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Reply ◕ Roleplay: Faetasia
[PRP] Good, evil.. OTL (Brigid & Azrael) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:21 pm

(( dude.. 10k times yes if she says yes. lol ))

Brigid timidly peered around from behind her new friend and looked towards the pub. The smell of drink wafted to her nose and she wrinkled it. The scent of drunkards had always left a rather.. foul taste to her mind, one that didn't often make her feel comfortable. Still she trusted that Azrael wouldn't intentionally let harm befall her, not if he could help it at least. "Well.. she sounds chipper." She gave a slight chuckle and perked her ears when the smell of food hit her nose. Her stomach had often gotten her into situations she'd otherwise have avoided due to the fear of the unknown..and now was no exception. "Stew!!!" She said brightly and darted around him heading for the door, all caution to the wind.

(( also no worries about AIM being a pill I have YIM too so if you use Meebo or what ever it is then feel free to add my AIM or YIM sn's to that and pm me.. I also accept pm's on gaia so don't be shy about sending me one hahaha))  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:28 am

Azreal laughed at her eagerness of food. He knew she was in no real danger with him since Saoirse ran the place. He walked behind her not really trying to keep up. Saoirse had already disapeared into the pub and this left him with a few moments to the think. He was very drawn to Brigid and he was unsure why. There was something about her that made him feel good. Wow that is an odd feeling for me. He thought. He had never really cared about being around other faes. The fact that he found her was purly accidental. He had finally reached the door way and peered inside. The place was rather empty today which ment Saoirse would pester them all day if given the chance.

Saoirse was wiping down a few tables near the bar when she watched a wave of green sweep into her pub. It took her several momentsto realize this young fae had been with Azreal outside just a few moments ago. " Over her dear. A spot for the two of you." She said waving an arm at the little one. She watched as the little one approached but noticed that Azreal had not yet followed. The lighting was terrible in the pub so a large shadow cast on the door way. Where did that pest go. She thought to herself.

Azreal Finally appeared in the door way and looked to see where Brigid had ran to. He spotted her off near the bar at a small table set for two. " Saoirse the poor thing is hungry how about some Irish love and send some of your best stew this way." He said almost mocking her. Saoirse ears perked at the comment and she really wanted nothing better than to slap him.  


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:28 pm

((lol that makes me giggle.. but i dunno if it's just the punch drunk sleep deprivations or not >.>;; wink )

She stood there pondering over the table a while before finally taking a seat and spinning around to take a gander at what occupants remained. The small light green wings on her back gave a small flick as large green curious eyes swept over the pub, squinting to see into the more shadowed sections. It was when Azrael finally made his way inside her attention drew on him once more and she waved him over with a large smile. "Seems ye have your own table at reserve." She chuckled lightly and watched the green female a moment. Something gave her the feeling that this was bound to become a fairly interesting ordeal with the meeting of this female.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:45 pm
Please ignore this post at the moment. I will fix it when I remeber what I wrote here. Some how I hit edit instead of qoute and could not go back and get the right post.. Epic blond moment of the day  


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:34 pm
Brigid chuckled lightly her ears tick tocking in and up and down fashion for a moment. "Tis a bit musty... and dim.. but oddly cozy." She nodded and peered around him to see what the noise was from the kitchen. "Sounds like she's trying to catch the meal in there."

As the mugs were set down, she peered into one at it's contents, sniffing at it wearily in order to determine what it was. Her words made her giggle lightly, an almost cheeky look flashing across her eyes at the notion. "Dunnae know.." She eyes Azrael a moment, the cheeky look fading slightly. He was strangely quiet.. like something was on his mind. Looking at the jackal, she smiled politely. "Dunnae remember much bout it.. Me mother and dah never returned one night. Left me with no one but the weefolk as company"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:05 am
Azreal smiled to her and took a drink of the juice set before him. He knew Saoirse would go all irish geek on him since she had one in her presence. The was Saoirse built to impress. It was a mix of fruit but she had been right there was no alcohal present. He looked to Brigid one more time and flashed his evil face to her again. " Nice to see you are brave enough to open up here. This is were the worst of worst hang out after all. And rather trusting to allow me to bring you here. It may have been a trap." He said putting a joking tone to it.

" Good job stupid. Scare the poor thing before she has even eatin. Wow you are something else. Just cause ebil thoughts run through our mind does not mean we are rude!" Saoirse said to Azreal slapping him in the head. Saoirse like trouble as much as the next but she was not rude, she had manners.

Azreal jumped back at the sudden whack as it had been a shook to him since he was looking at bridig so carefully. " I was just messing with her. She knew that damn why don't you have your own children if you want to slap them" He shouted at her.


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:22 pm

She gave him the most defiant stubborn glare she could muster. "Tricksey of you no? Didnae think you had such trickery up your sleeve." She looked around sure.. it looked sketchy and probably did house some of the more..... evil of fae. Still she flashed him a quick wink and gave another cheeky sort of smile. "You said you would keep me safe.. A fae not worth his word is hardly a fae at all."

Smirking she looked at the jackal and let out a light chuckle. "Dunnae worry much.. Had I taken offense I'd have left." She smiled wide and finally took a sip. sure even she had to admit she was probably more trusting of an evil fae than she should have been but... she also trusted that what he'd said about not wanting to kill like his father had truth to it.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:48 pm

Azreal chuckled at Bridigs want to be mean smile. He was enjoying himself with her. Rubbing his head he thought of a trick to play on Saoirse to get her back. Pondering the thought and waiting for the right moment he jumped up quickly and yelled. " SAOIRSE! The kitchens on fire I can since the mice dieing, I think its burning thr food!" He kept himself in shock and watched as Saoirse Jumped and ran towards the opening.

The jackle was tall and thin. Very fast as well. She darted around the corner and noticed the kitchen was exactly as she left it. But she figured shed have a bit of fun with him any how. She stayed in the kitchen for a bit finishing up the lunch.

Azreal fell to his seat laughing as he watch her freak out. Giving Bridig a small, gental nudge to the shoulder. " That will show her not to slap me again. Hows the drink? " He said between giggles. He likes to mess with Saoirse she was a good sport. " So any big plans after lunch or are you going to hang out in trees and scare some other poor helpless fae." He said trying to lighten the mood.


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:29 pm

She watched the spectacle closely then eyed Azrael a moment. Finally she shook her head with a chuckle. "Perhaps.. Or just make her seek a way to get you back." She shrugged taking another sip. "Tis sweet... dunno what's in it though..." She eyed the contents of her glass contemplatively before sniffing at it once more. She wanted to know what it was. Not because she didn't trust him or his friend... but because she liked what ever it was.

Eying him once more with that deep, pondering stare she thought about what she did have planned and gave a small shrug. "Ready to be rid of me so quickly?" She chuckled and grinned wide. "Perhaps I be takin a nap after I eat... Or... could go for a walk... get to know the area around the tree... but Have to admit.. I been meeting all sorts near that tree..." She tapped her bottom lip in thought once more as her head canted of to the side. "What e're th case.. I be needin to find myself a home." She nodded. "Shelter to claim as my own."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:40 pm

" Ready to be rid of you. Course not your the most interesting thing I have run across in a while. Oh and she will get over it. She gets what she gets for slapping me all the damn time. Eesh, women these days." He watched her curiousty with the drink and smiled where she could not see it. The young thing still didnt have a home. Even the meanest of badest had homes. Very few just wondered or lived on the streets. " It is apple mixed with mango. " He said to her. " If the tree is a place you like why not claim it as yours. It was a rather large tree. You could always hollow it out and turn it into something else. Or build a house around the tree." He said unsure of where it had acctually come from. He went to open his mouth again then Saoirse appeared out of no wear carring a tray with three bowls on it allow with some nicely cut bread.

" Here you go dear. Hope you enjoy. Family recipe." She said quickly before she gabe Brigid a secret wink. Placing a bowl in front of Azreal she leaded back and held a bowl herself. She watched Azreal with carful eyes. Little did he know. " I also have something else after you eat that you might enjoy."

Azreal lost all thought of the prank pulled earlier and began eating as though he was starved. After bit four he knew something was wrong.


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:55 pm

The thought of hollowing out the tree seemed a bit wrong. It was living, felt pain like anything else did, or at least that's the way she'd always thought. Building a house around it could work.. till the tree grew in girth of trunk. Then it too would be hurting the tree at it cut around the wood to allow it to grow.. Shaking her head she found she'd rather enjoy it as it was, standing strong and proud unmarred by fae made things. "I'll think of something.. But you have to promise to visit once I've found a home." She made an matter of fact nod once more giving him that stubborn look of hers. She wasn't about to take 'no' for an answer on this.

The smell of the stew filled her nose as it was set down in front of her and her mood lightened even more. Picking up a spoon, she dug in, pulling out a rather large for her mouth potato and happily stuffing it in in one bite. Her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk stashing nuts to hide as she chewed a look of utter contentment on her face as she enjoyed the flavor. It brought a few more memories of her family, happy smiling and laughing around a table till the ruckus outside that caused them to jump, upturning an empty bowl onto the table. Blinking, the memory faded lightly and she pushed it to the depths of her mind to ponder over later. This was a meal made for her, and she didn't want to offend the other fae by not enjoying it.

Finally she managed to swallow her mouthful and grinned. "Tis delicious!" She nodded to give her compliment weight before digging in once more, eying Azrael who seemed to be just as hungry as she was.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:03 pm

Azreal mouth began to get hot, like hot hot and he knew she put peppers in it. Trying to keep composure so neither of them would know it was bothing him he set his spoon down and took a small, but much needed drink. Leaning back he looked around the table at both of them. " If you wish then visit I shall." He said to her still feeling the bitter sting in his mouth. " Saoirse finw work yet again. Every meal you make it wonderful." He showed her a grim baring all his teeth. Enough to let her know he was pissed but not enough to let Bridig in on the secret.

" I am glad you are both happy with it. " She said with a wide smile. It showed her Cainines. She took small bites and then waited for them to finish. One thing she did not like it waste eat what you are given or starve later was how she felt about it.


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:18 pm

With as hungry as she was, it didn't take her long till her bowel was empty, the last once more bulging her cheeks out as she chewed. The music of a Celtic harp drifted into the room, showing her contentment over the meal, every pluck of the string soft, and dainty sounding. Leaning back, she patted her tummy in delight and washed the last of the stew down with a big gulp from her mug. "Cannae remember when I last had stew so good." She felt warmed to the core from the meal already satisfied and contend. "Azrael wasn't joking when he said you were a good cook.. Might have to teach me so I don't starve myself off of what I forage." She chuckled. She'd been living off of what she'd found to eat or managed to barter for a song since she was little. After all, she'd had to survive some how right? And if she was gifted with harp music.. then why shouldn't she use it to help make her life a bit more comfortable and her belly full and sated from hunger.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:44 pm
Saoirse got up in a rush and hurried to the kitchen. She had made something special in the name if the irish. She was feeling rather proud of herself at the moment and figured the two needed a moment alone. She also planned to make a travel pot for Bridig to take with her.

Azreal finally got the heat in his mouth to subside. He was watching Bridig from the corner of his eye. " I will stay with you as long as you wish but I must meet with my brother before dawn." He said to her. He knew this meeting would not be a good one. The thought of leaving her so soon made him feel a bit sad but he felt it was for the best. He could not allow her near his family. " I will go with you back to the tree but I am afriad that is were I must take my leave. I will not be able to help you. I am sorry for this." He told her looking down at the table. He worried about what might happen to her if his brother found out.


Invisible Prophet

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:08 am

Reaching out, Brigid patted his hand softly. "Dunnae worry bout me. Been alone a long time with only the lore to keep me company.. You meet your family, I'll be fine. Besides, it'll give me an excuse to wander about and better know the area near that tree. See what other fae I meet along the way." she chuckled lightly. "Parting ways doesn't mean the end for friends.. and we are friends now, yes?" She hoped he would agree to being her friend. After all she viewed him as one of her new friends in this new place, not that she really had many.

"Perhaps we can meet again at the tree." She pondered over. "You know.. after you're free from you family." She didn't want to sound like she was clingy, because really she wasn't naturally a clingy sort. but she didn't want to never see him again either. "Maybe then we could talk some more and if you like I can tell you more about the wee ones."
◕ Roleplay: Faetasia

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