@Fish: How would you describe your style of belly dance and how do you feel about American Tribal. Alot of people seem to be into it...I only like the idea of using non-traditional music. Creates a challenge I suppose.
my style of belly dance is the traditional egyptian one its not like all swaying and stuff
the music is how can say this ummmm country u could say but egyptian country
see the first vid I posted about belly dance, that music is that one I dance to, and its also close to how I dance (but I utilize my physical talents more while dancing if u know what I mean looool she was much flater than me in many ways
xd )
its the real egyptian music the music that is used by foreigners in general I believe is mostly swaying and much calmer than the music I dance to, the dancing most are though is very snake like while egyptian is how good u shake us hips and body parts its much more sexy, I used to dance anywhere there is music but ever since the first time my fiance saw me dance, I wasn't allowed to dance anywhere with men there anymore
crying and dont realy know how tribal dancing is so I cant really comment
sweatdrop and I think dancing in general is not restricted to certain types of music dancing is expressing urself as long as u like the music that all that matters