Teepees:Mameha - Rhyleigh Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Gen 1
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Love
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love - Bright colors are good for this couple! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are being tropical and colorful
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Crush x Al'ar
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Crush/Dihydrogen.) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Al'ar/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Teepees:Mameha - Dihi Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Gen 1
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No thanks
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Maybe but they are mostly markingless anyway ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Not for them unless it's like...matching colors with Al'ar ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No super dark things?
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Ciro x Cooper
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Ciro/Mameha Otome) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Cooper/Rhyleigh) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Love
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Hiroshi x Hiamovi
I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in!
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Hiroshi/x_Faux Affliction_x) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Hiamovi/Mameha Otome) UNCERTUNMASK UNCERT
Teepees:Mameha - Faux Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Gen 1
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No thanks
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Yes add some color maybe~ ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing SUPER bright and crazy
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Rondel Forte Amachi x Crescendo
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Rondel Forte Amachi/Lady Argentum Draconis) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Crescendo/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Love
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love - Bright colors are good for this couple! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Do want! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Alyssia Flew x Beat
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Alyssia Flew/Leopleuradon) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Beat/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Love
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Do want! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Ting Tang x Naj'entus
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Ting Tang/icy serenade) UNCERTUNCERT 2 Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Naj'entus/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No thanks
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Nothing obnoxiously bright please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing SUPER bright and obnoxious
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Not here ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Baba Yaga x Amani
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Baba Yaga/Elf Princess Flannery) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Amani/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No thanks
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Nothing terribly bright or anything at all... ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Depends on the flower ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Not here ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Trida Nidae x Pontas
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Trida Nidae/Lady Argentum Draconis) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Pontas/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Teepees:Mameha - Arge Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Gen 1
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Is that even possible? ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: ^
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Water...blown hair? ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Lukou x Aedan
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Lukou/Mameha Otome) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Aedan/Daeril-sama) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Maybe
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love but nothing that goes WAY out there into neon ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Love! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Mar'li x Erasto
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Mar'li/Mameha Otome) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Erasto/She-Ra of Etheria) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No thanks
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Within the color boundaries of the couple ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Maybe ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Telaar x Delacroix
These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Telaar/Mameha Otome) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Delacroix/Roniel Targaryen) UNCERT
Teepees:Mameha - Roniel Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Gen 1
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Maybe
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Awinita x Atal'ai
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Awinita/[X]Natty-Chan[X]) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Atal'ai/Mameha Otome) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Maybe?
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Sure ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Maybe ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Tajahi x Accalon
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Tajahi/Mameha Otome) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Accalon/-moomoolattecha-) UNCERT
Teepees:Mameha - Moomoo Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Accalon - Mother x Father
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Love
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Mother x Father
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (/) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (/) UNCERT
Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Love
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Love ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Love ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Ouuu fancy~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing that doesn't match who they are
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Add all the flowers! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sounds nice ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ehh no thanks ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: ...not in the knee ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thanks ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Maybe ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Perhaps ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: <3 ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Again nothing that doesn't match the ponies
Niele x Tae-Hyun
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Niele, -moomoolattecha- UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tae-Hyun, Lestragne [Aka Nukido] UNCERT
Teepees:VistadaMoomoolattecha Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: N/A Link to Breeding Agreement:xXx
Telnara x Aidan
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Telnara, -moomoolattecha- UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Aidan, Ishtanballa Cert without BlindfoldUNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Go ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Go Ahead!
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Go ahead! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Go Ahead! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing we can think of!
-MoomoolatteCha- Crew
Tiny Wolf
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Beloved Vampire
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:57 pm
And that's the power of Love!
USERNAME: Caitlyn Hellstorm
Aita x Lorcan
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Aita (Mia Firestorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Lorcan Tigera (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Nope. Go for it
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Selianne x Chikotae
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:Selianne (Caitlyn Hellstorm & White Neko Chan) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father:Chikotae (Mia Lovasz ) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Nope. Go for it
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Nope. Go for it
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Katilana x Chaz
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:Katilana (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Chaz (Mia Lovasz ) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Nope. Go for it
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope. Go for it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Isabella x Dharmesh
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Isabella (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Dharmesh (samus x) UNCERT (placeholder until I find the actual uncert)
Co Ownership?: No
Lifemate?: Yes
Low Luck?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: (hunting the link down)
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Solace x Montego
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Solace (samus x) UNCERT (real uncert coming) Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Montego (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT
Co Ownership?: No
Lifemate?: Yes
Low Luck?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: (hunting the link down)
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Doreiann x Malvotio
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Dorieann (samus x) UNCERT (real uncert coming) Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Malvotio (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Zera Saffron x Satin
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Zera Saffron (Caitlyn Hellstorm and Kesmi) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Satin (Samus x) UNCERT[/url ]
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Sheeredni x Bheilorveilthion
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sheeredni (Samus x and Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Bheilorveilthion ( [ Lady Kiya ] and Sailormoon72491 ) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Yes
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in!
Isadora x Solilus
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Isadora (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Solilus (Samus x) UNCERT[/url ]
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: YYes ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Tic Tac Toe x Zaribe
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Tic Tac Toe (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Zaribe (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: No. Brighter the better! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Romance x Rockin Beat
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Romance (Caitlyn Hellstorm and PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rockin Beat (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT[/url ]
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Rahuna x Sunday Silence
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Rahuna (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Sunday Silence (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT[/url ]
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Coventina x Cocomo
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Coventina ( Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cocomo (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: No. Bright and more colorful, the better~ ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Shirahime x Corann
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shirahime ( Rein_Carnation) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT (note: I need to get the cert changed to reflect that Corann isn't co-owned)
Teepees:Rein - Cait Throwbacks?: No Link to previous Generations:
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Ananya x Zaiden
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ananya ( [ Lady Kiya ] ) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Zaiden (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Ugilanistorda x Zherneboh
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ugilanistorda ( [ Lady Kiya ] ) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father:Zherneboh ( [ Lady Kiya ] and Caitlyn Hellstorm ) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Yes
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Zaicate x Shizuka Tsuyoi
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Zaicate (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Shizuka Tsuyoi (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Sinopah x Caius
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sinopah (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Caius ( Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Frosta x Skah
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Frosta ( Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Skah ( Kesmi ) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Ceryseete Inolaisi x Janus
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ceryseete Inolaisi (hanging gallow) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Janus (Caitlyn Hellstorm) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. Go ahead ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No. Go ahead
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:08 pm
And that's the power of Love!
USERNAME: [+Katch+]
Pandora x Marrow
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Pandora(stormflower) Uncert Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Marrow (Katch) Uncert
Co Ownership?: n/a Lifemate?: no Low Luck?: almost there Link to Breeding Agreement:Click Teepees: Katch- XXX & stormflower-XXX Throwbacks?: yes Link to previous Generations:Pan Parents: Einar & Angeetia
Luminary x Kohaku
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Luminary//[+Katch+] UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kohaku//stormflower UNCERT
Teepees: Blind Tamiko Throwbacks?: YES! Link to previous Generations: Dad and Mom
Searlait x Ahotemachk Chittoachak
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Searilait/ XBlind-DarknessX) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Ahotemachk Chittoachak/ hanging gallow) UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Amelia Nox/ XBlind-DarknessX) UNCERTMinus Wing Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Erchanhardt/sage_the_vampiric_angel) UNCERT
These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents Erchanhardt
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:25 pm
And that's the power of Love!
USERNAME: Rein_Carnation
Feena x Yuuri Shibuya
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Feena (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Yuuri Shibuya (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/a
Lifemate?: Yes
Low Luck?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/a I own both
Teepees:Here Throwbacks?: Sure. Both are first Gen Link to previous Generations: N/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Not at all ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Not at all
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Both are adventurous so it will be fun
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Both are adventurous so it will be fun
Darusha x Kazekage
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Darusha (serpentsong) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kazekage (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT
Teepees:Rein & serpy Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: N/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Not at all ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Not at all
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Clashing colors
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Cassiopeia x Angel White
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Cassiopeia (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Angel White (Parue) UNCERT
Teepees:Rein (Rue has an outdated teepee) Throwbacks?: Sure. Cassi is a 2nd Gen Link to previous Generations: Cassi Mother & Cassi's Father
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Not at all ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Not at all
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?:(please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) light pink not dark red ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Clashing Colors
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Clashing Colors
Evanescence x Ostara
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Evanescence (Rein_Carnation) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ostara (Sleet tempest Snape) UNCERT
Teepees:Rein & Sleet Throwbacks?: Sure. Both are first Gens Link to previous Generations: N/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Not at all ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Not at all
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Clashing colors
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Nope ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Clashing Colors
Mother name x Father Name
And here
Mother name x Father Name
And here
Entering these slowly as Gaia's pages are all messed up ;(
Teepees: Sleet's Teepee: X Natty's Teepee: X Throwbacks?: Yes, please. Link to previous Generations: None.
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: I don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: I don't mind at all.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: They'd be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Nothing which will clash. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Not picky, just want to avoid color clashes.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: I wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Arrows would be neat. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope, don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts would be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Go for it. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Aww! Sure. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
And that's the power of Love!
USERNAME: Sleet Tempest Snape
Lady Requiem x Legolas
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Lady Requiem/Sleet Tempest Snape) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Legolas/Sleet Tempest Snape and Niloufer ) UNCERT
Teepees:Here Throwbacks?: Yes, please. Link to previous Generations: None.
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: I don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: I don't mind at all.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: They'd be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Nothing which will clash. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Not picky, just want to avoid color clashes.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: I wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Arrows would be neat. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope, don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts would be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Go for it. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Aww! Sure. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: I don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: I don't mind at all.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: They'd be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Nothing which will clash. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Not picky, just want to avoid color clashes.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: I wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Arrows would be neat. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope, don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts would be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Go for it. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Aww! Sure. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Teepees: Sleet's: Here Rein_Carnation's: Here Throwbacks?: Yes, please. Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: I don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: I don't mind at all.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: They'd be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Nothing which will clash. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Not picky, just want to avoid color clashes.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: I wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Wouldn't mind at all. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Wouldn't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Arrows would be neat. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope, don't mind. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts would be cute. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Go for it. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Aww! Sure. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:32 pm
And that's the power of Love!
USERNAME: dolphingurl
Aiyana x Curaçao
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Aiyana/ dolphingurl
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Curaçao/ dolphingurl UNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No
Low Luck?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
Teepees:dolphins Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: N/A but.. Aiyana sister
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: That is fine ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Also fine
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I guess it might be okay.. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Would prefer not red ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: It is okay ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: They are cute ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Would prefer not.. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts are fine ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure.. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Lynae x Asher
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lynae (dolphingurl) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Asher (Death Resurrected) UNCERT
Teepees:dolphins Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: N/A but.. Older sister
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Would prefer not ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: That is fine
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I guess it might be okay.. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Would prefer not ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: It is okay ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: They are cute ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Would prefer not.. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts are fine ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure.. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Short Summary of their plotline:
What are their Parents Personalities? Mother: Very innocent, a hopeless romantic who believes in fairytale. Father: Feels himself to be evil though still has a soft side.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Partially done over pm and has not been posted yet as it is not completed.. Summary: Lynae was out at night just enjoying the peacefulness when a skinwalker, Gabriel, saw her and tried to attack her. She was saved by Asher, who she then saw as her knight in shinning armor, and spent some time with him as he watched over her to make sure Gabriel didn't return.
What is their family dynamics? Asher will leave before Lynae finds she is pregnant as Asher feels he is evil and him leaving is the best thing for her. She will then meet Astrophel, her future lifemate and he will help raise the children.
Adelyn x Asariel
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Adelyn (dolphingurl) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Asariel (oo DeD) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: That is fine ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: That is fine
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I guess it it is okay ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: That is okay ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: It is okay ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: They are cute ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts are fine ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure.. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Vereal x Dasyn
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vereal (Kirowyn Love) UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Dasyn (dolphingurl) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Would prefer not ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: That is fine
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I guess it it is okay ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: That is okay ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: It is okay ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: They are cute ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: They are okay ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Hearts are fine ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure.. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: I don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No, Icarus has it in his family
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I would love them ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Any colors that clash with their colors ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I don't really want windblown hair ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: no ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: I would love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't want bows. Ribbons are fine ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: I don't mind arrows ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: i don't want these ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: I'd like them ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: I'd like them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: I'd like them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: YES! Tai'jin has awesome sideburns! ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Yes, the sideburns can go on the girls and boys ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: I love it!
Additional info: They met on the beach, so they might give their foals a shell or something to honor that. They also life mated on Valentine's Day, so a gift for their
foals honoring that might be just as likely.
Muse x Tooki
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Muse (Rein_Carnation) Uncert Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tooki (Kaliskanny) Uncert
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: They're ok, it runs in the family
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Nothing that clashes with their colors ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I don't really like windblown hair ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: ok ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: I don't really like the idea of arrows. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: yes please ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: yes please ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: yes please ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: YES! Tooki has awesome sideburns! ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): No, the sideburns can go on the girls or boys ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: I love it!
Additional info: Tooki wooed Muse for years before they became lifemates. He'd definatley want to pass something to his foals in honor of that.
Hepzibane x Zelfrax
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Hepzibane (Samuel Carlin) Uncert Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Zelfrax (Kaliskanny) Uncert
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no bird wings ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: no butterfly wings
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: No clashing colors! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I don't like windblown hair ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: I love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Ribbons okay, no bows! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: arrows are okau ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: would love them! (since Zelfrax's father had one) ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Would love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Yes ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: I love it!
Additional info: Zelfrax might give the foals some of his eyeballs or a fish similar to Jarl's (in some form, not always a plush). Hepzibane might give them a goat horn. This is the kind of gifts the parents exchange for affection.
Alda x Bad Horse The Thoroughbred of Sin
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Alda (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Bad Horse The Thoroughbred of Sin (elvyralani) UNCERT
Teepees: none Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: I don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I would love them ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: i don't like windblown hair ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i'd like them ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows though ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: I'd like them ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: I'd like them ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Maggot x Mr. Cadaver
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Maggot (Kaliskanny & Elvyralani) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Mr. Cadaver (Kaliskanny) UNCERT
Teepees: none Throwbacks?: YES! Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i would love them ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: i don't like windblown hair ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: These two are zombies...so gifts they give their foals might be dirty or dead-ish.
Teepees: none Throwbacks?: YES! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: I don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Would love them ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: No clashing colors! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: I don't mind ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Don't want ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Love them! ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes! ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Yes ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: Love it!
Additional info: These two pirates would gift their foals with trinkets from their adventures, both land and sea...and air.
Shiya x SkullCat
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shiya (catmagick) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: SkullCat (Kaliskanny) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that would clash, please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them! ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: SkullCat treats Shiya as if she is a princess, so he'll most likely dote the same on his foals. Perhaps a gift that might show this?
Reba x DeathWitch
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Reba (White Neko Chan) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: DeathWitch (Kaliskanny) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: don't want them ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Nothing that clashes, please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ribbons, no bows please ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: Reba and DeathWitch would give their foals jeweley similar to Reba's lace and bead choker to celebrate their Valentine's
Jem x Ingram
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Jem (Kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ingram (stormflower) UNCERT
Teepees: (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on) Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations: (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING)
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that clashes please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, not sure on bows. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: n/a
Krylla Muzzlewicket x Smoot Samophlange
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Krylla Muzzlewicket (Kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Smoot Samophlange (Jynk) UNCERT
Teepees: none Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: don't want
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: it's fine by me ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons okay, no bows ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: um....maybe? ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: not unless it's clever ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!! ---Even pants/skirts? D8: Yes!
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes for Smoot's five o'clock shadow ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Yes ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: love it
Additional info: These goblins might give their offspring their first engineering kits when they get older.
Dagrun x Tempest
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Dagrun (Kaliskanny) UNCERTUncert with out her wing Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tempest (Amirynth) UNCERT
Teepees:Ryn's teepee Throwbacks?: yes! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i like them ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i like them
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that would clash, and No pink! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: these are okay ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: When the foals are old enough, Dagrun will give them each a key on a chain. This will let them know they are ready to go forth on their own adventures.
Dameer Ankaa x Rainbow Star
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Dameer Ankaa (SylverStar)
UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rainbow Star (kaliskanny) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that would clash ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: LOVE them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: maybe ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: The parents might give their foals heart shaped bells to honor their love
Calamity Jane x Duer
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Calamity Jane (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Duer (Kaitaia & one over three) UNCERT
Co Ownership?: one over three does not get a basket link
Teepees: none Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations: Bad Horse, father of Calamity Jane [url-http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v105/KaliskaNny/soquili/FemaleDraftCurly_zps6454acc7.png]Alda, mother of Calamity Jane
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: no thank you
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: natural colors only please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows please ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: n/a
Hirama Sakana X Swamp Eye Jarl
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Hirama Sakana (Insane Butterfly) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: "Swamp Eye" Jarl (Kaliskanny) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: no thank you
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: colors that don't clash ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows please ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: will they have spider eye centers? ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: Jarl loves his spider eyes and would most likely adorn his children with them.
Zenstar x Alexander
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Zenstar (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Alexander (CitrusCupcake) UNCERT
Teepees:Cupcake teepee Throwbacks?: YES!! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that clashes ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows please ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Chandelle x Old Spice Man
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Chandelle (Painted Moose) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Old Spice Man (kaliskanny) UNCERT
Teepees: none Throwbacks?:YES! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that clashes, please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: yes ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): yes ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: love it
October x Oberon
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: October (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Oberon (LunaRei_SilverBlood) UNCERT
Teepees:Luna's teepee Throwbacks?: YES! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind them ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind them ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind them ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Odila x Jarl
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Odila / ~Kiana_Nala~) UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Jarl / kaliskanny) UNCERT
Teepees:~Kiana_Nala~'s Kali has one but he's not in it. ;D Throwbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Go right ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Go right ahead!
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Go right ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Go right ahead! All colors open. ;D ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope!
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Will they have spider eye centers? ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope! Additional info: Jarl loves his spider eyes and would most likely adorn his children with them.
Skald x Architeuthis
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Skald (CitrusCupcake (formally Sayuri_Nitta)) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Architeuthis (kaliskanny) UNCERT
Teepees:Cupcake teepee Throwbacks?: YES! Link to previous Generations: n/a Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: no thank you
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: sea flowers? ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Thysania x Husni
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Thysania (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Husni (Ovarian Paint, formally Doodle p***s) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Would love them!
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Load them up with flowers! lol ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love it ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Additional info: Husni made a garden for Thysania, so she could see the flowers. Together they made flower chains for their foals. (Also, side note, Beejoux once said that Thysansia has a skull marking under her hair, which is their family marking. Don't know if this is important or not.)
Dagrun x Pavo Birdsong
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Dagrun (Kaliskanny)
UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Pavo Birdsong (Elf Princess Flannery) UNCERT
Teepees:Elf's teepee Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations: n/a
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: i like them ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i like them
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: I don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nothing that would clash, and No pink! ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: don't want ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: ribbons are okay, no bows ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: don't want ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: these are okay ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: n/a
Additional info: When the foals are old enough, Dagrun will give them each a key on a chain. This will let them know they are ready to go forth on their own adventures.
Candy Corn x Palaemon
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Candy Corn (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Palaemon (Nymphalidae) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors, please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: She has candy corn on her...so i don't mind other candies ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Burgle Eye x Tino
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Burgle Eye (kaliskanny) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tino (sbuggy166) UNCERT
Teepees:sbuggy's teepee Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: i don't mind
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: no clashing colors, please ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: no thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: nothing too commercial
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: love them ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: no thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: i don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: love them ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: love them ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: nothing too commerical
Unnr x Swamp Eye Jarl
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Unnr (Kaitaia) UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Swamp Eye Jarl (kaliskanny) UNCERT
Teepees:Kaitaia's Kali has one but he's not in it. ;D Throwbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Go right ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Go right ahead!
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Go right ahead! ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Go right ahead! All colors open. ;D ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope!
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Will they have spider eye centers? ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure! ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope! Additional info: Jarl loves his spider eyes and would most likely adorn his children with them.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:45 pm
And that's the power of Love!
USERNAME: Lady_Ourania
Devi x Dovev
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Devi/Lady_Ourania UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Dovev/Yayoi) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Would rather not, thanks. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Would rather not.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Would rather not. Highly preferred if the parents' palettes are adhered to, please. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Would rather not. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I think you covered it~
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Would rather not. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: You guys covered it.
Laurelin x Chimalsi
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Laurelin/Tsunake) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Chimalsi/Lady_Ourania) UNCERT
Co Ownership?: Tig surrendered all rights to Laurelin; she is not receiving a basket.
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes, please! ---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Bearded chicks need love too. BEARDS FOR EVERYONE! ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: Fluff is fine, but please don't discount the beard love entirely.
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Would rather not, thanks. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Would rather not.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Would rather not. Highly preferred if the parents' palettes are adhered to, please. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Would rather not. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I think you covered it~
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Would rather not. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Would rather not. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: You guys covered it.
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Persephone, owned by Upside.-.Down UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Connor, owned by Huroggmeten UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Yes.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No new colors. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: No. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Only if they are in the kids. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Only if they are real hearts torn from something. 8D ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Only if they're dead, rotten, or zombie animals. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Anything cute. These are very tough
And that's the power of Love!
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Fiorella/Pollack) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Maral/Sage_the_vampric_angel) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Spring and valentine is a yes. No to easter. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No pastels please. D8 ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope~ ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Colors that are just random and don't really match them.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Hell no. (Fio comes from the angeni of flowers.) ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
And that's the power of Love!
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Dukker/Pollack) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Dieve/sage_the_vampirc_angel) UNCERT
Link to previous Generations: Both are first gens.
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Go wild. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Go crazy.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: No. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Anything uber gross and gorey. They aren't that type of couple.
And that's the power of Love!
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Gwenevere /Thalea) Uncert. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (King Arthur/Pollack) Uncert.
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
And that's the power of Love!
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Ravati/Pollack)
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Nope.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Yes if it's pastels. ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Nope. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No clashing colors, nothing that is just random and doesn't fit with them.
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Eh...yes. ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Nope. ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes. ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Only if they are tasteful. ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Nope. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Fashionable Mage
Devoted Mage
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:55 pm
And that's the power of Love!
Neela x Zachary
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Neela/Vollyballrocks91) UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Zachary/ Thalea) UNCERT
Teepees: Thalea Shikon Miko Throwbacks?: Yes please! <3 Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Gwenevere x King Arthur
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Gwenevere/Thalea) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (King Arthur/Pollack) UNCERT
Teepees:Thalea Pollack Throwbacks?: Yes please! Link to previous Generations: N/A
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Indilwen x Eyota
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Indilwen/CheshireKttty) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Eyota/Thalea) UNCERT
Teepees:Thalea CheshireKttty Throwbacks?: Yes please! Link to previous Generations: N/A Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Nakita x Cyrus Monrey
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Nakita/Thalea) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Cyrus Monrey/ Laroawan) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Aderyn yr Eira Duliisdi x Tae-Hyun
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Aderyn yr Eira Duliisdi /Thalea) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Tae-Hyun/Lestragne) UNCERT
Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: Sure
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Sure ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: Yes please! ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: Sure ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Lament x Westrion
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Lament/Nyx Queen of Darkness) UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Westrion/ Thalea) UNCERT
Teepees: Thalea Nyx Queen of Darkness Throwbacks?: Yes please! Link to previous Generations: Westrion Family: Father:Háidēs Mother:Carolina Can you feel the love tonight? Breeds ~~~ Would you mind Bird wings?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind Butterfly Wings?: No thank you
Themes ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) No thank you ~~~ Would you mind windblown hair?: Would love! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Would you mind Flowers?: Would love! ~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind Arrows?: Would love! ~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind Hearts?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind Toys?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind cute baby animals?: No thank you ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Do you want any of these?