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Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:15 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Malis
Owner(s) Amirynth
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Malis listens to the spirits. Just like the Native American shamans she observes the world around her and notices things. She will meditate for long periods of time and completes rituals to bring herself close to the spirit realm. She remembers aspects of her dreams and uses them to interpret the events that are occurring around her. When she was young she would make mistakes and 'get the wrong message' but as she is an elder now she is more correct in her observations. While she has always been RPed with the perceived ability to 'talk' to the spirits, at this point, being an elder and granted this rank by the spirits themselves, her connection to the spirits has grown. While they probably do not listen to her if she asks them for aid, she can listen to them for advice when making decisions that affect the herds as a whole.
Examples of her RPs: [Past] [Current]
Other Notes: She had been granted that ability when she was created by Sisi but it went back and forth through out the years as there was a past RP manager did not like such characterization (including Malis calling herself a 'Troll'). I would like it to be made official again within the current RP rules, especially as she is an elder now.
OOCly, she was built around the existing culture of the Native American shaman and we will never truly know if they actually could speak to the spirits or not. I treat Malis exactly the same way and I have never used OOC information in an IC sense. So far the spirits have never done anything -for- her in RPs, the few times she invokes them in such a way is during healing where she has already applied the correct herbs and other healing processes more as a safeguard and extra 'help' much like priests did in the Old World concerning the Christian God. She does listen to them however, by watching the signs in the clouds and the whispering of the leaves in the trees. She does not hear voices in her head, she is just very good at observing at this point in her age... much like Sherlock Holmes.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:33 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Risti
Owner(s) Baby Pandah
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? n/a
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Risti has an odd gift/curse that makes her skin/flesh/body crumble and then re-form. I would like to develop this later to where she can fall completely apart into many pieces as a defense mechanism and then reform when it is safe. She can control her pieces and move them with the breeze if there is one and if it is necessary. This power is more of a defense mechanism and would not harm any others.
Other Notes: She is the result of a twisted tunnel breeding. This was Mind's description/hint of the basket:
"Twisted Hint: The faint illusionary shadows seemed to make the basket crack, chip, and slowly crumble away before it returned to its whole self. How odd."
I have been roleplaying her while sticking close to this guideline/hint.

Examples in RP:

Full body crumbling not approved. Risti may crumble slightly as a passive power. If stressed or anxious, the effects of the crumbling may increase slightly.

Baby Pandah

Popular Sex Symbol

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Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:44 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Edmund Sylvilagus
Owner(s) Lestragne
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
His teaset is enchanted and always is one step behind him. It does not walk but it sort of like hops..like the enchanted dinner wear in beauty and the beast it follows him like that. When he turns though it is still and does not move it only follows or moves when he is moving. (Im not sure about what sort of power this would be..)

His teapot is also always full when he wants to shre tea with someone. As full as it can be anyways with that crack in it.
Other Notes: These are not really powers but in rps ive always rp him with his teaset and i thought it would be neat if it was because it was enchanted. Im not sure if it is even a power but i can see him becoming obsessed with it wondering why its always full and always there. Im not even sure if it is allowed for an object to have :powers" but he could be the one doing it and not know.

Not approved - the teapot has no indication on the cert that it is anything other than a normal teapot, sorry!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:20 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Witseidutsei
Owner(s) Calixita
Soquili's Certed Image:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Flight
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
Flight - This power affects only Witseidutsei herself. She has the ability to tap into her powers to increase her natural talent of flight. She's faster, able to dip up from dives closer to the ground, make sharp turns in mid-air that would otherwise be impossible -- if not dangerous -- for other winged soquili, and glide for longer periods of time without the need to flap her wings. The only soquili that can fly faster than her while she is tapped into her powers are elder angeni. The longer she is tapped into this power, however, the more energy is consumed, and the longer it will take for her to recover said energy to tap into the powers again.
Wing Healer - Witseidutsei can heal damaged wings, weakened bones/muscle in the wings, or anything else that would prohibit another soquili from being able to fly up to a certain point. She cannot change the shape or size of a soquili's wings, so ones with wings that are too small for flight she can do nothing about. She also cannot heal a wing that has been torn off; she can only heal injuries or defects. The worse the damage that needs to be healed, the more energy it takes. She can heal up to moderate injuries, but anything worse than that must be tended to by a unicorn. She can, however, aid unicorns in healing more severe injuries, although the unicorn would still be taking the brunt of the healing. She can't heal any other injuries on the body -- only the wings of any soquili breed.
Blessing of Flight - She cannot grant the wingless the ability to fly, but she can bless soquili who already possess wings with an increase in their abilities and flight stamina. Their wings, if healthy, become stronger. The blessed soquili can fly faster and for longer periods of time without becoming fatigued. The increased abilities only last for a day, and requires a cool down of three to four days before they can receive the blessing again due to the amount of energy used. When the powers wear off, it is very common for soquili to become extremely exhausted as their body catches up with the energy that had been used to support such powers.
Other Notes: Discussed powers and had them approved by Uta!



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Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:46 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Aurianna
Owner(s) Lady Aria Starstone
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Motherhood
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
1. Mother's Embrace: Aurianna has an aura of motherliness to her, a protective one. Those who are near her feel protected, safer, as if in the embrace of their mother. It helps calm the very upset, so they can think clearer, and/or speak of what upset them so, that the issue may be resolved. This would be a passive ability.
2. Gift of Motherhood: Once in a great while, a mare who seems to be unable to get pregnant might find themselves... helped, so that they might have the foals they desire. Mares only, of course, and this would be VERY rare. It takes a lot of her energy, and it takes a while for her to recover. (Obviously this only applied to non-maxed out mares, unless it's one of the very rare situations where they can gain kids outside of that.)
3. Mothering Instinct: Mothers who spend time in her company may find their own mothering nature strengthened, so that a naturally distant mother might find herself wishing to be closer, bond more with their children. This can help in situations where a mother who really is not comfortable with her foals needs help accepting them.
Other Notes: Ran all this by Uta in a PM!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:44 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Mahdi
Owner(s) one over three
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Dreams
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
1. Dream Walking: When Mahdi falls asleep she experiences no dreams of her own but instead wanders through the dreams of other living creatures. She remembers these dreams to the same extent that a fairly scatterbrained person would remember their day to day life. The nature of the dream is dictated by the dreamer and while she may visualize some aspects differently or fill in gaps the dreamer's vision with over power and correct hers when there is a conflict. She never appears as her own self in a dream but will take on the appearance of something relevant to the dreamer. As with everything else her appearance is decided solely, by and may change on the whim of, the dreamer.
Other limitations include:
  • The physical bodies of the two dreamers must be within a few miles of each other.
  • If by some chance there are no dreamers within range Mahdi will experience a dreamless sleep.
  • Only Mahdi and the dreamer may share a dream, no third party.
  • Mahdi should never be the main aspect of the dream.
  • No dreams become prophetic because of Mahdi's presence.
  • Most dreams, as in real life, should be largely or entirely forgotten by the dreamer. If you decide to have your character remember the dream you may choose which parts remain and which parts fade.
  • Mahdi and the dreamer should never, ever recognize each other in the waking world.

There are four actions she may take while in a dream. None are guranteed to have the desired affect or any affect at all. She may speak to the dreamer, stay in place (attempt to remain in the dream), walk away (attempt to leave the dream) or...
2. Sooth Dream: If Mahdi finds her self in a nightmare she may choose to sooth it. To do so she must locate the dreamer then focus on them. If successful (and like any other aspect of dreams the dreamer plays a large part in this) the nightmare will become a peaceful dream. Mahdi herself will rarely remain in a dream after soothing it. If the dreamer wakes as a result then Mahdi will as well as the abrupt ending would not give her time to move on.

Other Notes: Spoke with Uta prior to posting.

one over three

Feline Cat

Saint Vis


Timid Prophet

6,375 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:03 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Monfulta
Owner(s) Vistada
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
Seeping Shadow-Entity - Monfulta has the capability to seep shadow entity from his form. It's something that just happens, more of a body 'ability' then anything. Sometimes the shadows seep and move around but soon after fade like a shadow would. When they seep and hit the ground in a sunny-patch they instantly disappear.
Colourful Hiccups Unbenounced to Monfulta, he was once 'cursed' to hiccup colourful specks. Maybe he had angered a soul of light? It's very unknown who did this to him. But it happens everytime he coughs or hiccups.
Other Notes: These two are something Nerpin had given as a capability to me. Soquili-OOC-Wise. Monfulta's an OC who is a "Shadow Dog/God". He was cursed by a goddess he peeved off before gaining his powers.. So he hiccups.. Sparkles :>. As.. you can tell on his lip and forelegs haha..

Seeping Shadow Entity approved (shown on cert)
Hiccuping sparkles not approved (cert/uncert does not have sufficient proof to indicate this is a power he could have).
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:49 am

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Skoll
Owner(s) Quaji
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
Static Shock - While Skoll does not necessarily possess the ability to conjure lightning himself, his fur is of such a soft condition that static electricity stores up within it. As a result, if he were to make excessive movements i.e. whipping another being with his tail, the force would cause a ripple affect. During this ripple the static shoots out from his fur and creates a burst of lightning, or an extremely bright static burst. This burst can then be bent and directed towards the nearest grounded target, often the closet object, living or inanimate. This burst is not enough to kill another being of similar size, but just sting for a second or two in the smallest form, or stun them for several seconds in the largest form. Nor is this enough to cause any real harm to his surroundings.
    • As with static electricity, his bursts would need to be exposed to something highly combustible to cause any type of fire. If it was to hit a tree, it would likely just cause minor burns to the bark or singe off a few leaves or a branch at most.

Other Notes: I haven't actually RP'd this at all yet, so if the staff have other ideas, I'm all ears. Due to the lightning on his image though, I do want to try and incorporate it somehow though.



Noble Cub


PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:57 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Ceres
Owner(s) Faithofthefallen
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? NA
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
Ceres has the ability to transfer some of her own energy to a another living creature. It is simply a step further in her innate abilities as a pixie whereby she can focus her power on a direct source, encouraging flowers to grow around her at a faster pace than normal. She can use this power actively to make a small area of seeds or plants grow, no more than two squared feet grow much faster than normal by feeding it them the energy they need directly. The larger the area she focuses on, the slower the process will be but if he focused on two or three plants she could have them at full blossom in a matter of minutes. The process is quite draining for her as she is drawing on her own energy, so she must be well rested to undertake this task. It could prove life threatening if she doesn't leave herself with enough energy to keep her own body going.

As she is a harvest goddess cosplay, I would love it if she was also able to transfer some of that energy into another soquili with limited effects. She is incapable of physically healing sickness or injury, but she can make them feel well rested after a long travel or overcoming an exhausting illness. It would prove more draining to her as it is a unique power only partially related to her innate capabilities as a pixie. She can't recharge larger soquili as well as she can the smaller ones, she would need to be very well rested to approach the task and it would also pose the danger of her overdrawing from herself. She is able to 'refill their stamina' so to speak. She could only do this once a day after which she would be weak and tired, needing to take it easy for 24 hours at least, if she did it more than that she would run the risk of becoming extremely ill.

Other Notes: Last post has an example of the plant power [X]

Not approved - no visible powers on cert
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:55 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Dante
Owner(s) one over three
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Law
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
1. Law of the Land
When visiting an established herd Dante instinctively knows their local laws.
  • Dante must be on the herds territory to experience this effect.
  • When Dante leaves the land the knowledge leaves him.
  • If Dante is flying over the land he will not have this effect, if he takes off after being on the land it leaves after he flies above the tree line.

2. Inspired Law
Dante may inspire a leader to create and enforce laws that will better serve all his or her followers. The blessing may last for a varied amount of time, up to a day, but longer blessings will drain Dante more and more.
  • If the leader is inherently evil and would never create 'good' laws the ability may be ineffective.
  • If the leader is doing something other than lawmaking at the time (say, gardening) the blessing will not cause them to get up and go write laws.
  • Once the blessing has faded the blessed must carry on enforcing the law without Dante's aid.

Other Notes: Received approval from Uta before posting.

Not valid - pony is now Angeni of Sun

one over three

Feline Cat

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:51 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Thunderbird
Owner(s) Sabin Duvert & Kamiki
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Storms
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers

  • Stormcalling: Thunderbird has the ability to "push" the weather towards storms. The nicer the day it is to begin with, the longer it takes for a storm to form and the more energy it requires from Thunderbird. The more intense the storm, unless it was alreay storming out, also the more energy it requires of the stallion. Storm being defined as thunder/lightning/strong wind/rain.
    IF there has been a drought/no clouds for miles and miles, it would take many intense days of concentration/energy usage and it still might not be successful in bringing storms - or if it does, it may stay just an electrical storm without rain.

  • Lightning Strike - a fast, imprecise ability more triggered to Thunderbird's righteous anger than having the ability to just "zot" a soquili he doesn't like. It must already be storming for him to be able to use this ability.

  • Stormdancing - Thunderbird has the seemingly innate ability to fly very well even through the middle of a serious thunderstorm. Lightning doesn't hit him, and he navigates the buffeting winds masterfully. The stronger the storm, the more concentration he'd require - though most storms don't give him much issue. Even he would certainly struggle to make it through something like a tornado or a hurricane.

  • Holy Lightning - (Flavor effect) Thunderbird's "Holy Light" angeni ability sounds like a crack of thunder when activated, and crackles with visible electricity.

Other Notes: As a note, I still see Thunderbird as a young-ish Stallion, emotional, and coming into his own but still in his "parents'" shadow. His abilities are a bit tied into his emotions, and he uses them subconsciously/without a lot of control or finesse. If he is feeling angry or emotional, the weather worsens. If he is in fear for someone's life, a lightning bolt may strike near the attacker.

* As a note, I PM'd / got this OK'd by Uta before posting smile
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:46 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Malach HaMavet
Owner(s) Sabin Duvert & Kamiki
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Death
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers

  • Sense the Dying - When a creature of sufficient complexity (like a familiar, soquili, or human) is at the crossroads of life and death (ie, dying), within a five mile radius, Malach becomes aware of it, and how to find them. With greater concentration and energy, Malach could sense more simple creatures or those that are farther away. Alternatively, if a great number of lesser creatures/plants are dying (such as a forest being cut down, or a mass bird-death) - she also senses it.

  • Peaceful Passing - Malach, with a kiss and expendature of a bit of energy, can soothe the dying - take away their pain and fear and help ease their passing, letting them slip off into the great unknown. This can only be done on a willing subject.

  • Not Today - Alternatively, Malach can stay the icy hand of death on an intelligent, dying creature for one day. The more complex the creature and the graver their injuries or illness, the more energy it takes. She cannot heal, she cannot take away pain, she cannot let the lame walk or close wounds. If, during that day, that creature is able to seek a healer in the interem to heal the wound that would have taken their life, then they've saved their life. She cannot bring back the already dead. She must catch them before they've actually passed on. She can only use this ability once on any given creature ever. If she's already stayed the hand of death for them - even if it was years ago, if she comes again, the only thing she can do is to ease their passing with her other ability.

    It makes no difference to Malach HaMavet whether she extends the dying's time or helps ease the passing. She knows that death comes to claim everyone in the end - be they a lowly worm or proud king. She does believe in fortunes and destiny, and casts the bones (no real magic, but she believes it) - telling something of potential futures if one chooses to live when they have reached a crossroads. But even if she sees it as a negative outcome if they live, she will not choose "peaceful passing" or "not today" herself. She will allow them to choose.

((Also spoke to Uta about this for approval before posting smile ))

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:54 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Lokesvara
Owner(s) Roniel Targaryen
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Reincarnation
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
Reincarnation sense: With effort, Lokesvara can learn about the previous incarnations of other soquili (This power does not work on herself). Very general things are easier for her to discern than specifics, and the further back in a reincarnation chain she tries to learn about, the more difficult it is. She can quickly exhaust herself without caution, especially if trying to learn about very specific details of a soquili's prior life, like their species or character. Such things are possible for her, but only with much preparation, time, and energy.

The information that she is able to gather about previous incarnations is more of a general sense than like reading a novel. She can only focus on one soquili at a time and if she wanted to scan a crowd looking for something specific, she'd have to go one at a time.
Other Notes: I have spoken to Uta about the above and below already! biggrin

She is not a literal child of Avalokiteshvara x Scythe, she is more of their "spiritual child." She was so touched by their love and their story in her previous life that the spirits gifted her with the form of their child in her current life. She was born of angeni parents, her appearance just matches the Padmapani family.

Also, her soul has always been the soul of the Angeni of Reincarnation. She keeps reincarnating as the Angeni of Reincarnation, though she doesn't actually have any control over this process or memories of her past lives.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:14 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Avalon
Owner(s) Sabin Duvert
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Freedom
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers

- Break Bonds: With concentration and a touch, and expendature of energy, Avalon can release a creature from a trap or bond such as (but not limited to) a beartrap, snare, net, hobble, or even if they are wrapped in constrictive rope/chains/bindings. She can also cause someone, such as a two-leg or other creature that can grip and hold, to lose their grasp of their quarry. The stronger the bind, the more time and energy it takes for Avalon to undo it.

- Open Sesame - With concentration and expendature of energy Avalon can open a door, gate, or other barrier. The heavier the door or more secure its lock, the more energy and time it takes for her to open it.

- Freedom of Choice: If someone is metaphorically shackled to a destiny, duty, or geas through a mystical tie or psychological block, Avalon, through a great deal of concentration and energy that will leave her wiped, relinquish one individual (per week) from this duty. IT will leave the subject feeling freed and with their potential open.

Other Notes: Cleared this through Uta ahead of time <3

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash


Hungry Bunny

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:35 pm

Defining Powers & Abilities

Soquili's Name: Kye
Owner(s) FrostyPeaches
Soquili's Certed Image: User Image
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A
Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers

Based off of the "another spirit as a part of her stuck in the body" described by Heart, and how the eyes are linked with the hands.

For the eyes:
Instead of following people's movements, it will always be watching. ..
Watching in a sense of watching over Kye when she is around others.
It does not blink as often as animals or humans do and blinks once every few minutes and sometimes once per hour. On the rare occasion that it blinks, if seen by others other than Kye, the eyes will glaze over and trick others into thinking that they must have imagined it to blink.

For the floaty hands:
It is not a power that she possesses but more so of a protection.
The spirit "stuck in Kye's body" serves as a temper control for the mare that is only seen and felt by Kye herself. The other horses/humans will see them as normal markings around her neck and do not see them move at all. Whenever Kye seeps into/falls into a mad state of extreme hatred/anger, the "hands" will gently "choke her" to snap her out of it.
If Kye has not come back to her senses quickly enough, one of the two hands will reach out and touch the source that is causing Kye so much hatred/anger and send a cold chill down their body, enough to stall for a bit of time until Kye had calmed down. Not literally reach out. More like a quick wave of the hand to send a cold chill toward the soquili/human as a slight distraction to buy some time for Kye.

In conclusion:
Both entities do not have a voice and will not be over roleplay'ed. They will only appear in rps where it is necessary. Most of the time they're just there chilling and looking out for her.

Other Notes: Got clarification about Kye from Heart, then discussed this with Uta. In the end got approval through PM from Uta.
Soquili Era

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