How do you feel in reagrds to banning throwbacks. |
everyone should be allow to use them with no limits |
61% |
[ 74 ] |
ppl should be allowed to choose who they want to use their soqs throwbacks and who they don't want using them |
9% |
[ 11 ] |
Everyone should be able to freely use throwbacks, but a do not use thread would be great for ppl who do not want specific soqs used without permission |
27% |
[ 33 ] |
don't care either suits me! GOLD! |
2% |
[ 3 ] |
Suggestion - Post in thread. |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Total Votes : 121 |
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:22 am
the person using my soq is not my friend and I was told by sirenz not to speak with this person period. any relations must go through shop staff...so i cannot exactly say "you! do not use mine!" without going through staff.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:25 am
I honestly believe you lose the right to have a say in what goes into the horses when you don't breed via RL slots. Custom the children and that solves the issues. Otherwise, it is COMPLETELY up to the colorist.
This is how I feel on this issues. But if you were banned from talking to this person, just send a note to the staff asking them to remove your horse. Simple as that.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:27 am
I can only see more disagreements arising from all this. As in, more people will be hurt by being denied access to certain family lines. For all the years that this shop, or any other BC, been open, this has never been an issue.
You can't deny certain genetic markers in RL, so why complicate things further here?
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:27 am
I agree with Jaded 100%.
Also, that's the last I have to say on this. -salutes and poofs-
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:29 am
Coffee thats what Im trying to do. Im not here advocating for a thread at all.. Im here saying I want permission and Ill tell my friends as such.
If you DO choose to let everyone use them then great! But.. I should still be able to have the option to choose to not allow them to be used, just as someone can choose to allow throwbacks
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:30 am
JadedTiger22 I can only see more disagreements arising from all this. As in, more people will be hurt by being denied access to certain family lines. For all the years that this shop, or any other BC, been open, this has never been an issue.
You can't deny certain genetic markers in RL, so why complicate things further here? the issue that i have bolded is the point.. people have already been hurt by being denied access .. the point we're making is suggestions to make things Fair .. no matter what personal issues arise between people
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:30 am
To be honest, I don't know or understand what the point of Throw-backs is. *shrug* The types of breedings I'm used to in other places is you post the pair you want bred and the artists take it from there. No family lines to trace, and whatever edits/patterns the pair posted has, is the artist's discretion to pass on. But here, obviously, from all the talk, throwbacks are a big thing. I just.... don't see any reason for it, so if such a list were made to deny throwback usage, I'd probably want to shove Spirit Sprite on there. Not that his coloring couldn't be found on any normal horse out there, but... I honestly do NOT want people using my boy without my express permission for anything. And Mialee, again, is the only one that has my permission for anything involving him. Obviously, this whole throwbacks thing is causing issues for some people because of OTHER people saying that they can't use so-and-so in their bloodline.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:31 am
I like the idea, though I understand it would be hard to probably put together. With the expection of one of my soq, all mine are 1st or 2nd gen mostly, and I own one of the parents. At some point the 'family relations' stop.. As in you have no idea who owns the great grands kids and such. And when it gets to that point I know personally I won't want my characters being used in throwbacks. It's not the same issue that you're having. But I joined soq for RP and to make stories, and once those stories 'end' meaning I'm no longer part of the 'family' becuse it's gotten so large. I don't want characters getting used.
And I have to say from my understanding that it's not right of the shop to say that you're banned from using this line, but the other people can still use yours. That brings up ethic issues in the business.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:32 am
Now Im all confused about whats being spoken about.
This is the last thing Ill say cause somehow it feels like an argument more than a discussion? Which I dont think Mia meant but oh well.
Im going to continue to feel the way I do, and continue to deny a throwback being used if I see fit. Ill continue to use my throwbacks, along with the ones that ask. But those who dont ask, I reserve the right to deny the throwback to be used. Its my personal preference, and to each their own.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:32 am
i did this time, but said person keeps using them in breeding raffles so it needs to stop. i have contacted the shop about it as notification was to be sent over a month, month and a half maybe?, ago about this. but its clearly not jsut me with issues hence why this discussion thread was made.
i have done everything you have suggested and there is still issues so something needs to be done to resolve the issue.
but not jsut for myself, for others who feel they should have a say. i hear what you are saying but if a person wants to render a soq unusable to anyone...well they got that right. but i do not agree with banning certain ppl. i personally like the compromised idea that was suggested here.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:32 am
JadedTiger22 I can only see more disagreements arising from all this. As in, more people will be hurt by being denied access to certain family lines. For all the years that this shop, or any other BC, been open, this has never been an issue.
You can't deny certain genetic markers in RL, so why complicate things further here? Agreed. Furthermore, I think that you're either going to allow throwbacks on your horse or not. I think it's a tad bit selfish for you to allow your friends access to your throwbacks and not everyone else. Just my two cents. I do not believe that this is necessary and will cause more problems than it would solve.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:34 am
We must remember that nothing in life is fair. Everyone gets hurt sometimes and some people were unfortunate enough to have this happen to them. It's sad, but I can see this getting out of control with people wanting to deny "family lines" to people who's relative is mating with a Soq they don't want in the family.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. ~ Ghandi
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:40 am
That's like asking what genetics you want in your offspring. It's not natural. I just talked to someone and half of the traits are decided by dice roll (and low and behold this includes throwbacks) and the other half are colorist choice. Throwbacks don't really have anything to do with CC at all. So really, to stop this whole thing from becoming a high school drama fest of wah wah wah you can use my soquili on an official scale, why don't people be more picky of who they breed with and those who you don't mind using the lines to begin with? That kills two birds with one stone.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:40 am
Also, Mialee please put up a poll. Since there is a lot of response on this, it'd be best to have a succinct visual on how people feel.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:44 am
i agree. if not for the issue where revel got really hurt and thats how we found out i was banned from a certain line, i would not have any issues at all. I was VERY upset how revel was hurt. its jsut not fair. and not a nice way ti find out either.
Jaded and Neph i do agree. and thats what happened here. former friends went to staff behind my back after a fall out, and had me banned from a line. i was not notified. the shop has apologized for this and said future bannings of throwbacks use, owners will be officially pmed. these 2 ppl were supposed to be told they cannot use mine if they want to be like that. however 1 is still using mine in any raffle that one of their soq is related to mine. this is AFTER having me banned months ago. i fail to how they think they can use mine but i am banned from theirs.
everyone else is free to use mine in throwbacks for the moment. but i don't agree with this decision. I think this banning certain ppl from certain lines and soqs throwbacks should be abolished and a do not use thread set up to cater for ppl who do not want anyone using their specific soqs at all. (in other words they would need to get permission to use theirs)
Lunarei: well i was told they would be notified but one is still using them so...i contacted the shop again to deal with it and ask if they were notified or not. i would never have banned anyone from using my throwbacks if this had not been done to me, and behind my back. I was freely even allowing them use mine, until this all came up in recent weeks. I am still more concerned with how much all of this hurt Revel. why said ppl punish her because of personal issues with me.