Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:27 am
Familiar Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: X Name of Familiar: Bellerophon Name of owner: CitrusCupcake Date of arrival: 25/05/2014 Gender: Male Temper: Steady Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Tagged Parents: N/A The colorist of the pet: Roniel Cert Type: CC Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Nah, dropped off in arrivals is fine
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:02 am
Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: This guy Name of Soquili: Sugar Skull Name of owner: Chibi Hige Date of arrival: March 27, 2014 Breed: Shadow Nymph Temper: Morbid Mate: Parents: N/A The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): oneoverthree Cert Type: CC Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure smile
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:06 pm
Familiar Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: x Name of Familiar: Death, Destroyer of Worlds Name of owner: techabyte Date of arrival: 3/28/2014 Gender: Female Temper: Ironic Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both: Cert | Uncert Parents: n/a The colorist of the pet: one over three Cert Type: Can it match Smaug? owo Background Would you like to /have your new cert PMed to you? Nah, just post it in thread. :3
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:18 pm
Familiar Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: uncert Name of Familiar: Nettles Between the Roots Name of owner: xKOVAKtheWOLFx Date of arrival: March 27, 2014 Gender: female Temper: sweet Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? just an indiviual Parents: N/A The colorist of the pet: Roniel Cert Type: CC Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? sure
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:25 pm
Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: True Friend Name of Soquili: Bastion Name of owner: Bluedemonwolf Date of arrival: 3/26/14 Breed: Half Kelpi Temper: Cunning Mate: n/a Parents: n/a The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): one over three Cert Type: CC Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Either way is fine
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:09 pm
Familiar Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: xx Name of Familiar: Rism Name of owner: pinkdog Date of arrival: 3/28/14 Gender: Female Temper: Inquisitive Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Tagged alone Parents: n/a The colorist of the pet: Roniel Cert Type: CC Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No
Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:44 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Comply or Die - Hastings Uncert and Certs:Uncerted Image / cert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): ownership transfer to Lady Evelon transfer agreement The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): sirenz Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? yes please
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:08 am
Familiar Cert App Uncert of pet in need of cert: link Name of Familiar: Sorcher Name of owner: FallenThroughMidnight Date of arrival: March 29, 2014 (Hi/Low game) Gender: Male Temper: Sagacious Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both, Sunchaser Cert and Uncert, if needed. Parents: n/a The colorist of the pet: Roniel heart Cert Type: CCish, maybe something darker, or something to somehow match his coloring. Preferably nothing too bright or colorful. Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Whatever is easiest for you ^^
Questionable Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:31 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili : Orpheus Uncert and Certs: Cert, Uncert The change you are requesting: I'm his new owner, He also has a new co-owner The colorist of the pet : Mobbu Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Nah, just post it up and we will get it c: (Also if possible I'd like to keep the same cert background that he already has)
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:21 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Shania Leigh Uncert and Certs: cert uncert familiar uncert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): link - Adding Dhiren as her lifemate The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneza Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Dropoff is fine
can I please have a version with and without the familiar?
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:07 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Trent Uncert and Certs: Cert , Uncert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): He is under a Co-Ownership now, Proof. as always...please put my name under Sabin's :3 The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneza Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:10 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Vasilissa and Rosa Uncert and Certs: http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff406/LollyGaia/Soquilli/Certs/Vasilissa.png Without Items With Items Rosa The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Owner change. Cert with Items, Cert without Items, Cert with Items and Rosa. Cert for Rosa (Odet maybe, temper was loyal). Lifemate on all--Alexi The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Lady Kiya (Odet for familiar, Maaaaybe?) Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yep
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Same as on the cert. Uncert and Certs: Old Cert Without Items With Items The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Changing Owners. Need on with items and one without. The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sirenz Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yep!
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Vanya Uncert and Certs: (please use links, not thumbnails or images) Old Cert Vanya The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Changing Owners The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Mobbu I believe Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Falsetto Amachi Uncert and Certs: Old Certs Old Cert
Adult Uncert Foal Basket
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Ownership Change-- The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneeza Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please
All the same backgrounds please!
Lifemating of Alexi and Lissa--trying to find out if I have to re-agree or if it's cool or what.
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
High-functioning Counselor
Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:41 am
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Macalania Uncert and Certs: cert, uncert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change in Owners ...here The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sirenz Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? sure
Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:41 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Erynion uncert Uncert and Certs: (please use links, not thumbnails or images) The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Adding Lifemate (Vesper) and Changing owner Ownership transfer The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure, but honestly whatever is most convenient is absolutely fine <3
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:43 pm
Changing Cert Name of Soquili : Laeh Uncert and Certs: Cert , Uncert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Ownership change Agreement The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Beejoux Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No I check drop offs ^.^
Changing Cert Name of Soquili : Yggdrasil Uncert and Certs: Cert , Uncert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Ownership change Agreement The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sirenz Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No thank you
Changing Cert Name of Soquili : Yálie Uncert and Certs: Cert , Uncert The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Ownership change Agreement The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Beejoux Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No thank you