Congratulations Znaruto for winning the Noble Boy and hibi-tea for winning the Noble Girl!
And another congrats to Day Dreamer427 for winning the ad contest!
Other people who entered the ad contest MAY be getting prizes as well!
It all depends on how much time I have and if I can get them done for you. XD
If I end up not having the time, thank you so much for your help!
The following users have won the CUSTOM contest and will be getting their new pride members ASAP!
Rhiannon Chandra
Pinchmonster – (Elder is fine!)
Saint Of Revenge
I liked a LOT of the concepts and may pick a couple more.
Once again, it depends on how much time I have. <3
Thank you everyone for entering! I had a lot of fun reading.
RP Contest winners!
The Leader: Hotaru-Neko
The Siblings: zephira738 and FallenThroughMidnight
The Stranger: Mogami
The Stubborn: Moonrazor
I loved a LOT of the entries and it was really hard to narrow it down. XD
Thanks for playing everyone! I hope to have more events soon. <3
For winners: Please make sure you post membership info here so I have it on record!
You do not NEED to have a joining RP to post for certs, as this contest will count for it.
(Still, you'll probably need to link here so people aren't confused. xD)
If you would like to add any of these characters to the THE LOST contest, feel free to fill out the form and post it here!
For certing purposes, here's who colored what:
Noble boy: Ameh
Noble Girl: DFA
The Leader: Ameh
The Siblings (boy) (girl): Ameh
The Stranger: Lithia
The Stubborn: Cajanic
The Ad: Ameh
All customs: Cajanic
All Lost cubs: Cajanic
Any additional prizes: Cajanic
RP CONTEST winners will be added shortly. XD
And another congrats to Day Dreamer427 for winning the ad contest!
Other people who entered the ad contest MAY be getting prizes as well!
It all depends on how much time I have and if I can get them done for you. XD
If I end up not having the time, thank you so much for your help!
The following users have won the CUSTOM contest and will be getting their new pride members ASAP!
Rhiannon Chandra
Pinchmonster – (Elder is fine!)
Saint Of Revenge
I liked a LOT of the concepts and may pick a couple more.
Once again, it depends on how much time I have. <3
Thank you everyone for entering! I had a lot of fun reading.
RP Contest winners!
The Leader: Hotaru-Neko
The Siblings: zephira738 and FallenThroughMidnight
The Stranger: Mogami
The Stubborn: Moonrazor
I loved a LOT of the entries and it was really hard to narrow it down. XD
Thanks for playing everyone! I hope to have more events soon. <3
For winners: Please make sure you post membership info here so I have it on record!
You do not NEED to have a joining RP to post for certs, as this contest will count for it.
(Still, you'll probably need to link here so people aren't confused. xD)
If you would like to add any of these characters to the THE LOST contest, feel free to fill out the form and post it here!
For certing purposes, here's who colored what:
Noble boy: Ameh
Noble Girl: DFA
The Leader: Ameh
The Siblings (boy) (girl): Ameh
The Stranger: Lithia
The Stubborn: Cajanic
The Ad: Ameh
All customs: Cajanic
All Lost cubs: Cajanic
Any additional prizes: Cajanic
RP CONTEST winners will be added shortly. XD