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Drake Dragonwing

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:36 pm
((ah shut up Amari...sorry sorry no...just stop thinking your the greatest person in the world...it's really annoying...good bye oh and sorry for the spamage I just wanted to diss off Amari again...well just point out that he a major jerk but hey you all disagree that's ok...and the main reason I'm quitting is I'm to busy with 10 other guilds right now))  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:24 pm
Drake Dragonwing
((ah shut up Amari...sorry sorry no...just stop thinking your the greatest person in the world...it's really annoying...good bye oh and sorry for the spamage I just wanted to diss off Amari again...well just point out that he a major jerk but hey you all disagree that's ok...and the main reason I'm quitting is I'm to busy with 10 other guilds right now))

Well this RP is going to be all the better if your not here to ruin the flow..so good riddance.  



PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:56 pm
OoC:I'll let the others decide if we should fail. (Though I perfer not to since this mission is when I first rped in.)

IC: As soon as she heard Kaiq talk to Reiha she kicked him hard,gave him a stare and asked "What are you doing?" she said slowly and in a serious voice and gave a slight smile. What is he thinking?!......... ugh, men these days. Sayako then leaned back on the booth and whispered to Reiha still having eye contact with Kaiq, she replied without saying anything and then spoke"The best place to have buisness is on Melody Lane, there is lots of people there. You should also stay at the Lullaby Inn and you know the rest." Sayako then smiled at Kaiq and told him, " We shall be staying at the Holiday Inn. I think we'll have a wonderful time here don't you?" she tried to make less attention on them. After finishing her breverage and meal she walked out the pub, Kaiq following into the streets of the Sound Country.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:46 pm
OOC: Ok Amari, I'll see what I can do. lol. It's Orochimaru? Alright. ^^
Also, please don't argue everyone. Don't be so mean to eachother. I don't want anything bad to happen to this rp. I acutally enjoy it, so please don't make this a bad place, it's suppose to be a place for people to have fun. I suggest if you don't like a certain post, don't read it. >.<

-Reiha ignored Kaiq, she had to to make sure she didn't seem suspicious. She smiled as Sayako gave her the information she needed. Razoru and her ate a snack to pass the time after Sayako left with Kaiq. Reiha paid the waiter and left to search for the market area. They searched some roads and couldn't find anything. Eventually, they found it. Reiha looked around and found a nice sized cart to put her things in. She bought it and set her store up near a fruit store and a flower shop. Reiha wrote "Herb Heaven" nicely on the front of her shop and set up her herbs with the help of Razoru. There were very few people that stopped by. Reiha sighed and remebered this was not the time to make business but to gather information. Fourty Five minutes had passed and Reiha was bored. She played with her hair until a tall man stepped up to her cart.-
"Can I have this please?"
-Reiha looked up at him. The thing that interested her was his eyes. They were deep red just like hers, he seemed so familiar. She smiled.-
-As she handed the jar of herbs to him, he smiled handing her some money and a scroll. She blinked and slowly put it in her pocket. When she looked up he was already turning around the corner of the end of Melody Lane.-
'I wonder why he gave me a scroll...I better read it later.'
-Time passed slowly, the sun was still out, it would be hours before the moon came out. She looked over to the left side of Melody Lane when she heard her neigbor.-
"Hurry newbie, stand straight behind your cart and smile....give him what he wants too...it's Akino..the drunk...don't mess with him or you're dead."
-Reiha blinked and nodded. Razoru followed her and stood to her right. The drunk man walked sideways bumping into carts and demanding items. Whoever was asked, they gave it to him. He was coming closer, Reiha could see how red his cheeks were. She stood still, hoping he wouldn't mess up her freshly made herbs. Unfortunately he came up to her store and smiled.-
"I didn't see you here before....give me this...it looks pretty...."
-Reiha looked in his eyes and sighed. She shook her head. Her neigbor covered her mouth.-
"You must pay for it. It's 790 yen."
-He grunted and stomped. Reiha kept her serious face while her neigbor shook her head trying to tell Reiha to give it to Akino.-
"Give it to me girl!...You...you don't want to mess with me...or you will pay..."
-Reiha glared at him but kept her tone.-
"You have to pay for it. It's 790 yen."
-Akino clenched his fists and glared at Reiha.-
"Now you've done it!"
-Many people screamed as his fist was going toward her. She lifted her arm up to defend herself, but nothing hit her. She looked up seeing short blonde hair flowing in the wind. Her eyes grew wide, she dropped her arm and stood there staring at the man in front of her.-
'Ca...captain?...what's he doing here?...It...it can't be...'
-The drunk dropped to the floor, not getting up. His eyes were afraid, afraid of the man who defended Reiha.-
"You shouldn't hurt a lady Akino."
-His voice was strong, yet different from the voice of Toshiro. The drunk started to crawl backwards.-
-Reiha bit her lip. The man in front of her didn't move.Reiha murmured some words but Akino cut her off.-
"Toukito....I...I'm sorry...please forgive..me...miss...miss herb owner..."
-Akito stood up and ran through the crowd, obviously not knowing where he was going but away from the man named Toukito. He turned around, revealing his face, his eyes were bluegreen, his hair similar to Toshiro's but instead he had a ponytail tied at the end of his hair, he smiled.-
"Are you alright?"
-Reiha nodded and bowed.-
"Yes...thank you for saving me."
-He smirked and held her hand.-
"Don't worry about it...he's always causing trouble. What's your name miss?"
-Reiha stood up looking at her hand. She was quiet for a moment.-
'...why do I always need to be saved by men?...and he's...he's holding my hand too!...oh...gee...'
-He blinked not hearing an answer but Reiha spoke.-
"I'm Reiha...nice to meet you Toshi...I mean Toukito."
-He laughed and then stood up strait.-
"The pleasure's mine miss Reiha...I'm Toukito if you didn't hear Akino..If anyone is threatining you or trying to hurt you...please call my name. Until then...good luck with your store."
-He winked, turned around and dissapeared through the crowd. Reiha stood there speechless.-
'I can't believe myself...I almost called him Toshiro....and..and..he...he wants me to rely on him...why does this have to happen to me?'
-Time passed quickly this time, it was late, Reiha and Razoru closed the shop and went to Lullaby Inn. They went up to room 304. It was pretty good, small but confortable. Reiha changed and sat on the bed, opening the scroll she was given. She read it to herself.-
'Dear my beloved cousin Reiha,
I know you must have noticed me. It's Shinji. It's been a while since we saw eachother, I still remember the old times. I wanted to tell everyone but I couldn't. About a year ago I was sent to become a missing-nin and go undercover to find out about the Sound's new army. So far we were not commanded anything against the Leaf country. I do not know if they trust me enough either. It is a dangerous mission I have and you must have one too being here and all. I'm sorry this hasn't gave you much information but I'll try to write more as I gather more information for Hokage. If things get risky, please do abandon your mission. The Sound is very cruel and you do not want to mess with them while you're in their country. The army has gotten bigger now but that's all I know. I might get killed if they find out or if something happens, please tell my parents and our family that I still love and think about them all the time. I wish you good luck in whatever mission you have now.
Love your cousin,
-Reiha smiled as she found the truth to why he was mission but frowned after finding out he was now a member of Sound.-
"It's been a long day...good night Razoru."
-She turned off the lights, put the scroll in her backpack and fell asleep under her sheets.-  

Lu Shi


PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:00 pm
Drake Dragonwing
((ah shut up Amari...sorry sorry no...just stop thinking your the greatest person in the world...it's really annoying...good bye oh and sorry for the spamage I just wanted to diss off Amari again...well just point out that he a major jerk but hey you all disagree that's ok...and the main reason I'm quitting is I'm to busy with 10 other guilds right now))

OoC: No, your not " dissing " me, you'll slightly irritating me. And No, I'm not acting all high-and-mighty. I told you on the first page that I want good RPer's with decent posts. You constantly question the rules I posted and spammed. I'm glad you left so I didn't have to put you out. I mya be acting like a jerk now, but you're being an immature child for trying to prove whatever point you're trying by continuing to post. Have a nice life.

And we have a new member!

Name: Emiko Sasakawa

Code Name: Blue Serpant ( I'll have to change the name, I need to check if this isn't taken. )

Cloak: Black

Appearance: At nineteen Emiko is rather on the short side and is petit which gives her a sickly appearance. Emiko's hair is white in coloring, and reaches her waist though she ties her bangs back in a ponytail. Her eyes are dark brown in shade, and her skin is naturally pale. When in "civilian" clothing Emiko prefers to wear a red shirt with wide sleeves and black trimming under her Jounin vest. She wears the normal black Jounin pants, and she binds her ankles in white bandages. Emiko's black clothed forehead protector normally rests lazily around her neck, and she has black Blue ninja sandals.

Uniqueness: All though Emiko's family doesn't have a bloodline limit the Clan does have a special series of Jutsu's known as the Soul Puppet Techniques. If the children of Emiko's clan are mentally stable enough they are allowed to go through what is known as the Eye Opener Ceremony which allows them to use the family's jutsus. The Soul Puppet Techniques originates in the use of the dead in battle to the ability to possessing an opponent ti a minor degree.

I'm going to sleep now, so post away, but be sure not to have too pany pages for me when I wake up, lol.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:34 pm
OOC: Amari I'm curious what rank will Emiko be? Anbu? Hunter nin? Jounin?  

Lu Shi


PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:27 pm
-He was sitting just as he always had late at night. He'd left his fame-filled life behind him when he'd disobeyed a direct order from the Raikage, and fled the Lightning Country and the Village of the Hidden Cloud. He rested himself while staring out the window out onto a peaceful city. He'd fled to the Hidden Waterfall Village and considering the target he'd refused to assassinate they supplied him refuge and protection from the angry Raikage and his forces. Though the protection of such a small village was relatively weak compared to most they did ward off most threats, however, there were even encounters that the forces of Waterfall couldn't stop. These few forces were the reason for Leaf chuunin to be stationed along with him to ensure his survival. Among those two chuunin was a younger Mitsuya Toshiro. Once when protecting him the leaf chuunin fell under many physical ailments and as a show of gratitude he'd been cured by the skilled medical hands of the elite medical jounin of the cloud. Though severe the wounds were healed and Toshiro returned to Konoha healthy and unscathed once Cloud and Waterfall organized a treaty to ensure the safety of the assigned. His recollection of the past was stirred by the gentle rapping at his door. Rising from his seat his white robs fell from their bunched position around his waist as he made to the door of his home. Opening he peered out and accepted the message from the tired messenger-

"I bid you thanks, young messenger. Come in for the night and sleep comfortably in my home."

"Thank you, sir. I hope I'm no bother."

"It's not a problem, the guest room is that way. Just make yourself at home."

-He walked into his study with the scroll the messenger had delivered, sitting himself in his chair he unrolled the scroll and took to reading the fine caligraphy spread across the parchment-

Dear Shosuke-sama,

I've acquired my dream of becoming an ANBU Captain. Though on my first mission I was seriously hurt trying to protect my squad. I write to you now with the ute-most difficulty asking you for your medical services once again. I hate to bother you but you are the only shinobi skilled enough to cure my physical discrepencies. I humbly await your reply.

Loyal friend,

Mitsuya Toshiro

-Finishing the letter he rises from his seat and ventures into his bedroom where he pulls open the doors of his closet to reveal the cloth of his Guardianship. Pulling his white robe off he slowly and ceremonially redresses in the cloth. His wings stretch to let the cloth fall over their frame. His eyes look over the forehead protector of his former residence before he forces the doors closed. He walks to the foot of his bed where a great oak chest lies. Lifting it's great lid he uncovers the great golden long bow of his clan. After his "betrayal" the cloud rid their country of the Onigawa clan and the Guardian Angels. Many had fallen by his actions, but if he could help no more would fall needlessly. Reaching down he grabs the handle of the golden bow, the bow illuminates with a white light as his fingers slide into place, sliding the bow along the holster across the small of his back beneath his wings. Walking to the great windows of his bedroom he forces them open forcing the wind to play gently with the white curtains drapped above them. Walking out onto the balcony he jumps forth from the railing and adjusts his direction to lead him into Leaf towards the address dictated on the cover of the scroll. His winged flapped lengthily in the air as he took to soaring to reserve strength and speed, using the acting night winds to hasten is arrival to Konoha-  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:46 pm
OoC surprised k guys im realy sorry im too far behind in the RP to gone on and i have lots and ots of school I bet u guys are all sad soooo if u make a new RP any one PM me and ill try to get in it ok.Ill be on everyonce in awhile sorry guys and girls.  


Lu Shi

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:00 pm
OOC: It's ok razorkaiser, you're not far behind actually. You're basically just sticking around with me as merchants. ^^  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:26 am
Lu Shi
OOC: Amari I'm curious what rank will Emiko be? Anbu? Hunter nin? Jounin?

She's not an NPC, she's an actual person. Lol. And she's an ANBU.

I'll wait for some of my teamates to respond.

And good job Shu, Lu Shi, Shosuke, Penguin, you're posts are better than mine. sweatdrop My RP skills have been short and shorter lately, I've been having alot of mental blocks, I need to think of a good character progression my character should go through.  


Batman on XTC

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:16 am
OOC: I am going to Be at My Grand Mother's House today she lives 2 Hours 30 minutes because my Great aunt died so i'm going to be at the Funeral tommorow so I won't be here until thursday... sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:30 pm
Lu Shi
OOC: Amari I'm curious what rank will Emiko be? Anbu? Hunter nin? Jounin?

She's not an NPC, she's an actual person. Lol. And she's an ANBU.

I'll wait for some of my teamates to respond.

And good job Shu, Lu Shi, Shosuke, Penguin, you're posts are better than mine. sweatdrop My RP skills have been short and shorter lately, I've been having alot of mental blocks, I need to think of a good character progression my character should go through.

OOC:Oh. I see. ^^ Well that's great! We have another Anbu! ^.^ Thanks for the compliment Amari. It's ok that you post shorter. Don't worry about it. You'll get your rp skills back sometime soon. ^-^  

Lu Shi


PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:25 pm
Kiosuke was running, as if he didn't have a care in the world. He looked around, surveying the area around him. With his katanas latched,across his back, he took one out.

::"Someone is watching me."::

A arrow hurls down towards him. He gets out the way, before it hits, and throws his blue katana in the air. The katana cuts off a huge chunk of the tree, and an invisible-like figure falls out.

::"Who are you? A spy no doubt?"::

The figure throws ten knives, and i quicklly use the hilt of my red katana, to block the shots. The ninja reacts, with twenty knives. I focus on ten at a time, and quicklly blocks each one.

::"I am an Ninja from the.....::

Suddenlly his voice trails, off and he jumps away. I try to go after him, but he's too fast.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:25 pm
Lu Shi
OOC: Amari I'm curious what rank will Emiko be? Anbu? Hunter nin? Jounin?

She's not an NPC, she's an actual person. Lol. And she's an ANBU.

I'll wait for some of my teamates to respond.

And good job Shu, Lu Shi, Shosuke, Penguin, you're posts are better than mine. sweatdrop My RP skills have been short and shorter lately, I've been having alot of mental blocks, I need to think of a good character progression my character should go through.

OoC:Thanks for the compliment Amari!^^
Now waiting for the rest of the team to rp.  



PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:11 pm
-Sleeping sound in the guest bed of Reiha's family house. He stirs lightly as he feels the wind catch his skin from the open window. Feeling pressure against the structure of the mattress he opens his eyes to find the find the face of a dark figure lurking over him. His arms were being pinned by the man's legs as he was being straddled by the heavy shadowy figure. The light was non-existent as the night was at it's mid-point. He grimaced as he stared up at his attacker-

"Who are you!? What is it that you want from me!?"

-The figure leaned in closer, coming within a centimeter away from his face. He figure breathed heavily as he let out a chortle-

"What I've wanted all along, Toshiro."

-His face controted into a quizzical display as the voice sounded oddly familiar but dark and brooding. Before he knew it the face of his attacker had closed the minute gap between them completely and he found his lips interlocked with the attacker. Overcome by shock and shimmers of disgust he lied there beneath the shadowy figure not being able to manage any sort of resistance due to his wounds. The figure withdrew and seemed to float off of his form-

"You know..Toshiro...I thought you would put up more of a fight than that.."

-From the darkness a bright blinding light came forth as Shosuke's wings shown with the brilliant white aura of his chakra. Revealing his identity to him once and for all. Sitting up quickly he looked across the room fighting off the burning sensation caused by the brilliant light being illuminated-

"Shosuke! I always thought you were a ***** style="color: green">"On the contrary, my dear Toshiro, you are quite legal."

-Shosuke threw a wink at the end and smiled broadly. This caused a rift f laughter to rip forth from them both. Toshiro got up and came to embrace Shosuke tightly-

"It's good to see you, Shosuke."

"You too, Toshiro."

-Suddenly it hit him, he twisted and contorted his body testing the range of his movement and found that his wounds had been completely healed. He looked to Shosuke quizzically once again-


"Do you honestly think I'd kiss you without a reason..."


"Sorry..but you're not my brand of fruitcup..."

-They both broke out into laughter once again as he moved around the room lighting candles one by one. Once finished he sits at the desk and offers the other to Shosuke, which he accepts. Sprawling out the extra scroll he managed to have left with himself he went over it with Shosuke preparing for the mornings adventure-  
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