Soq's Name: Ecclesia
Soq's Picture:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Ecclesia is a young mare who is only recently traveling the world. She initially appears shy and soft-spoken, but such a trait runs heavily within her family. Honestly, the young one isn't as shy as she might appear. After a little time socializing, she'll open up and become your sweetest friend.
Her personality is a little rusty though, as I have yet to really get her involved in RPs as an adult. She is a very affectionate mare who has an optimistic attitude. She loves to travel and meet others, despite her quiet and occasionally coy ways. Unlike her grandmother Luca though she is probably a one-stallion sort of mare. She loves to love and daydream, just like her other grandmother Eponine and hopes to meet her knight in shining armor. . . Or at least an emo-soq she could cuddle and dote upon.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Honestly Ecclesia could fall for any number of personality types. She is a daydreamer and a believer in love and all of those happy thoughts, though she understands that darkness can plague even the most pleasant of creatures. She isn't actively looking for a mate but I'm curious to see if anyone has any interest in her and would love to plot some stuff for the future should they get along. Or not.
Naturally she'd do well with a typical protective warrior sort. She's always had her brother, Atreus, to look after her and prefers to have someone a little more out going than herself nearby. It makes socializing easier when she doesn't have to do all the talking and can actively listen. Any knightly or outgoing and social sorts are great. . .
But so are those that aren't so happy. Ecclesia is gentle enough to know when others need a little tender loving care. . . and is stubborn enough to keep at it even if the others roll their eyes and sneer at her. The greatest weapon in the world is love and this petite and demure mare will use it against those that might be snarky or grumpy. I don't mind having her get yelled or snarled at. . . to a certain extent, mind. o.o; So long as maybe eventually the other would melt a little just for her.
Baddies can apply but please note that I DO want her to have a happy ending... her mother struggled hardcore to find her own and her grandmother Eponine is still searching for hers. So I'd like Ecclesia to actually find it at some point. . . .
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
RP or non-RP?: RP a must!
Flirt or serious relationship?: Serious