The Roamers
Those who fit in other herds or just generally roam.
FrostThe Warm Hearted
UncertFoal UncertName: Frost
Colorist: DJ
Obtained: Bribe/Gift from Kamiki <3
Sex: Male
Breed: Regular
Familiar: none
Personality: Frost is a generally warm natured individual despite his chilly name, in fact, he comes from a very warm hearted family, surrounded by his mother, father and two brothers. Ice leopards from the beautiful snowy mountain ranges. Frost will always be the one with the smile on his face, ever the optimist he prefers to talk things through rather than get in an unnecessary fight or conflict.
History: He's still very young and very rarely ventures out to see the world beyond the mountains.
Roleplay Color: skyblue
Mate: None
Children: None
Herd: He sticks close to his family, no particular herd.
Frost & Kihaku