Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:54 am
Name: Alanna Temper/Personality: Cheery - For the most part, nothing gets her down. Her parents were killed in an accident and she mourned them, but bounced back in a matter of days. It is debatable whether this is a healthy practice for dealing with negative emotions, but it has worked for her her whole life. Gender: Female Cert: xxx Acquired By: Raffled CYO prize - starbolt22 Family: - Mate - - Siblings - - Children - Range: History:Alanna came from a land of snow. She was content where she was, until her parents died in an avalanche and her betrothed decided that she wasn't worth much by herself. Her sister was already mated with children of her own and Alanna had no desire to be a burden on anyone. She decided to try out traveling, and perhaps find somewhere not quite so cold. Or, somewhere they had a real summer anyway. Plot Points:
Rp Color: Red Pet Peeves? Being a 3rd wheel Dreams/Goals for the Future? To find a friend in these new lands. Fears? Being alone forever Other:
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:00 am
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:04 am