These lovely girls are looking for plots! Both will likely end up leaving the security/safety of their families for their plots, so if you have a Soq who wants to travel, this could be great. c:
Syrea is leaning toward self-discovery; she wants to be stronger, but understands she has a lot of physical limitations due to her fluttercorn blood. Still, she wants to find what's special and beautiful about her, and it will (hopefully) be something that's not tied to her race! She spent a large part of her childhood being teased and picked on by Tuli, but retained her brightness and her friendliness despite it. She's just very touchy about the subject, and hates to see others getting picked on, because she knows how it feels.
Someone who would help her become stronger emotionally as well as understand that physical prowess isn't everything would be great for a traveling companion! She's bright and talkative, and very fond of her friends, so would be up for a grand adventure or seven along the way.
I'm open to the good and the bad, though I would like for her not to be tortured/mangled/traumatized beyond recognition. xD It's all right if she gets into situations that force her to have a bit more realistic view of the world, and maybe have her lose a bit of the bright-eyed bushy tailed wonder she holds for it, but I'd like her to be roughly the same mare when she returns to her family. (She
will return, though whether it's a permanent return or not will be seen as plots progress! c: )
Any personality type will do as long as her traveling companion doesn't try to maim or kill her on a regular basis. It'd be nice for her to have someone to bicker with who won't make her feel completely low about herself (ie Tuli) but I'm open to all sorts of things. c:
Tuli feels stifled by her family, and feels like the odd one out. She's surrounded by Kalona who do not act like Kalona -- she doesn't know
how Kalona are supposed to act, but she knows that she feels things differently from the others. She's moody around her family, and feels like she'll never be as good and pure as Syrea is, which is why she picked on her a lot as a child. In truth, Tuli doesn't
want to be good and pure, but she also doesn't want to be completely evil. She needs to find a balance, though she doesn't know it, and the only way for her to do so is to break away from the herd and discover it for herself.
Of course, she's arrogant and too confident, and will probably get into trouble. She finds the line by crossing it, as is mentioned in her bio -- she's more likely to offend than she is endear, and she protects herself emotionally by shoving others away. She has a fondness for her family that she doesn't know how to express properly, and it tends to translate to rough affection, often misconstrued as cruelty. She bites and hits to show she cares (not very hard, but hard enough to hurt a bit - she never really learned moderation) and understands others when they communicate the same way. She's not abusive or needlessly violent, she's just more likely to gnaw on you for something that pleases her than she is to nuzzle you.
So, for her, she would immediately dismiss anyone who wasn't strong and at least a little smart, though she doesn't want to spend too much time around someone more cunning than she is. (She likes to have the upper hand, and
hates when someone else gets more attention than her.) She's basically going to be roaming around to see what the world has to offer, and if there's a place she fits in better than at home.
She can go one of two ways -- she could gentle a bit, though she will always be Tuli and so will always be rough -- or the world could harden her further. It really depends on who she meets and how she takes to them. I'm open for either plot route! Any personality type may apply, though I'd like for her not to go completely batshit insane, so probably not any of the really dark Kalonas/mutants or any skinwalkers.
She's not likely to keep a traveling companion around for long unless they really interest her or she can't shake them, but that'd be fun to write, too. So yes!
You can see their bios on my first page if you want more in-depth info on them. c:
So! Any takers?
Edit: Ah! I forgot to mention, but these won't be rp-
intensive, just... RPed at pivotal points. We can do plotting for how we think things will go, and when we come to an interesting plot point, we can RP it out. c: So, every day and conversation won't need to be RPed, but we'll establish a friendship/relationship/etc and RP out the juicy parts, so to speak.
Annndd if you don't want to post here, you're more than welcome to PM me with ideas/offers. xD I'm flexible for what kinds of things they encounter on their respective journeys, and if they can fit into your plots, let me know!