I want to be your obsession!Name of Soquili: AishwaryaPersonality: Aishwarya is an exotic beauty with a good head on her shoulders. She was once fiercely loyal to her lifemate, but he has been gone for many a moon and she has no idea why. She wants to remain loyal to him, but is troubled by his absence and often spends her time wondering how she lost him.
She has become a homebody looking for adventure, wanting to travel and see the world again but worrying that if she does her mate would return whilst she was gone and she would miss catching the chance to see him again.
She is easy to talk to, and despite her own problems tries to put a brave face on and be a comforting shoulder and ready ear to anyone with their own issues.
Aishwarya judges by deeds, not appearances. She has no special prejudices towards any particular race or type.
Why would Blood fall for her (what makes her special and interesting): Her looks and personality mainly, she knows she is attractive but doesn't like to play on that. She is slightly fragile at the moment and would problem welcome male attention again whilst being worried that she is being unfaithful to her long absent mate.
How do you want Blood and them to meet?: I think she would probably just be out and about, maybe talking to others in the hopes that there is news or even rumour of Shikoba's whereabouts
Link to one of your RP's I want sample of your post style!: You knows me rp style XD
What you think of the plot? any suggestions?: I think she'll take it well enough, probably coming to the conclusion that she should never take the words of any males to heart - it may change her outlook on romance but I need something to shake her up anyways