Oops, I've just read through all the posts in the thread and noticed Mind's posts. OTL;; I seem to be really scatterbrained lately.
I'm more than happy to cert plushies for anyone who can't cert. :3 If you PM me, I'll be glad to help. <3
On Mutants...This begs the question... where's line between "normal edit" and "mutation"? 8D; What's the limit? I've looked through the
guideline, of course.
But what about... (for example) something elemental layered over the Soquili? Originally, I thought this wouldn't be considered a mutation, but a moderate to heavy edit.
Troilus -- vines and twigs are intertwined in his hair, but he still appears to be a non-mutant flutter.
Verdict: non-mutant (?)
Remiel falls into the same category as Troilus, right? He's an edited uni with ice layered over his back, and spikes of ice in his hair. So he appears to be non-mutant. Or
is a mutant, because the ice spikes might be horns? OTL
Verdict: non-mutant, pushing it (?)
Nadya is another Soq with questionable mutant status... she has clusters of ice layered over her, not growing over her body, and they obey gravity, so it seems like a normal edit. Except, the ice from her shoulders takes the form of wings... so she is a mutant flutter? @_@
Verdict: mutant (?)
Sign of Stone is another Soq I'm unsure of. His only edits are his mane, tail, and necklace, which are all "normal." But, his coat has the texture of stone with engravings on his body and the texture of stone. But his body (his leg-feathering, for example) is shaded as a normal Soq's; he isn't shaded to look like a statue (I'm fairly certain a mutant-category "statue" Soq exists, but I couldn't find him/her OTL). So... he's not a mutant?
Verdict: not mutant (?)
So... twigs or vines in hair = not mutant -- I'm guessing it's considered the same as having flowers or feathers in hair? I'm going to extrapolate that to guess that being covered in mud or dust is also just an edit, and not a mutant trait. And I'm also guessing this could extend to water droplets, and having soaked/sopping wet coats or hair... even though that's a temporary condition... but so is bleeding, and there are plenty of bloody Soq... so... none of the things mentioned in this paragraph are mutations? 8D;
What about being covered in an "elemental" substance?
I assume that tree bark, carved wood, and stone are considered non-mutant edits (when layered on top of the Soq) if it's clear that they're not fused to the Soquili's body. So if tree bark looks like wood warped into the shape of a blanket (...lol), then it would be a non-mutant trait. Elemental "spikes" fall into the gray area, so they would have to have conspicuous, clearly visible attachments (straps, rope, cloth) to the Soq's body.
But what about being covered in bits of ice? Not mutant? ._. Shaped or carved ice? Not mutant if it doesn't appear to be growing out of the Soq's body? What about icicles? What about frost? I'm guessing that being covered in any type of fire would be considered a mutant trait, since fire... uh... tends to burn things. Meanwhile, as per the guidelines I linked to, being surrounded by something like smoke (or light/an aura) is not mutant. What about being covered in debris? Like having bits of gravel matted in a Soq's coat? (Not mutant?) Or being covered in organic debris/mushrooms? (Not mutant?) What about being covered in moss? (...No idea here.)