Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:30 pm
May '12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. Answered Questions 2. Transferred questions to the proper person/asked questions FOR people 3. Monitored the thread (Mostly the feedback) 4. Asked about progresses of colorists
Mindsend's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit = 22
General Manager: malhith (-4 SC for a breeding) 1. Archived 3 threads from the sales stable. 2. May flaffle. 3. Archived 6 threads from Contest & Gaming Glen. 4. Certing
Malhith's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit -4 (breeding) = 6
Stats: Nisshou H (-3 credits for a custom for Roni) 1. Did the April stats 2. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions 3. Updated teepee list 4. Working on the stat list for May 5. Wrote bonus stat questions for June 6. Ran soquili bravery stat game
Nisshou's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit -3 (Custom) = 4
Teepee: Samus X 1. - 3 for reg custom 5/3/12 -made lee the wolf a teepee -added a soquili and stats to saedusk's teepee -added a soquili and stats to mew-neko's teepee -removed a soquili and stats from Insane Butterfly's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nukido's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to [X]Natty-Chan[X]'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Phail Ninja's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Rita Zyon's Teepee -updated cert image in XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Scaramouche Fandango's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Wyntre IceBlade's Teepee -added 6 soquili to Tsunake's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Revel1984's Teepee 5/30/12 -fixed cert images and added a soquili plus stats to Zakiax's Teepee -added banners to front page in HarukaHaru's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Mameha Otome's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Roniel's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Pale Mist's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to mindsend's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Orangeish Sherbert's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Frezir's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Angelique DelaMort's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kamiki's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Novablu's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to -[The Spoof]- 's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Sabin's Teepee -fixed cert image and added a soquili with stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -redid first post in CheshireKttty's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to ATh e a r t's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nymphalidae's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Lady Kiya's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Dihydrogen's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Vistada's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Revel1984's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to [+Katch+]'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to DemonWingedPoetGirl's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to SylverStar's Teepee -made Nim Haven a teepee
Samus X's SC: 21 + Monthly Credit -3 (Custom) = 20
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 3 uncerts found 2. 1 Familiar certed 3. 5 certs updated
Wyntre's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
Guild: Reeve 1. Updated March & April SCs 2. Cleared out 41 expired/crossed out entries in Mare's LR.
Reeve's SC: 29 + Monthly Credit = 31
RP: Uta 1. Updated Broken Lifematings List 2. Updated LIfematings List 3. Stalked RPs -- So many RPs . . . 4. Answered questions via PM & AIM
Uta's SC: 11 + Monthly Credit = 13
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC: 18
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:31 pm
June '12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend I feel like a broken record recording my everything. XD "The usual"? I was soul owner of the shop for a little while there.. 1. Answered Questions 2. Transferred questions to the proper person/asked questions FOR people 3. Monitored the thread (Mostly the feedback) 4. Asked about progresses of colorists
Mindsend's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 24
General Manager: malhith 1. Answered questions. 2. I don't even remember any more since so much has happened. >.> (8.26.2012)
Malhith's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Stats: Nisshou H (-4 credits for a breeding) 1. Did stats for May 2. Opened June bonus questions 3. Updated teepee list 4. Working on June stat list
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding) = 2
Teepee: Samus X 1. -4 credits for custom 6/13/12 -made Nekolulu a new teepee -added a soquili and stats to catmagick's teepee -added a soquili and stats to SkyDragono's Teepee -made lord_pippa_ari a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Ramenli's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to HarukaHaru's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to DeeJaye's Teepee -Made Pinkdog a teepee -added a soquili and stats to icy serenade's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Cyhorse's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Uta's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thalion's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Capricorn Sunchai's Teepee -added new banners, soquili and stats to TanuKyle's Teepee -added 8 soquili and stats to Kita's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Scaramouche Fandango's Teepee -fixed cert in Kirowyn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sleet's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's Teepee -made Kamiki a new teepee
Samus X's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit -4 (Custom) = 18
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 5 updated certs 2. 1 new cert
Wyntre's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Guild: Reeve (-3 Credits for Reg Custom) 1. Deleted 13 expired/crossed out entries from Stallion's LR. 2. Deleted 20 expired/crossed out entries from Mare's LR. 3. Deleted 2 expired entries from Seathi/Mer/Usdia LR. 4. Deleted 25 abandoned posts in MCCL.
Reeve's SC: 31 + Monthly Credit -3 (Custom) = 30
RP: Uta (-5 for Custom Angeni of Knowledge) 1. Endlessly stalked RPs 2. Cleared up some RP discrepancies. 3. Worked on Secret Project Snark 4. Updated Broken Lifemates List 5. Updated Lifemates List
Uta's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit -5 (Custom) = 10
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for May (also done for September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April) Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the May winner (also done for September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April) Produced medals. 3. Created mule. Worked on and updated the Soquili Spotlight List. Found all previous medals and winners so that they are easily located by everyone. 4. Set new rules based on the spotlight feedback thread. 5. Produced back dated medals for those who never recieved them. --February 2011 (RockerWolfie1616, JetAlmeara and Nyx Queen of Darkness) 6. Finished producing the Yearly Spotlight Medals (I also ran the contest and judged this back in January). 7. Backdated: I ran, judged and paid for the new medals to be created for yearly and monthly spotlights. 8. Answered several questions about spotlights and nominations (in thread and via PM). 9. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread (Various months) 10. PMed link to Sisi/Mal to be announced in store title (Various months) 11. Created banners on Sisi request for spotlights.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 0 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 1
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:32 pm
July'12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 24 + Monthly Credit = 26
General Manager: malhith 1. Answered questions. 2. Set up the finalized stuff for the event via the mule. 3. Dealt with drama stuffs.
Malhith's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Stats: Nisshou H 1. Did the stats for June 2. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions for July 3. Updated teepee listing 4. Working on stat list for July 5. Updated the RP Qualified breeding list 6. Wrote the bonus stat questions for August
Nisshou's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Teepee: Samus X 1. 7/12/12 -added 5 soquili to Tsunake's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Ishtanballa's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Leopleuradon's Teepee -added 9 soquili and stats to DemeterJade's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Lady Kiya's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -removed a soquili and stats from XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -fixed cert link and added a soquili with stats to [+Katch+]'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Wyntre IceBlade's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to DemonWingedPoetGirl's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Moon_Princess_Yuki's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to DeeJaye's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Dihydrogen's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Green Ever After's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Fea Line's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Roniel's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -made The Worlds Worst Accident a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Tefla's Teepee -added a soquili with stats and updated 2 banners in Divena's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou's Teepee -made Sapphire-Cyanide a teepee -added a soquili and stats to DarkHikari's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Revel1984's Teepee -added a bunch of banners while adding 3 soquili and stats to Sweenys_Revenge's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 2 New Certs 2. 1 Updated Cert 3. Pick a Pineapple Game as well as Bingo for the Event ^^
Wyntre's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
Guild: Reeve 1. Archived 27 old event threads. 2. Ran 1 game.
Reeve's SC: 30 + Monthly Credit = 32
RP: Uta 1. Stalked RP -- all of the stalking. 2. Updated Broken Lifemates List 3. Updated Lifemates List 4. Answered some RP questions
Uta's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin (-4 cr for a breeding) * Ran Design-A-Tiki-Mask contest for SPLASH
7/1/12: Updated: Astranaar, Dylan Llyr, Madhu, Nacio, Corvus Albus Added: Ashe, Alinaris, Kaderin, Wispix, Gypsi, Kyler, Alinaris, Svanna, Tsaheylu, Astraeus, Zanzibar Graves, Amalthea, Kayode Earthstrike, Marjani Earthstrike, Linka Earthstrike, Khione, Kalioky, Sanuye, Zhalik, Seibel Chirma 7/2/12: Added: Trace Bailey, Trent, Ysandir, Adrastos, Polaris, Strawberry Daiquiri, Lexicul, Li Wei, Amritamalini Jyesthila, Th'onit, Tyrael, Evangelina, Phobos, Mikaeus, Polar, Frost, Caramia, Clef, Palieu, Rayne 7/3/12: Added: Bregan, Marconius, Salubri, Miso'tie, Kitane, Haast, Alexi, Dash Cocksure, Cockerel, Harmony Erasure Wish, Jacinto, Taver, Xocoyolcoatl, Iyrridelmirev, Youko, Naberius, Marchosia, Regalia, Andromeda "Kitteran", Ophelia "Kitten", Threnah, Arthio, Faelwyn, Fiorella, Utpalini, Scythe, Bhikkuni, Dasharathi, Pooka, Rashmi, Yayo'jin, Druzzlinbek, Zhang Yue, Govind, Castian, Slipsand, Nekali, I'mani 7/4/12: Updated: Heaven-leigh, Kelakohr, Voodoo(1), Whistle, Ballad, Sarai(1), Creme, Quetzalcoatl, Lament(1), Xion, Invictus Added: Skyla, Nebula's Hymn, Luna's Minuet, Eirith Darkbane, Hroarr Darkbane, Iona Darkbane, Gypsy Bane, Gypsy Nightbane, Aurelia, Alex, Cassilerite, Maggie Lynn, Teo'xihuitl, Bella, Yseult, Freyja, Akahi, Apatite, Sarai(2), Ingveldur, Kal, Daniel, Taltherick Evadon, Alestra Saito, Hanako, Vanwyn, Vaniania, Vanmoriel, Morsmordre, Hashashad, Lament(2) 7/5/12: Updated: Lior, Amenophis, Onigiri Added: Luminia, Pandoros, Oreithyia, Morrigan, Lily, Atsadi, Hyacinthe, Miroqi, Rezo the Red Priest, Clair, Shadan, Padme Jade, Ostara, Aviana, Kwaho, Rumaj'wa, Bismillah, Morgan Geneva Alexander, Hatteras, Askuwheteau Kajika, gyrfalcon, Peska, Roella Ciliata, Chandra, Figaro, Gyousei Kageka, Genevia Kageka, Grigori, Anna, Sephia, Peikko Felsprocket, Firth, Zhenjin, Shimmersweet, Kuchiki Byakuya, Nefarious, Alinaris 7/6/12:Updated: Pillan, Daphne(1), Thanatos, Kadin, Vegas, Tanner, Daphne(2),Kali Added: Ramirez, Lady Miliani Solana, Nezar, Muna, Lumikki, Hellcaster Phibrizzo, Kuya, Lennox, Ikuinen, Alkiear, Plague, Pestilence 7/9/12: Updated: Gypsy Song(1), Keridwynn, Kione, Quirrel, Tian Yi, Xanadu, Parade Elegy, Itxel, Brackenhide, Recovery, Nicotine, Elegy, Syri, Sign of Water, Taiki, Enki, Euria, Shizukii, Jenova, Braoin, Ambrose, Ren-Rin, Xiau Li, Price, Amitorlin, Forsilvra, Blood Taker, Eirin Blair, Ventis, Monoceros, Xiui Shiu, Hallon, Liver Taker, ???, Aithne, Amalthea, Orpheo, Aurora, Ming Chen, Sato Shibuya Added: Kohkou, Cinis, Scorches, Gypsy Song(2), Azland, Zatarra, Itzel, Ame Ganugogv Tsila, Axl, Enigma, Peeta Mellark, Valkyrie, Furugasa, Kaliri, Falconwing, Fairbreeze, Illin, Loukas, Kosjenka 7/10/12: Updated: Bernadette, Recovery, Timbira, Sangria, Icefyre, Requiem, Requiem's Sin, Jin-Soo, Keely(1), Keely(2), Regulus, Isolean Vriends, Miki, "Swamp Eye" Jarl, Meme, Maral de Luxure, Ellina, Betula Papyrifera, Rakasteta, Akili, Kai, Raivis, Zakaili, Ashen, Nasnan "Epona", Ayita, Kaili, Nikolai, Meowth Added: Slainte, Connor MacLeod, Heather MacLeod, Hartekellion, Matania, Kamunyak, Izulai, Yalie, Teague, Warrick, Harvest, Gwendolen, Eolande 7/16/12: Added: Yuudara, Eka-kini, Xaa'nar, Xelthelios, Tythoss, Zelcion, Veryna, Rhenn, Haiga, Nise-e, Vivace, Scherzando, Bayard, Mayim, Iggy Jenkins, Puff Jenkins, Cuan, Florian, xXPoniGrrlXx, Sherlock, Aja, Keiran, Beastmaster Xellas, Stormcaller Totemwing 7/17/12: Updated: Makayla, Awendela, Fyglia, Kaen, Rephaim, Vervada, Chandler, Regina Mary, Titan, Zelia Dorei, Onigiri, Jarda, Catfeesh, Nightling, Nikki, Baby Lickety Split, Daytona, Dunke Sindri, Princess Melos, Sir Foofie, Cygnus, Luminista, Mindy, Pyry, Snow Dancer, Wicapi Wakan, Eton, Nathaniel, Andre, Skah, Junior, Jamaica, Vladimir, Zera Saffron, Alaska, Kristopher, Myrrh, Nahele, Nikolas, Scout, Keelin Added: Urko, Ae'ilvainyx, Myastanaklon, Persephone, Kaspea, Gehenna, Infernum, Cyrus Monrey, Eton, Luka, Olearius, Hydro, Nitor Eventide, Sasukura, Tamveien, At'Amal, Allae 7/18/12: Updated: Leaf (1), Black Aggie, Zamyr, Gabriel (1), Gabriel (2), Taja, Casper, Lolita Mic Added: Kratos (2), Iris-Raven, Callidora, Leaf (2), Ves'tacha, Bracken, Mornhavon, Daisy Chain, Dilanger, Kalias, Xiuying, Muirne 7/20/12: Updated: Mason, Ahote(1), Ahote(2), Tebald, Jem, Tybalt, Nerissa, Sigurd, Azazel, Einarr, Tobias, Isriel, Celandine, Mihai, Syrea, Virvatuli, Auguste, Gaspard, Indah, Banshee, Bane, Maeryn, Ruin, Sanguine, Sin, Vexation, Esta, Zahariel, Arya, Ash, Bellatrix, Brimstone, Rhiannon, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Pumpkin Tart, Kohana, Wendigo, Anarchy, Armageddon, Genocide, Pyralis, Rebel, Tsura, Pahana, Eira, Kwahu Lesharo, Lazuli, Roque, Yazmina, Moana, Cristobal, Diego, Sylvan, Fukushiko, Dia de la Esperanza Added: Leauthea, Palaemon, Peaches n' Cream, Peachcicle, Ahote(3), Cesar, Nebula, Perth, Babet Sejour 7/23/12: Updated: Sumire(1), Sumire(2), Venice, Kimera, Esperanza(1), Esperanza(2), Loki(1) Added: Meso's `Nogama, Lumen Anor, Silva Luna, Trillian Maeve Donovan, Stacia, Matthius, Loki(2), Burgle Eye, Roman, Ecliptic, Catalyst, Saryen, Chiba, Du'an, Blackout, Edren, Westrion, Erebes, Xeffron, Antares, Sedira 7/25/12: Updated: Adrian(1), Helaku(1), Leilani(1), Leilani(2),Leilani(3),Leilani(4), Leilani(5), Leilani(6) Added: Honeyed Lace, Devil Trigger, Iris, Johanna Mason, Adrian(2), Verath, Helaku(2), Argus, Koyuki, Indigo, Nayeli, Ciero 7/26/12: Updated: Neptune of the Black Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter of the Monkey, Black Jupiter, Kailey, Deziferia, Nesrin, Tiarnan, Flame, Seethe, Alarn, Blais, Bonfire, Burn, Desperado, Firewind, Killian, Otaikimmiotokaan, Sandsablaze, Wildfire, Anigua, Amarinne, Dream, Jose, Rhythm, Ajax, Crousader, Manny, Seresai Added: Alanya, Feri, Ugilanistorda, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Tylen, Beau, Sin, Phoenix, Keilani
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit -4 (Custom) = 16
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for June. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the June winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Produced back dated medals for those who never recieved them. --February 2008 (Talencia, Kasailoki and Lethrossen) --January 2009 (Epine De Rose and Kesmi) 5. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for July. 6. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store title. 7. Answered questions.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 1 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 2
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:08 pm
August '12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 26 + Monthly Credit = 28
General Manager: malhith 1. Answered questions. 2. Ran a game and a half for the event. 3. Dealt with drama. 4. Set up the feedback mule.
Malhith's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Stats: Nisshou H 1. Did July stats 2. Opened bonus stat questions for August 3. Updated the teepee listing 4. Making stat list for August 5. Wrote September questions
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Teepee: Samus X 1. -4sc
8/2/12 -LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -Thalea's Teepee -JungleRunner's Teepee -Selalusia's teepee -mew-neko's Teepee -JetAlmeara's Teepee -Samuel Carlin's Teepee -Amirynth's Teepee -Mewmew kittykat94's Teepee -Ishtanballa's Teepee -made Ressuaan a teepee -CheshireKttty's Teepee -YamiBakuraChan's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -Juliette06's Teepee -Phail Ninja's Teepee 8/15/12 -Green Ever After's Teepee -Gl!tch~'s Teepee -ATh e a r t's Teepee -Kettyn's Teepee -made ~Lady Kanna~ a teepee -Yuuka Kurokawa's Teepee -made inglorious D a teepee -Elf Princess Flannery's Teepee -Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee -Polette's Teepee -Natsuko-neko's Teepee -Phail Ninja's Teepee -Lunadriel's Teepee -[+Katch+]'s Teepee -Nisshou's Teepee -Seruta's Teepee -Lady_Ourania's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -Capricorn Sunchai's Teepee -Master wild mage's teepee -Tirokio's teepee -JungleRunner's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -made Jaylynn Star s Teepee -Holy Gehenna's Teepee -~Twilight...Angel~'s Teepee -Mistalina13's Teepee 8/28/12 -Theidren's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -CheshireKttty's Teepee -[+Katch+]'s Teepee -Alis' Tepee -Nukido's Teepee -Revel1984's Teepee -SylverStar's Teepee -Sabin Duvert's Teepee -Redbud-tree's Teepee -Made Das Tor a teepee -Rhyleigh's Teepee -Looneytaz82's Teepee -Lunarflowermaiden's Teepee -Musicaloner7's Teepee -Lady Argentum Draconis' Teepee -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -JungleRunner's Teepee -Roniel's Teepee -Moxxiie 's teepee -LydaLynn's Teepee -made Milady Emerald a teepee -Nymphalidae's Teepee -Mindsend's Teepee -Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -.Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -Thalea's Teepee -Kyaishi's Teepee -Snow_Leopard_Anthro's Teepee -Tefla's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit -4 (Custom?)= 18
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 3 New Certs 2. 9 Updated Certs 3. 2 Trinkets
Wyntre's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit = 22
Guild: Reeve 1. Ran 1 Pineapple Bowling game. 2. Ran 3 Tiki Torch Juggling games. 3. Updated NCS credits for May, June & July.
Reeve's SC: 32 + Monthly Credit = 34
RP: Uta 1. Read a ton of RPs 2. Updated the Lifemates List 3. Updated the Broken Lifemates List 4. Ran Coconut Toss (x4), Tropical Bird Trivia, and Shell Hunt for SPLASH 5. Answered questions via IM and PM.
Uta's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin * opened/maintaining paid raffle tickets for SPLASH * completed paid raffle (still need to deal with payment) * ran godfight game for SPLASH
8/3/12: Updated: Confession, Lord Fairuz the Precious, Thin White Duke, Mielee, Mistress of the Coldwind, Loque'nahak, Poe'thas, Akahi, Rokhan, Yeil, Zul'Aolani, Cadmium, Yuu Hakuto, Feeding Frenzy, Twitchy, Thrall, Birthday Marzipan, Giada, Hawthorn, Kensington, Tiggs Added: Tutti-Fruitti, Archadeamiss, Hachi, Tempest Stormcry, Ipu Kalaina, Mijuwua, Elewaka, Nazara, Bartho, Isma, Brimlad, Moya, Mir?a, Hayden, Sirene 8/11/12: Updated: Alora (1), Calfuray, Sunset's Coda, Delilah(1), Delilah(2) Added: Alora(2), Deamon Alastair, Prince Craevan, The Kurgen, Camelai, Cinaed, Dmitri, Nohea Ahi'koa, Sun Bandit, Aedan, Santiel Delmaria, Irlina Delmaria, Omni, Oksana Domitrovich, Broc, Avery, Nowat Crow, Merete Lieve, Chislev, Kalani, Arvakr, Cocomin, Luedeth, Amaretto the Abductor, Sinclair the Silent, Tukaitaua, Tukariri, Marino, Delilah(3), Nohelanis 8/24/12: Added: Polamalu, Darshan, Toshiro Hitsaguya, Mentos, Biniou, Quadrille, Musette, Sunset Cuacao, Molokai Le Mahina, Gersemi, Godiva, Therru, Hurricane Bedelia, Marley, Isibeal
Samuel Carlin's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for July. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the July winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for August. 5. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store title. 6. Answered questions. 7. Attempting to come up with new ideas and changes for the spotlights. 8. Did lots of things for the SPLASH event. Helped create the timetable. Helped DD set up the mock event thread, including numbering original images for raffles and FS's. Opened and Closed the Auction. Kept the free winners list up to date. Helped answer questions and offer advice to customers. Offered ideas for others to use and for other games (i.e. Tiki Rainbow with two baskets and Battle Royale game). Ran games - Firefly Catching (48 challenges) --------------- In thread familiar games (12 given away) --------------- Catch of the Day --------------- Special of the Day --------------- Where's Birdy --------------- Song of the Sea Princess (+ full formal written feedback given to those who requested it) --------------- Castaway Dreams --------------- Splash Wordsearch.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 2 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 3
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:09 pm
September '12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. Never NOT the same stuff as usual.
Mindsend's SC: 28 + Monthly Credit = 30
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: 12
Stats: Nisshou H 1. Did stats for August 2. Updated teepee list 3. Opened September bonus stat questions 4. Making stat list for September
Nisshou's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Teepee: Samus X 1. 9/18/12 -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -Kettyn's Teepee -Shyanimegrl's Teepee -inglorious D's Teepee -LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee -Sabin's Teepee -Feathered Lunra's Teepee -Theidren's Teepee -JetAlmeara's Teepee -Divena and DivenasMom's Teepee -Nymphalidae's Teepee -Syaoran-Puu's Teepee -Leopleuradon's Teepee -Ishtanballa's Teepee -Summer Raven's Teepee -[+Katch+]'s Teepee
9/27/12 -Angelique DelaMort's Teepee -Uta's teepee -Faithofthefallen's Teepee -Lady Argentum Draconis' Teepee -LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -Yumitoko's Teepee -XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -made Feydrah a teepee -Stormflower's Teepee -Kirowyn's Teepee -Pinkdog's Teepee -made Lady_Asherah a teepee -made ICatnipTequila a teepee -Roniel's Teepee -Thalea's Teepee -SylverStar's Teepee -Nisshou's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -Theidren's Teepee -Ol-j-man's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 4 Trinket 2. 1 Updated Cert
Wyntre's SC: 22
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC: 34
RP: Uta -4 for breeding . . . Mobster Goose - Tiarnan & Astrea 1. Stalked & Read RPs 2. Answered questions via IM/PM 3. Updated the Lifemates List 4. Updated the Broken Lifemates List
Uta's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding) = 12
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu (+Newbie Guide Stuff) (- 4 for Breeding) 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for August. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the August winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for August. 5. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store title (as well as an adjustment for the front page information on spotlights). 6. Answered questions. 7. Attempting to come up with new ideas and changes for the spotlights. 8. Started plotting stuff for the 'Soquili for Dummies' Newbie guide.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 3 + 1/2 Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding)= 0
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:10 pm
October '12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. I know a song that gets on everyponies nerves, everyponies nerves, everyponies nerves... Or something equally repetitive and redundant to write 8'D
Mindsend's SC: 30 + Monthly Credit = 32
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: = 12
Stats: Nisshou H 1. Did stats for September 2. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions 3. Updated RP qualified list 4. Updated teepee list 5. Making the the stat list
Nisshou's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Teepee: Samus X 1. 10/18/12 -XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -Rhyleigh's Teepee -Silence of Apathy's Teepee -Bella Dea's Teepee - Huroggmeten's Teepee -Divena and DivenasMom's Teepee -[+Katch+]'s Teepee -LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -made Summedup a new teepee -Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -Nukido's Teepee -Ishtanballa's Teepee -Moon_Princess_Yuki's Teepee --MoomoolatteCha-'s Teepee -Daeril-sama's Teepee -Hoshi Lockhart's Teepee -Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee -Mindsend's Teepee -Kirowyn's Teepee -made Midori_Keiko a teepee -Ramenli's Teepee -sbuggy166's Teepee -Saedusk's Teepee -silent artist's Teepee -Polette's Teepee -Teh Roarie's Teepee -ATh e a r t's Teepee -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -Lunadriel's Teepee -~Lady Kanna~'s Teepee -Malikztiah Ankhere's teepee -Feydrah's Teepee -SylverStar's Teepee -Moxxiie 's teepee -made Akuma's a teepee
Samus X's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit = 22
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 2 updated Certs
Wyntre's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 24
Guild: Reeve 1. Updated SC for Aug & Sept. 2. Removed 39 Expired/crossed out entries in Mare's LR. 3. Removed 23 Expired/crossed out entries in Stallion's LR. 4. Removed 7 Expired/crossed out entries in Mer/Usdia LR. 5. MCCL Maintenance 6. Archived 2 threads from Contest & Gaming forum.
Reeve's SC: 34 + Monthly Credit = 36
RP: Uta 1. Stalked and read up on all RPs 2. Updated Broken Lifemates listing 3. Updated Lifemates List 4. Answered questions via PM and AIM
Uta's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu (+Newbie Guide Stuff) 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for September Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the September winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for October. 5. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store title. 6. Attempting to come up with new ideas and changes for the spotlights. 7. Continued plotting and writing stuff for the 'Soquili for Dummies' Newbie guide.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 0 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 1
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:11 pm
November '12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 32 + Monthly Credit = 34
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: 12
Stats: Nisshou H (-4 credits for a breeding) 1. Did the stat update for October 2. Updated teepee list 3. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions
Nisshou's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding)= 8
Teepee: Samus X 1. 11/15/12 -answered any questions sent to the teepee mule
-Lord_pippa_ari's Teepee --Yasha Alchemist's Teepee -Mindsend's Teepee -Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee -Tefla's Teepee -Kara Asumie's Teepee -.Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -Leopleuradon's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -Ririka's Teepee -XBlind-DarknessX's Teepee -Kara Asumie's Teepee -_-Cheeky_Chobit-_'s Teepee -Miko Tadita's Teepee -Malikztiah Ankhere's teepee -Tirokio's teepee -AlexiaSilver's Teepee -Tenko72's Teepee -Theidren's Teepee -[Mistress Morbid]'s Teepee -Made NovaCracker a teepee -JetAlmeara's Teepee -Fatal Irony's Teepee -Mameha Otome's Teepee -DeeJaye's Teepee -Sweenys_Revenge's Teepee -Kyaishi's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -Strait Jacket Girl's Teepee -Derivative's Teepee -Elissa Cousland's Teepee -HarukaHaru's Teepee -Nim Haven's Teepee -sbuggy166's Teepee -~InfinityTrust~'s Teepee -Lady in the Golden Wood's Teepee -Shyanimegrl's Teepee -Nukido's Teepee -Roniel's Teepee -LydaLynn's Teepee -Malikztiah Ankhere's teepee -Of The Epidemic and Parasitic Candii's Teepee -Dooma's Teepee -SummedUp's Teepee -Elf Princess Flannery's Teepee -Made LexThetaSigma a teepee -Redbud-tree's Teepee -Shesha Sama's Teepee -Theidren's Teepee -Mahogany Sunset's Teepee -_-Cheeky_Chobit-_'s Teepee -FallenThroughMidnight's Teepee -Nymphalidae's Teepee -Lunadriel's Teepee -Looneytaz82's Teepee -sbuggy166's Teepee -Hanging Gallow's Teepee -Roniel's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -Made Baby Pandah a new teepee -Mia Firestorm's Teepee
11/29/12 -vballlvr5 's Teepee -Lady Kiya's Teepee -vballlvr5 's Teepee -vballlvr5 's Teepee -Rynith's Teepee -Libra07's Teepee -made x Yuki Bear x a teepee -Strawberry Gumi Bunny's Teepee -made Alanna the Pirate Queen a Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -Thalea's Teepee -Etruuco's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -Nim Haven's Teepee -made S u r f For L o v e a teepee -Zephira738's Teepee -Hyperthymesia's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 24
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 2 updated certs
Wyntre's SC: 24 + Monthly Credit = 26
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC: 36
RP: Uta 1. Updated Lifemates Breeding Permissions 2. Updated Broken Lifemate Listing 3. Read through RPs 4. Opened a Skinwalker RP Contest 5. Answered Questions via IM & PM
Uta's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for October. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the October winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store title.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 1 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 2
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:12 pm
December'12 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. Same everything as always. @_@
Mindsend's SC: 34 + Monthly Credit = 36
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: 12
Stats: Nisshou H 1. Did the stat update for November 2. Updated the teepee list 3. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions for December 4. Updated the RP qualified list 5. Working on stat list for December 6. Wrote bonus stat questions for January 7. Made a new bonus stat thread
Nisshou's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Teepee: Samus X 1. 12/18/12 -LexThetaSigma's Teepee -_-Cheeky_Chobit-_'s Teepee -Feathered Lunra's Teepee -made Project Strife a Teepee -made Riffler a Teepee -Ishtanballa's Teepee -Tefla's Teepee -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -SylverStar's Teepee -Mameha Otome's Teepee -JungleRunner's Teepee -Nim Haven's Teepee -Musicaloner7's Teepee -Saedusk's Teepee -Shyanimegrl's Teepee - -
Samus X's SC: 24 + Monthly Credit = 26
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC: 36
RP: Uta 1. Updated Broken Lifemates Listing 2. Updated Lifemates Listing 3. Read and Scoured Through RP 4. Answered a few questions via AIM & PM 5. Working on Cleaning Up Lifemates Permission Thread
Uta's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu (+Newbie Guide Stuff) 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for November. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs, to discover the best layout and design for the November winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for December. Also reminders for Yearly Spotlight candidates. 5. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store title. 6. Continued plotting and writing stuff for the 'Soquili for Dummies' Newbie guide.
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 2 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 3
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:13 pm
January '13 Workload smile Done and Paid! exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.....if the world hasn't ended. XD
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. Same everything as always. @_@
Mindsend's SC: 36 + Monthly Credit = 38
General Manager: malhith PAID 1. Answered questions. 2. Certed 4 soq/baskets, and did one re-cert 3. Transferred questions as needed. 4. Found 2 uncerts. 5. Announced Dec. spotlight and yearly spotlight info for Sya.
Malhith's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Stats: Nisshou H PAID (-6 credits for custom cerynei twins) 1. Did the stat update for December 2. Relocated and opened the new bonus stat thread 3. Archived the old bonus stat thread 4. Updated the teepee list 5. Made stat list for January 6. Elders 7. Wrote questions for February
Nisshou's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit -6 (Cerynei Twins)= 6
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. - 4 sc's for breeding 1/8/13 -Revel1984's Teepee -Nukido's Teepee -made Libby Libra a new teepee -Pixel-x-Bunny's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -SilverShieldwolf's Teepee -Faithofthefallen's Teepee -Kyaishi's Teepee -Theidren's Teepee -Kara Asumie's Teepee -Revel1984's Teepee -Cyhorse's Teepee -Lady_Ourania's Teepee -Shesha Sama's Teepee -Libby Libra's Teepee -Sabin's Teepee -Lady Argentum Draconis' Teepee -JetAlmeara's Teepee -.Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -Elf Princess Flannery's Teepee -Rhyleigh's Teepee 1/10/13 -Elf Princess Flannery's Teepee -Huroggmeten's Teepee -Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee -JungleRunner's Teepee -LydaLynn's Teepee -Redbud-tree's Teepee -Natty's Teepee -Redbud-tree's Teepee -SylverStar's Teepee -Lunadriel's Teepee -Insane Butterfly's Teepee -Zee Oddwyn's Teepee -~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee -Fea Line's Teepee -Baby Pandah's Teepee -Strait Jacket Girl's Teepee -Looneytaz82's Teepee -sbuggy166's Teepee -Kirowyn's Teepee -XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee 1/17/13 -Catmagick's Teepee -Phail Ninja's Teepee -Kettyn's Teepee -.Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -JungleRunner's Teepee -Jynk's Teepee -mangshra's teepee -icy serenade's Teepee -Upside.-.Down's Teepee -Made Prince Corbin a Teepee -Libby Libra's Teepee -Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -Baby Pandah's Teepee -x blame it on the --- x's Teepee -Sawaki's Teepee -Rinial Sisterdragon's Teepee -Mewsings of An Angel's Teepee -Natty's Teepee -Pixel-x-Bunny's Teepee -Ryuukishin's Teepee -Mahogany Sunset's Teepee -Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -Moxxiie 's teepee -Logue's Teepee -Jynk's Teepee -Thalea's Teepee -Feathered Lunra's Teepee -Nisshou's Teepee -Toadies_soarys's Teepee -She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -Tefla's Teepee -Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee
1/21/13 -ladyfirefox89's teepee -made CitrusCupcake a new teepee -Of The Epidemic's teepee -Parasitic Candii's teepee -Selalusiia's teepee -Ishtanballa's teepee -made Caitlyn Hellstorm a new teepee 1/24/13 -FallenThroughMidnight's teepee -Lunadriel's teepee -Tenko72's teepee
Samus X's SC: 26 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding) = 24
Spotlight: Syaoran-Puu PAID 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for December. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs (and teepee work), to discover the best layout and design for the December winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for January. Also reminders for Yearly Spotlight candidates. 5. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store. 6. Set up Yearly Spotlight 2012. Started reading in preparation for judging. 7. Updated more of the Newbie Guide.
Teepee: Syaoran-Puu 1. Started making preparations for updating teepee systems. 2. Rewrote the How to get a Teepee thread to make it clearer. Added new FAQ's. 3. Set up a poll for users to vote on a possible new system for teepees.
25th Jan --Updated NovaCracker's teepee --Updated ~Kiana_Nala~ 's teepee --Updated Darkmoon Dancer's teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's teepee
26th Jan --Alphabetised NovaCracker's teepee --Updated Syaoran-Puu's teepee --Updated Heavenly Snow's teepee --Updated Lady_Ourania's teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's teepee --Updated Rita Zyon's teepee --Updated icy serenade's teepee --Updated Revel1984's teepee --Updated Project Strife's teepee --Updated Candle Wick Ghost's teepee --Updated Leopleuradon's teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's teepee
27th Jan --Updated Lestragne's teepee --Updated II--Gen3sis--II's teepee --Answered II--Gen3sis--II's question --Checked malhith's stats --Updated Lestragne's teepee
28th Jan --Updated Revel1984's teepee --Updated [ Lady Kiya ]'s teepee --Updated Daeril-sama's teepee
29th Jan --Updates `raze's teepee --Created a new teepee for Saint Sergio --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Syaoran-Puu's teepee
30th Jan --Updated CheshireKttty's teepee --Updated Kaitaia's teepee --Updated One Over Three's teepee --Answered Kaitaia's question --Updated Thalea's teepee
31st Jan --Created a teepee for xxx Yuki Bear xxx --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Rita Zyon's teepee
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit = 5
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen PAID 1. Just hired! Yay! Figuring stuff out. 2. 1/26 Dropped 16 new certs, 10 growth sequence certs, 2 updated certs! HG's thread is clear. 3. 1/29 Dropped 8 new certs, 24 updated certs 4. 1/31: Dropped the last of the backlog in the main certing thread (19 soqs). Total soqs certed: 79
Roniel's SC: Monthly Credit = 2
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Updated October, November and December staff credits.
Reeve's SC: 36 + Monthly Credit = 38
RP: Uta PAID (-4 for Breeding from Mindsend - Althalus & Nivriti) 1. Updated Broken Lifemates Listing 2. Updated Lifemates Listing 3. Stalked Rps (and all the cringing) 4. Ran & Help Judged Elders 5. Continued Poking at Revamping the Mates Permission Thread 6. Answered questions via AIM & PM
Uta's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding) = 16
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Nerpin's SC = 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel Carlin's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:20 am
February '13 Workload smile Done and Paid! exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. same everything as usual
Mindsend's SC: 38 + Monthly Credit = 40
General Manager: malhith PAID 1. Added additional tech staff management posts 2. Announced Jan. spotlight winners for Sya. 3. Answered questions. 4. Paid tech staff. 5. V-day Flaffle 6. Archived 12 or less threads.
Malhith's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
Stats: Nisshou H PAID (-4 for a credit breeding) 1. Did the stat update for January 2. Opened bonus stats for February 3. RP Qualifications checks 4. Making list for February
Nisshou's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit -4(Breeding) = 4
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu PAID (-5 Custom for Faid Shadowlight) 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for January. Produced medals. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs (and teepee work), to discover the best layout and design for the January winner. Produced medal. 3. Updated Spotlight List thread. 4. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for February. Also reminders for Yearly Spotlight candidates. 5. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store. 6. Announced winners for Yearly Spotlight 2012. Also bought and paid the winners a January Sealed letter.
Teepees: 1. Introduced the new Stat rolling thread. Closed the old thread. 2. Introduced new system for assigning stats.
1st Feb --Updated II Paradox II's teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's teepee --Updated Saint Sergio's teepee --Updated Kaitaia's teepee --Updated One Over One's teepee --Updated -[The Spoof]- 's teepee
2nd Feb --Changed teepee name for techabyte --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated S u r f For L o v e's teepee --Updated Faithofthefallen's teepee --Updated Alamoraine's teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Updated tefla's teepee
3rd Feb --Updated Kaitaia's teepee --Updated tefla's teepee --Updated Lunadriel's teepee
5th Feb --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's teepee --Updated Andranis's teepee --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s teepee --Updated Tsunake's teepee --Updated samus x's teepee --Updated Syaoran-Puu's teepee
6th Feb --Updated xX_TRIBUTE_GAMER_Xx's teepee --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Fea Line's teepee
8th Feb --Updated ~Kiana_Nala~'s teepee --Updated FallenThroughMidnight's teepee --Updated xX_TRIBUTE_GAMER_Xx's teepee --Updated StarieMichie's teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's teepee --Updated Fea Line's teepee --Updated zephira738's teepee
9th Feb --PMed Snow_Leopard_Anthro's about issue --Updated Logue's teepee --Updated Tamiko_kitten's teepee
10th Feb --Updated Summer Raven's teepee
11th Feb --Created a teepee for Kyrieko --Updated Teepee listings
12th Feb --Answered Snow_Leopard_Anthro's question --Updated techabyte's teepee --Updated pinkdog's teepee --Updated Tirokio's teepee --Answered tursi's question --Updated Kyrieko's teepee --Created a teepee for tursi --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Kirowyn Love's teepee
14th Feb --Updated Ishtanballa's teepee --Updated XxPrimevalPandaxX's teepee --Updated Lady in the Golden Wood's teepee --Updated Snow_Leopard_Anthro's teepee --Updated magnadearel's teepee
17th Feb --Updated ArashiX's teepee
18th Feb --Updated Uta's teepee
20th Feb --Updated AislingJuno's teepee
21st Feb --Updated Shikon Miko's teepee
23rd Feb --Updated FaithoftheFallen's teepee --Updated -[The Spoof]-'s teepee --Updated ramenli's teepee --Updated Laroawan's teepee
24th Feb --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's teepee
25th Feb --Updated Strait Jacket Girl's teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's teepee --Update LadyKirin's teepee
28th Feb --Updated LadyKirin's teepee --Updated Faithofthefallen's teepee --Updated ladyfirefox89's teepee --Updated Selalusia's teepee --Updated dawns_aura's teepee --Answered Milady Emerald's question --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Updated Daeril-sama's teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's teepee --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s stats --Answered -MoomoolatteCha-'s question
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit -5(Custom) = 2
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade (Please fill in work to receive pay!) 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen PAID (-2 for unedit custom) 1. 2/4: Dropped certs for 16 soqs 2. 2/10: Dropped certs for 12 soqs 3. 2/21: Dropped certs for 14 soqs, 1 fam 4. 2/27: 8 more soqs dropped Total: 50 soq certs, 1 fam cert
Roniel's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit -2(Custom)= 2
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Updated Jan NCS Log. 2. Removed 52 expired/crossed out entries from Mare's LR. 3. Removed 33 expired/crossed out entries from Stallion's LR. 4. Removed 16 expired/crossed out entries from Usdia/Mer LR.
Reeve's SC: 38 + Monthly Credit = 40
RP: Uta PAID (-4 for a Custom Kalona for Miss Cherie) 1. Stalked RPs 2. Updated Broken Lifemates Listing 3. Updated Lifemates Listing 4. Answered questions via PM/AIM
Uta's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit -4(Custom) = 14
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID -Investigated options for moving the Owner's List to a new location/format (thanks for the nudge, DD / thanks for the alt. option, Mobbu!) -found suitable location, shared with staff, got approval for move from Mal/Mind -serious work starts in March
Samuel Carlin's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit = 22
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:24 pm
March '13 Workload smile PAID biggrin exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1. Same everything as usual.
Mindsend's SC: 40 + Monthly Credit = 42
General Manager: malhith PAID (-4 SC for a LL breeding for a pair) 1. Answered questions. 2. Paid tech staff. 3. Archived 3 threads from the Sales Stable. 4. PAID FOR THE NEW OL! biggrin 5. Monthly flaffle!
Malhith's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit -4(Breeding) = 14
Stats: Nisshou H PAID 1. Did the stat update for February 2. Back stats 3. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions for March 4. Making stat list for March
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu PAID (-2 for Usdia Twins) 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for February. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs (and teepee work), to discover the best layout and design for the February winner. 3. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for April. 4. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store.
Teepees: 1. Contacted via PM about incomplete teepee trades:: akuma_kessaku, Midori_Keiko, Nim Haven, DreamingIllusion and ShadowsCursed. 2. Moved old rolling thread to Archieves.
1st March --Updated techabyte's teepee --Updated saedusk's teepee --Created a new teepee for II--Gen3sis--II --Updated Teepee Listings
5th March --Updated Faid Shadowlight's teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's teepee --Updated Ktns's teepee --Updated S u r f For L o v e's teepee --Answered S u r f For L o v e's question --Created a new teepee for ZappyKit --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Samuel Carlin's teepee
6th March --Answered Belalusiia's question --Updated Seruta's teepee
7th March --Updated stormflower's teepee --Updated Belalusiia's teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's teepee --Checked rolled stats for Nisshou H
9th March --Updated Laroawan's teepee --Updated stormflower's teepee --Updated Lestragne's teepee --Updated S u r f For L o v e's teepee --Updated Darkmoon Dancer's teepee
10th March --Checked rolled stats for Nisshou H
13th March --Created a new teepee for kaliskanny --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Huroggmeten's teepee --Updated Darkmoon Dancer's teepee --Answered lord_pippa_ari's question --Created a new teepee for Tigeria --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Belalusiia's teepee --Checked rolled stats for mindsend --Updated Caitlyn Hellstorm's teepee --Updated Lunadriel's teepee --Updated XxPrimevalPandaxX's teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Updated lysia_nyteblade's teepee --Updated Seruta's teepee --Updated Fea Line's teepee
14th March --Updated lord_pippa_ari's teepee --Updated Insane Butterflies teepee --Updated Faithofthefallen's teepee --Updated Lady Argentum Draconis's teepee --Updated Seruta's teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's teepee --Checked rolled stats for Nisshou H
16th March --Updated ShtrDrNGry's teepee --Updated Kara Asumie's teepee --Updated astroaries teepee --Updated saedusk's teepee --Updated Thalion's teepee --Updated SylverStar's teepee
31st March ((sorry for the delay, RL was hectic)) --Updated CitrusCupcake's teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's teepee --Updated Lt Gnatty-Bug's teepee --Updated Cricket2008's teepee --Updated Shesha Sama's teepee --Updated techabyte's teepee --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's teepee --Updated -[The Spoof]-'s teepee --Updated Lunadriel's teepee --Updated Lestragne's teepee --Updated Uta's teepee --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's teepee --Updated LydaLynn's teepee --Updated SylverStar's teepee --Updated Mameha Otome's teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's teepee --Updated lysia_nyteblade's teepee --Answered lysia_nyteblade's question --Updated Thalea's teepee --Updated AllSummedUpNJazz's teepee --Updated Ladyfirefox89's teepee --Answered Ladyfirefox89's question --Updated [+Katch+]'s teepee --Updated FallenThroughMidnight's teepee --Updated vballlvr5's teepee --Updated Kaitaia's teepee --Created new teepee for one over three --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated JetAlmeara's teepee --Updated Kara Asumie's teepee --Updated CheshireKttty's teepee --Updated Malikztiah Ankhere's teepee --Updated Libby Libra's teepee --Updated Belalusiia's teepee --Updated ATh e a r t's teepee --Updated Mahogany Sunset's teepee --Updated stormflower's teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Updated Leopleuradon's teepee
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit -2(Custom)= 2
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen PAID 1. Found various uncerts and lost certs for people 2. 3/10/13: Dropped 2 breeding certs, 2 updated certs, 1 familiar cert 3. 3/20/13: Uploaded Riri breeding files and dropped Ririka preggo bellies, 3 new certs, 1 updated cert 4. Uploaded and dropped Sabin breeding files 5. Dropped Riri baskets! 6. Tagged and dropped Nanaki x Starcatcher and Elara x Amuru Relandori baskets/foals 7. Tagged Riri baskets
Roniel's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC: 40
RP: Uta PAID 1. Stalked RPs 2. Train Tirokio 3. Updated Lifemates Listing 4. Updated Broken Lifemates Listing 5. Answered Questions via PM & IM
Uta's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID Finally working on getting everything transferred over to the new OL. Goodbye Google Drive!
March 1: Adrastos, Cooper, Wemitan, Acophisinian, Cassiterite, Myastanaklon, Suraldia, Ugilanistorda, Nazaith, Lady Cregga Rose Eyes, Palieu, Evangeline, Sephia, Kuchiki Kiyoko, Kwaho, Sasukura, Petricius Draculesti, Chii aka The C, Laermeluion, Spinel March 2: Donovan, Sky, Aglaope, Helena Augusta, Gehenna, Mariabella, Pandora, Eva, Isma, Ljúfvina, Minuette, Nenetl, NijiHi, Tuldar, Urko, Loki, Wen Tian, Shimanyo, Westrion, Candy Corn, Remus Lupin, Zenstar, Uriel, Calamity Jane, Omutia, Eglan, Cecily, Rhian, Chauvet March 3: Nola, Akemi, Abigale, Kieri, Daniel, Ae'ilvainyx, Eillafae vel Sol, Nadezhda, Nebula's Hymn, Aliqua, Jubilee, Rhys, Eidolon Ossa, Windsor, Anchor, Vidoun, Kain, Chloroform, April Showers, Shadowmere, Alora, Lime Sorbet Punch, Hydro, Harvest, Inoshishioni, Babet Sejour, Burbane, Chromaggia, Makelina, Marjani Earthstrike, Topher, Zombie, Cameo, Murder Bite, Laertes, Foxx, Beau, Taejin, Charlotte "Libi" Elysia, Lady Immersa de Luminia, Eton, Belinda, Bard March 4: Tropical Oasis, Allarian, Amaltheia, Angrboda, Demetrius, Rayne, Shiya, Alarn, Soulfire, Mariam Requiem, Sirillo, Ophrys, Akiko, Chessur, Uroko Banggai, Tutti-Frutti, Amitola, Ignis Fatuus, Kerias, Aurelia, Lovelee, Tengfei, Euthyphro, Heha-Nimsup, Gabriel, Zachariah, Strawberry Panic, Vesper (1), Hania Shen, Sandsablaze, Vesper (2), Ellette, Denver, Harlan, Minx, Zephyr, Ithiel, Evelyn, Prince Pinkie, Aellai, Kaiya, Daudhir, Mnemosyne, Adalaide, Amethune, Zaki, Kiraz, Ptera Cantus, Tigris Ptera, Aelita Camellia, Trixie, Morkin, Sophia Rose, Bellezza, Aqua, Quetzalcoatl, Damian, Voodoo, Braoin, Obsidian, Ameline, Master Chief, Manasa, Addei, Caoilfhinn, Weuweu Laka, Asier, Crystaea, Vanwyn, Naj'entus, Ciar Aruna Blaine, Nigai, Quinta, Tecciztecatl, Acacia, Anhero, Frost, Breahna, Genaro Drago March 5: Asoka, Sky Raider, Trace Bailey, Chanterelle, Recovery, Unutsi, Koemi, Sun Chaser, Crossfire, Kuvalai, Sol Dancer, Tyler, Rawlin Depp, Linnea, Lolita, Avery, Lady Hanako, Ojichaag Zoosoobanjige, Siciro, Kynreeve, Nazara, Zess, Felice Navelda, Ellion, Losille, Sapphireia Photona McIggins, Quartz Spark McIggins, Dreamsicle Joule McIggins, Castor, Pollux, Raziel, Juliana, Ferret, Kamokito, Kamila Maluhia, Kaikea, Andromeda's Nocturne, Draco's Rhapsody, Charon's Allemande, Marrik, Verin, Prince Bacardi, Duer, Chane, Dante, Ilum, Kristan March 6: Arsinoe, Briza, Nasrin, Vortigern de Morte, Lyov, Sin, Velvet, Ignazio, Warrick, Spooki, Che'tane, Alkiear, Ellianthia, Kohkou, Ophelia, Kezia, Mero, Sloane, Teague, Vesia, Ampelos, Glamour, Lior, Nochtli Saguaro, Syphax Noctis, Hanna, Shi'Kahana, Al'ar, Hiamovi, Crescendo, Echo's Song, Ingveldur, Echo's Song, Evangeline, Whisper, Kamakana, Liella, Blue Ridge, Mahdi March 8: Syuveil, Mar, Marion Requiem, Anas Cyanoptera, Brglock, Leauthea, Idyll, Seeker March 9: Maristela, Paeony, Kiij, Onslow Amachi, Csitri, Sayerauho, ???, Dubstep, Xochipilli, Agape'shi, Kaz'brin, Kinley Teagan, Loleki Kuroidoragon, Miserere Nobis, Helki, Alexandra, Rhyme, Jeice, Opharro, Emilian Lovel?, Nikolai, Sounansha, Sharra, Ren, Nemesis, Munwithurix, Caltha, Lynnea, Yanamari, Ritual, Starseeker, Sargent Pepper, Jaloo, Nalani, Ganesha, Mithra, Sumire, Gem, Daphne, Ali McIggins, Zaria, Keshet, Reese, Blitzkrieg, Elendighet, October, Isen Inferno, Spice, Laikaylah, Glacier
Samuel Carlin's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 24
RP: Tirokio 1. Stalking all the rps! -insert memeface here-
Tirokio's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 2
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:25 pm
April '13 Workload smile PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 42 + Monthly Credit = 44
General Manager: malhith PAID (-3 credits for custom for myself) 1. Paid staff for March. 2. Moved 10-14 threads to archived. 3. Answered questions. 4. Dealt with a few issues. 5. Found a few certs/uncerts. 6. Certing stuff for neph/myself. 7. Paid the winners from the art contest. o.o
Malhith's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit -3(Custom) = 13
Stats: Nisshou H PAID 1. Stat update for March 2. Back stats 3. Updated teepee list ((missing user)) 4. Wrote and opened bonus questions for April 5. Stat list for April 6. RP Qualifications checks
Nisshou's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu PAID (-1 SC for a custom for Revel1984) 1. Read all nominations PMs, associated nomination RPs and stalked random RPs to find the male and female pet winners for March. 2. Stalked Teepees, in conjunction with nomination PMs (and teepee work), to discover the best layout and design for the March winner. 3. Reminded/Encouraged people to vote in thread for May. 4. PMed link to Mal to be announced in store.
Teepees: 19th April --Updated Kara Asumie's teepee --Updated Kyaishi's teepee --Updated tefla's teepee --Updated GunSniper's teepee --Updated lysia_nyteblade's teepee --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's teepee --Updated xKOVAKtheWOLFx's teepee --Updated PixelDeerest's teepee --Answered Death Resurrected's question --Updated Phail Ninja's teepee --Updated Revel1984's teepee --Updated Thalion's teepee
20th April --Updated lysia_nyteblade's teepee --Updated Hypercandy Loli's teepee --Upated Lunadriel's teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's teepee --Updated Elf Princess Flannery's teepee --Updated Nyhility's teepee --Updated Kirowyn Love's teepee --Updated catmagick's teepee --Updated Insane Butterfly's teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darknesses teepee --Updated CheshireKttty's teepee --Corrected name in Teepee Listings --Updated Lady Aria Starstone's teepee --Updated Candle Wick Ghost's teepee --Updated Kyrieko's teepee --Updated The Moshmonster's teepee --Updated Teepee Listings --Created a new teepee for Face Your Demons --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Fea Line's teepee --Updated Phail Ninja's teepee --Updated Faithofthefallen's teepee --Updated Kettyn's teepee --Updated RockerWolfie1616's teepee --Updated astroaries's teepee --Updated ImAHarumiBunny's teepee --Updated Malikztiah Ankhere's teepee
21st April --Updated hanging gallows's teepee --Updated samus x's teepee --Updated II--Gen3sis--II's teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Answered sailor star rainbow's question --Updated Darkmoon Dancer's teepee --Updated Phail Ninja's teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's teepee --Created a teepee for SinfulHoliday --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated tefla's teepee --Checked stats for mindsend --Updated Vashtya's teepee --Updated techabyte's teepee --Updated RockerWolfie1616's teepee --Updated Elf Princess Flannery's teepee
22nd April --Updated SinfulHoliday's teepee --Updated Kirowyn Love's teepee --Updated FlamingStar-Sama's teepee --Updated Rhyleigh's teepee --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's teepee --Updated Lady Argentum Draconis's teepee --Updated astroaries's teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Updated Mameha Otome's teepee --Updated NovaCracker's teepee --Answered NovaCracker's question
23rd April --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee
25th April --Updated CitrusCupcake's teepee --Updated [ Lady Kiya ]'s teepee --Updated ~Twilight...Angel~'s teepee --Updated Sabin Duvert's teepee --Updated Syaoran-Puu's teepee
30th April --Updated Vistada's teepee --Updated Roserain's teepee --Update Kara Asumie's teepee --Updated Malikztiah Ankhere's teepee --Updated astroaries's teepee --Checked stats for malhith --Updated Faithofthefallen's teepee --Updated Keantha's teepee --Updated Graceangel's teepee --Updated Fatal Irony's teepee --Updated Zakiax's teepee
Syaoran-Puu's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit -1(Custom) = 3
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade (Contact mal) 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen PAID (-4 credits for rare custom) 1. 4/2: Dropped 2 sets of basket certs, 3 updated certs 2. 4/5: Uploaded and dropped Sabin growths 3. 4/6: Dropped Ririka growths 4. 4/14: Dropped Riri growth certs 5. 4/15: Dropped 8 updated soq certs, 1 familiar cert 6. 4/19: Dropped Sabin adults 7. 4/28: Dropped 16 updated certs, 1 fam cert 8. 4/28: Certed and dropped adults for Riri's 5 breedings Throughout the month: Helping Troll cert. So far, certed 7 familiars, 6 soqs Total soqs certed: 33soqs, 9 familiars, a bunch of breedings
Roniel's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit -4(Custom) = 2
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Updated Credit Logs for Feb & Mar. 2. Archived 35 old event topics.
Reeve's SC: 40 + Monthly Credit = 42
RP: Uta PAID 1. Stalked RPs 2. Worked on Secret Thing of Secret 3. Updated Broken Lifemates List 4. Updated Lifemates List 5. Answered Questions via PM / AIM / etc.
Uta's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin (Contact mal)
Samuel Carlin's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio (PAID) Reading the rps like a creeper!
Tirokio's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:25 pm
May '13 Workload smile PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 44 + Monthly Credit = 46
General Manager: malhith 1. Announced DD's promotion 2. Removed/added people from/to the Staff Guild 3. Changed the settings on the Staff Guild. 4. Discussions with Mind/Bee for hiring/hiatus stuffs. 5. Relinked the first post of a teepee. 6. Found an uncert. 7. Paid techies. 8. Updated staff list on the first page of the main thread. WHY IS IT ON A DIFFERENT MULE?! 9. Archived 35 threads.
Malhith's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit = 15
Stats: Nisshou H ( -3 credits for custom soquili) 1. Stat update for April 2. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions for May 3. Stat list for May 4. RP Qualifications
Nisshou's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit -3 (custom) = 7
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu 1.
31st May --Updated Roniel Targaryen's teepee --Updated NovaCracker's teepee --Updated techabyte's teepee --Created a new teepee for Nikkichomp --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Insane Butterfly's teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's teepee --Updated tefla's teepee --Updated Ririka's teepee --Confirmed stats for Nisshou H --Updated Lady_Ourania's teepee --Confirmed stats with mindsend --Updated JungleRunner's teepee --Updated Leopleuradon's teepee --Updated Kailey Koreco's teepee --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's teepee --Updated [+Katch+]'s teepee --Updated Saint Sergio's teepee --Updated Lunadriel's teepee --Created teepee for XxXPandamoniumXxX --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Tirokio's teepee --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s teepee
Syaoran's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit = 5
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen 1. 5/15/13: Dropped certs for 3 HG breedings. Also dropped certs for 5 updated soqs and 1 familiar 2. 5/16/13 Dropped certs for 1 HG breeding and a couple updated breeding certs 3. 5/17/13: Dropped Ririka baskets 4. 5/18/13: Made new certing thread in the Services guild where it belongs! 5. 5/21/13: Dropped certs for 2 breedings, 1 updated soq cert, 1 updated familiar cert 6. 5/23/13: Dropped HG adult breeding certs 7. 5/28/13: Dropped some more HG breeding certs 8. 5/28/13: Dropped Ririka growths! Throughout month: Found some uncerts
Roniel's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC: 42
RP: Uta 1. Stalked some RPs 2. Stalked Plot Threads 3. Answered questions via IM & PM 4. Updated Lifemates List 5. Updated Broken Lifemates List 6. Worked on Secret Thing
Uta's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio 1. Stalked the RPS, all them rps. 2. Kept an eye on Plot threads to make sure they were in abidance by rp rules. 3. Gathered Uncerts from photobucket for Nyx
Tirokio's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Colorist Manager: Beejoux 1. Opened pony checking thread for design, and final product approval 2. Discussed with Mind details for new Hiring process 3. Discussed new hiatus layout with Mind/Mal 4. Updated Staff list in the guild quota thread
Beejoux's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 2
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:26 pm
June '13 Workload smile - PAID! exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 46 + Monthly Credit = 48
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: 15 + Monthly Credit = 17
Stats: Nisshou H 1. Stat update for May 2. Wrote and opened stat bonus questions 3. RP qualifications list 4. Making stat list for June 5. Got both stat FAQs to say the same thing (why did we have 2?) 6. Judged elders 7. Started updating the elder app information
Nisshou's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit = 9
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu 1.
6th June --Answered She-Ra of Etheria's question --Updated Ladyfirefox89's Teepee --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee --Updated Marzipanz's Teepee --Reorganised Kara Asumie's Teepee --Updated AislingJuno's Teepee --Updated Tefla's Teepee --Updated Rita Zyon's Teepee --Updated Summer Raven's Teepee --Updated Kara Asumie's Teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's Teepee --Updated Tirokio's Teepee --Updated one over three's Teepee --Updated Kirowyn Love's Teepee --Updated The Dawn Of Twilight's Teepee --Updated StarieMichie's Teepee --Updated S u r f For L o v e's Teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee
7th June --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Answered Nyx Queen of Darkness's question --Updated Logue's Teepee --Updated Revel1984's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Updated Astroaries' Teepee --Updated HarukaHaru's Teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee --Updated Revel1984's Teepee --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee --Updated Lestragne's (Nukido) Teepee --Updated Theidren's Teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee --Updated Dixie's Teepee --Updated Arashi's Teepee --Updated Insane Butterfly's Teepee --Updated Catmagick's Teepee --Updated Feathered Lunra's Teepee --Answered pippi18848's question --Answered Faithofthefallen's question --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee --Updated Ryuukishin's Teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's Teepee --Updated Summer Raven's Teepee
13th June --Updated Hoshi Lockhart's Teepee --Updated Ryuukishin's Teepee --Updated Huroggmeten's Teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's Teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee --Updated XBlind-DarknessX's Teepee --Updated Vistada's Teepee --Updated Mewsings of An Angel's Teepee --Checked rolled stats for mindsend
15th June --Answered `Swirly's question --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee --Updated Ririka's Teepee --Answered Strawberri Stardust's question
20th June --Created Strawberri Stardust's New Teepee --Archived Strawberri Stardust's Old Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing --Updated Nikkichomp's Teepee --Updated Revel1984's Teepee --Updated ChaosTheories' Teepee --Created Yushika's Teepee --Updated theTteepee listing --Updated `Swirly's Teepee --Created TrigunKittie's Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing
21st June --Updated Roniel's Teepee --Updated AlexiaSilver's Teepee --Updated Apotropaics' Teepee --Updated Marzipanz's Teepee --Created Natelie's Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing
22nd June --Updated xX_TRIBUTE_GAMER_Xx's Teepee --Updated Hoshi Lockhart's Teepee --Updated Lt. Gnatty-Bug's Teepee --Updated Vollyballrocks' Teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee --Answered pippi18848's question --Updated AlexiaSilver's Teepee --Created krusnik05's Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee
23rd June --Updated krusnik05's Teepee --Updated [+Katch+]'s Teepee --Created Pippi18848's New Teepee --Archived Pippi18848's Old Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing
25th June --Updated Leopleuradon's Teepee --Updated [+Katch+]'s Teepee --Updated Upside.-.Down's Teepee --Updated Revel1984's Teepee --Updated sparrows_poppet's Teepee --Updated The Dawn Of Twilight's Teepee --Updated LydaLynn's Teepee --Updated Cherie's teepee --Updated Kaitaia's Teepee --Updated ZappyKit's Teepee --Updated Thamin's Teepee --Created DraconisSiirexus' Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing
28th June --Updated JetAlmeara's Teepee --Updated Sabin's Teepee --Updated Yushika's Teepee --Checked rolled stats for Nisshou --Updated Revel1984's Teepee --Created Magical Werefox's Teepee --Updated the Teepee listing --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee --Updated SylverStar's Teepee --Updated Faid Shadowlight's Teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's Teepee
29th June --Updated Magical Werefox's Teepee --Updated Nyhility's Teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's Teepee --Updated Marinitys Teepee --Updated Pippi18848's Teepee --Updated sparrows_poppet's Teepee --Updated Lady_Ourania's Teepee
Syaoran's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit = 7
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen + 11 credits for doing backlogged certs when I was originally hired - 4 cred for more blood of the dragon! (Rare custom) - 1 cred for Daenerys' dragons (OKed by Mind) 1. 6/2/13: Dropped 1 new cert, 1 fam cert, 6 various updated breeding certs 2. Also 6/2/13: Did another drop with 3 updated breeding certs and 4 new certs! 3. 6/5/13: Dropped 3 updated breeding certs, 1 new cert, 3 updated certs 4. 6/12/13: Dropped 9 more certs, 1 fam cert 5. 6/17/13: 7 Amirynth familiars, 5 various other cert updates 6. 6/21/13: 13ish more certs dropped 7. 6/28/13: 2 updated certs, 4 updated breeding certs Throughout the month: Finding uncerts, etc Total soqs certed: 54ish, 9ish familiars
Roniel's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit + 11 backlog credits -5 = 12
Guild: Reeve 1. Updated Apr NCS Log. 2. Archived 2 threads from Gaming Glen.
Reeve's SC: 42 + Monthly Credit = 44
RP: Uta -5 Credits for Buying a Friend a Custom 1. Updated Lifemates List 2. Updated Broken Lifemates List 3. Answered questions via PM & IM 4. Workd on Secret Stuffs 5. Read and Stalked RPs
Uta's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit - 5 (custom) = 17
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio -4 sc for Breeding claimed through Mindsend 1. Read Rps! 2. Kept track of Plot threads to make sure they followed the rules 3. Answered problems with Uta via AIM 4. Gathered needed Uncerts
Tirokio's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit -4 (breeding) = 4
Assistant Colorist Manager: Beejoux 1. Approved and offered assistance on ponies in the approval 2. Wrote up new hiatus policy 3. Wrote up new colorists ranks and duties Including color only and familiar 4. Wrote up concrete process for progression through ranks
Beejoux's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:26 pm
July '13 Workload smile -PAID! exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 48 + Monthly Credit = 50
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 19
Stats: Nisshou H (-3 credits for custom -1 credit for freebie upgrade) 1. Did the stat update for June 2. Opened bonus stat questions 3. Back stats 4. Answered questions via PM 5. Stat list for July 6. More work on elder changes 7. RP qualifications 8. Wrote bonus questions for August 9. Updated SC lists for NCS
Nisshou's SC: 9 + Monthly Credit - 4(custom/upgrade) = 7
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu ( -3 SC for Gift Custom ) 1.
8th July --Updated Kamiki's Teepee --Updated Tsunake's teepee --Updated Insane Butterfly's Teepee --Updated .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee
9th July --Updated Catmagick's Teepee --Answered XxXPandamoniumXxX's question --Checked rolled stats for Nisshou --Updated The Dawn Of Twilight's Teepee --Updated Lysia_Nyteblade's Teepee --Updated Lady Aria Starstone's Teepee --Updated TrigunKittie's Teepee --Created dark_iced_angel's Teepee --Updated teepee listing --Updated DBZ2004's Teepee --Updated Etruuco's Teepee --Updated Kyaishi's Teepee
13th July --Updated ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee --Update Tenko72's Teepee --Update Novablu's Teepee --Updated Kesmi's Teepee --Updated Yushika's Teepee --Updated Lady Argentum Draconis' Teepee --Updated Kettyn's Teepee --Updated Mameha Otome's Teepee --Updated Kamiki's Teepee --Updated Epine de Rose's Teepee --Updated Cyhorse's Teepee --Updated `Swirly's teepee --Updated _-Cheeky_Chobit-_'s Teepee --Created Quaji's Teepee --Updated Teepee Listing --Updated techabyte's Teepee
14th July --Updated Kiara Lime's Teepee --Updated Lady Kiya's Teepee --Updated Sabin's Teepee --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee --Answered Malomy's Question --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Updated DBZ2004's Teepee --Updated Insane Butterfly's Teepee --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's Teepee --Updated SilverShieldwolf's Teepee
18th July --Updated Mewsings of An Angel's Teepee --Checked rolled stats for Nisshou --Updated [+Katch+]'s Teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee --Updated ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee --Created [Philosophy In A Teacup]'s Teepee --Updated Teepee listing --Created Regina Aelise's Teepee --Updated Teepee listing --Updated Hanging Gallow's Teepee --Updated Tweekend's Teepee --Updated tursi's teepee --Updated II--Gen3sis--II's Teepee --Updated Laroawan's Teepee --Updated Rynith's Teepee --Updated Niyaru Delacroix's Teepee --Updated Teepee listing --Updated KiiNiku's Teepee --Updated Teepee listing --Updated LadyKirin's Teepee --Updated Kaitaia's Teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's Teepee --Updated Roman Foi's Teepee --Created Malomy's Teepee --Updated Teepee listing --Updated _-Cheeky_Chobit-_'s Teepee --Updated [Philosophy In A Teacup]'s Teepee --Updated Tsunake's teepee
20th July --Updated CuterThanYou's Teepee --Updated TrigunKittie's Teepee --Updated xKOVAKtheWOLFx's Teepee --Updated KiiNiku's Teepee
25th July --Updated Lady Aria Starstone's Teepee --Updated Zee Oddwyn's Teepee
27th July --Updated Quaji's Teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee --Updated LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s Teepee --Updated NovaCracker's Teepee --Updated Summer Raven's Teepee --Updated Kirowyn's Teepee --Updated Aniira's Teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee --Updated Mameha Otome's Teepee --Updated Malomy's Teepee --Updated CheshireKttty's Teepee --Updated She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee --Updated Shikon Miko's Teepee --Updated Lestragne's (Nukido) Teepee --Updated Pollack's Teepee
28th July --Updated RockerWolfie1616's Teepee --Updated Samus' Teepee --Updated The Dawn Of Twilight's Teepee --Updated Roserain's Teepee --Updated Dawns_aura's Teepee --Updated Baby Pandah's Teepee --Answered Rabid-White-Mongoose's question --Created The Captain Britain's Teepee --Updated Teepee listing --Created Rabid-White-Mongoose's Teepee --Updated Teepee listing
Syaoran's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit - 3(custom) = 6
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1.
Wyntre's SC: 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen (-4 credits for breeding) -1 credit for freebie upgrade 1. 7/8: dropped 5 familiar certs, 1 breeding cert, 3 updated certs 2. 7/10: Took over Rapid raffle certing, dropped 4 of those certs 3. 7/11: 1 more Rapid cert, 2 updated certs 4. 7/18: 8 updated certs dropped 5. 7/22: 2 growth updates, 1 new cert, 4 updated certs Current monthly total: 26 soq certs, 5 familiar certs Extra stuff: Deleted Dec-April posts from the 3 LRs Throughout month: Finding uncerts, answering questions, etc.
Roniel's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit - 4(breeding) - 1 (freebie upgrade) = 9
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC: 44
RP: Uta 1. Read some RPs 2. Answered questions via PM and IM 3. Updated the Lifemates thread 4. Updated the Broken Lifemates thread 5. Worked on Project: Bagel 6. Redlined a wolf for Mind
Uta's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 19
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio 1. Read Rps! 2. Kept track of Plot threads to make sure they followed the rules
Tirokio's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit =6