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Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:04 pm

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.
I would like to see the hair salon come back. I remember Sirenz did it at one point, but it just disappeared, I guess. Paying for a new Soq entirely, when you're merely getting some snazzy hair edits or a change in hair seems sort of counterproductive to me.
A certain height in stats was required to get a change in hair, right? I think that would be great motivation for those who RP, or those who don't but want the benefits.
I already asked Fel about this.
Changing a Soquili's hair is unfortunately not feasible since the vast majority of horses no longer have a PSD fileā€”this is the reason why the Hair Salon was closed many years ago.
Question: Can familiars be edited to have items in mouth or paws?

And how customizable will some of the new accessories be, like the satchels? The second image shows coloring and a paw print. Would it be possible to have the paw print switched with a different symbol similar to the elder tattoos or old tattoos from trading post past?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:29 am

I just want clarification on a custom rule before I start questing. I would like to get a custom soquili based on a pet fish that passed away. The custom rules say that any pets are considered OCs but it also says that there can only be 1 of each gender of any type of species. There is already a male crowntail betta soquili so could I still get an OC of my pet crowntail betta fish?


Dangerous Hunter


Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:58 am

Is it possible to get the extra unedited feathering without using draft or warhorse lines?

Vance: I believe an unedited feathering template exists for the regular male... not sure if all the colorists have it, or if it's "official" yet though? There's none for reg females (yet) unfortunately.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:42 pm

I had a question regarding Twin Customs.

I have read over the new Twin Rules, how the price will be double what it would be for just one soq, as there will be two.
And I understand that they must be 90% the same, as well as there is a 4month cool down afterwards, during which there may be no try outs for any customs.

I am still a little confused though.
1. How do I know when it is alright to try for Twins customs? (Or is this at any time, unless specified otherwise by that specific colorist/event/custom slots)
2. I am wondering if them being opposite gender with a slight difference to colors on accessories would be too different to still be considered twins.

And I have a somewhat unrelated question regarding their familiars.

The pair I have imagined are two drafts that have been to war (between indians), and later are set free into the wilderness. They were separated at birth, and while they were apart they each had a hawk familiar. But both of the hawks die in the same battle, where the twins find each other at long last.

SO, my question is:
Would it be possible to get 'ghost' familiars put on their certs? (obviously after I manage to get them as customs), but would it be possible to have them mentioned on the cert, but be blotted out (like the skinwalker's alternate form), to show that they are no longer living?
Or would that imply the skinwalking? Because they wouldn't have that, these hawks just mean a lot to them.
Or should I just have the hawks be imaginary (as in, not get the customs, as they would be dead IC anyway).

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller


Devoted Mage

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:02 pm

Just one quick question about what minor edits include on the the familiars. Would a pocket watch be considered a minor edit?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:08 pm

Hi I would like to ask if this edit would be a mutation or not? Would you be able to just have the nub of a horses tail showing and have no hair on it? Like this. I don't know what a naked horse tail looks like I guess it would look somewhat like a short naked uni tail.


Fashionable Mage



Questionable Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:31 pm

I'm starting a quest for Rum Tum Tugger from CATS, and was wondering if his mane & hair, (shown here) and a big fluffy cat tail would fall under moderate or heavy edits? There will also be 4 minor accessory edits as well.

Vance: Well this may vary from colorist to colorist, but looking at the general guidelines, I think the mane + the accessories would be Moderate. Unfortunately he can't have an actual cat tail via customs, that would be mutant.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:14 am

So I've heard rumors from a couple people that female Cerynei now have a small (smaller than males anyway) set of templated antlers. Is this true? If so, would we be able to see them in the custom information thread?

I'd also like to know if would ever be possible to get larger sets for the females, seeing as how female reindeer in the wild have rather decent sized sets of antlers as well...or at least consider having a couple different templated styles of antlers for the females.

Mameha Otome

Eloquent Explorer

Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:47 pm

Always shoot for the Moon...

Okay I have a question about a Custom Idea Look at Stallion
His edits. Including them all this would be considered a moderate edit?

Vance: Again, may vary from colorist to colorist, but I think if the only edits he has are the mane/tail and the beads/tail decor, then he may even pass for Minor. So generally, just minor-moderate range.

...because even if you miss you'll land in the stars.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:15 pm

Is it possible to get small wings on a Usdia? If so, does it make them mutant or no?

Vance: At this moment, winged Usdias would count as mutant, sorry, since no templates exist.



Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:28 pm

Always shoot for the Moon...

Thanklies Vance ^.^

...because even if you miss you'll land in the stars.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:17 pm

Special effects like glows and stuff are now allowed and are not mutant... but are they considered edits? In particular, I'm looking for a shiny halo-esque glow effect for a custom idea, but I'm trying to keep her minor edits... so I'd like to know whether the halo/glow would be an edit! biggrin

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

xo maho

Dainty Dreamer

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:31 pm

Where it says "Default Accessory Colors" on the custom forms, what is that for?
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:47 pm

Revolutionary Roniel
Special effects like glows and stuff are now allowed and are not mutant... but are they considered edits? In particular, I'm looking for a shiny halo-esque glow effect for a custom idea, but I'm trying to keep her minor edits... so I'd like to know whether the halo/glow would be an edit! biggrin

probably varies, but for me, if there's anything outside of the template i am being asked to do, it's an edit. for example, people can ask me to make eyes LOOK glowy, and i'd color it under the template and it'd be like a marking - that is different than making the eyes actually glow, which i would put outside the lines to be an edit and actual glow. hope that clarifies it!

Mahogany Sunset
Where it says "Default Accessory Colors" on the custom forms, what is that for?

i usually interpret it as, for example, if you have the braided or wild mane or any default hairstyle with accessories in them, the colors for those (if you did not specify previously). otherwise, i would color in the dreamcatcher with whatever you put there, if i add it. xD i think every colorist does it differently, though.



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