Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:01 pm
I have a question..Are you allowed to get a soquili based off of an animal, lets say a sheep, where the line-edits include the fluffy fur for the body and whatnot or does it still have to somewhat still look like a horse? Also, if I were to want to get a soquili based off of a sheep, can you give me an average price range of what that custom would cost so I have an idea on how much gold I would possiably have to save up?
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:36 pm
Quick question: For custom bribe slots, does the 10% off the day's lowest tektek value apply as well? I mean, I understand it applies to custom slots gotten here in the guild, but it's never really been too clear to me if bribes follow the same payment rules as regular slots do. Or if it's something that varies from colorist to colorist, a guestimate on if that would be accepted or not would be appreciated =3;;; <3
Also, on the subject of bribe slots -yes, I realize they're not open and there's no current plans to open them soon, but this is all for future reference n_n"-, is there perhaps someone people could PM to run a proposal by? Just like a general, "If it were you, would you accept this?" sort of thing..? Sorry if that seems really stupid, this part of the post can be totally ignored if you'd rather x'D;;;;; <3
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 1:27 pm
If someone were to order a hawk skinwalker, with a feather cloak looking thing, would that just be the +200k?
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:56 pm
As a random question...
Are un-recognized hybrids allowed to be customed? Ie; a quest idea of mine is a Kirikalona.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:50 am
Roniel REVOLUTION I have another question hinging off of Huro's! Could one hypothetically get a kalona from non-bribe slots and get two versions, a winged and non-winged version? And would they hypothetically be able to transform between forms in RP? edit: I remembered another one! It seems to me that there is a new set of kalona wings and a tail floating around... right? you could probably request winged and non-winged images of your kalona, but i'm not sure about the transforming bit. the only one off the top of my head i can think of who can do that is tofu's eirwyn, and the reasons the winter angeni soq can transform from winged to wingless are explained via his angeni-based powers/rp perspective, and were stipulated in his auction information as being a type of 'curse', not added on by the winner/his owner. usually the only reason you'd get winged and non-winged versions was if you wanted a shot where you could see more of the body detail (as with sabin/kamiki's quetzacoatl angeni; with the wings, the body wasn't visible, so i provided two versions cause i was quite happy with how the jaguar pelt came out, but that in no way means he's able to transform from winged to wingless) and there are new set of kalona wings and a new tail, as well as three pairs of horns. you can specify when customing whether you would like the new or old edits.
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:43 am
I have a question about cosplays.
My college mascot would make a pretty awesome Soquili, but I've never seen any mascot Soq's, so I'm not sure if it would be allowed.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:56 am
I have a question for the colorists in general
I'm aiming to get a Soq of a character of mine, but she's a reindeer. So I'm thinking the antler edits are mutant right?
I'd want reindeer antlers, a red ribbon/bow and silver bell around her neck (maybe a sled harness but I dunno yet) How much would that run between any of the colorists?
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:14 pm
What would a custom pelt for Skinwalkers classify as under "edits"? Essentially, it would be the normal pelt with a few minor adjustments.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:04 am
Just going to answer all open questions since it's been long enough. I was tentative at first in answering, since I am unsure about a few things and as most custom questions vary by colorist anyways, but: Fluffy Puffy S h e e p I have a question..Are you allowed to get a soquili based off of an animal, lets say a sheep, where the line-edits include the fluffy fur for the body and whatnot or does it still have to somewhat still look like a horse? Also, if I were to want to get a soquili based off of a sheep, can you give me an average price range of what that custom would cost so I have an idea on how much gold I would possiably have to save up? It is a mutant if it's not a regular horse. You can try for mutants in bribe slots. However, you can alter the fluff of the sheep to possibly resemble some type of clothing, though it cannot be a part of the soquili itself, and it'd count for a regular soquili. I don't understand the "based off of a sheep" custom -- is that assuming you'd want the sheep fluffy as clothing on? Quoting from the customs thread: +150k for difficult edits such as clothing, jewelry, and hair +200k for extremely detailed edits such as clothing, jewelry, and hair + the 500k for adult stage or 700k for all :3 if it's a regular soquili. Bribe prices are up to the briber and the person taking in the bribe; I believe there is no set price for bribes, except it /should/ be at least what it'd cost as a custom. Though I believe some colorists have taken in cheaper bribes if they adored the concept. Kailey Koreco Quick question: For custom bribe slots, does the 10% off the day's lowest tektek value apply as well? I mean, I understand it applies to custom slots gotten here in the guild, but it's never really been too clear to me if bribes follow the same payment rules as regular slots do. Or if it's something that varies from colorist to colorist, a guestimate on if that would be accepted or not would be appreciated =3;;; <3
Also, on the subject of bribe slots -yes, I realize they're not open and there's no current plans to open them soon, but this is all for future reference n_n"-, is there perhaps someone people could PM to run a proposal by? Just like a general, "If it were you, would you accept this?" sort of thing..? Sorry if that seems really stupid, this part of the post can be totally ignored if you'd rather x'D;;;;; <3 these questions don't exactly relate to customs at all, though I can give an educated guess: ..I can't answer the first, as I really don't know, but for now I would give both the price with the 10% off tektek, and the actual price? I doubt colorists would look over a bribe just because of the tektek thing; bribes don't have a set price, either, so it shouldn't matter that much. As for the second question, I'd suggest, if you see a colorist in thread, you can ask them if you can PM them if they like your idea. I personally would rather have people throw whatever they think I might like at me in terms of bribes, and if I take it, I like it best; doesn't hurt to send a bribe offer to a colorist, regardless of knowledge of whether they like it or not. :3 Who knows, minds can change! MargeXX If someone were to order a hawk skinwalker, with a feather cloak looking thing, would that just be the +200k? If you want a customized "skin" on the body, then yes, as it is a fairly heavy edit. Novablu As a random question... Are un-recognized hybrids allowed to be customed? Ie; a quest idea of mine is a Kirikalona. Thanks! If they are not on the customs information list, they cannot. Hybrids are not up there at this point, though they /might/ be in the future. For now, they can only be obtained through bribes. Sir Ichigo I have a question about cosplays. My college mascot would make a pretty awesome Soquili, but I've never seen any mascot Soq's, so I'm not sure if it would be allowed. Assuming your college mascot isn't an animal (because then, you can just order a wildlife edition...), it would be allowed as long as it's not a real person. (question is a bit vague, so I'll be vague here, sorry D: ) Mameha Otome I have a question for the colorists in general
I'm aiming to get a Soq of a character of mine, but she's a reindeer. So I'm thinking the antler edits are mutant right?
I'd want reindeer antlers, a red ribbon/bow and silver bell around her neck (maybe a sled harness but I dunno yet) How much would that run between any of the colorists? Correct on antlers = mutant. Normal horses do not have antlers. As mutants can only be obtained through bribes, it is up to you to set the amount, though I would suggest taking the base price of a normal soquili and add or set it there. Huroggmeten What would a custom pelt for Skinwalkers classify as under "edits"? Essentially, it would be the normal pelt with a few minor adjustments. Yes, if you want some things to be "adjusted", the colorist needs to edit the adjustments, so... it's edited.
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:08 pm
I want a hawk Skinwalker, which I was told (by the Soquili mule) was okay - but it had to be cursed since pure Skinwalkers have to be an animal with paws. So as far as I can tell, to get that I need to get a custom and then the powder for it... I dunno if they must be obtained separately in terms of slots, since it says for the powder that the Soquili should already exist. I don't need the un-cursed version at all, though, and I'd rather only take up one custom slot if such is allowed... since I basically just want the Skinwalker. XD It's only the hawk species that's lending itself to the confusion.
I've gotten differing answers on this so I'm going to the source!
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:10 pm
I asked Sirenz this question before, but she misunderstood the meaning of it. Totally my fault though. I should have phrased it better. xD;
I was wondering if it would be possible to get a custom Soquili that was a possessed horse skeleton. Like, just the skeleton, but with a kid of haunting blue/blackglow from the back of where it's eyes would be.
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:46 pm
Sosiqui I want a hawk Skinwalker, which I was told (by the Soquili mule) was okay - but it had to be cursed since pure Skinwalkers have to be an animal with paws. So as far as I can tell, to get that I need to get a custom and then the powder for it... I dunno if they must be obtained separately in terms of slots, since it says for the powder that the Soquili should already exist. I don't need the un-cursed version at all, though, and I'd rather only take up one custom slot if such is allowed... since I basically just want the Skinwalker. XD It's only the hawk species that's lending itself to the confusion. I've gotten differing answers on this so I'm going to the source! You must obtain them separately, yes. The regular soquili pays for the horse itself, the cursing is theoretically paying for the pelt. So if you just buy the cursing powder, that'd just be... a pelt, comes with no horse. The horse must exist prior to cursing. Cursed soquili also must have an uncursed form, as they do if roleplayed. Shadowlink005 I asked Sirenz this question before, but she misunderstood the meaning of it. Totally my fault though. I should have phrased it better. xD;
I was wondering if it would be possible to get a custom Soquili that was a possessed horse skeleton. Like, just the skeleton, but with a kid of haunting blue/blackglow from the back of where it's eyes would be. I might be misunderstanding also; you want... a horse skeleton? A whole skeleton wouldn't be allowed in customs, not even sure bribes, as that requires drawing a whole new... thing. o_o You'd have to ask Sirenz if customing a horse skeleton was allowed. If you're asking for a skeleton to be painted/drawn onto the horse (your question implies the opposite), it must be a great deal different than the skeleton-based soquili already done, to protect possible copies of owners' soquili :3
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:05 pm
Well, just having a skeleton painted on it was my fall back, so I guess I'll go with that then. Thanks though! xD;
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:20 am
What is the "normal" Skinwalker pelt? I've seen a lot of Skinwalkers with fancy pelts running around, but I don't know which one is "normal."
Also, if you WERE to get an edited pelt (let's say, to make the fur on the pelt look shaggy and fangs to curve downward from the wolf's mouth/upper jaw) what KIND of edit would that be? (Minor, moderate, or heavy?)
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:28 am