Chaotix ftw.

That's pretty much the truth right there. In case you haven't noticed zell, there isn't actually anything that requires much leadership right now. Besides, this is my guild. I don't really need help with leadership, and while you don't know this, I usually ask a person or two who are online whether they think something drastic is a good idea (not that there is anything drastic going on really) I mean, how are you going to get screwed? "Oh no guys! nitnit got rid of the music forum we demanded since no one uses it!!" (seriously though why did ask for it when no one is using it -_- )

Also I get out of school in a couple weeks, so after that I'll be making all the crew members continue/start doing things or I'll have to demote them, and I myself will start doing things again.

Also also (I use also way to much =P ) Why would you vote for deathguiser? He hasn't been on here actively in over a month, and despite chewing people out over newspaper articles has failed to produce any after his first one. Actually, he only has his spot because he was supposed to be setting up season 2 of the pokemon league, but I don't think he plans to do that or wants to, so I'll be sending him a PM in a week or so.

It was a joke, take it lightly, I didn't mean it... As for Deathguiser I just randomly picked somebody from a list of people in the guild.If I really wanted change i would be campaigning all over the guild saying something like "Fight the tyranny of Nit! Rise against and bring justice to the needing." or something like that but I have other concerns right now. As for what I really feel about your leading its fine as long as you don't do anything stupid or... well.... nit-ish... Just kidding but on a serious matter I beleive that this guild needs to loosen up a little, I mean I figured Chaotix knew that I was joking but to go on the offensive nit, wow. Well, it was nice talkign to you I have to go and find somebody else to mess around with. But nit, I would love to haev a private discussion with you regarding something else if you have the time Pm me.