Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:30 am
Haydar the Truthful Well from what history has shown us, Both Islam AND Christianity have fought for numbers, But Islam is supposed to be based on Unity and true faith, not numbers. Also whenever one goes to A Muslim Scholar and such to see how Islam is, They don't really force it down your throats but doesn't convert you until your ready and fully know what the religion is. I'm not sure if Catholicism is the same or Christianity in general. I'm not quite syre about christianity either. I was born into it so they never had to switch me. though finding a religion with what I beleive is going to be quit hard. I don't think there are any religions out there who do actually beleive what i'm ging through (not switching faiths either).
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:31 pm
Takara_Ashley Haydar the Truthful Well from what history has shown us, Both Islam AND Christianity have fought for numbers, But Islam is supposed to be based on Unity and true faith, not numbers. Also whenever one goes to A Muslim Scholar and such to see how Islam is, They don't really force it down your throats but doesn't convert you until your ready and fully know what the religion is. I'm not sure if Catholicism is the same or Christianity in general. I'm not quite syre about christianity either. I was born into it so they never had to switch me. though finding a religion with what I beleive is going to be quit hard. I don't think there are any religions out there who do actually beleive what i'm ging through (not switching faiths either).
Catholicism has something called the RCIA [what it stands for I cannot remember xd ] any how, it is a series of classes you take to learn more about the catholic faith. often you have a "sponsor" or someone to encourage you and help guide you on this path. Once you finish the classes, you achieve the status of "catechumans" [for the record, i' probably misspelled that term] which means that you are ready to be baptized and become a true Catholic. This happens on Holy Saturday evening Mass. I forgot the technical term, but that's what it is.
Most catholics aren't that pushy when it comes to trying to convert you unless they're old school, pre-Vatican II catholics like my mom. domokun Being a cradle Catholic with her is very difficult. Sometimes I really do think about converting to Islam. But I want it to be a true conversion of the heart. Not something to piss my mom off or for the sake of marriage. I've got my doubts about Catholicism, and I'm a pretty lax Catholic, but I don't know if I could handle changing my whole lifestyle by converting. I like ham too much, my beers and wine and vodka, and there's some things in Islam that just bug me far more than Catholicism does.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:03 am
Ratri_Cat Takara_Ashley Haydar the Truthful Well from what history has shown us, Both Islam AND Christianity have fought for numbers, But Islam is supposed to be based on Unity and true faith, not numbers. Also whenever one goes to A Muslim Scholar and such to see how Islam is, They don't really force it down your throats but doesn't convert you until your ready and fully know what the religion is. I'm not sure if Catholicism is the same or Christianity in general. I'm not quite syre about christianity either. I was born into it so they never had to switch me. though finding a religion with what I beleive is going to be quit hard. I don't think there are any religions out there who do actually beleive what i'm ging through (not switching faiths either).
Catholicism has something called the RCIA [what it stands for I cannot remember xd ] any how, it is a series of classes you take to learn more about the catholic faith. often you have a "sponsor" or someone to encourage you and help guide you on this path. Once you finish the classes, you achieve the status of "catechumans" [for the record, i' probably misspelled that term] which means that you are ready to be baptized and become a true Catholic. This happens on Holy Saturday evening Mass. I forgot the technical term, but that's what it is.
Most catholics aren't that pushy when it comes to trying to convert you unless they're old school, pre-Vatican II catholics like my mom. domokun Being a cradle Catholic with her is very difficult. Sometimes I really do think about converting to Islam. But I want it to be a true conversion of the heart. Not something to piss my mom off or for the sake of marriage. I've got my doubts about Catholicism, and I'm a pretty lax Catholic, but I don't know if I could handle changing my whole lifestyle by converting. I like ham too much, my beers and wine and vodka, and there's some things in Islam that just bug me far more than Catholicism does. yeah that sounds about right XD. I didn't do any of that but the baptism and stuff sounds like whhat they would do. and Yeah not alot would push, not in my church anyway. I never had a problem with the religion in my family. They beleive in god, but they don't actually do anything for the church , they don't even go >>. Which is why i'm so confused as to why they are so conservative. xp
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:47 am
the watchmaker thing is pretty neatly explained in this bookin staring pages on 5 or 6 page!! and i thought instead of posting the explanation posting whole book would be better!!
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 am
tassan the watchmaker thing is pretty neatly explained in this bookin staring pages on 5 or 6 page!! and i thought instead of posting the explanation posting whole book would be better!! ÉN verekszik részére Isten , országom és családom old news is old. catholics and christians alike have been using that argument xd
and for every argument, there is a counterargument. in the end, it's all a matter of faith. you have faith or you don't. a person who has faith will understand truly what faith is and what it's all about. A person who doesn't have faith never will truly understand. you can give examples out the wazoo, but the fact remains that they will never truly understand what it means to believe in God.
...kit ugye verekszik részére?
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:11 am
Ratri_Cat tassan the watchmaker thing is pretty neatly explained in this bookin staring pages on 5 or 6 page!! and i thought instead of posting the explanation posting whole book would be better!! ÉN verekszik részére Isten , országom és családom old news is old. catholics and christians alike have been using that argument xd
and for every argument, there is a counterargument. in the end, it's all a matter of faith. you have faith or you don't. a person who has faith will understand truly what faith is and what it's all about. A person who doesn't have faith never will truly understand. you can give examples out the wazoo, but the fact remains that they will never truly understand what it means to believe in God.
...kit ugye verekszik részére? i should have better posted it!! the thing is not about who created the watch!! the thing is about how he created it? who is the one who knew it that it will go perfect moving second 60 times will make it a minute? that is what he is talking about! and else he says taking example of sun!! that its fine that big bang would have created sun earth moon and all planets!! but how it just happened(sun does not have mind it is lifeless) so there is some one who placed it at a distance that we are safe!! ie HE had placed it near earth we would have died with heat and if it was far then we would have died of cold? though i place no faith and think i end up still wanting more then just that but this gives a little clue that there is some one!! and there is also an story of Atheist professor!! who asks his student about GOD! and student does not reply very well as expected by the prof: but then student asks prof about if there exists heat? prof: says >yes and he asks again if there exists COLD? prof: says >yes student: wrong! there is nothing like cold its just a perception to make it easy to learn, its just heat having little and high temperature!! and so is with darkness!! there is nothing like darkness but a perception!! its just light!! if there is not light and that is what we name it "darkness" while its just the light is less and more!! but still after reading it placing my self at place on Atheist!! i dun believe it but there is sorta energy i can feel that there exists something like GOD!!
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:48 pm
tassan that its fine that big bang would have created sun earth moon and all planets!! but how it just happened(sun does not have mind it is lifeless) so there is some one who placed it at a distance that we are safe!! ie HE had placed it near earth we would have died with heat and if it was far then we would have died of cold? ÉN verekszik részére Isten , országom és családom 1. A catholic priest came up with the big bang THEORY. meaning, in science is not proven, and there's always a chance that some one will come up with better evidence and testing to show an alternative theory. The big bang theory was taken by physicists and how it started was due to a combination of matter and anti-matter. I won't go much deeper than that, because I don't understand it fully myself, but if you want an explanation, i'll give you a link. 3nodding
Oh and the spacing between sun and planets? Gravity and the impact of the explosion of the big bang were responsible for that.
The thing is, no matter how you look at it, arguing about the existance of God is a lose-lose situation for the most part. I'm just content with athiests believing their own thing and respecting my beliefs and those of others. You can't prove that God exists the way that an athiest would like it to be. You can't stick scientfic instruments to people while they're praying to see if there's a connection, you can''t measure "divinity". Not in a way that science demands. You have a theory but no way of testing it, which would be considered a failed theory in the eyes of science. To athiests, the "theory of God's existance" is a failure, simply because you cannot test for God, you cannot measure Him or anything of that nature.
You can give all the nice stories and metaphors about God's existance in the world, but it won't suffice for PROOF. Which is what separates religious from non-religious. We can accept God without proof, without scientific measurments and experiments to prove his existance. Athiests don't. And that won't change until an athiest decides to take a leap of faith of his/her own free will.
...kit ugye verekszik részére?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:37 am
Ratri_Cat tassan that its fine that big bang would have created sun earth moon and all planets!! but how it just happened(sun does not have mind it is lifeless) so there is some one who placed it at a distance that we are safe!! ie HE had placed it near earth we would have died with heat and if it was far then we would have died of cold? ÉN verekszik részére Isten , országom és családom 1. A catholic priest came up with the big bang THEORY. meaning, in science is not proven, and there's always a chance that some one will come up with better evidence and testing to show an alternative theory. The big bang theory was taken by physicists and how it started was due to a combination of matter and anti-matter. I won't go much deeper than that, because I don't understand it fully myself, but if you want an explanation, i'll give you a link. 3nodding Oh and the spacing between sun and planets? Gravity and the impact of the explosion of the big bang were responsible for that. The thing is, no matter how you look at it, arguing about the existance of God is a lose-lose situation for the most part. I'm just content with athiests believing their own thing and respecting my beliefs and those of others. You can't prove that God exists the way that an athiest would like it to be. You can't stick scientfic instruments to people while they're praying to see if there's a connection, you can''t measure "divinity". Not in a way that science demands. You have a theory but no way of testing it, which would be considered a failed theory in the eyes of science. To athiests, the "theory of God's existance" is a failure, simply because you cannot test for God, you cannot measure Him or anything of that nature. You can give all the nice stories and metaphors about God's existance in the world, but it won't suffice for PROOF. Which is what separates religious from non-religious. We can accept God without proof, without scientific measurments and experiments to prove his existance. Athiests don't. And that won't change until an athiest decides to take a leap of faith of his/her own free will.
...kit ugye verekszik részére? i do believe and think that you are right!!! and i know a Atheist won't fall over what i say!! just my two lines won't make him believe in GOD!! what i want is to know WHY HE DOES NOT WANTS TO BELIEVE? gonk
The Dead Terrorist Achmed
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:55 am
tassan i do believe and think that you are right!!! and i know a Atheist won't fall over what i say!! just my two lines won't make him believe in GOD!! what i want is to know WHY HE DOES NOT WANTS TO BELIEVE? gonk There are many reasons why an atheist does not believe in the existence of Allah. It can range from bad childhood experiences with a religion to qualms with doctrines of different religions.
I found a really good source that lists reasons and goes into depth why the do not believe. Why Not to Believe?
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:21 pm
The Dead Terrorist Achmed tassan i do believe and think that you are right!!! and i know a Atheist won't fall over what i say!! just my two lines won't make him believe in GOD!! what i want is to know WHY HE DOES NOT WANTS TO BELIEVE? gonk There are many reasons why an atheist does not believe in the existence of Allah. It can range from bad childhood experiences with a religion to qualms with doctrines of different religions.
I found a really good source that lists reasons and goes into depth why the do not believe. Why Not to Believe?
it is not why they dun want to believe in existence of ALLAH its OF WHY THEY DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD..!!
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:37 am
even atheists themselves believe in things that do not exist like abstract things like love. but they say they believe in love because they feel its presence and then we Muslims should not believe in Allah because we don't feel His presence around us. I beg to disagree. I always feel Allah (S.W.T). like when I pray and especially during the Holy Month of Ramadhan. it's faith that makes me connected with my religion. I love Islam! biggrin This guild makes me proud that I'm one. biggrin biggrin
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:47 am
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore even atheists themselves believe in things that do not exist like abstract things like love. but they say they believe in love because they feel its presence and then we Muslims should not believe in Allah because we don't feel His presence around us. I beg to disagree. I always feel Allah (S.W.T). like when I pray and especially during the Holy Month of Ramadhan. it's faith that makes me connected with my religion. I love Islam! biggrin This guild makes me proud that I'm one. biggrin biggrin How you will make them feel the presence of ALLAH?
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:13 am
i can't make them feel It. only these people can do so. religion as i believe is a personal relationship. i can't meddle with their beliefs or the way they want to perceive things. that's out of respect. biggrin
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:36 pm
tassan Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore even atheists themselves believe in things that do not exist like abstract things like love. but they say they believe in love because they feel its presence and then we Muslims should not believe in Allah because we don't feel His presence around us. I beg to disagree. I always feel Allah (S.W.T). like when I pray and especially during the Holy Month of Ramadhan. it's faith that makes me connected with my religion. I love Islam! biggrin This guild makes me proud that I'm one. biggrin biggrin How you will make them feel the presence of ALLAH? That's being too forceful.
That's like asking a Muslim to describe the taste of pork and force them to eat it. It's shameful to ask force some to try and feel the presence if they've never felt it before. It's got to come naturally.
Take natural disasters for instance. Such disasters cause people either to draw closer to Allah (particularly if they've been spared) or draw away (especially if a loved one was killed or serious damage had been done)
The Dead Terrorist Achmed
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:25 am
The Dead Terrorist Achmed tassan Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore even atheists themselves believe in things that do not exist like abstract things like love. but they say they believe in love because they feel its presence and then we Muslims should not believe in Allah because we don't feel His presence around us. I beg to disagree. I always feel Allah (S.W.T). like when I pray and especially during the Holy Month of Ramadhan. it's faith that makes me connected with my religion. I love Islam! biggrin This guild makes me proud that I'm one. biggrin biggrin How you will make them feel the presence of ALLAH? That's being too forceful.
That's like asking a Muslim to describe the taste of pork and force them to eat it. It's shameful to ask force some to try and feel the presence if they've never felt it before. It's got to come naturally.
Take natural disasters for instance. Such disasters cause people either to draw closer to Allah (particularly if they've been spared) or draw away (especially if a loved one was killed or serious damage had been done)
i am not being forceful its just a question over how to make them believe in Allah... you just have to do good deeds to them to make them believe in your religion in 'good perspective' but they do not convert? because i am not capable of telling them? why i am not? how i can be?