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What would you pay for a breeding?
Current, 12k (6k per parent)
 40%  [ 43 ]
13k-25k (total)
 23%  [ 25 ]
 20%  [ 22 ]
 12%  [ 13 ]
Other? Post please!
 2%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 106

Nyx Queen of Darkness

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:54 pm

PANK x l3mons
@ Lemon:

Not to sound rude (and I know I am failing) - but first of all ... what is up with the "US?" in your little PM anonymous bit ... you sound like you are a group of people utilizing one account. Also why the need to create a new account just to blast your opinions on how you think the shop should be run?

Why is there a new feedback mule? Because of reasons exactly like this. Why do you even care who we, I, they, or us is? I feel there is a problem in soq and I want to get my suggestion heard by a range of people instead of just PMing the mule, but also feel that to open this topic to debate in my, our, their, regular account would incur a bad reputation. NOT because I don't believe in my ideas or my ability to articulate them rationally and politely but because Soq Feedback threads have a history of turning on their creators and getting totally off topic.

Likely because when people chose to do things anonymously it turns out wrong. Whether or not your point is valid, choosing to represent yourself as a majority and asking people to join you/PM them their questions so that you can ask without telling who YOU are is...dumb. Why would anyone ask someone they don't know to represent them? Why would they throw in with any group that says "we have the best interests" at heart but doesn't wish to reveal themselves or their full motives and beliefs? How do we know what you stand for on absolute rather than just the tidbits you posted?
PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:56 pm

Mameha Otome
Quite frankly, I never see this happening. Why? It was already said a few posts above this. -ALL- B/C shops charge super cheap fees for breedings regardless of how edited the kids come out. Why? I don't know. It's always been the normal thing to do in every single shop. Perhaps it's because compared to customs, the colorist gets free reign on how to decide what the kids look like. In customs you're paying more to dictate every single detail.

If Soq were to go insane and charge those insane prices for breedings, you can bet there would be far less people willing to bother anymore. I would up and leave, that's not worth my time, effort or gold. Especially when I can go back to another shop I like and continue to pay cheap fees for breedings and give all the gold I want for customs/auctions/raffles/etc.

Plus, gold is not easy to make unless you pay out for it. You have to spend money to make money and there are a lot of people in the B/C who, believe it or not, have better things to do with their time than spend it 24/7 playing every single game Gaia has to offer. Those that run B/C shops have more disposable income than others. Same with people that work for B/C shops. The vast majority of people I hang out with, rarely post on Gaia except for a couple RP responses and talking in a shop for a couple hours. That's not a lot of gold, no matter how much it adds up to over time.

Edit: Plus, are custom prices insane at Soq? Sure, I won't deny that...but as much as they could be lowered, I doubt they will be. Look at how much detail you can get for one pet. Look at all the options you get to choose from for one pet. Now compare that to other B/C shops. How much of that detail, choice and willingness from staff do you get in some?

I still respectfully disagree. I don't think 50k a piece is insane for a breeding. I really, really don't.

I would also like to reiterate that the OP was a suggestion. Would a 50k per parent flat rate be more agreeable instead of the levels of breeding prices? Is it the extreme and heavy edits that have people so spooked by this idea?

What if, to stick to my tiers a little, it went more like this:

Unedit: 25k
Minor: 50k
Mod: 75k
Heavy: 100k
Extreme/Mutant: 200k

Is that a less alarming price scheme? Really what I am trying to drive home is that 12k (or 6k each) is simply chump change compared to custom prices. I am not saying that I think breedings should be too expensive for people less good at making gold to get them. I have made, kid you not, almost 2k just with my few posts this evening. It isn't that hard! The only thing I put into it was the time it took to post...which granted when you look at some of the gargantuan posts is quite a lot, but I don't think Gaia gives more or less gold depending on the size of a post? Correct me if I'm wrong there...

PANK x l3mons

PANK x l3mons

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:00 am

Nyx Queen of Darkness
PANK x l3mons
@ Lemon:

Not to sound rude (and I know I am failing) - but first of all ... what is up with the "US?" in your little PM anonymous bit ... you sound like you are a group of people utilizing one account. Also why the need to create a new account just to blast your opinions on how you think the shop should be run?

Why is there a new feedback mule? Because of reasons exactly like this. Why do you even care who we, I, they, or us is? I feel there is a problem in soq and I want to get my suggestion heard by a range of people instead of just PMing the mule, but also feel that to open this topic to debate in my, our, their, regular account would incur a bad reputation. NOT because I don't believe in my ideas or my ability to articulate them rationally and politely but because Soq Feedback threads have a history of turning on their creators and getting totally off topic.

Likely because when people chose to do things anonymously it turns out wrong. Whether or not your point is valid, choosing to represent yourself as a majority and asking people to join you/PM them their questions so that you can ask without telling who YOU are is...dumb. Why would anyone ask someone they don't know to represent them? Why would they throw in with any group that says "we have the best interests" at heart but doesn't wish to reveal themselves or their full motives and beliefs? How do we know what you stand for on absolute rather than just the tidbits you posted?

It saddens me that this may be the case because no matter what I am not planning on revealing who I am. I guess I can see your point and will delete that second post. I just thought a little anonymity could be good for everyone, and apparently the shop did too because they made a mule for people to send in anonymous grievances.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:06 am

Lemons, breedings are chump change compared to custom prices. The point is you don't get to choose what's handed down. It's like getting a flatsale pony, except this one's related and looks like one of your other ones. That's how its done in almost every BC that isn't heavy RP required. Like I said you want to change the norm, go a head, but at least spread the love and go to every other BC shop.

That aside, this will likely never happen because Soquili would loose a large portion of their customer base. As a business decision, they'd never want to loose so many people just so the colorists can get a bit more gold out of their work.

And with that I'm done, because you are now just arguing in circles. I realize you yourself are confused; if it matters that much to you, you can personally pay those amounts when you win a breeding slot. No one is stopping you. The rest of us who can't will stick with the tried and true method of prices, I think.



Super Trash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:09 am

If colourists are unhappy with what they get paid for breedings; I'd much rather hear it from them then from a mule. If that is the case, and that is a staff member behind the mule (or a bunch of staffers), this is not an issue for customers, it is an issue for shop management.

Yeah, Gaia gold is easier to get than it was years ago and there may very well be those that have the time to sit around and booty grab 100k each day. But as someone who will soon be entering a 9-5 job and moving around constantly, I don't have that luxury. Even now, I spend most of my time studying and doing RL stuff.

Also, the amount of gold you get per post lowers depending on how many posts you make. For example, I get one gold per post. I'm not going to sit around and post 100,000 times a day because you're assuming you know how colourists feel and what they want. I'm not going to spend all my time on Gaia sitting around trying to scrounge up gold because you want to fix something that isn't broken and has been in place since, as far as I know, Soquili opened.

Colourists that feel they don't get enough for breedings have every right to only do unedited/minor edited breedings. That is something that has been in place for a long time and it's something that some colourists choose to do (though, as HG mentioned, for much different reasons). Making customers fork out more money because a colourist isn't happy with the 12k+ (since, multiple slots) they get for breedings isn't fair. Because that's not all they get. They earn staff credits and, if they participate in events, can make a huge chunk of gold for colouring one pet. ( Look at the last raffle. The colourists who participated in that walked away with 22mil (or something like that) and some of them only coloured a few soq and one was unedited ).

I'd like to know if this is from a staffer's point of view - a friend of yours, or what have you - and you're speaking for them or if you're just assuming to try and.. You know I don't even know what it is you're trying to do besides fix something that isn't broken.. And something that is.. quite commonplace in the B/C community..
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:11 am

PANK x l3mons

I would like to know what satisfaction you are getting out of this conversation? If it was to air your opinion you have done that ...

Why are you so insistent that the shop need to adjust anything? Since Soquili opened in 2006 I believe that the breeding fee has remained consistently at 12k (6k per owner). You stated in your OP that this issue has never been addressed - perhaps it is because no one thinks that it needs to change.


Enigmatic Star

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Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:16 am

PANK x l3mons
Nyx Queen of Darkness
PANK x l3mons
@ Lemon:

Not to sound rude (and I know I am failing) - but first of all ... what is up with the "US?" in your little PM anonymous bit ... you sound like you are a group of people utilizing one account. Also why the need to create a new account just to blast your opinions on how you think the shop should be run?

Why is there a new feedback mule? Because of reasons exactly like this. Why do you even care who we, I, they, or us is? I feel there is a problem in soq and I want to get my suggestion heard by a range of people instead of just PMing the mule, but also feel that to open this topic to debate in my, our, their, regular account would incur a bad reputation. NOT because I don't believe in my ideas or my ability to articulate them rationally and politely but because Soq Feedback threads have a history of turning on their creators and getting totally off topic.

Likely because when people chose to do things anonymously it turns out wrong. Whether or not your point is valid, choosing to represent yourself as a majority and asking people to join you/PM them their questions so that you can ask without telling who YOU are is...dumb. Why would anyone ask someone they don't know to represent them? Why would they throw in with any group that says "we have the best interests" at heart but doesn't wish to reveal themselves or their full motives and beliefs? How do we know what you stand for on absolute rather than just the tidbits you posted?

It saddens me that this may be the case because no matter what I am not planning on revealing who I am. I guess I can see your point and will delete that second post. I just thought a little anonymity could be good for everyone, and apparently the shop did too because they made a mule for people to send in anonymous grievances.

Sending in grievances where you know who you are talking to (I believe it's Malhith) is different than sending in grievances to someone who's asking you (seemingly) blindly to go along with what they plan.

In the first scenario, you're keeping it from a CERTAIN person you have a problem with--in the second scenario your sending into a group who can read your thoughts, then use them. Several people therefore destroying any sanctity of "anonymous" and only keeping those of you who have access to the this lemon mule(s) anonymous.

We don't know who or what you are. And not to be rude, but it's like asking a kid into a van with candy. Your asking people to join you without knowing what you stand for. I would not blindly follow anyone whether or not I agree with your causes (for the record I don't but that's neither here nor there).

And using a mule doesn't fool people for long. Which I'm sure you'll find out soon enough.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:47 am

I agree with Native in regards to other methods of colorists getting paid via paid raffles, events, customs, auctions, and through staff credits. Not to mention, they get a load more credits for doing breedings in comparison for other work. It looks like they get 100 SC/pony in a breeding which equates to a moderate edited custom pony.

And if staff does ever decide to change the price of breeding, I would pay for it. It's simple as that. :3 I just really feel like it's up to the staff to decide if there needs to be an increase in price if they wanted a bigger payout for their work.


Adorable Fairy

PANK x l3mons

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:28 am

PANK x l3mons

I would like to know what satisfaction you are getting out of this conversation? If it was to air your opinion you have done that ...

Why are you so insistent that the shop need to adjust anything? Since Soquili opened in 2006 I believe that the breeding fee has remained consistently at 12k (6k per owner). You stated in your OP that this issue has never been addressed - perhaps it is because no one thinks that it needs to change.

Alright, that's fair. I'm honestly not getting any satisfaction out of this conversation. At all. I hate arguing with people and this is stressing me out to the point I feel a little sick and is keeping me from my bed which I desperately should be getting to right now. I really did not anticipate such a negative response and am honestly surprised that nobody else (barring one or two) feel even remotely similarly to me.

Nyx Queen of Darkness

You're right and I have edited that out. It was silly and I was being dramatic myself. I apologize (to the shop goers in general). I should have just stuck to my own anonymity and let people make their own mules if they so choose.

Perhaps it was the wrong course of action to create this argument anonymously, but please raise your hand if you can honestly say you would not have the same opinion and expressed it mostly the same way (barring accusations of cowardliness and general grouching about this coming from a mule) in this thread if there was a familiar name next to the OP?

I concede that I seem to be in the minority in my beliefs though I still really don't see the problem with SOME kind of rise in breeding costs (not necessarily MY proposed rise, mind you).

For the record, I think it is overly dramatic of people to threaten to leave the shop if anything like this does happen. You don't threaten to sell your car and walk everywhere if gas prices rise, you fantasize about going electric or buy a more fuel efficient car but ultimately you still pay the price of gas.

Anyway. I am logging off and going to bed. Please, continue to voice opinions in my absence. Good evening.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:47 am

I wouldn't have a problem if breeding prices were raised. I am one of those people who fills 6k is not really much. On one of the shop mules I run it's earned an extra 30k in a few months and I'll I do is check it every day and post one or two things.

The tier system I think would be weird, though it might work...on an unedit/edit level...but I think it would be difficult to put all the different levels of edits in there. Plus I like to be surprised even on the level of edits I get for a breeding.

I think both prices would be too drastic a change. I could see raising it to 12k a piece or maybe 15k. But more than that would set a lot of people back in planned breedings...and would meet a lot more resistance. Prices in things tend to go up slowly, not drastically.

I do think Soq breedings deserve more gold than they get. But I do know that not everyone has the gold all the time. And I think it's a good suggestion that tips are an acceptable way to go and maybe let more people know that.

For those that told the OP to go to all b/c shops. Soq. I think stands out a lot from other shops and I think many follow in Soquili's footsteps. There is a lot of organization and good ideas in this shop that I think it sometimes sets standards.

To OP you don't have to respond to every post that someone makes in this thread...but rather maybe general ideas brought up that are on topic. It seems that you are pressuring others some to agree with you and not everyone is always going to agree. Also sometimes it is good to let others talk amongst them self and generate different ideas/suggestions about the topic.

To those who have an issue with the mule thing. I don't really see the big deal. I myself am a shy person. I also don't like confrontation so I don't often voice my opinion. I think using a mule can sometimes help with that as well as hopefully giving a more non-judgmental approach to the idea. Instead of just siding with a friend or against an enemy.

Oh this was way longer than I expected sweatdrop


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:17 am

So, you're wanting the breeding prices to go up...why? Many of us try to tip our colorists when we have the extra funds.
I don't have the time to be sitting on Gaia earning gold. I work from 3:45am-8:15am, then I'm at school from 9:40am-3:45pm, then I get home around 5pm or later depending on the day and where I'm getting picked up from/walking from. And I have two kids at home, one who is two and one who is one. I don't have a whole lot of time to sit here playing fishing games, posting, etc. I come on, reply to a couple rp's here and there, work on a journal post, and poke my head into threads for a few moments. I also do not have the funds to shove RL money into Gaia.
I would feel completely awful if I had to have my breeding partner pay for my share of the breeding. I HATE having people get me things, or cover things for me. It would get to the point where I would end up drawing out of breedings all together. Heck, I prefer being the one to cover the full breeding price since many times I'm the one that asked them for the breeding.

And as far as your little being overly dramatic, no one would sell their car because gas prices are to high. Yeah. I walk everywhere. I refuse to get my driver's license because of gas prices. Heck, I would sell our van if I could because it's such a gas guzzling beast, but the fiance won't let me, since public transportation isn't that great and we still need to get the kids to doctor appointmetns and things. But I walk. Heck, the bus stop that I have to catch for my bus to college, is an hour. And there's no sidewalks for most of the walk. Don't know how many times I've had people almost clip me.
Not only that, but you're comparing the real world to PIXELS. Yeah. Really awesome pixels, but still pixels. I've walked away from a number of shops because I didn't like something that was going on, or a huge change that just didn't set right with me. It isn't hard to walk away from pixels. -shrugs- For many people, a car is a necessity for their life. Be it getting to their jobs, transporting the kids, whathaveyou. Especially if they live in areas where public transportation is non-existent. People don't need pretty pixels to survive in life. Unless of course you're a professional pixel type person who makes a living making pixels such as video games, graphic art, or whathaveyou. But the rest of us? We don't need these pixels of horses to pay our bills, etc. So yeah, walking away would be super easy for many many people.

I love the colorists. <3 I love the work that they do, and all the effort to put into this shop. I imagine it's not an easy shop to work for with all the demand. But they are still here aren't they? Which means they still have some love for coloring ponies, be it breedings, customs, or any other thing, regardless of what they are getting paid. I will continue to tip the colorists for breedings/customs or whatnot whenever I have the extra funds. And drown them in lots of squeeing for how awesome my pretty is. 8D
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:42 am

Theres so much text in this thread so I appologize if any of this is a repost.

My thoughts:
1. I like the idea of a tiered system but think the lowest should stay at 6k and each level up should increase by no more than 6k. Then an extreme edit would be 30k a person which is slightly more but not unreasonable. Across the B/C breedings are cheaper than customs to focus on the breedable pet aspect (let me just add that this is my personal opinion as a long-time b/c customer not specifically related to soquili or my staff position)

2. I love seeing baskets given away and i think this would happen less often if breedings were too expensive

3. In regards to your original post: while i appreciate people paying for all of the breedinga it makes me feel awkward sending a second trade just for tips. I would prefer to pay for my own breeding honestly.


Original Codger



PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:07 am

I agree, breeding prices are too low for what you get. But just because there are a lot of people in this shop that are swimming in gold, doesn't mean that the entire customer base is. I feel it'd be harsh on newbies to raise it up too high and have them fight not only to get the gold, but then wait upwards of a year for a slot. My friend that I co-owned her first Soq to her, then had a year and a half string of bad luck when it came to breeding him. It just seems like a kick in the nuts to then charge her out of her price range (since by the time the breeding happened, she had pretty much left Gaia for all but irregular check-ins).

So, while I personally would pay up to 500k for a breeding, not everyone can.

IDK, maybe change the rules and let colorists open bribes more (maybe even a rotation of one bribe a month) so they can get OMG PILES of gold for one breeding to outweigh the pittance they get for doing most breedings. That way, it evens out, and those with the gold can pay it without a flat fee raise for all customers.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:19 am

Everything from here on out I feel is going to reiterate what was already said, Slimy. <33

But raising the prices, to me, only seems like you're trying to weed out the number of people who are able to breed. I know I have been gone for the last few months because I was busy, but I have been sitting on 62k since last November. I don't have the options and time to raise a bunch of gold because I don't have -any- items other than what my avatar is wearing, and I am NOT going to make my breeding partner pay for the full price, that's completely unfair...so now I'd have to sit out of breedings, too, along with everything else I'm too poor to pay for. (not complaining, just making a statement : D)

And I try to be fairly generous to the colorist when I pay, I usually cover the full 12k plus some, unless it's impossible for me to do so. Then I apologize and get them next time.

And I know, as scowling has said, and have a few others, that not everyone has a lot of gold, or the time and ability to make a lot of gold. You may think that a lot of users on here have plenty of gold that they're happily sitting on, but that's probably not the case. Gaia isn't what it used to be, a lot of people don't have time to spend 24 hours a day on here anymore, and so their ability to get gold has hindered, a lot. And raising the prices that high would discourage people from breeding at all, in some cases.

Also, what Slimy said - I LOVE it when people give baskets away to newbies or people they aren't normally friends with, and if people had to pay 500k+ for a breeding, the chances of that happening are much slimmer.

Now, I don't have a problem with the prices changing a little....I'd get behind Slimy's idea of having the tier go from 6k to 30k depending on edits, that is way more reasonable.

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:45 am

I don't think having a tier is the best way to go about this, at all. There is already thin ice between those who have unedited couples and those who have edited couples. Adding this much of a difference is just going to make things worse.

Yeah, there's a lot more edited ponies from when the shop first opened, but there are also new colourists who can knock out edited ponies rather quickly as well as the shop evolving as a whole. And considering customs haven't opened in a long time and most of the drops have been edited.. Well that isn't really a fault of the customers, is it? The colourists chose to colour those pets, not the other way around.

Like I said previously. Why fix what isn't broken? Sure, tip your colourists extra, give them gifts etc' when you can. But unless they come out saying 'WE WANT MORE' then what's the point other than taking a preemptive strike on what may not even need one? There is a reason this 'issue' has never been addressed.

If prices increased ridiculously, I, for one, would never even considering gifting to a newbie. Why waste the 100k+ on someone that may or may not stick around? As most of us already know since we've all been in that spot, getting your own soq is hard enough without people not wanting to spend that much gold on a chance.

As it is, before prices are increased; or a discussion of such even happens the slots need to actually occur. If they were to increase now it'd be a bit of a slap in the face. 'We haven't opened any slots, but we did increase the prize. lolsorryguys'.

No offense to colourists, you do wonderful work and I understand the difficulties that have been going on behind the scenes and IRL, but with the current rate of slots - or rather the lack there of - an increase on prices isn't something that is deserved.
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