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New Co-Ownership Agreements Thread 3/14/12 Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 ... 145 146 147 148 [>] [>>] [>>] [»|]

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Tiny Bookworm

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:29 am

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New Co-Ownership Agreement for Jupiter between Kamiki & CitrusCupcake

Sig, OOC RP, Display Rights
- both owners have OOC RP, Signature, and Display/Graphic Rights

- Kamiki has all IC RP Rights
- Stats will be rolled and housed by Kamiki in her teepee
- Only Kamiki can enter Jupiter into RP events

- Since Kamiki has RP rights, she can choose a lifemate for her she wishes. Once lifemated, CitrusCupcake agrees to only breed with Jupiter's lifemate

- Jupiter cannot be cursed

- Kamiki gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Jupiter. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Cutrus. Citrus will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against her breeding limitations
- CitrusCupcake gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Jupiter. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Kamiki. Kamiki will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against her breeding limitations
- If Jupiter is lifemated, she can only breed with her lifemate unless all owners agree to a surrogacy
- If a theoretical 5th or 6th breeding is obtained (due to RP/Elderhood) these breedings will be under the control of Kamiki (who has IC RP rights).

Mock Breeding
- All owners can seek to obtain mock-breeding babies (via customs, Wishing Stars, etc) without the permission of the other owners
- If an owner wishes to get a mock-baby outside of the the lifemating, they only have to get the agreement of the lifemate owner(s)

- Kamiki can cancel the co-ownershp at anytime.
- CitrusCupcake cannot transfer her portion of the co-ownership to anyone, or remove Kamiki for any reason


Agreed heart
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:58 pm

Old Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=88&t=2643386#192357384

User Image

Updated Co-Ownership Agreement for Jupiter between Kamiki & 3rd and Long (formerly x F a l l e n L e a v e s)

Sig, OOC RP, Display Rights
- both owners have OOC RP, Signature, and Display/Graphic Rights

- 3rd and Long has all IC RP Rights
- Stats will be rolled and housed by 3rd and Long
- Only 3rd and Long can enter Jupiter into RP events

- Since 3rd and Long has RP rights, they can choose a lifemate. Once lifemated, Kamiki agrees to only breed with the lifemate

- Zesiro cannot be cursed

- Kamiki gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Zesiro. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from 3rd and Long. 3rd and Long will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against 3rd and Long's breeding limitations
- 3rd and Long gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Jupiter. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Kamiki. Kamiki will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against her breeding limitations
- If Zesiro is lifemated, he can only breed with his lifemate unless all owners agree to a surrogacy
- If a theoretical 5th or 6th breeding is obtained (due to RP/Elderhood) these breedings will be under the control of 3rd and Long (who has IC RP rights).

Mock Breeding
- All owners can seek to obtain mock-breeding babies (via customs, Wishing Stars, etc) without the permission of the other owners
- If an owner wishes to get a mock-baby outside of the the lifemating, they only have to get the agreement of the lifemate owner(s)

- Kamiki can cancel the co-ownershp at anytime.
- 3rd and Long cannot transfer her portion of the co-ownership to anyone, or remove Kamiki for any reason

3rd and Long


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:12 pm

Pinkdog and I have mutually agree to modify the co-own to the following:

Co-ownership of Threnah
User Image
~ uncert ~

*Another stolen layout from Heart!*

Looneytaz82 ( original ) + pinkdog ( co-owning )

Teepee Rights:
Stats are currently in Taz's teepee, but Pink has the option to get a teepee and roll stats
Display rights in the teepee are for both

Breeding Rights:
First Breeding - pinkdog Already passed
Second Breeding - Looneytaz82
Third Breeding - TBD at time of breeding.

Role Play Rights:
Taz has full RP rights. Pink may request RP rights via PM.

Signature Rights:
Both have equal sig rights

Life Altering/Major Decisions:
Will be discussed, with Taz's decision final.

Dissolving of Co-own Agreement:
The co-own will remain unless Taz is able to find a new co-owner that would be able to uphold the "3 RP posts within a 3 months period" requirement. Pinkdog can relinquish rights at any time.


Mutually dissolving this co-own.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:34 pm

Update to Deception's co-ownership agreement to reflect the breeding changes.!

Deception: Devil NightShade and ButtPuppetry(x NephilQueen)

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~ xNephilim Queen has full rights to choose a mare for his first breeding as long as she is of kalona race. DNS may reserve the right to request a basket from said breeidng should there be 3.
~ xNephilim Queen must let myself known when she enters Deception into a breeding raffle.
~ DNS has full rights to the 2nd breeding. xNephilim Queen, may reserve rights to request a basket from this breeding or may give up all rights for this breeding
~ In the event of a third breeding DNS shall have sole rights.
~ The act of Lifemating must only be approved by Devil NightShade.
~ Both Myself and xNephilim Queen have the right to relinquish breeding rights during any individual breeding raffle.
~ xNephilim Queen cannot choose a lfiemate for Deception, but DNS will discuss lifemate plans with her.
~ Deception's fourth breeding will be shared between Puppetry and I. Puppet has the rights to choose 'ception's mate for this breeding (unless he has a lifemate by this point, not that this is likely xD). I can give up my right's to this breeding should I choose to do so.
~ His fifth breeding and beyond, should he earn them, will also be shared breedings and discussed between us both.

~ Both Devil NigthShade and xNephilim Queen have full signature display rights.

RP Rights:
~ Devil NightShade has full in character rp and ooc rights.
~ xNephilim Queen has out of character rp rights only within the main thread, if I'm not already OOCing him in the thread, and must stick to his dictated personality.

~ Deception has a set personality, in rp and on his tag, xNephilim Queen must abide by those personalities in OOC rp.
~ xNephilim Queen may relinquish her Co-ownership at any time she wishes.
~ xNephilim Queen relinquishes her co-ownership for Deception if she breaks rules in the co-ownership.
~Should xNephilim Queen disappear for 6 months with no word to me of a hiatus I reserve rights to PM her a warning, should that warning be ignored and she still not return for another 6 months then I reserve the right to break cowonership.

Devil NightShade


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:56 pm

Devil NightShade
Update to Deception's co-ownership agreement to reflect the breeding changes.!

Deception: Devil NightShade and ButtPuppetry(x NephilQueen)

User Image

~ xNephilim Queen has full rights to choose a mare for his first breeding as long as she is of kalona race. DNS may reserve the right to request a basket from said breeidng should there be 3.
~ xNephilim Queen must let myself known when she enters Deception into a breeding raffle.
~ DNS has full rights to the 2nd breeding. xNephilim Queen, may reserve rights to request a basket from this breeding or may give up all rights for this breeding
~ In the event of a third breeding DNS shall have sole rights.
~ The act of Lifemating must only be approved by Devil NightShade.
~ Both Myself and xNephilim Queen have the right to relinquish breeding rights during any individual breeding raffle.
~ xNephilim Queen cannot choose a lfiemate for Deception, but DNS will discuss lifemate plans with her.
~ Deception's fourth breeding will be shared between Puppetry and I. Puppet has the rights to choose 'ception's mate for this breeding (unless he has a lifemate by this point, not that this is likely xD). I can give up my right's to this breeding should I choose to do so.
~ His fifth breeding and beyond, should he earn them, will also be shared breedings and discussed between us both.

~ Both Devil NigthShade and xNephilim Queen have full signature display rights.

RP Rights:
~ Devil NightShade has full in character rp and ooc rights.
~ xNephilim Queen has out of character rp rights only within the main thread, if I'm not already OOCing him in the thread, and must stick to his dictated personality.

~ Deception has a set personality, in rp and on his tag, xNephilim Queen must abide by those personalities in OOC rp.
~ xNephilim Queen may relinquish her Co-ownership at any time she wishes.
~ xNephilim Queen relinquishes her co-ownership for Deception if she breaks rules in the co-ownership.
~Should xNephilim Queen disappear for 6 months with no word to me of a hiatus I reserve rights to PM her a warning, should that warning be ignored and she still not return for another 6 months then I reserve the right to break cowonership.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:55 pm

Pinkdog and I have mutually agree to modify the co-own to the following:

Co-ownership of Threnah
User Image
~ uncert ~

*Another stolen layout from Heart!*

Looneytaz82 ( original ) + pinkdog ( co-owning )

Teepee Rights:
Stats are currently in Taz's teepee, but Pink has the option to get a teepee and roll stats
Display rights in the teepee are for both

Breeding Rights:
First Breeding - pinkdog Already passed
Second Breeding - Looneytaz82
Third Breeding - TBD at time of breeding.

Role Play Rights:
Taz has full RP rights. Pink may request RP rights via PM.

Signature Rights:
Both have equal sig rights

Life Altering/Major Decisions:
Will be discussed, with Taz's decision final.

Dissolving of Co-own Agreement:
The co-own will remain unless Taz is able to find a new co-owner that would be able to uphold the "3 RP posts within a 3 months period" requirement. Pinkdog can relinquish rights at any time.


Mutually dissolving this co-own.


8-Bit Mosh Pit

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:22 pm

Old Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=88&t=2643386#192357384

User Image

Updated Co-Ownership Agreement for Jupiter between Kamiki & 3rd and Long (formerly x F a l l e n L e a v e s)

Sig, OOC RP, Display Rights
- both owners have OOC RP, Signature, and Display/Graphic Rights

- 3rd and Long has all IC RP Rights
- Stats will be rolled and housed by 3rd and Long
- Only 3rd and Long can enter Jupiter into RP events

- Since 3rd and Long has RP rights, they can choose a lifemate. Once lifemated, Kamiki agrees to only breed with the lifemate

- Zesiro cannot be cursed

- Kamiki gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Zesiro. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from 3rd and Long. 3rd and Long will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against 3rd and Long's breeding limitations
- 3rd and Long gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Jupiter. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Kamiki. Kamiki will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against her breeding limitations
- If Zesiro is lifemated, he can only breed with his lifemate unless all owners agree to a surrogacy
- If a theoretical 5th or 6th breeding is obtained (due to RP/Elderhood) these breedings will be under the control of 3rd and Long (who has IC RP rights).

Mock Breeding
- All owners can seek to obtain mock-breeding babies (via customs, Wishing Stars, etc) without the permission of the other owners
- If an owner wishes to get a mock-baby outside of the the lifemating, they only have to get the agreement of the lifemate owner(s)

- Kamiki can cancel the co-ownershp at anytime.
- 3rd and Long cannot transfer her portion of the co-ownership to anyone, or remove Kamiki for any reason

3rd and Long

I agree!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:08 am

This is a breaking of a co-ownership of Kyran between myself and Caneton.

While not MIA Caneton can be tricky to get hold of as he is absent most of the time from Gaia. This is purely a case of practicality, I'm sorry Canny.

Faid Shadowlight

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:56 am

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I, Meeki, am co-owning Abigail with Fatal Irony. She will have full rights to the pet including but not limited to breedings, mate/partner(s), roleplay. I'm dropping down to sig rights only. May she breathe new life into this beauty.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:56 pm

Niyaru Delacroix
Kara Asumie
Co-ownership between Kara Asumie and ImAHarumiBunny for Shika-Nijiiro

User Image

RP rights
Both have OOC and IC RP rights.
Stats can be in Kara Asumie's and ImAHarumiBunny's teepees.
Shika-Nijiiro can be displayed in ImAHarumiBunny's teepee in any way.

Breeding Rights
All breedings will be discussed with both owners.
Kara Asumie has full basket rights to first breeding.
ImAHarumiBunny has full basket rights to second breeding.
Final breeding will be discussed between both owners.

Both have sig rights.
Both have Familiar attachment rights
If ImAHarumiBunny were to disappear without notice/contact, full ownership will be reverted back to Kara Asumie
The above statement does not work in reverse.

I agree <3

We agreed to cancel this Co-ownership Full ownership reverts back to Kara Asumie.

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:09 pm

Kara Asumie
Niyaru Delacroix
Kara Asumie
Co-ownership between Kara Asumie and ImAHarumiBunny for Shika-Nijiiro

User Image

RP rights
Both have OOC and IC RP rights.
Stats can be in Kara Asumie's and ImAHarumiBunny's teepees.
Shika-Nijiiro can be displayed in ImAHarumiBunny's teepee in any way.

Breeding Rights
All breedings will be discussed with both owners.
Kara Asumie has full basket rights to first breeding.
ImAHarumiBunny has full basket rights to second breeding.
Final breeding will be discussed between both owners.

Both have sig rights.
Both have Familiar attachment rights
If ImAHarumiBunny were to disappear without notice/contact, full ownership will be reverted back to Kara Asumie
The above statement does not work in reverse.

I agree <3

We agreed to cancel this Co-ownership Full ownership reverts back to Kara Asumie.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:19 pm

I broke the co ownership with Sosi here

User Image

New Co-Ownership Agreement for Euterpe between Kamiki & Captain Britain

Sig, OOC RP, Display Rights
- both owners have OOC RP, Signature, and Display/Graphic Rights

- Captain Britain has all IC RP Rights
- Stats will be rolled and housed by Captain Britain
- Only Captain Britain can enter Euterpe into RP events

- Since Captain Britain has RP rights, they can choose a lifemate. Once lifemated, Kamiki agrees to only breed with the lifemate

- Euterpe cannot be cursed

- Kamiki gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Euterpe. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Captain Britain. Captain Britain will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against Captain Britain's breeding limitations
- Captain Britain gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Euterpe. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Kamiki. Kamiki will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against her breeding limitations
- If Euterpe is lifemated, he can only breed with his lifemate unless all owners agree to a surrogacy
- If a theoretical 5th or 6th breeding is obtained (due to RP/Elderhood) these breedings will be under the control of Captain Britain (who has IC RP rights).

Mock Breeding
- All owners can seek to obtain mock-breeding babies (via customs, Wishing Stars, etc) without the permission of the other owners
- If an owner wishes to get a mock-baby outside of the the lifemating, they only have to get the agreement of the lifemate owner(s)

- Kamiki can cancel the co-ownershp at anytime.
- Captain Britain cannot transfer her portion of the co-ownership to anyone, or remove Kamiki for any reason


Fandom Fox

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The Captain Britain

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:22 pm

I broke the co ownership with Sosi here

User Image

New Co-Ownership Agreement for Euterpe between Kamiki & Captain Britain

Sig, OOC RP, Display Rights
- both owners have OOC RP, Signature, and Display/Graphic Rights

- Captain Britain has all IC RP Rights
- Stats will be rolled and housed by Captain Britain
- Only Captain Britain can enter Euterpe into RP events

- Since Captain Britain has RP rights, they can choose a lifemate. Once lifemated, Kamiki agrees to only breed with the lifemate

- Euterpe cannot be cursed

- Kamiki gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Euterpe. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Captain Britain. Captain Britain will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against Captain Britain's breeding limitations
- Captain Britain gets full control over 2 of the 4 standard breedings for Euterpe. She can pick the mate and does not need permission from Kamiki. Kamiki will not get a basket from these breedings, and should not count against her breeding limitations
- If Euterpe is lifemated, he can only breed with his lifemate unless all owners agree to a surrogacy
- If a theoretical 5th or 6th breeding is obtained (due to RP/Elderhood) these breedings will be under the control of Captain Britain (who has IC RP rights).

Mock Breeding
- All owners can seek to obtain mock-breeding babies (via customs, Wishing Stars, etc) without the permission of the other owners
- If an owner wishes to get a mock-baby outside of the the lifemating, they only have to get the agreement of the lifemate owner(s)

- Kamiki can cancel the co-ownershp at anytime.
- Captain Britain cannot transfer her portion of the co-ownership to anyone, or remove Kamiki for any reason

I agree! heart
PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:19 pm

Faid Shadowlight
This is a breaking of a co-ownership of Kyran between myself and Caneton.

While not MIA Caneton can be tricky to get hold of as he is absent most of the time from Gaia. This is purely a case of practicality, I'm sorry Canny.

No problem Faid, You're absolutely right. With RL kicking my butt, Gaia is so far in the backseat I can barely find it. I agree to this.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:39 am

Sabin Duvert

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I am relinquishing my co-ownership with Wish. He is now 100% owned by Kamiki.

I agree /thwaps Sabin

Wish is no longer co-owned, so I would like to give 100% ownership to Midnightangel2473.
Soquili Era

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