Cert2Catform Name: Einar Temper: Hollow Obtained: Through the may 2010 Massive WoW event RP color:Color #9c1139 Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Children:Pandora & Umbra Mate/breeding partners: 1.Angeetia 2. Pandroa-Current 3. Vera 4. Paris Breedings left: 1 when maxed Friends: None Enemies: / Acquaintances:BloodRaven, Calixte RP's Completed: -need to find links- Current Rp's: -going to start fresh- Self RP: Memories once hidden-not started-
"I was not always a killer..... What I was is forever lost....."
Once known by another name in another place, seemingly a different time but actually a different life. His herd was a small one but prosperous, they wanted for nothing. They all had a carefree existence with no threats, but soon drought fell on their land and they were forced to travel across the lands. They became a nomadic type herd, but still they were happy and soon found a valley that was prosperous and they were able to settle for several years. They lived in peace at the time he and his sister were born, they both grew up to be hard workers and excellent protectors of the land. Soon a darkness grew in the forest around them, demons came from the shadows known as skinwalkers. Many battles happened to protect the land they came to call home and the young stallion and his sister became warriors no longer able to cling to their peaceful ways. They were both the top warriors, both strong and beautiful but one day their came a purewalker pleading for sanctuary, that she had been cast aside and was not like the others. The stallion's sister didn't believe her, but he did falling in love with her cries and her beauty. He convinced the elders to give her shelter if at least temporary, but it would prove the herds downfall.
The stallion went to see the walker wishing to know her story, she gave a sob story of how she was turned into the creature he saw and that she resisted it with all her might. She went on to say she fell in love with him and she was scared for her life, that the leader of the walker's was coming to attack them at dawn. He rushed to tell the elder's not seeing the devious grin she held on her face as she left. When dawn came, they were all at the ready and as the 'innocent' walker said there stood a grand stallion pure-walker, claws for feet-he looked like an owl....seeking out his prey. The young stallion stood on the front lines when the attack was given, they fought for hours, one falling after another. Mid-battle he heard the mare-walker scream and he rushed to her aid to find her in the claws of the walker-leader, she begged for help and he charged the large walker. He fought with all his might but in the end still was struck down. The mare was dragged away but not before throwing him a bottle of some kind. She told him to drink and it would make him stronger and he could save her. Not thinking he did as she said, there was agonizing pain and his world went black.
When he came too, the sounds of battle had died and his vision was blurry, he felt different.....He got to his hooves and searched for his parents and sister, what he found was blood-shed. Then he saw her, the walker he had pleaded to be given sanctuary. She was standing next to the clawed one and they stood over what was the stallion's mother. The clawed stallion turned with a crazed smile, 'Did I perform to your liking?' he spoke to the mare. She turned with the same smile, covered in the blood of the herd, 'Indeed you did, absolutely splendid. Too bad the sister wasn't as gullible as this one', she said with a cackle. The young stallion was enraged and lunged to attack the mare, but the clawed one threw him down. 'Welcome to the ranks....brother', he said before walking away with the mare.
Dazed and confused he wondered around hoping to find his sister. Rain started to poor and his mind was fading with the events, what had the clawed stallion meant....why did he feel so much anger and so strange. The rain gathered and he stopped letting it drench him, it was then he saw his reflection....he was forever changed, he was like 'them'...but how? Drinking the potion couldn't have done this, his memory was so hazy, he started to remember feeling a craving and running into the forest and killing? It hurt him so much to try and remember. It was then a soft voice spoke and a nose nudged his thigh. Not thinking and acting only on rage he lunged at voice. His large teeth cutting flesh. He was horrified to see his sister, scarred and bloody. His eyes returned to how they once were for a brief second. 'Forgive me sister...no I can't call you that anymore. Leave here before it's too late....and should you ever see me again.. Kill me on sight!' With that he ran into the woods never looking back, the last sound he heard amongst the rain was his sister calling his name.
The days past and slowly he lost more and more of himself, not remembering who he was or how he came to be...he only felt anger and hate. Soon he found another like him who taught him the way of the forest and gave him a new name, Einar. He taught him to be proud of what he was, a skinwalker. The only ones that stood above were purewalkers and he should never forget. He has traveled and is learning to do and think his own way, never looking back or looking forward. He lives in the here and now, cold, heartless, and alone.
personality:Einar has little feeling besides the anger and spite he holds in his heart, for the world around him and himself. He is a tormented soul but why he feels so he is unsure of. He knows what he has become and accepts that and even embraces his killer nature it is who he is now. He still holds a deep emotional void within his soul, but it's not unheard of for a skinwalker. Because of this he is unfeeling, not caring if he hurts one or kills an innocent. There are times when he questions how he became what he is....he once had a different life, once he was not cursed but he cares not to remember. All he remembers is waking from sleep with a deeper hatred and anger for one in particular, but other then that he knows not.
He hunts and kills to ease the pain he feels and with time he truly became a killer cat, nimble and quick and vicious and manipulative as well. He sees himself a beautiful yet ugly creature with a thurst and love for blood, a clean kill. The cat in him however isn't opposed to a game of cat-and-mouse, playing with his food. Never mistake that he is a killer though sometimes he has shown mercy to others, but only on a few occasions, where he has met those that he has found interesting. Otherwise he does not think twice when one comes onto his land, he will attack...even another skinwalker even though he does respect his 'kin'
Current happenings: He met an interesting shadow mare that had a twisted and demented mind and had a knack for playing cat and mouse. He choose to stay with her for a time, being new to a skinwalker life he was unaware that this gene would not pass to his children and once they arrived he left deeming them unworthy. The elder daughter followed and taught herself the ways of walkers and is like one in many ways, having thrown away her very soul and thus gained his respect. He know has found a vicious mare donning the same name as he daughter of chaos-Pandora and has deemed her worthy of his genes to bring more like him in the world. Once the children are born he will either steal them from the mother if they show potential or will try to kill them and the mother for being too weak...how it plays out, only time will tell
[b]current breeding- #2[/b]
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] Pandora (xo -- k a i r i) [img]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d123/togetix/Characters/Soq/sevvirus3adult.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d123/togetix/Characters/Soq/sev2.png]Uncert[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] Einar (stormflower) [img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Soquili/EinarTag.jpg[/img] [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Soquili/Gaia pets/Nightsaber.png?t=1300738823]Uncert[/url] [b]Low Luck?: [/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21268905][1]Agneza April[/url], [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21387525&page=2][2]Nerpin April[/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21410135&page=2][3]Juls April[/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21416363&page=3][4]Bee April[/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21482095&page=8][5]Riri May[/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21549883&page=7][6]Juls May[/url] [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] N/A [b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=19548747#264750071]storm's[/url] & [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=14781581]kairi's[/url] [b]RPed couple?:[/b] N/A [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Oh YES, please. ^_^ [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] Pandora's [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Dawnie/Tags/AdelindaVenom_2.jpg]Mother[/url] x [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Mer/certed/seviper.jpg]Father[/url] & [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Antigra/Tagged/adelinda.jpg]Grandmother[/url] x [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Aris/Tags/venomtag.jpg]Grandfather[/url] [b]Lifemate?:[/b] No [b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=282&t=11630811#301650377]Clicky![/url][/spoiler]
History: Pandora has had a long and troubled life. Her father a skinwalker and her mother a tad deranged. As a foal she was seen as a disappointment and unworthy of her father's blood. When her father left she followed leaving her sister behind under the tormenting eyes of their mother. Pandora watched her father and learned from him striving to be like him and get his approval and praise.
In the end her goal was obtained but at a hefty price as she realized later. She strived so much to be like her father she lost her soul. She gained all she ever wanted but as she traveled the land she was shown unusual compassion and she saw how much light was in the world. She had been a murderous monster and she felt as though she was truly a shadow of who she was meant to be. Having spent the first years of her life pursuing evil she had truly lost to the shadows.
After she realized how lost she was she began to find herself amongst roses in a lonely graveyard. She had started to regain her heart for a time and this time resulted in foals, but after they arrived she was terrified of her old ways coming back to haunt her and she didn’t wish her children to know that part of her. She also learned of her father siring more children by a cruel mare and welcoming the non-walkers. She resented her father and wanted revenge on them all and thus she lost herself again for a time.
After encountering her sister and her wonderful family she realized how idiotic her pursuit of her father was and she abandoned that goal. She now seeks to find herself and seeks to reconcile with her first children and she searches for one to call love and a place to call home.
Personality: Once a treacherous and ominous mare she is now more lost then anything, searching to find her place in the world. She tends to be a bit gruff and rough around the edges and may come off as angry or mean but she just isnt social or more like she’s unsure how to act and is rather introvert. She still stays mostly in the shadows having always treaded in the darkness, becoming one with the shadows. She still feels the shadows are apart of her thanks to her mother but she now knows this doesn’t make her heart dark or soul evil. She strives to be good or at least more neutral and in the gray zone, but she still isnt to be trifled with she is a warrior and isnt afraid to defend what she cares about and she will be protective of her family.
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] Pandora(stormflower) [img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Gaia pets/Pandoracertadult.jpg?t=1291502361[/img] [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Gaia pets/Pandoraadult-1.png?t=1302828019]Uncert[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] Marrow (Katch) [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sabin/Certed/marrowcert.jpg[/img] [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Gaia pets/Marrow.png?t=1302828304]Uncert[/url] [b]Low Luck?: [/b] N/A [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] N/A [b]Teepees:[/b] Katch- [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18460675]XXX[/url] & stormflower-[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=19548747#262023459]XXX[/url] [b]RPed couple?:[/b] (-to come-) [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes! Pan Parents: [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/EinarTag.jpg]Einar[/url] & [url=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/DeliaghlaFireheart/Gaia Pets/Soquili/Angeetia.jpg]Angeetia[/url] [b]Lifemate?:[/b] No [b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11630811&page=286]Click[/url]
Name: Fiore Morte Temper: Passive Obtained: Riri CC'd MCCL Feb 2014 RP color:Bold Sky Blue Parents:Pandora & Marrow Siblings:Rosa, Illium Children: Mate/Breeding Partner: Friends: Eclipse Enemies: none Acquaintances: ---- Rp's Completed: ---- Current RP's:Shadows Meet w/Eclipse
Backstory/History: Raised in a graveyard by a keeper of roses who never said too much, thrust into being a single parent when his mother left them, he and his sisters just a foal. He has always watched over his sisters, looking to protect them as he promised his mother, but they all have a part of her darkness in them and he could only protect them and watch over them so much and for so long....
Personality: Everyone has a little darkness inside them, but Fiore having a skinwalker for a grandfather and slightly crazed shadow mare for a grandmother passed on a bit more of a trouble to him then some others. Though not evil by any means he doesnt see things the same. Especially since it was a hatred and darkness that took his mother away from him as a foal. He still doesnt know how to think, other then he hates skinwalkers, but even if he were to cross one he wouldnt engage unless he absolutely had to. Fiore is very much more passive then anything and if he is in danger he may not fight much to get away as being a tender to roses like his father he understands and respects lifes natural order of things. But if someone he cares about is threatned you will see the darkness and a strength you never would've know him to have. Being deprived of his mother he holds those he cares about close and will protect them till death! He will be loyal to a fault once he gets to really know someone. Overall he wont express what he feels or thinks excpet to one he cares very deeply about and even then they are minimal as he never really learned how to express such emotions(much like his father). This may make him seem cold and uncaring but its not the case, he just keeps himself closed off especially around those he doesnt know.
Tourmaline x Fiore Morte
Entry Code:
Tourmaline (xX Green Tea Tree Xx) Fiore Morte (stormflower)
Recent development: Breaking of Lifemate with Rainart Personality: ~working on~ Ariadne is a smart mare but somewhat closed off. She has a mysterious air about her and always acts serious. She is happy, as far as anyone knows, but we all have a void we wish to fill with an unknown source. She is a strong-silent type for the most part. And it takes a great friendship for her to open up even a little. She can easily read others, see what they may hide behind their masks, but in turn her own is nearly impenetrable. She is distant to all at first, but is not quick to judge. Having kalona blood in her she can sometimes have a short-fuse, but she has learned to master all aspects of her being. However, if her guard should lower for whatever reason, her hot-headed nature may surface again. All in all she is level-headed straight forward mare with a fiery tongue and a heart of ice. Can it be melted?
She had found that she could come to smile and care for others and even be a fairly good mother, but something was slowly trying to come. After having finally become a rather warm mare she has grown colder and is more a loner not inquiring about others should she pass, she just glances with cold yellow eyes. Her Kalona side seems to be influencing her, as much as she kept in in control and restrained it was screaming to be let out. She is stronger but she couldn't help but to grow a little colder inside. She sees herself better then her former mate and had decided she had fallen out of 'love' with him and giving the colder shoulder she up and left without a second thought or glance. She know wanders the mountains and the forest having realized that most males are weak she searches for someone to change this feeling(and lack of feelings) or for a suitable partner to bring better and strong children(no matter the breed)
UPDATE: Recently Ariadne has begun to feel lost or rather different towards Rainart her lifemate. Something has begun to stir inside her, her kalona blood taking over more then it ever has...something is changing she is growing colder and thus has left Rainart, breaking him. She is now searching for herself in a way and looking for what force is pulling her forward.....its a strange place for her indeed. Bottom line she is single again and in 6months time may be close to finding what calls her.
Ariadne x Kazuko
Entry Line: Ariadne (stormflower) x Kazuko (Kyaishi)
Backstory:Her parents met under the Blood Moon and the Blood Moon Carnival worked it's strange magic over them resulting in a blessed event, or is it?
Personality:Eira is distant and at times mysterious like her mother, but she is very much a hunter like her father, but perhaps likes it too much and especially lacked discipline in her earlier adult hood. She was no stranger to hunting for just the thrill and desire to see blood and not just for food and survival. The traits may not show but she does have kalona blood running through her veins which may add to her blood lust quite a bit sometimes. She is overall a happy mare, but is not bubbly or overly giddy and hyper though when adrenaline kicks in she may come off as hyper a bit with the thrill of the hunt.
She is calmer being older now but still enjoys the hunt, she doesnt mind meeting new faces but she does enjoy being by herself at times. After her first breeding and she was both abandoned by the stallion as she also abandoned him, both having personality shifts in a way. Eira's though is due to tragedy with her parents and her mother up and leaving her father without so much as a word....it destroyed her faith in love and she has become more solitary and has gone back to the hunt more lately. She is a bit lost and looking for some purpose and a home where she feels she'll fit in. She is also confused a bit as why she still desires something she doesnt think exists, but she hoping she'll meet someone that will help her understand and be comfortable around. She may come off as a bit uncaring and possibly mean at first meeting but she will 'lighten-up' a little after a little while, but seeing what she has seen and being taught not to judge growing up she is def not one to judge and would be accepting of any and all 'oddities'.
Recent developments: Her mother Ariadne left her father without a word, essentially leaving her. They may have been on their own paths already, but that doesnt mean Eira wasnt hurt by her mothers actions. She left Eira feeling hurt, angry, and unloved even. Eira grew very angry and cold to others and went on a hunting spree for awhile. She calmed some and hunted as normal but still was hurt and sought a distraction and she found one in a rather young and seemingly interesting(so he seemed at first) stallion named Spice. They had fun and had fun not having real feelings for one another, but by some extra twist of fate she became pregnant. This angered her more and there were many thoughts of her trying to get rid of what was growing in her, but she could never do that. She was a hunter not a killer......in the end in her anger and confusion she left the baskets for fate to deal with them.....She felt great guilt and an a great pain doing so. She returned for them finding Spice had taken one to be his 'pet'. She wished she could've saved it, but she was powerless, but the other she found a young couple that seemed very much in love and kind in nature. She placed the remaining basket where they could find it......and so they did. She chances being seen occasionally to check on her child and will continue to do so....she hopes one day she can meet her children and though it pains her to have done what she did she is sure it was best for the child....she obviously wasn't ready to be a mother.
Future: She matures and is ready to settle down or so she thinks and she meets a stallion named Gideon and they hit it off well, but something changes in him.. INCLUDING his name, he speaks with a name Garrance and is not the same stallion and they part ways without too many hard feelings.....
[b]CURRENT BREEDING:[b] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] Eira Linn (stormflower) [img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Gaia pets/AriadneRainart_Babe1.jpg?t=1290319697[/img] [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Gaia pets/EiraAdult.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] Gideon/Garance Chamberland (StraitJacketGirl & [strike]Orangeish Sherbert[/strike]) [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Norp/Tagged/Angeance_Tag03.jpg[/img] [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Gaia pets/PanHalfbro2.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]Low Luck?: [/b] none yet [b]Co Ownership?:[/b][url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2643386&page=135]Here[/url].....stats that this 1st breeding is SJG's only and orangeish has no rights to it and it does not count toward her monthly breeding count. ^_^ [b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=19548747#264750071]storm[/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18952425]SJG[/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20817943&page=1]Orangeish[/url] [b]RPed couple?:[/b] n/a [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes please [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] Eira Side- [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq343/darkmoondancerart/Pets/Soquili/Rainart-cert.jpg]Dad[/url], [url=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/Arcaeus3cert.jpg]Mom[/url], [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http%3A%2F%2Fi15.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa354%2Fsoquilipets%2FMer%2Fcerted%2Fkamikiazure1.jpg]Grandmother[/url], [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http%3A%2F%2Fi15.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa354%2Fsoquilipets%2FMer%2Fcerted%2Fparispersy2.jpg]Grandfather[/url], [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/AzureArisGrandfather-Momsside.jpg]GGfather1[/url], [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/KamikiArisGrandma-Momsside.jpg]GGmother1[/url], [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/PersephonixArisGrandDa-Dadsside.jpg]GGfather2[/url], and [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/stormflower06/ParisArisGrandma-Dadsside.jpg]GGmother2[/url](before SW)
[b]Lifemate?:[/b] no [b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11630811&page=309]here[/url] [b]Preferred colorist(s):[/b] any[/spoiler]
Name: Lady Arachne "Lattie" Temper: Enticing Obtained: 12/13/14 via "Day and Night" Carousel Event. Widows Web game Color:Midnight Parents: n/a Siblings: n/a Children: Mate/Breeding Partner(s): Breedings Open: 4/4 fling to be with Kingston but till ready Mock-breeding Permission Here Friends: Enemies: Acquaintances: Rp's Completed: Current/On-going RPs:
Backstory: Lattie comes from an odd background. Her mother was the first Arache, thought to be immortal who had been cursed due to pride. She taunted the powers that be. She was a spinster/weaver who all said did the most beautiful work and it soon went to her head and her boasting displeased 'the gods' so they cursed her to a life of misery as all men that would get her work were poisoned. All her male lovers died and it made her bitter. By chance she managed to have a daughter who saw the sadness and disheartned it made her mother. Instead of living in fear of the curse, she embraced it. She would be strong and thanks to her unknown fathers Kalona blood she was a little twisted and had a taste for blood. This was the life for her....not curse but gift.....
Personality: coming soon She is called 'Lattie' to throw others off her cold intent(got it from the scientific name for the Black Widow-Latrodectus)
Lady Arachne x Morning Star
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lady Arachne, stormflower UNCERT ITEMLESS pregnant stage: I want one
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Morning Star, Miss Cherie (He's a quadwing-- I know that it's hard to tell with the placement of the wings.) UNCERT
Name: Kabuto Temper: Obtained: Color: Parents: n/a Siblings: Children: Mate/Breeding Partner(s): Breedings Open: 1. Fling-Isolean Vriends (could become more) 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open Friends: Enemies: Acquaintances: Rp's Completed: Current/On-going RPs:
Personality: Always residing in the shadows Kabuto is a bit of a lone wolf...err beetle thing? When he does go out he prefers the dark vs. the sun. He is very quiet not saying much unless its worth being said. He is very mysterious and can sneak very well. He is a master at hiding and not one to be found unless he wants to be except on a few rare occasions. He knows how to fight as was the way of his clan before they all disappeared. He has very few memories from his past. He is a bit of an old soul and can come off as awkward with his lack of words. Should he find himself to care enough about any though he will do anything to keep them safe and let no harm come to them.
Isolean Vriends x Kabuto
Entry Code:
Isolean Vriends(ProphetOfProfit) x Kabuto (stormflower)