Ronan nodded as she spoke. That sounded simple enough. He didn't bother asking how the song would come to him if he didn't really understand what music stood for anyway. He was sure it would all come flooding to him when the time was right.

It had to.

After all, everyone else in his family knew music like they knew the backs of their paws, and they were all good at it. As far as he could tell, anyway. So by logic, that meant he must have some innate potential with music too. He just had to find it.

But then again, he had always been the black sheep of the family. He was the small one, he was the quiet one, he was the one who chose to sit out of games the most often. So why should he be any different in this aspect? Still, he pushed the thought away, determined that he would find his music and who he really was, as Isithunzi had said.

"I get it," He said eagerly. This was something all the cubs in the pride eventually went through, he knew. So what if he had just finished the fun part of making the drum? Seeking out his rhythm had to be just as fun. He knew it would be.