I'm with PLAYpretend. I got through the first book, and I reacted in this way, "Oh god... ******** no, Meyer isn't going THERE, is she?!" Read through Jake's part and realized, "Oh damn she did... that's really stupid."

Bella is insane, and I realized this a long time ago, but the fact that she wanted to keep a baby that was killing her despite the fact that it clearly was breaking Edward to see her suffering, and she's like, "NO! You can't, like, kill my baby cause I like love it cause it's like killing me and stuff! I love it cause I love Edward and like, I don't really cause I don't care that he's tearing himself apart over it!"

Meyer copped out, turned Jake into a ***** (WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT MEYER), and basically the entire book was crap. No one I knew liked it, at all, and we've all put that bit of horrendous fanfiction behind us.

By the end of the book when the Volturi showed up, I was hoping they'd kill everyone because I really did hate all of the characters that much by that point in time. And then, at least something somewhat exciting would have happened.