(Okay I cave I'll give it a shot)
Soquili Name: Altair
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: His temper says Distant which mainly means he keeps to himself and won't go looking for people to talk to. He's not antisocial though, if someone initiates the conversation by approaching him, he'll talk. But unless he knows the person he just sits back and watches. He LOVES to swim, he could do it all day everyday if you let him. Dove, his goose familiar, is his best friend and she can be kind of a smart a**, basically a goose with a mouth but don't mind her too much. Anywho, once you get him talking he's nice and knows how to be a gentleman when the time calls to be one. He's not a fighter, if someone tries to provoke him or threaten him he ignores it and leaves (no one's tried yet but just for future reference) and he won't take crap. Nutshell, he's laidback, calm and mostly quiet.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? He doesn't know he's looking xD But someone probably not super energetic because he's not the type to bounce around like a kid. They don't necessarily have to be like him but someone who can relax with him and have the capability to chill on slow days. If she'll swim with him that's a major plus but he wouldn't force her to. Looks, he won't care but I'm looking for similar colors, blacks, browns and whites. As long as they don't clash like neon yellow with his colors or something like that but try me I may like what you have ^^ I'd prefer wings, someone to fly with. Edited hair would be nice but not required.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Could start as a fling but I'm looking for something permenant
How do you want others to contact you?: PM or AIM (sn is the same as Gaia)