Soquili Name: Asami
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Asami is a fun loving mare who looks at the positive side of just about everything and everyone. Nothing can bring her down. If it is a cloudy day, she enjoys the fact that there is shade out that day or that flowers will soon bloom. When she feels lonely, she goes on adventures to get her mind off of her loneliness. She never seems to stay in one place for too long, because she grows bored of the place or she becomes lonely there. At times, she still acts like a tomboy and doesn't mind getting her hooves dirty. Everything in life to her is just about as perfect as could be.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone that will become a friend or someone that will trick her into believing that they are a friend to her.
Breeding slots left: 3
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?:
Someone that is a friend of Asami's or will trick Asami into believing that they are a good friend. When she figures out that she is pregnant with the stallion's foals, he will leave her or admit that he doesn't truly love her.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Fling
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Either one works for me.