Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:01 pm
6 Item slots are open NOW. Custom slot Raffle will open tomorrow around noon EST
1: Moxxiie 2: JetAlmeara 3: heartspoint 4: [ vance ] 5: ATh e a r t 6: Vampire_Knight79 7: Doodle p***s 8: Pixel-x-Bunny
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:03 pm
Looking for some trinketsOwner: Moxxiie Soquili one name: Daylene Soquili one certed: xxx Soquili one uncerted: xxx Item 1: Flowers - tail and mane - Colors: Petals starting with #FCE370(yellow) in the center and blending to #EF70AA(pink) on the edges. The petals should be more of the pink color than the yellow. Item 2: Clamshell - Colors: beads - light gold color, clams - #EF70AA Item 3: Beaded Bracelets - Colors: bands - light color color, beads - #EF70AA
Soquili two name: Elliot Soquili two certed: xxx Soquili two uncerted: xxx Item 1: Flowers: Mane and tail - Colors: Light pink Item 2: Beaded bracelets: - Light pink no beads Item 3: Hoop Earrings - 1 pair near the bottom of the ear (if possible to do just one pair, if not, then just do the 3) - color: gold Total: 700 + 1000 + 1000 + 5000 + 2000 + 2000 = 11700
EDIT: I messed up my total. Fixed!
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:08 pm
Looking for some trinkets Owner: JetAlmeara Soquili one name: Mercy Soquili one certed: Link Soquili one uncerted: Link Item 1: Beaded Bracklets - Gold with pink beads Item 2: Flowers hairsticks - dark pink sticks with gold beads and light pinkflowers
Total: 3k
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:12 pm
Looking for some trinkets Owner: Soquili one name: Sumire Soquili one certed: Soquili one uncerted: sumire Item 1: flower hairsticks blue, gold Item 2: 3 hoop earings blue, gold Item 3: clam shell glowing gold blue
Soquili two name: Zaria Soquili two certed:
Soquili two uncerted: Magenta/Black Ceryeni Mare
Item 1: 3 hoop earings pink, black Item 2: ball hairsticks white, purple, pink Item 3: Total: 8,400
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:12 pm
Looking for some trinketsOwner: [ vance ] Soquili one name: Vega Soquili one certed: Here Soquili one uncerted: Here Item 1: 3 Stud Earrings - silver Item 2: Feather Anklet - black (very dark gray, maybe, so the lines aren't covered?) wrappings, feathers the same red color as her hair, with soft black tips =) Total: 3250g
Thank you!
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:26 pm
Um, would it be alright if I added a second Soq to my order? O= Looking for some trinketsOwner: [ vance ] Soquili one name: Noemi Soquili one certed: Here Soquili one uncerted: Here Item 1: Hairstick with flowers - dark red sticks, bright flowers that match her coat (your choice!) Total: 1000g (4250g including the previous post, if that's OK!)
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:32 pm
Adding a second pretty is fine with me. So far everyone's orders look good
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:33 pm
Cool! Should I send the trade now? Sorry, never ordered items before, haha.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:35 pm
You may. I normally don't start on a custom or item order until it has been started. But I'll never accept a trade until I've finished <3
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:17 pm
could i ask for a slot for items if still available <3; ?
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:26 pm
Looking for some trinketsOwner: ATh e a r t Soquili one name: Tsong Soquili one certed: Here (with familiar) || Without Familiar Soquili one uncerted: Here Item 1: Feather (the single one tucked behind the ear, Color = CC) = 250g Item 2: Choker (Color = CC) = 3k Item 3: Beaded Bracelets (Color = CC) = 2k Total: 5.250k
Note; I think I'd like his feather to be black/red/white to match his lifemate, but only if it looks good XD <333 if any of the other items look good with those colors too, feel free to use them, but they're CC <3
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:19 pm
Looking for some trinketsOwner: Vampire_Knight79 Soquili one name: Serenity Soquili one certed: Cert Soquili one uncerted: Uncert Item 1: Coker (Color = CC) 3000g Item 2: Beaded Bracelets (Color = CC) 2000g Item 3: Feather (Color = CC) 250g Total: 5250g
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:30 pm
Are any slots open still?
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:39 pm
Looking for some trinketsOwner: Soquili one name: Helberd Soquili one certed: [Helberd] Soquili one uncerted: Helberd Item 1: Short Chain Hairsticks (Light blue stick (color of eyes) Blue/white beads) Item 2: Beaded bracelets (Gold string, blue &white beads) Item 3: 3 Hoop Total: 3700
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:48 pm
Item slots closed, Doodle and pixel bunny if either of you are sill interested I'm not apposed to two more <3
*starts working*