booty watcher bounty keeper blood money
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:59 pm
keeper of the black vault keeper of the blood vault handler of the black cache
let me know if any of these sound good D:
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:06 pm
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:30 pm
Books keeper. Sounds awesome. Lol tyler looks so out of place amongst all of those hoods.
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:41 pm
xD everyone is dressed in black and red, even the speakers! shes clearly adopted lol books keeper it is! if you want to shoot me her story, her method of killing and a small bit about her personality i will update that in the sanctuary too <3
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:20 pm
Are there breed restrictions in the herd?
That way I would know what I could custom in with these two:
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:43 pm
Aw well Shadowmere doesn't have a hood either! So she's not the only one. Although when I get him recustomed he will probably get a hood and armor.
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:45 pm
Elf Princess Flannery Nymphalidae Elf Princess Flannery Nymphalidae So whenever I'm able to get Isra and officially form the Thieves Guild, I soooo hope there will be crossover plots between the Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild with Kynreeve. surprised that would be amazing<3 xD i wonder if they would kick her out once they realize she is killing people. i mean why bother taking their things before you kill them? lol XD Yeah Isra definitely would ask her to leave/kick her out for killing. Doing it in self defence is one thing, but murdering is a no no. rofl Holy craps i just one the mini i was questing for the thieves guild he is also friends with Kynreeve and works with her when she is in the desert. OMG congrats! Ah hopefully it won't be too long until I can get Isra so I can start the guild, would love to RP with the little guy! EDIT: Although I did decide Antoinette is Debbani, I may as well put her in the Thieves Guild too, just need to pick a rank/profession for her. smile
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:56 pm
xKOVAKtheWOLFx Are there breed restrictions in the herd?
That way I would know what I could custom in with these two:
there is NO restriction, well except maybe Angeni, only because they cant kill :0 so quest away! and dont be deterred by how much it will cost, if you need help i have a little pool growing on the mule <3
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:00 pm
Alright. :3 //adds the two to my 'to fill out form' list//