Name: Nithralith
Mood: Irritable
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Theme Song: Across the Line
Cert: xxx
Uncert: no items
Growing up in a structured herd with a battle mentality, weakness was not something often tolerated. And while Nith was not naturally inclined as the biggest or strongest male of the herd, he followed his training with serious focus. As it was taught, strength is not always for yourself, but for the protection of your family, and to that end Nith dedicated his life. That and to studying the medicinal purposes of herbs, since he was an introverted bookworm more than anything else. Born as a son to the current Matriarch of the herd, he had no pressure (or motivation) to become a leader to his herd. That task would fall to his younger sister, Nhe'kayla, if she proved to be strong enough for the role. There was no jealousy or spite in this tradition, and the siblings lived their lives in close companionship, training and traveling with the herd.
As the months passed, they soon crossed paths with another Elekk herd. Being creatures of neighborly respect, they mingled in the same territory for some time. In this time, Nith soon became close friends to a mare from the other herd. Charmed by her manners and her social grace, it wasn't long before he realized her rank in the other herd. She too was the daughter of a Matriarch, and she told him her strong ambitions to one day lead her herd. While Nith respected and encouraged her goals, it daunted him to realize the impacts of his life if he were to announce his affections to her. He would have to leave his herd, to prove his dedication to the mare and become the lead protector should she become the future Matriarch. It was a role that Nith felt too weak to fulfill, and when it came time for the herds to go separate ways, he left without speaking a word of his feelings to the mare.
Time went on and before long his own sister had grown to be a promising young mare, her potential to lead was beginning to shine. One particular rogue stallion kept attempting to woo Kayla, but it was not a decision taken lightly. He'd have to prove himself to the herd before being welcome by the members. A struggle was brewing with a nearby lands with stragglers fleeing to escape, and through their warnings Nith's herd was preparing to defend their territory in the upcoming battle. Among the stragglers, one appeared from the herd of the other Matriarch. Her news was one of sorrow, as the incoming threat had attacked her herd...and the leaders had fallen to protect the younger members. Including the mare that Nith had taken fond of, the news stricking him cold and hard. When the time came for their own encounter with the enemy herd, blood was spilled on both sides and the battle was a short but chaotic encounter. The rival herd retreated from the lands, leaving Nith and his weakened family to handle the mess left behind. However, in this moment of glory, his sister could not be found neither alive or as a fallen body. And neither could the rogue stallion who pursued her before. Even so, Nith remained oddly calm and passive about the entire ordeal.
Despite his quiet reactions and loyalty, Kayla's actions earned shame to his generation, as other members of the herd believed Kayla to have run away in the face of battle. While Nith's mother was allowed to remain the Matriarch of the herd due to her victory, her offspring were removed from the herd unceremoniously by majority decision. Without argument or confrontation, Nith fled from his home herd and now roams the lands without goals or reason.
Confirmed Potentials: Alyssia->Leopleuradon