Soq's Name: Margaretha
Soq's Picture:Describe your soq's personality/interests: Intelligent and cunning, Margaretha always prefers to resolve any sort of conflict with words, rather than violence. She is not very strong, but lithe and quick. She can be very patient and gentle, but also terribly headstrong when it comes to things she really wants. If she ever gets truly riled up, she can have a terrible temper. Margaretha really enjoys puzzle games and riddles, but also travelling and meeting new people, seeing new places, or finding a new beautiful view to meditate over.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Margaretha would probably enjoy the company of someone who can stimulate her intellectually and travel with her, but she also has a rather motherly streak that could make her fall for someone quite the opposite of her, who needed her to help think for him. In short, pretty much anything, as long as it's not thoroughly evil - she could probably see through that. (But if there's a spark of goodness in him, on the other hand...)
How do you want others to contact you?: Gaia PM
RP or non-RP?: Non-RP is fine, but I'll gladly RP a relationship as well. PM me and let's talk about it.
Flirt or serious relationship?: Preferably serious, but a flirt is okay.