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Muse lore

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:31 am

Where is Unyevu at, is he already with the other Rogues when the earthquake happens or is he alone somewhere?
What is the weather like during the earthquake?

Sorry I didn't see it, maybe I missed it but I read the whole story a few times. ^^;
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:42 am
Who we are applying for: Msiba and Mchawi
Username of person RPing Msiba: MoonRazor (black text)
Username of person RPing Mchawi: Kimaria (gray text)

Prompt: Mchawi discovers that the earthquake has uncovered a rift in the valley wall, allowing the rogues access into the valley; she brings the news to a brooding Msiba.

So. The way was open.

What had first been seen as a natural disaster had actually proved a strike of good luck. A blessing in disguise!

A feeling of pride swelled in Mchawi's chest at the thought of what she had discovered. She took a few moments to practise the words; 'I told you so', in her head. She'd told her brother to stop moping, told him that everything would turn out all right. They had only to wait, bide their time for the perfect moment. And here it was! She couldn't wait to rub it in.

So, with a smirk on her maw and a proud tilt to her strong-featured face, the 'witch' of the interlopers strode confidently to the last place she'd seen her sibling, a rocky little grove that had become their 'unofficial' meeting place.

"Msiba~" She called to him in her sing-song way, rounding the corner to peer at him with the sharp glint of a secret shining in her eyes. "There you are! Come on now, wipe that miserable expression off your face. You're so much more handsome when you wear a smile Msiba." She hesitated, smiling slyly. "Besides, you won't be brooding when I tell you what I've just discovered."

Msiba. Often, it seemed to the lithe, handsome lion that he had been far too aptly named. Disaster, it seemed, tended to follow Msiba like a hunter the hunted. As a cub, he had always had the worst luck. It was how he had grown to be what he was; a handsome young devil with far too clever a tongue for anyone’s good. He could talk himself in or out of anything, absolutely anything he wanted. There was just no point in wasting so fine a gift that nature had bestowed upon him, and his childhood years had supplied him with more than enough opportunities to hone this special talent of his.

As had become a routine over the last few weeks, Msiba sat with his back leaning against a large rock, sitting stone still and staring off blankly into space, as he pondered what he was to do. They needed a way in, desperately. It was no good that he and his small band of lions had already shown up with their own bonded birds. If they were left on the dark side of the pride, all of the efforts they had put in would be worthless.

That was the first of what Msiba deemed disasters. The second was the earthquake. For a while, in the midst of all the chaos that the quake had caused, he had been afraid they would be separated. Still, by some turn of good fortune, at least in Msiba’s eyes, they had managed to stay together. For that he was unspeakably thankful. There were some iffy characters in their little outfit, but a team was a team.

The handsome lion’s head lifted slightly as the familiar ring of Mchawi’s voice floated toward him on the wind, and then her head appeared around the corner, peering intently at him. Glinting. There was something in them. Triumph. A secret. She always had a certain look on her face when she knew something he did not. Oh, Mchawi.

“I have to brood,” He started. “Because if I don’t, which one of you will?” He rose to his paws, staring at her cautiously. “What do you know that I don’t?”

She sat in front of him, not too close, but close enough so that he could see the slight smile lifting the corners of her mouth.

It was a long moment before she spoke, seemingly content to watch the sway of her tail for a while. Then, painfully slowly she returned her gaze to him, that odd glint still visible there; tempting, teasing...

Deciding to ignore his initial question she focused on the butt of the conversation; the reason why she had sought him out so soon after leaving his side. The rift. The way into the pride. She drew in a deep breath and then opened her mouth to speak, a fang glinting in her parted maw.

"Remember when I told you not to lose hope?" She continued with barely a pause. "Well I was right, Msiba. The angry thunder of the earth has come to aid us. The quake opened a path into the valley." She eyed him, waiting to see what expression would play on his face: disbelief, joy, excitement? "This is our chance, Msiba, the will of the very rock itself."

A soft caw echoed from one of the rocky ridges to her left and if one were to look up they would see the shape of a white-necked raven huddled in one of the crevices, one beady eye half-open.

A small frown flitted across his brow, as he watched Mchawi. That look, how he despised that look. It did not sit well with Msiba to be kept in the dark. It never had, and it never would. But if his sister had a flaw, it was that she knew him far too well. She always seemed to know just what buttons to press.

Time seemed to freeze as she sat, and for the longest while, simply watched as her own tail swayed gently. Msiba stood, still as ever, as if he could will himself into rock, watching. She would crack soon. Very soon, she would crack. She had to.

Finally! Though his face betrayed little emotion, he felt relief flooding him as, finally, Mchawi began to speak. And what news. She spoke of a path. Into the valley? For a while the blank look remained on Msiba’s face as he processed the information.

Then, ever so slightly, there appeared to be what seemed like a mixed expression of relief, triumph, joy. Disbelief - that, too, could have easily crossed his face, though it mingled there with the rest of the feelings that were displayed on his face.

“A path, you say,” He murmured softly, suddenly withdrawing into himself as his mind went to work to fully understand what this meant. Then, just as quickly, he returned, his eyes glinting with triumph above all. “You were right, Mchawi. Never lose hope.”

Mchawi nodded and one could almost see her ego swelling, the way she puffed out her chest and raised her head that much higher. Siblings they may have been, but they worked well together. And though she would deny it if asked, she had high respects for Msiba. She would follow his lead, just as the others would.

She could see the wheels turning over ideas in his mind and wondered what he would come up with, what intelligent, awe-inspiring speeches he would give.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts." She replied. "If there's anything else I can do to help, you have only to say the word." She stood, glanced up at the raven as if considering something. Then, after a moment she stole another look in Msiba's direction. "Would you like me to rouse the others?"

For a moment, he was silent again, which, one had to admit, was unusual enough for Msiba. His gift from birth had been speech, and use it he had. All his life. So perhaps it was somewhat unsettling, even for himself, that so few words had escaped his muzzle in the short time since Mchawi’s return.

He watched his sister once more, and then a smile flitted across his muzzle, which then began a low chuckle. “Proud of yourself, huh?” He said, with his customary cocky smile. “Don’t worry, you should be.” It would be difficult to get him to admit it, but he held much more respect for Mchawi than one would imagine from simply watching the two interact.

He shook his head, his mind already spinning as he sought to take full advantage of the newest developments of the earthquake’s repercussions. Perhaps, he thought, luck was turning their way. “For now, my thoughts and I alone are more than enough,” He said, his eyes turning skyward as he sought out Werevu. The cape vulture had, since they had first met, become a close friend and often co-conspirator. “Just tell them what you have told me, if you want to, and tell them Msiba has more inspirational talks in store for them.” He grinned, his eyes returning from combing through the skies to rest upon Mchawi. What, he wondered, would he ever do without his sister?

“And tomorrow,” He added. “Show me this path. We’ll be in. Sooner than we imagined.”


Fuzzy Kitten

Mila Farrell

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:58 am
Muse lore

Where is Unyevu at, is he already with the other Rogues when the earthquake happens or is he alone somewhere?
What is the weather like during the earthquake?

Sorry I didn't see it, maybe I missed it but I read the whole story a few times. ^^;

Prior to the earthquake, Unyevu is traveling with the other rogues, but it's safe to say that he does wander off to be by himself once and awhile - not for very long, though.

It's a cloudy, rather windy day; no rain, though.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:22 am
uwaaaaah *definitely thinking she'll have to attempt an entry for one of these charries* *w* the plot sounds like SOMUCHFUN. <3

plus, aside from a weekend trip at the end of teh month, august is looking like a pretty easy month for me atm *w*  


Tipsy Hoarder


PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:24 pm
I'd like to try, but what if the character we wanted was already applied for?  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:25 pm
I'd like to try, but what if the character we wanted was already applied for?

It's an RP contest for the characters in the plot; multiple people can apply for a single character, one person will win. <3  

Mila Farrell


PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:51 pm
Who I am applying for: Elea
User name of person RPing Elea: Twilight_Ferret

Prompt: While out hunting, Elea discovers shortly after the earthquake how useless her leg is, as she can't catch anything. How does she feel?

Her pride at being a young, but valuable, huntress had been broken with her leg. She feebly attempted to catch even a small mouse, but couldn't. She'd have to find a way to keep herself fed, or die trying.

Death... Something Elea had come so close to during the earthquake. That darkness, it still lingered near her, mocking her uselessness.

A soft fluttering of large wings attracted the lioness' attention, pulling her thoughts away from the morbidity which had come over her. Nadra was approaching, returning from scouting the area around where Elea lay.
"I have seen much, but nothing that can help us. How do you feel?"

"Death still lurks near me, Nadra. It will not leave, and it mocks me. The more I try to hunt, it continues, worsening. I feel the cold grasp, and it centers on my leg." Elea tried to get up from where she was laying, to walk towards the black and white vulture, her life-long companion. As she limped forward, she winced with every step.

"Elea, use your wisdom, do as your name says! Be logical. You cannot walk upon the wounded limb for some time. Lie still and let it heal."

Elea growled softly under her breath, cursing the fates for the dreadful earthquake. "I'll do as you say, but only because it hurts so much. I feel worthless, incapable. I can't even catch a mouse!" Her stomach growled hungrily. "And I'm hungry." She laid her head down upon the ground, trying to let sleep take away the pain and hunger.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:48 pm
Who we are applying for: Ajili and Ingi
Username of person RPing Ajili:
Username of person RPing Ingi: [. Rozu .]

Prompt: Ajili has just discovered her mate missing, and has to explain to Ingi that his father has disappeared ... how does she do that?

The quaking beneath Ajili’s paws was excruciating. The tremors were transferring through her legs to her head, making it so she could hardly run. Even though it felt bad then, she knew it could only get worse before it was over. She carried her young cub by the scruff, knowing the tremors were moving from her and into him. She couldn’t hear anything over the deep rumbling of the ground. She wondered if her son was crying. The thought of him being in pain only made her run faster. There had to be somewhere they could hide...Somewhere to escape the quaking of the earth and the falling rocks. In the midst of her panicked running, she could only visualize one thing; her home, her den...It was gone. Clouds of dust rose up from the dry savanna, clouding her vision and stinging her teary eyes. She blinked quickly, shaking the dust away. When she looked ahead once more, squinting through the evening sun, a large shape began to become clear in the distance. At first, Ajili didn’t know what to make of it. But then, she remembered what it was; a baobab tree. She and her mate had hidden there during a terrible storm once before. There was a hole at the base of the trunk large enough for them to squeeze through. If she hid there now, she knew she and her cub would be safe. They would finally be safe. She implored the gods to help her mate remember the tree and find them there.
Ajili got closer and closer to the baobab tree. Once she was in front of it, she threw herself to the ground and clawed her way into the hole, careful not to injure her son on the struggle to get in. Her face was met with old spider webs and twigs. She shook them away with her head, shielding her cub. Finally inside, she nestled into the dirt. She began grooming the dirt from her cub’s coat. He was safe. That was all she wanted. As she groomed him, the tremors stopped. Ajili heaved a sigh of relief, her body shaking as though the earth was still rolling.

One could say that the cub was in pain since his small round body was bouncing up and down as his brave mother held him by the scruff while she sprinted across the plains that seemed as if they could crack in two, though Ingi was more scared than anything. Tiny mitts dangled only inches from the ground and he flinched with the mixture of his mother's hurried lope and the trembling of the earth beneath them. Waves of terror pulsed through Ingi's veins as he looked across the shaking horizon with a terrified look upon his face, not recognizing where Ajili was taking him. Usually one to ask questions, runt found himself utterly speechless, now was definitely not the time to ask any questions. Ears plastered against the cub's furry cranium as he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting to wake up from this nightmare. Make it stop, please make it stop!
Where was she taking him anyway? Eyes finally opened again as he felt his mother slow her pace and he strained his eyes to look up at the silhouette of a massive tree that the two were heading toward. Blinking, he found himself being squeezed through a gap in the roots and into a tight little space that was perfect for the little family. Feeling himself being lowered to the ground, Ingi instinctively frowned as he felt his mother's rough tongue groom his dusty fur... Eww! Now was not the time for a bath! Unable to come up with a whiny remark, the small cub found himself still shaking a little despite the fact that the earth had stopped its rumbling at last. Looking up and into the beam of light streaming in from the outside, Ingi's gaze gleamed as he looked up at his mother, then around their make-shift shelter. A stray spider web brushed up against his delicate nose and the pudgy cub sneezed and rolled onto his side, entangling his face in more of the sticky substance. Letting out a squeak of displeasure, he curled up besides his mom and dug his head into her warm and welcoming fur.
Hang on a minute, there was something missing with this picture. However, absentminded little Ingi couldn't quite put his paw on it. Trying to shrug it off, he clambered up onto his mothers back and let out a sigh of relief, not really trusting the ground anymore.

Ajili sighed at the feeling of her cub climbing onto her back. He was safe, she told herself. He was safe. There was nothing more to worry about. The quaking had stopped and they were both safe and together. “Come down, Ingi, love.” she murmured soothingly, gently shrugging him off. She nuzzled him into her chest and continued to groom him, even though she sensed he was uneasy with it. As she groomed, her mind wandered. There was still something to worry about, she thought; her mate. It wasn't unusual for him to be gone for long bouts of time, but this time...He'd been gone too long; nearly two moons. She'd started worrying several days ago, but tried not to show it. Ingi would never be able to cope with the thought of his father being-...Ajili stopped her thoughts. He was fine, she was sure. No harm had come to him, even despite the earthquake. But...The earthquake...The memory of the thrashing motions filled her mind with horror and she began to think the worst. She knew her mate was strong, but how strong was he? What amount of strength would protect him from falling boulders and cracking earth? “Get some rest, Ingi,” she said, straying from her thoughts. “We’ll think of something to do after we've both gotten some rest, alright?”

Ingi rolled off his mother's back and flopped back down on the ground with a light thud. His ears twitched as he looked out the twisted roots of the baobab. The night was so silent... So eerie. His body began to shiver lightly as he looked back down at his paws, half expecting it to swallow him up with yet another surge of shocks. I've got to be strong; I've got to be brave! Brave... Like daddy. Now that he thought about it, it had seemed like a lifetime ago that he had last seen his father. The memory of his bold face and stern voice rang through the cub's mind as he lay by Ajili's side, slowly becoming content with the thought of his father. He remembered his first hunting lesson, if one could even call it that, of that humongous ground squirrel that always managed to slip away. His dad would hold it down with his massive paw while Ingi got a good look at the fuzzy creature. He remembered how he and Mamma were there to stay close to him during his first big storm, an event filled with lightning and loud crashes that were thankfully drowned out with a story of when Daddy was a cub. Even the memories of the noble lion seemed to comfort the cub, though a strange feeling began to pull at his heart. Where was he? Managing to break away from his little daydream, Ingi looked up at his mother with a confused look plastered across his rounded face. "Mamma? Where's Dad?" A pause. "When is he coming home?"

Ajili stopped stroking her tongue across her cub's shoulders. She silently hoped her little boy wouldn't be able to feel the rapid beating of her heart in her chest. What prompted Ingi to ask such a question, she wondered frantically? Did he really know the usual amount of time his father was gone? Of course he did, she said to herself after an inner pause. He was her boy; a smart boy. Ajili licked her lips, thinking of what to tell him. She always told him the truth.
The truth...What was the truth? Was he dead or a live? Where was he? If he had been gone longer than normal before the earthquake, where was he now after it was all over? Ajili pointed her head up to hide her anxious face, staring at the cob webs that riddled the wood around them. "Your father is a brave lion," she began quietly, her heart still pounding. Yes, he was--...Is a brave lion, she whispered to herself. "So, he has gone on a quest." Ajili finished. She nuzzled Ingi's head lovingly and sighed. Before her cub had time to interject, she continued. "He has gone to prove himself as a hunter, Ingi." she said simply. "But I'm sure he wanted to surprise you. That's why he didn't tell you." she smiled down at her cub, her worry fading at her own words. "...But maybe now we should surprise Daddy and go find him?" Ajili swallowed and closed her eyes, her weakness catching up to her all at once. "We'll go look for Daddy..." she murmured. She laid her head down on the cool dirt beside Ingi, flinching at its touch at the memory of the violent shaking that only happened minutes ago. She had to be brave. She had to be strong. If she didn't, who would be there for her cub? She took a deep, calming breath and nuzzled Ingi once more. "Now get some rest, my little one."



Anxious Cat


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:47 pm
Dust - It seems to me that these characters do not have a description of themselves, eye color, fur color, markings, etc. Do we make these up ourselves or are these done already and we just roleplay these without mention it?  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:56 pm
Dust- If we are trying for Ajili and Ingi, Does Ajili discover her missing mate after the earthquakes, or during? Or is it up to the roleplayer?

x) discover her missing mate. Sorry, I'm an airhead sometimes.

The Sashie


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:45 am
The Sashie
Dust- If we are trying for Ajili and Ingi, Does Ajili discover her missing mate after the earthquakes, or during? Or is it up to the roleplayer?

I got the impression that if it didn't specifically say in the prompt when the quake took place, then it was up to the roleplayer.
So I sure hope I was correct in understanding that. 8D LOL
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:06 am
The Sashie
Dust- If we are trying for Ajili and Ingi, Does Ajili discover her missing mate after the earthquakes, or during? Or is it up to the roleplayer?

It's up to the roleplayer. And she doesn't discover her mate; she discovers that her mate is missing. <3

Phife: You can either make it up (in which case, it'll be a wrong description, but that's fine) or just not mention it.

Mila Farrell

Sasu Berry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:16 am
Who I am applying for: Hisia
Username of person RPing Hisia: Sasu Berry

Prompt: Shortly after the earthquake, Ukweli gently tells Hisia that her sister, Ficha, has been killed. Shocked, Hisia goes off to mourn that night, remembering times when she and her sister were cubs together.


This couldn't be. She couldn't be. She mustn't be.

The lioness was staring at the other, her eyes wide with shock. She knew it had to be true, yet she denied it.

She couldn't-

His mane blew in the wind, silence casting over the two while they stood. Hisia had shadowed her face from view. Even if she couldn't hide her emotions for very long, she bowed her head in silence and turned around, stumbling away while she held herself from screaming. No. Ficha couldn't have died-

But Ukweli was always truthful-

Yet ever since the tremor Ficha hadn't been seen-

Stumbling over little rocks that were shattered into many other pieces, she laid her head down, screaming silently for her sister, covering her face with her right paw. Hisia was in a state of shock, and if any others approached her, she would probably hysterically start screaming, drowning the other conversations that were probably going on.

Curling up helplessly, the lioness sobbed. Her eyes closed shut and she slowly cried herself to sleep, remembering things she desired to hear... And she allowed them to capture her in an embrace.


"Hey! Wait up- Whatareyoudoing?!?" She had caught up with her sister to see her burying herself in the grasses that grew high above their own height. A smile caught hold of Hisia's face and she darted after Ficha, overcome with joy that she was able to explore the valley alone. With her sister. Hisia was close to her sister, closer than anyone else she knew. Ficha was close to her equally, they shared everything. Food, water, warmth, love, protection...

Though sometimes they could be distant. Nyonda usually caught hold of their sister hood, and sometimes severed it. Hisia loved her sisters dearly. If she had to choose between her siblings or the pride; she'd probably choose both.

Hisia loved the pride, and would die to protect it. Even at her current age.

Ficha was muzzle-to-muzzle with her. She was smiling sweetly, and Hisia smiled back, giggling humorously. "So what do 'ya wanna do? Daddy did give us some time to explore..." Her ears flicked back playfully. Ficha and her were usually very playfully.

And as if her sister had read her mind, she pounced her. Hisia squeaked. "Hey! You caught me off guar-" And before she had time to finish her ear was batted playfully. Ficha was wrestling her, and she was winning.

"Got you!"


Even in her sorrowful sleep, did she hear the voice of Ficha echo away from the dream. A smile curved onto her face, and the lioness loosened her tense sleep. She would miss Ficha... But Ficha was still watching her, even though Hisia wasn't there to watch her.

Hisia's smile grew, until she opened her eyes cautiously, and let out a small giggle.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:32 am

Who I am applying for: Unyevu
Username of person RPing Unyevu: Muse lore

Prompt: Write a mini-story as to how Unyevu discovered his new avian companion, Chozi, right after the earthquake and just before they entered the Aka'mleli pride.

He hated listening to them bicker about things, hated how the whole day felt heavy as rain clouds stretched over the sky yet no relief came, the rain did not fall and the day stayed hot with thick air that was hard to breath. He law on his side under a tree, the rest of the rouge group ere around him talking about when they should next try to hunt, or I they should wait a day, one where it would be cooler. He didn’t see why they bothered to talk about it; Msiba would only look over to ask Mchawi and get her thoughts. She was the only female in the group of rouges, but most people were afraid of her and so she was like a second leader, so Unyevu thought. He couldn’t bring himself to care what the female did; so long as it did nothing to him he would do nothing at all. A low rumbling sound had everyone look up ears perked as they sought out the sky to check for rain. None came and instead the ground beneath them started to shake, soon it was so shaking so much that the earth shot up in places, and the rouge group ran.

Unyevu tried to stay with them, keeping his eyes open so as not to be separated, despite the fact he cared little for any of his fellow rouges, he knew it would be hard to live without their help. The ground was shaking so hard that Unyevu had trouble to keep standing let alone running, and seconds after this thought the ground lifted below his feet and he was falling looking at the sky before he landed to the ground, a thump sounding silent with the noise of the earthquake, but all the same it was his head hitting the ground and his eyes closing as the rolled to the back of his head, a black curtain drawing over him. The only thing he could think of; was that he wondered if they would be hunting after this, or if the pride would decide against it.

Awhile later he woke to a sharp pain on his back foot, it came and went and he slowly became aware that it was a bird. Thinking of a vulture his eyes snapped open and he rolled to his feat roaring, however the sight the meet his eyes was not one of those death eaters, but a sleek looking snake eagle who despite the roar, had not moved and simply looked at him. “Now that you’re up, I thought to tell you your flock is calling to gather.” Listening Unyevu could hear Msiba calling out for everyone. It seemed he was not the only one to get separated. He looked back at the bird that simply fluffed it feathers at him before making a high pitched Kwo lie sound. “Well, you should say thank you, could have let the laughing things get you.” Unyevu shrugged and turned away from the bird, he would need to walk a bit to reach the others.

A sudden weight on his back had him pinning his ears back and growling; turning his head he saw out of the corner of his eyes that it was the bird again. “Off.” His voice was blank of any feeling, even anger but it was clear from his body posture that he was angry. The bird made another screeching sound, its clawed feet digging into Unyevu back just slightly. “No, I will be going with you, since you seem unable to do anything without help.” The bird preened itself before hopping closer to Unyevu head then jumping right on it, his feet curling into the thick mane. “My name is Chozi, I will not be leaving you kitty cat, so be nice.” Sighing Unyevu turned back so that he once more faced forward, the bird would leave him alone once it got bored. “Well cat, what’s your name, or do I have you tongue?” Chozi laughed happily at his own joke but Unyevu simply huffed and shook his head unsettling the bird and making his laughing stop. “Unyevu.”

He didn’t know why he was even talking to the bird, he was annoying and pushy. Chozi having to settle himself again, nodded. “Ok then, well of we go to find your flock right right!” his voice was annoying, Unyevu wanted to get him to go away but all the while as he walked, Chozi kept telling stories and a small, and I mean small few of them made Unyevu chuckle at times. Chozi seemed to have the habit of telling tall tales, but that just made them so unbelievable that it was funny. As night crept over Unyevu spotted the rouges all sitting together talking hurriedly, none paid him any mind as he drew closer, simply looking toward him and nodding before going back to talking. They were talking about being cut off, the food source was on the other side of a gaping hole in the ground and now they were trapped. “Cats not trapped, wall has a hole in it now to, go through that yes!” Chozi preened himself happily as the rouges murmured excitedly. Everyone knew the wall separated the rough lands to the other pride lands.

Now here was a very large chance to go through, food was better there and so was water. After awhile of talking everyone settled down with the promise to move out tomorrow, and the promise to find food. Unyevu moved and laid a bit away from the rest of the lions, Chozi stood on the ground now and watched him, but as soon as Unyevu lay down the snake eagle hopped over to his and went back to his head, making a sort of nest in his mane. “Night night cat; tomorrow will be better yes I am very sure, much better days ahead.” Unyevu made a rumble of a growl, but he was too tired to care that an annoying bird was now sleeping on his head. “Sure, better.” Nothing would be better for him, dumb bird knew nothing, yet for some reason he had lost his will to shush it off, perhaps all its prattling from half the day wore him out. Whatever the reason he simply sighed and let his eyes close, tomorrow would be a long day and he would defiantly need all the sleep he could get. The mumbling talking noises from Chozi was what lulled him into a dreamless night.

The strange bird even talked in his sleep, oh what trouble had he gotten himself into today.

1,107 words, not including codes.

Muse lore


PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:21 pm
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Rai's very interested in Mapatano, so if there is someone who'd love to try their hand at Umoja, please PM me and we'll figure out the details.

I'm looking for a reliable RP partner for these apps ^_^
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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