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PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:55 pm

I wouldn't mind Iara and Oker meeting too! Oker is my orange kirin-kelpi. He's a bit flamboyant, and sometimes obsessed with himself. He also likes to give ladies pet names, from the moment he meets them! >_< Surely that will get him into trouble one day...lol.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:01 pm

Lunadriel: I'm down with that too, haha. I haven't figured Iara out quite yet, but she's pretty fun and pretty headstrong on occassion. She doesn't mind the flamboyant nature, even if the pet name would surprise her. xD Silly boy.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:31 pm

Utpala sounds cute as a button. XD

So! Three possible rps to work with. I think you should pick one to start, and I'll pick one to start...lol. Then in three years, we'll decide who can start the third! rofl

Sorry, bad joke! I have one other rp to start, and four to tag. Not only am I slow to rp, but slow to start rps. Heh. Same thing I suppose.

I'm up for backplotting, or just conversing over the flow of rps and plots through pms too. <33 I like a little of everything.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:05 pm


Ummmmm. . . . . I will start the Utpala and Polar RP? That way three years later it won't be weird if I'm RPing her as a foal, hahahaha.

And you can pick wihchever of the other two you'd prefer to write!

Luna RP ftw. . . I greatly look forward to this! Though, I'm bad at starts, too. Just be assured that though I'm slow as molasses, I won't drop the RP. You can always poke or inquire too, I don't mind. :3

If you have AIM, you can always poke me there about stuffs and discussion and plots, too. It is: CrimsonSlush

Ether way, this'll be great!


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:03 pm

*peeks in before bed, having stayed up way too late watching anime*

This: "That way three years later it won't be weird if I'm RPing her as a foal" had me throwing my head back with a laugh. Thanks for that! XD Going to bed thinking about Uta plotsorz! <33
PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:11 pm

Utaaaaa! I want all your RP plz kthx -gets beaten up- |D

Okay... I'll share. Maybe. I MEAN, hi Utalove I totally think we should chat more and plot. I absolutely ADORE Sunny's personality and think he might be fun to toss at my Alarion! She's got her father's blood and is more of the 'I'll protect you' and be sassy too gal. She's a little shy when she first meets new Soquili, but warms up pretty fast. But someone like Sunny would instantly just make her go, "Dawwwww HI NEW FRIEND." |:

They could develop a friendship and she might be able to take on the 'leadership' role, though at the moment I think she's still too spunky to take it seriously. But her father is teaching her to be a good leader and protector one day! Also totally down with back-dating stuff and doing foal RP! I'm still playing her mostly as a foal currently too.

I also think we should toss Dark Side and Ophiuchus together and see what happens. I could see her mistaking him for a Kalona on accident (I need to work on her some more, but I want a Kalona to be the reason her horn is broken.). She's also more active at night and her eyesight during the day is not quite as good... |D


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:43 pm

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Hello! I was wondering if you would like to RP with Winter Sakura, since she is pretty much a new mare! You don't have to if you don't want to, i'm just trying to get her active, is all. I won't really mind who is offered to her, and i don't care who makes the topic for the RP.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:15 pm

*dusts this off* neutral I've added some ponies details. . . . still have more to add, but feel free to inquire about any of them on the front page!


Shy Mage


Questionable Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:41 pm


Uta :Heart:

I would love to RP with you a bit, if you feel like it. I would especially enjoy Volshy meeting Aurelian, since I really want her to meet especially unusual Soquili and, due to being new to the area, be under the impression that 'odd' is 'normal'. I don't really need another scary violent encounter for her at the moment, so if he's a nasty bity sort maybe not, but if he's grouchy or something that would be fine. She is polite and lady-like, but she is also curious and interested in the world around her. She's not quite skittish, but after a skinwalker encounter she's a little bit extra reserved, just in case. If you have any other especially odd-looking soquili (maybe your Casimir if his meeting a curious adult is okay by you) I would enjoy playing her with them as well.

She might also work for Sunset Sarsaparilla's damsel plot, I would find it hillarious if they tripped through a whole bunch of flukes and left her thinking he was a mighty hero of some kind. She might be taken in easily enough, she's the sort to be a damsel in distress so it could work out great. (I can offer Cao to instigate the distress if you would like).
PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:05 pm

Nomnomnoms... I think we had some plot. We should continue our slowest-RP-evar, but I am also happy if there are more plots we want to do. I'm sure we can come up with something, but for now I still want sibling plots with Iara and Char. Maybe we can play them as foals? I would love to play him as a foal. And maybe he could be a friend for Casimir or Sahaqiel? Or both? I'm not sure how close everybody lives to everyone else, but Char would be totally down for friends! He's gonna need some buddies to talk to when plots get along :c


Timid Hunter


PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:12 pm

Hiiiiiiiiii <3<3

Is Mihr looking for some RP? Lanzo has been trying to get out of his loner status of routine, and it'd be interesting to see what kind of reaction he'd had to meeting her breed. Anything in particular she is looking for plot wise?

Any others you are hankering for RP? I'm down for anything ** <3 TP
PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:46 am

Fallen: Falllllennnnn. I'd be happy to pull out Casimir or Aurelian for your Volshy to chatter to. Casimir could use more RP than Aurelian, just in terms of being brand new, but either one would work out just fine for me. Aurelian isn't evil or gruff, though his tail is, but he is kind of growing more and more conflicted on his place in the world and where, exactly, he belongs.

Zephy: I know we are moving with our super slow plots, but would be happy to have another RP going, if you'd so like (and understand I am painfully slow with everything xD ) I would love some foal RP between Char and Iara, since I haven't actually ever gotten her developed. Or if Char would like a buddy with Sahaqiel or Casimir, I'd be down with that too! One can never have too many friends, and friendships are one of the more underrated plots in soq (imo).

So yeah! Let me know which one who is who, and all will be well. n_n


Shy Mage


Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:39 pm


I think it might be your turn in slowest RP, just whenever you have time. We're clearly not in a rush XD

I would adore so much some sort of family RP for Char. Any ideas? Maybe they can have a small adventure (unknowingly safely looked after most likely, mom doesn't seem the sort to actually misplace foals!). And I would lovelovelove some foal friends for Char. Also with the tiny adventure option. Either of them, both of them, whatever you feel like. Just let me know how you want to do this <3
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:51 pm


Evil Always Wears a Mask: Tricks and manipulation. One of Sunny's greatest strengths is also his greatest weaknes, and that's how trusting he can be. I think it would be fun if he someday was turned on and betrayed, preferably by a friends. Or someone whom he thought was a good friend. This plot could coincide with any of the above plots (though I'd prefer if it didn't get mixed with romance, I'm not THAT mean.) Perhaps his other friends or future lady might try to warn him, but Sunny's stubborn and doesn't care to accuse others of misdeeds without proof.

Long story short, Sunny's friend is more of an enemy (or general douche) that either tries to take his future lady, or tries to get him killed or harmed, or possibly I'd even be open to this other friend (gender doesn't matter) be one of those overly jealous/too-protective sorts, who tries to get Sunny to drop his friends, etc. etc.

This might shake up to more plots, but ultimately the mask will come off, and Sunny will turn away to pick up the pieces and ask his friends to forgive his foolishness. He'd be pretty hurt and stunned that someone he trusted so much was just playing him like a violin but . . . I think he might grow a bit from it too. It would also prove that he CAN say no, that he CAN turn away and be a leader.

Hey Uta! i was wondering if you'd be interested in doing an iteration of this plot with Kumiho, Kumiho's focusing on really ******** over Soquili in ways that don't always mean killing...she's learned that since she's small that she can often cause more pain by hurting someone emotionally than physically.

She also has a lot of patience...if she somehow sensed Sunny was overly trusting, she may try to gain his friendship as a cute little fox looking for a friend? She would be able to build of a real friendship over the months (she would go off for bits at a time to go do other nefarious skinwalker things), until the opportunity arises to either hurt him or someone else he cares about. I know its not exactly the same since Kumiho would be more akin to a 'pet' than a friend, per se, but its the only way I'd imagine he would let her get close.

Let me know what you think?


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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:51 pm


Hey Uta! i was wondering if you'd be interested in doing an iteration of this plot with Kumiho, Kumiho's focusing on really ******** over Soquili in ways that don't always mean killing...she's learned that since she's small that she can often cause more pain by hurting someone emotionally than physically.

She also has a lot of patience...if she somehow sensed Sunny was overly trusting, she may try to gain his friendship as a cute little fox looking for a friend? She would be able to build of a real friendship over the months (she would go off for bits at a time to go do other nefarious skinwalker things), until the opportunity arises to either hurt him or someone else he cares about. I know its not exactly the same since Kumiho would be more akin to a 'pet' than a friend, per se, but its the only way I'd imagine he would let her get close.

Let me know what you think?

I would totally, 150% be down with this! I don't mind adjusting it to so Kumiho becomes more of a pet/familiar sort of pal. In fact, I was just talking to someone the other day on how I was sad so many skin-walkers made themselves known. If I had a 'walker, I'd definitely want to play with their animal forms, and attempt to wreak havoc in such a familiar fashion.

So this is awesome that you're using Kumiho that way!

I can be painfully slow sometimes, I will be forthright in admitting, but I never mind little nudges. Just be aware that I can be . . .. epically slow. It doesn't mean I'm not interested in the RP, it simply just means I'm awful at multitasking. xD

Anyway, I hope you have a great night!

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