(pic of her with Checkmate INC)
Blurb about Toxicity -pending-
Blurb about Checkmate For him, he plays the good guy, getting in close and 'wooing' the other into a false sense of security. Then the charm fades and if the other can't take his more primal, predatory persona... They are his next meal. Checkmate was born in fighting pits, his first test of survival when he broke from his basket was to slaughter his three younger siblings, two sisters and one brother, before they could emerge. As he grew and became more dangerous, the cost of his 'freedom' was the deaths of both his parents. His mother who was just a breeder and never fought in her life and his father that was a hardened pit fighter who had won many challengers. He... Quite literally ate their still beating hearts as they last breath came in screams and shrieks.
But in that same respect, Checkmate is easily sent off if facing more then one body. One on one, no problem, but if the numbers are against him. He'll turn and run, to plot how to get around the offending wall of flesh. If he can not find a way through to his prize, his patience will wane and Checkmate will leave to find a new prize.
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Breeding Attempt #1