Not posting for the others as Summ already got her cert for Dewdrop. heart
Sorry for the delay.... I checked through the thread and didn't see that I ever posted certing info for my child from this pair. I remember originally intending to wait until I had a Soquili i'd like to pair him to before posting, but otherwise just delayed. :/ heart
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:32 pm
Way behind on these, working my way through them but the process is slow u.u
Tag Please! Owner: mistalina13 Familiar Name: Adalyn Familiar Uncert: (I had Moxxie add the flower crown from tickets.) Date Dropped or Won: 11/03/18 - Rolled Here! Familiar Species: Lizard ♀ Familiar Temper: (Omit)
Bonded to: N/A for now!
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:06 pm
Tag Please! Owner: Nisshou H Familiar Name: Delia Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: I don't actually know. I can't find the drop, or the place where the rolling occurred. This is where the win is recorded though which is 12/20/16 Familiar Species: ♀ Familiar Temper: leave blank
Bonded to: no one
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:18 pm
Tag Please! Owner: Nisshou H Familiar Name: Otavio Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 11/03/18 Familiar Species: Lizard ♂ Familiar Temper: leave blank
Bonded to: no one
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:00 am
Tag Please! Owner: irishgirl1017 Familiar Name: Wiggles Mc Greenbooty Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 11/01/18 Familiar Species: Faerie ♀ Familiar Temper: Silly
(Was given instructions to post my win here, the only form that was close enough to the soq certing form was the familiar)