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Tuait-Tekem Guardian

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:01 pm

Accepted your character into the pride Zero and Below! No formal JRP is needed for the pride unless you want one! Just assume that they've met the Pharaoh ICly so the higher ups will know they're about and have been welcomed properly.

Looking forward to seeing Zehoret with the group NovaCracker 3nodding

exclaim An update to the contest: We're going to extend the closing date for the entire contest until Thursday 24th in the hopes of there being a few more entries. This is not in anyway meant to be taken as detrimental to the entries that have already been submitted, which so far have been very interesting. heart

We're also not going to be yay or naying any more Pride Gold applications until then likewise to hopefully generate more entries (and because the more entries that are made before all the gold is claimed, the more people have a chance at getting their character paid for/winning the raffle boy!). Those that have already been okayed (Sahu'aaj / Sawaki, Djal / Chezarain, Nesertib / Satsurashi), this doesn't affect you guys! You've already been yay-ed as it were and if any of you custom your characters this month, you just let us know and we'll send 300k towards the custom fee.

We hope that this isn't bad news and that people have fun with this contest.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:10 pm

I'd like this character sponsored please!
Name Of Character: Nesertib (Heart of Fire)
Description: http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/langrassier/SoA/egypt.png
(I wanted to point out that I’d like the black eye marking that kinda resembles the eye of Osiris to only be on one eye, her right.)
Brief Personality Summary: Nesertib is a feisty girl, like her name implies. She’s lighthearted and flirty most of the time, and seems like she never takes anything seriously. The only things Nesertib ever puts all her effort into are hunting and fighting. Anything that keeps her physically busy is something she enjoys, but she‘s both good at these and loves to do them. Nesertib lives life to the fullest - she works hard and she plays hard. But she’s never been the type to get angry easily, hung up on specific things or be downhearted about something for long. To her, life is about enjoying yourself, and nothing is worth ruining the fun of it.
Brief History Summary: What have they been up to in life? Nesertib was born into the pride, her parents following the wandering band sent away by Aset-nusu. Nesertib has lost her parents in that journey and her siblings - but she, unlike many of the young adults her age, stayed with the group and endured until finally they returned home. Nesertib has never seen her homeland before, but she considered it the wish of her family that she return here, and so she did. Since then she’s been trying to carve out a niche for herself here, amidst many strangers. She’s been made a Huntress, but she wants badly to become a Guardian.

Let us know if you get her, and we'll send 300k towards her your way Satsurashi.

(Last Pride Gold entry that will be okayed until the contest ends, see above contest note!)

Tuait-Tekem Guardian

robot kittio

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:33 pm

Yay thanks, I wouldn't mind having jrp but does not matter to me. One last question, am I responsible for getting her cert updated?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:30 am

I want to try for the FEMALE Storyteller!
Name For Lioness: Sankh Medet (to make words live)
Brief Personality Summary:

Even as a cub Medet had more then a passing fondness for the old stories, she spent much of her time pestering the oldest amoung the group so that they might tell her more...or answer her questions about the ones she had already been told. Blessed with an excellent memory Medet rarely forgot a story once it had been told and so as she grew the lioness managed to collect a rather large assortment within her memories - or as she like to call it - a story for every occasion. Medet fully believes in the adage 'those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it' and believes that the stories she tells are the perfect way to ensure the prides history and belief are not forgotten. She is fond of useing stories as examples while she talks and a liberal use of quotes tend to show up in even her everyday conversations. Stories as far as she is concerned hold the answers to any quetion that might be asked or any problem that might arise. If you ask her to solve your problem or for her advice...be prepared to settle in and listen to a tale..or two...or three while she makes her point.

Example Story:

It was the perfect time of day for a story telling, the sun hung low on the sky and splashed it with colors that were seen at no other time but this, a cooling breeze raced across the earth - something to be thankful for in thee lands - and a calm mood seemed to prevail over old and young alike as they relaxed after the days work. It was much as she had expected and precisely the reason she had choosen this time to gather those of the pride who wished to listen. They waited patiently as she composed herself for the telling, old eyes peaceful and young eyes filled with eagarness - she did so love to tell these tales to the young who were always so pleased to hear them.

She had already decided on a story to tell of course, a tale of famine and hardship...but with a valuble lesson to learn. Suitable she thought to teach young cubs and remind those older beasts who sometimes got so caught up in their respective live that they forgot. Giving a glance toward the sky Medet decided she had best stop woolgathering and stat the tale less the young fall asleep before she had finished and drawing hersef up to her full height she fixed her audience with a a warm gaze but serious gaze...and gave voice to the tale as it had been told to her many many years ago.

"Long,long before the sickness begot our people and forced some of us away for this our beloved lands, a differant sort of disaster once struck the Tuait'tekem, it was a sneaky disaster and did not make itself known right away - though there were signs, had we known where to look then as we do now. None the less this problem was only noticed when hunters sent out by the Vizier failed to return with substanance for the Pride, prey had been scarce for some time of course but never had the Hunters returned with only air between their jaws! The Vizier was angry at first and demanded of the Hunters a reason for their failure - what he demanded would the beloved Pharoah and his family eat when they returned with nothing at all!

'But sir!' The Hunters cried 'How can we hunt when there is no water flowing in the great river Chione? The prey animals have all left or died!'

The Vizier was troubled by the words of the Hunters - never had the great river failed them in such a fashion and surely there must be a reason for it, perplexed by his thoughts the Vizier left the Hunters to heir misery over failed hunt and went to report thier words to Pharaoh who was also startled and worried by the words 'If such a thing has happened then surely we have angered the Gods in some fashion' He finally decreed after thinking the problem over for quite some time. The High Priest was summoned and the Pride spent several days in supplication to the Gods Ra, Hethert and Aker. Everyone was certain that this would solve their problem and after the days of supplication the hunters were once more sent forth in search of prey. The hunters ranged farther and were gone for longer then they ever had before...and the lions and lioness of the Pride began to wonder if they would ever return. A secondary hunting party was being organized when into the temple came the dusty exhausted form of an old hunter.

'Where are the others?' Demanded the Vizier as the beast sagged upon the floor unable to stand. 'dead...all dead' cried the Hunter 'slain by thirst and hunger until only I survived.' The pride was in an uproar by this point of course and tempers wearing thin from the grumble of hungry bellies. Pharaoh was espechially perplexed as the Queen was expecting cubs and her condition in dire straits. Once more Pharoah sought confidence with the Priest's and Priestess of pride and after much discussion decided that it was a lesser god they had offended, as the trouble wasthe river it was further decreed that it must be Tefnut the goddess of moisture and water or Khnum god of the river flood who was angry. Pharoah himself went alone to offer sacrifices to the God and Goddess and to offer supplication to them - after ome time had passed the god Khnum saw fit to show himself and explain his anger, no one the God said had seen fit to keep his shrine in good condition though the materials stood around in abundance.

Pharoah promised that such a thing would never happen again and Khnum agreed to let the waters flow again as they had before. Pharoah kept his promise to the God Khnum and repaired the shrine, ordering that the priests must see that it never fell into disreapair again and that the story be marked upon a stone wall so that the promise was never forgotten. Khnum too kept his promise as the river flowed, the prey returned...and the pride flourished.


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Wylde Roses

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:08 am

I want to try for The Elder!

Name For Lioness: Tanafriti - "She of the beautiful land"

Brief Personality Summary: She's an older lioness, and time has taken its toll on her - not so much physically as mentally and emotionally. She's had a hard life, and it shows in her eyes and her manner. Tanafriti isn't bitter or angry so much as tired - tired of everything that has been thrown at her, tired of having to continue to struggle with everyday life, tired of missing her home... in fact, this tiredness extends to even interacting with others! She always seems just a touch melancholy and is extremely world-weary. She is a quiet lioness and doesn't speak much, instead preferring to reminisce to herself - Tanafriti won't actively seek others out for companionship, but if they seek her out she will be polite... if the look in her eyes doesn't drive them off.

Her Reaction To The Situation: Tanafriti is fairly neutral to the changes that have taken place - to be sure, some are a little disconcerting to her, but she's lived long enough to know that survival is, in the end, more important than tradition. Nevertheless, occasionally she will be caught by surprise by something, which inevitably sends her temporarily into a flashback. She misses the world of her youth, but she doesn't miss what was brought down upon the pride! As long as the pride is alive and thriving, she can be content. All she really wants at this point in time is a place to rest for the rest of her days, and even though things are vastly different from what she remembers, it's still home, and she can't think of a better place to spend the rest of her life.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:44 pm

I want to try for the FEMALE Storyteller!
Name For Lioness: Raziya (meaning: agreeable)
Brief Personality Summary: Raziya began life with reckless and cheerful independence. As a youth, she was always ready for parties and hunting and any sporting with her friends, and while she was an endless flirt she had no patience for the compromise that came with love affairs. She did, however, love cubs almost as much as she loved spinning yarns to entertain her fellows, so she took a husband with the intent of having cubs, but she never became pregnant and believed she was infertile. Her husband (who was actually the infertile one) was a rogue who had joined her group’s pilgrimage to be with her, and after finding himself scorned by the grieving Raziya, left.

Raziya, however, is still cheerful, though she has gained a darker and more knowledgeable edge to her usual cheer. She likes helping those younger than herself in sort of a maternal way and enjoys collecting and crafting tales that teach morals or give entertainment. Raziya will lend a sympathetic ear and give advice readily, and she revels in being the center of attention and telling dark-humored jokes. She can come off as a tough-love sort, but she’s very sweet to cubs and still wishes for her own.
Example Story: (Based loosely off “Anasi and the Snake”)
Raziya chuckled at one of her companion’s jokes, but of course it wasn’t long until someone gave her an expectant look. She was used to making lazy evenings like this lively, and what everyone needed now was a good story to laugh at. She cleared her throat to signal she was about to start, and once silence had settled began spinning a new story from the top of her head.

“A long time ago there used to not be so many animals. In fact, there was a forest not far from here where there was only one of every animal, so they never bothered with names and just called each other Badger and Snake and so on. The forest used to be ruled by Lion, and he was the biggest, strongest lion that had ever been. Even Hawk, who had flown everywhere over the desert and savannah, had never seen a lion as huge and powerful before. Rabbit lived in this same forest, but he was always ridiculed by everyone else in the forest for being so small and weak. They would tease him and say, “Even Lion wouldn’t bother trying to eat you – you wouldn’t half fill his mouth!”

Finally, Rabbit had enough of being mocked and decided that if he killed Lion, then not only would everyone have to admit Rabbit was the mightiest of the forest, but they would have to thank him for saving them since Lion ate so voraciously and was a threat to all the smaller animals.

Now Lion went on the same old route between his den and the watering hole every day, and Rabbit decided to lay a trap there. At night, Rabbit dug a deep deep pit. It took all night, and just before dawn he had just enough time to catch a whole mess of fish at the river and throw them into the pit. Lion woke up early and hungry, and when he came to the pit he jumped in and ate the fist. Rabbit, who had been hiding and watching, was aghast when Lion simply jumped out of the pit.

The next day Rabbit found a cave with a narrow opening and chased Boar into it. The entrance was barely wide enough for Boar to fit, and Rabbit thought that if Lion went in and ate him, he would be too fat to squeeze out of the cave. Rabbit then planned to throw scorpions into the cave, because even Lion couldn’t withstand the poisonous stings. When Lion heard Boar squealing in the cave, he came running and dove in. He killed and ate Boar as fast as lightening. Sure enough, he wasn’t able to squeeze out, but before Rabbit could throw in the scorpions, Lion let forth a mighty roar that made the trees and very earth tremble. The cave was so scared that it crumbled at the mouth and let Lion free.

This went on for a whole week, and the whole forest got word of what Rabbit was trying to do. Everyone thought it was hilarious, except Lion, who was embarrassed that Rabbit was constantly getting in a way and pulling him in these foolish situations. He finally went to Rabbit, intending to tell him to stop his foolishness or be eaten. When he found him, Rabbit was holding a long vine that was twined through a tree’s roots. High above, the vine was wrapped around a huge boulder handing from a branch. At the base of the tree was a see-saw made of a rock and log.

Before Lion could say anything, Rabbit cried out, “Oh, there you are Lion! I know what you’re here for, but I don’t wanna kill you no more. You’re too much for me!”

Lion, who liked this kind of praise, was flattered and forgave Rabbit, then asked what he was up to.

“Well I was hoping you would let me weigh you. You’re too great a lion to ever be forgotten, and one day when your great-great-great grandchildren rule the forest, they should be able to point at this rock and say that their ancestor was the mightiest Lion of all time, and that he was so big that he weighed even more than this rock. If you stand on the see-saw there I’ll lower the rock real slow so everyone will know you’re heavier than it.”

Well Lion was no fool usually, but Rabbit had praised him so much that he couldn’t refuse such a tribute and went to stand on the see-saw. Sure enough, Rabbit didn’t ease the rock down but let go of the vine all at once! When the rock went down, Lion went up, and up, and up! Lion went up so high that when he finally came down and hit the ground he died instantly, and from then on Rabbit got to be known as the trickiest animal and everyone else in the forest had to bow down to him."



PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:43 pm

I want to try for the MALE Storyteller!
Name For Lion: Aad’Herret –pale flower or Hebny’Biu – ebony wasp (Not sure which I want right now. Suggestions?)
Brief Personality Summary: (Will use Hebny’Biu for this)
Hebny loves to tell stories. He will start telling a story at any given chance. Once started it is very hard to get him to stop. When anyone tries, Hebny looks affronted that you don’t want to listen to his story. That does not keep his spirits down for long, however, and he will quickly look for another unfortunate party to listen to him. Alas, Henby is not the best story teller. He loves stories so much, that often he makes them up. With wild embellishments to keep an audience entertained.
Example Story: Warning- I am not a good storyteller, but thought I’d give this a try.
Hebny settled down and gazed at his adoring audience. He had come up with a good story for them tonight.

“Many turns of the seasons ago,” he intoned, “The Pharaoh had been blessed with a son. This son was bold and dashing. He learned quickly and charmed his father’s enemies. One day he overheard the Pharaoh’s adviser speaking of a plot of overthrow the Pharaoh, his father, and place him on the throne. The son loved his father dearly, and knew he had to do something.”

“He hatched up a plot of his own and went to find an accomplice. For a whole day the Pharaoh’s son searched and searched. Finally he spotted a cobra coming out from among the rocks. ‘Friend, I would speak with you for a moment.’ The cobra glared balefully and hissed. ‘There is a proposition that I would like to make.’ He knew this was dangerous, but it had to be done.”

“Again the cobra hissed and spread its hood. The son wondered if this would work. ‘Peace creature; listen first. I have a small task for you to do. In return I will provide tasty morsels during the dry for you when food is hard to come by.’ He smiled winningly. The cobra thought for a second before it responded. ‘What isssss thisssss tasssssk?’ It’s cold black eyes bore into him.”

“The son swallowed hard. ‘I…. want you to bite the advisor.’ ‘How will I get in?’ asked the cobra. ‘I can sneak you in.’ The cobra gave a hissing laugh, ‘agreed.’ “

Thus it was quickly done. The son smuggled the cobra into the advisor’s rooms; it hid and curled up to wait. That night as the advisor was sleeping, the cobra slipped out and bit him viciously. Its venom would ensure the advisor’s death before dawn. Before the cobra could escape however, the advisor’s wife cried alarm and summoned guards. The guards put the cobra to death.

The son arrived just in time to see the guards standing over the dead body of the cobra. He went to check the advisor. Standing over him, the son whispered ‘You shouldn’t have tried to kill my father.’ The advisor’s eyes widen and then he died. The son turned back to the guards. ‘I will take the body and remove it from here. See to the advisor.’ “

“The Pharaoh’s son carefully picked up the cobra’s body and left. Out into the desert he went. He felt sad that he would be unable to keep his promise to it. It had done what he asked it and lost its life; he wanted to honor it. When he returned to the city the skin of the cobra was carefully bound to his tail. He wore it ever more and became known as…..” Hebny paused, letting his audience get the appropriate gasps in.

“Hfau’Deneb. Serpent Tail.”

I will also partner with anyone who wants to try for the female relation. Please pm me.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:20 am

I wish I could try for the male storyteller, but I am a terrible storyteller. ^^;



PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:28 pm

Try anyway! You might come up with something awesome!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:47 pm

I want to try for The Princess!

Name For Lioness: Nanu Ialu (beautiful field of dreams)
Brief Personality Summary:
Nanu is a rather quiet yet pleasant lioness to be around, she loves to put a smile on other's faces and get a laugh out of even the most serious tempered lions. She will typically stop to help anyone in need and will avoid burdening anyone with her own problems. Nanu feels as if her job is still like that as a princess, she shouldn't just merely relax and enjoy her time or merely treat others as if they are below. She believes that the all of the members of the pride are just as important as it leader without a happy pride the leader has no right to be there.
Her flaws is that she tends to hold her own worries, concerns, and emotions to herself, she feels as if letting other's know is merely burdening them. Nanu also has a bad habit of not saying know when others need her, she would rather run herself ragged than tell them no. She is rather observant and can easily tell what bothers others and why it does so by watching their actions, as well she believes in being fair when it comes to handling those who offend others or herself. She won't lose her temper easily and will calmly handle a situation to the best that she can.
Her Reaction To The Situation: You can respond with an IC post or by just describing how she feels.
Nanu has mixed feelings about the situation, in one way becoming nothing more than nobility allows her more freedom, as if a heavy burden is lifted off her shoulders. She no longer has to worry about being little things such as politics, food, how to even bring life back into the pride. It's as if she is finally free from all her the fears she thought she would have to face and what would happened if she failed in accomplishing them. Yet at the same time she feels as if she had let down her group, the hopes of why she even survived as well as being able to do whatever she could for her pride as a princess. She feels a responsible of giving their hopes up in a way, as if they had lived in such lands for so long only to realize that they never had to.

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger


PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:42 pm

Magnadearel and I are going for relations. whee I will post it when I get back from school. ^.^ (I'm GMT)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:15 pm

45 minutes left!

Successful Edit


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:25 pm

If we have somebody in mind for the uncle/niece, but they're not on... Are we allowed to throw something together on our own and surprise them later? xd ; *Has taken this long to decide who would make a good partner for it, and they are so not online*
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:31 pm

We want to try for Relations!
Name For Lion: Desher-bik (Red Falcon)
Owner For Lion: magnadearel
Brief Personality Summary: Desher is a relaxed lion; secure in his semi-old age. Being sympathetic, he tries to do good things for others. Sometimes things don’t always turn out that way or isn’t accepted as good help. He means well, but can get carried away.
To Desher, family is a sense of duty. A charge he will carry through even if it doesn’t sit well with him. He thinks a proper female is one who is respectful of her mate and listens to his will.

Name For Lioness: Azeneth ("she belongs to her father" -
Owner For Lioness: Sawaki
Brief Personality Summary: As a cub, Aze was very fond of her wild, care-free mother and sweet, down-to-earth father. She always had a bit of a playful and funny side to her, and was deeply considerate and understanding. When her parents died tragically, she remained silent for a while and roamed around by herself before her uncle decided to take on the role of the 'father'.

Azeneth is witty with her words and unafraid to say what's on her mind. This makes her seem a little too harsh and honest at times. She can also be sarcastic and insulting, but it is only a coping mechanism to the death of her parents. She takes on her mother, who was a wild lioness with a wild spirit, which is one of the many reasons why she doesn't get along will mellow ol' Desher.

Despite acting spontaneously and without any regard for consequences, she still has a part of her that is kind and gentle, which makes her a peculiar lioness. She has difficulty accepting she is an adult, and even though she doesn't see it, she has grown to rely on Desher.

Family Matters:

Desher-bik and his only brother had a serious rivalry when they were cubs. By the time they reached adulthood, it bordered on hate. When his brother and mate died tragically, he felt that it was his duty to take on their daughter as his own. Her spirited ways have left the lion resigned to his position.

When they arrive at the pride, Azeneth is thrilled that she can interact with other lions and disconnect herself from her uncle. But, when push comes to shove, she realizes the two actually care about each other, and will stay together in the pride. After all, they're all they have left as family.


bipolar bee

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:36 pm

We want to try for Relations!
Name For Lion: Gahiji, Egyptian for 'hunter'
Owner For Lion: pinchmonster
Brief Personality Summary: Gahiji feels eternally duty bound to his niece's happiness, and can usually maintain a cheerful exterior. He fears for her future and is uncertain about returning to normal pridal life. In a way he resists change because he feels that the more changes equate to more potential for disaster. Gahiji is terrified of starting his own family, though he would never admit to such a thing. The thought of harming anyone petrifies Gahiji. To protect the feelings and emotions of others, Gahiji is skilled at stretching the truth or telling what he considers to be harmless little lies. He harbors an inner rage towards his brother and should they ever cross paths again, sparks will fly. His niece comes first and foremost in his life and likely always will.

Name For Lioness: Sagira, Arabic for 'little one'
Owner For Lioness: Dulcea
Brief Personality Summary: Because of her close connection with her uncle, Sagira is stuck in a sort of persistant adolescence. She acts often without rational thought, guided by her heart. Her gut reactions are childish, and her motives still largely selfish. She does not suspect that Gahiji would ever lie to her, and thus is extremely defensive about his stories of their past. She believes that he will always be there to take care of her, and will take a long time to realize that this is not the case. Eventually, with help from others in the pride, she will mature into a true adult. Still she will always retain her indignation, and may seem abrasive to those she feels cannot benefit her.

Family Matters: Sagira's mother was as naive as Sagira is now, and she fell for the charms of Gahiji's brother. They were just adolescents, and their plans for fun and adventure quickly collapsed when it became apparent the young female was pregnant. Gahiji's brother, terrified, would not speak with her. Gahiji himself had fallen in love with the girl, and was appalled by his brothers actions. He offered himself to her, but was refused. When told that she had gone into labor Gahiji brought his brother to her side, insisting that he apologize and do the right thing, but it was already too late to help. The young mother had run into complications, and died as they watched. Gahiji's brother fled the scene immediately, and has not been seen since. Gahiji, enraged with his brother and feeling near collapse at the loss, had laid down beside her. Mere minutes after she had died he felt a tiny movement beneath her skin. Frenzied, he cut open her side, revealing three small cubs. Two had already died, but Sagira had held on. It took a long time for her to recover, but he has cared for her as his own ever since. Not wanting to traumatize her with her birth he has told her all here life that her parents died in the passing of a terrible sickness.

They are extremely close, and Sagira has become overly sheltered. They call each other father and daughter because they are the only relations each has left. When they arrive in the pride initially they may isolate themselves together, but eventually each will find their own way. In time Sagira will find out that her uncle's story has been a lie, and it will take a lot of work for their relationship to heal. She may seek her father in the future, but she will never undervalue what her uncle has done for her.
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