Soq's Name: Shai
Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Shai's a bit of a bully, her main focus is outward appearances and she'll let you know if you don't size up to her expectations. She's been known to sneer at others and even let them know they're inferior. Being so shallow often keeps her from seeing the inner beauty of others so she doesn't really have friends to rely on.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Maybe someone who's physically "ugly" to her, that follows her around and shows her personalities are the true measure of worth. Though, if it's a fling it could just be described as someone she finds pretty~ ( OOCly I'd prefer someone natural, maybe with more color to them than she has. No bright purple or pink Soqs, please. XD )
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please.
RP or non-RP?: Either or, whatever's easier for you though I am very slow.
Flirt or serious relationship?: Can be either, if it's not RPed out I'd like to plot this out, please.