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Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:33 am
I think you guys might be getting a little defensive about your RP. Honestly, I RP, but I don't have an RP qualified couple. I don't think the perks of RP should be eliminated.
However, take into consideration that when RP slots are in breedings, they provide good odds of being picked. In Riri's recent breedings, there were approx 20 entries into the RP category. Heck, that's even better odds than low luck was, considering there were approx 30 entries in that category.
It doesn't seem to me like you're really losing out if you only have one ticket. One ticket in the RP category is going to give you much better odds of winning than one ticket in the edited category, for example. I think that still sounds like a perk.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:38 am
Again, I'll reiterate: Does that mean the people who have the extra gold shouldn't be allowed to get thousands of tickets during ticket raffle events?
I was eligible for 2 chances with one couple and 1 chance with another. I still didn't win with them. It's still all up to Gaia RNG.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:40 am
Perhaps so but this shop caters allot to people with tonnes of gold, I don't think it's right to take away one of the few 'extra' chances that everyone can do with a bit of work because they might get one more chance at a raffle then someone who doesn't bother.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:42 am
You also have to take into consideration the type of event. In a free raffle, everyone gets one ticket. Fair enough. In a paid raffle, anyone can buy as many tickets as they want. Fair enough, right? You can pay however much you want to pay for a possible pony!get. However, in breedings, the fee isn't paid unless you win. The entrants aren't losing out on anything and the colorists don't get extra gold if people have five tickets as opposed to one. And breedings are significantly cheaper than most events, being that they're only 12k.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:43 am
I use the term 'ticket' loosely. Just to describe the chances a person has better.
I'm getting pretty tired of repeating myself, tbh.
I really don't see how giving people better odds in the first place and then giving them more odds by having them rolled in more than one category is fair. When you look past the fact that you're getting rewarded and omfgbabies yay~ it's --------- unfair.
I'm not saying people who RP and keep trying for LL aren't deserving of it. They are. Which is why they got those slots in the first place. Not everyone is going to be RP qualified. Not everyone is going to reach LL. That's why those slots are there; to give the people who do that work a higher chance of winning a breeding. Like I've said numerous times 1/50 is incredible odds compared to 1/200. ( or 2/x if you're entering two pairs )
It's upsetting to me as someone who is new to soquilli - I've only entered 4 breedings and RL has been killing me and I haven't had as much time to RP as I would like - that people who do have the time get increased odds and more chances at being rolled on top of that.
Please explain to me how that's fair without using the excuse 'they worked hard for it they deserve it' they're already being rewarded for that with the specific slots.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:45 am
saedusk I think you guys might be getting a little defensive about your RP. Honestly, I RP, but I don't have an RP qualified couple. I don't think the perks of RP should be eliminated.
However, take into consideration that when RP slots are in breedings, they provide good odds of being picked. In Riri's recent breedings, there were approx 20 entries into the RP category. Heck, that's even better odds than low luck was, considering there were approx 30 entries in that category.
It doesn't seem to me like you're really losing out if you only have one ticket. One ticket in the RP category is going to give you much better odds of winning than one ticket in the edited category, for example. I think that still sounds like a perk. Quoted for truth. ._.;
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:45 am
But it's still under the same principle idea regardless of the type of RNG we're talking about. The people who take the time to get RP qualified, who actually write up lifemate agreements, who don't cover their Soquili is pointless glittery crap, reap those benefits like someone who has paid the millions of gold to make sure they are guaranteed a spot in a ticket raffle. You, as the entry, are putting your chances in a Random Number Generator provided by Gaia or some offline site.
So I'll go back to my previous question: Does that mean we should make it so everyone can get an Elder without doing the work of roleplay?
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:48 am
lilmissy4205 Again, I'll reiterate: Does that mean the people who have the extra gold shouldn't be allowed to get thousands of tickets during ticket raffle events? That doesn't have anything to do with this since it isn't done like that. [quote="lolmissy4205"I was eligible for 2 chances with one couple and 1 chance with another. I still didn't win with them. It's still all up to Gaia RNG. You were still put on a list with the chance of winning more than once. Gaia RNG doesn't go 'oh you've been on a list already i'm not going to choose your number!' RNG is a game of chance. If you have higher odds you have a better chance of beating a game of chance.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:50 am
@Lol: It took me almost a year to get my first fully owned soquili. It took me another year to get two breedings, BOTH of which were LL. Sabin took pity on us at that time and CC'd my couple and one or two others on the MCCL. My other couple was also CC'd by Samuality after a month had passed. I didn't even win by rolling. It was the colorist's discretion whether or not to take my couple on. Are you going to say that's not fair either? I didn't win via the normal "unfair" rolling slots at all. The couple CC'd by Sabin was almost up to 30+ tries and my other was at about 25 tries. So to say the extra slots helped is not correct. My odd's still sucked since there's so many people in this shop.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:50 am
For the love of God and all that is holy. Not once have I said people who RP and make life mate agreements and are unlucky enough to get to LL status don't deserve to be rewarded. THE SLOTS IN THEMSELVES ARE A REWARD/PERK GIVEN THAT THEY HAVE BETTER ODDS. Why are you bringing elders into this? This thread is about breedings and making them fair; not about RP, elders and how they are chosen.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:53 am
you were unlucky then; but you did get your breedings and i'm not going to say CC is unfair because that's the colourists' discretion, they can do what they want. i'm not saying the odds are definitely going to get you picked. but they are increased and then increased again. .-.;
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:55 am
Actually, it does have to do with this. They are PAYING for extra slots in a RNG just like the couple owners are WORKING for the extra slots in a breeding raffle. So it does indeed have everything to do with this. And with Elders, that is still a reward perk given by doing the extra hard work that is rarely, if ever, open in a breeding slot. If you are going to cry foul on multiple chances in one area, you might as well call foul in other sections that are part of some of those chance areas.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:55 am
The way I see it, the breedings are fair. Almost everything about the extra slots is voluntary. RP is voluntary. Lifemating is voluntary. Submitting your couple long enough to get to LL is voluntary. The only "unfairness" I could see an argument being made for is if you wanted to split unedited slots from the open slots, so you'd be entered either into edited or unedited, not unedited and open. Now that suggestion is one I might agree with, since some people seriously do only have edited soquili and can't change that.
If almost everything about the extra slots is voluntary, how can they be unfair?
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:55 am
To your elder question. Possibly. But that's not the point of this thread, right? I for one am not here to discredit RP and I don't understand why you seem to take that defensive position as if I am.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:56 am
and EVERYONE has the chance to make those increases, yes people are busy, yes RL can suck sometimes but you've already been posting in this thread for double or triple the time it might have taken you to put up one post in an RP thread today.
Even if you hate RP and your super busy it is possible to find the time to make one post a day for a week and post the pair for qualification. Your squabbing for one extra chance that happened 2 times in 20 raffles. I think those people deserve those chances because they did take the time.