:: Post 1 - :: *YOU ARE HERE* :: Post 2 - Faye:: :: Post 3 - Rayleigh A'Cappella:: :: Post 4 - Hikaru:: :: Post 5 - Aida:: :: Post 6 - Zephyr:: :: Post 7 - Mercurius:: :: Post 8 - Murasaki Tsuya:: :: Post 9 - Eran Parallax:: :: Post 10 - Shen:: :: Post 11 - Ocultas::
Heritage Herd: Backstory: Rayleigh's parents fell head-over-hooves in love with one another very quickly. They wished upon the Wishing Star for children, and the Star granted their wish! Unfortunately, Rayleigh's mother disappeared, leaving a hole in their hearts. Parents: Technically none; IC - Roxana & Charon's Allemande Links to Relatives:
RP/Character Development Personality: Temper is Bold. She is a spunky, firey thing, brave and adventurous, and prone to getting herself into a bit of mischief. She is also compassionate and inquisitive, leading to difficulty in both saying no and getting no as an answer. She can be convinced that her path/idea is not the best one, but until then, she sticks to it steadfastly.
Plot Ideas: *Basket RP *RP with Charon's family *RP with sibling *Play out whether she wants to search for her mother, how far she gets, etc.
*Rayleigh knows that one day, she wants to find her own epic love story. But she wonders if she will be brave enough to let anyone get that close to her. What if they disappear just like her mother did? // Find a love. Then, see how things play out. Highly likely that she pushes him away, only to realize down the road that she'd rather be hurt than be without him. Will she run back to him in time, or will it be too late, leaving her broken-hearted?
Heritage Herd: Backstory: Name is Hikaru: meaning "to shine"
She is soft, calm, and gentle. Extremely zen, she is at peace with the world and the curveballs that life may throw at her.
Her basket lay by a lake, alone, no adult Soquili in sight. She emerged from it and looked around, unbothered by being all by herself. For many years she lived alone by her lake, leaving minimal trace of her presence, living off the land and remaining perfectly satisfied to be all alone. A mare named Sable found her as a foal and adopted her, staying at this place Hikaru was familiar with, but once she was an adult, Sable moved on. Hikaru remained alone once again until she and Aiko met.
Aiko had been out gathering and studying the land near Hikaru's lake a few times before Hikaru showed herself to the strange mare. Hardly any other Soquili ever happened by, and those that did rarely returned. So on Aiko's third visit, Hikaru timidly emerged from hiding, approaching the mare silently, Aiko so engrossed in her own world that she didn't notice Hikaru until they were practically standing on top of each other. When Aiko did notice, she was unperturbed, and began chattering away about some small clump of herbs she was focused on, leaving Hikaru equal parts bewildered and bemused, but also setting her at ease.
From there they slowly and organically developed a relationship that deepened into love, and eventually their very own Wishing Star blessing, Murasaki Tsuya.
Parents: Sable (adopted) Links to Relatives:
Relationships Mate: Aiko Breedings: 1. Wishing Star -- resulted in Murasaki Tsuya 2. 3. 4. Offspring: Links to Offspring: Breeding RP:
RP/Character Development Personality: Plot Ideas: Current RP: Finished RP: Character Goals: RP Color: #87CEFF
Heritage Herd: Backstory: Parents: Aiko x Boone Links to Relatives: Boone is owned by Summer Raaven; one sibling also is owned by Summer. The third sibling is owned by Huroggmeten (Aaron / Benji).
RP/Character Development Personality: Aida is a hard-headed, soft-hearted daredevil. She is always up to try something new, and can often be found exploring or adventuring. But, no matter how far the adventure takes her, she holds her family most dear and always returns home to them eventually. She seems to have been born with an innate understanding that everything in life is constantly changing and that all things become part of the past eventually. As a result, Aida forms very few attachments and rarely holds a grudge. Often, though, she needs multiple repetitions of the same lesson for it to stick.
She is relatively comfortable with being social and with being on her own, with a slight preference for flying solo. When faced with company, she is polite and minds her manners relatively well. However, if she is asked for her opinion, it is delivered bluntly, honestly, and without reservation. When around a Soquili she trusts and likes, she is a bit more bubbly and less reserved. She is liable to drive those she is most comfortable around a bit mad, but she usually ends up back in good graces by making it up to them in some way (usually unintentional). Plot Ideas: Current RP: Finished RP: Character Goals: RP Color: Charcoal
Heritage Herd: Backstory: Parents: Links to Relatives:
Relationships Mate: Any gender mini needed Breedings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Offspring: Links to Offspring: Breeding RP:
RP/Character Development Personality: Persistent, haughty, egotistical, jealous, and vain. He is quite insufferable and only cares about himself, his feelings, and his latest obsession(s). He is also fairly hedonistic and self-destructive. Plot Ideas: Has an obsession with small things, as he's not able to shrink as well with mixed heritage Current RP: Finished RP: Character Goals: RP Color: #E6B426
Basics Min/Max:Stats rolled here Obtained: 2015 April Fools / Trickster Spirits event xx **note to self: He counts as related to Rayleigh for breeding purposes and cannot be bred to her no matter how pretty those babies would turn out!!! Agreements: -- after both of their flings, will LM with Revel's Takoda as their personalities are *perfect* together (see discord chat from 8/22/2020) Links to other Images: basket uncert basket cert foal uncert foal cert adult uncert wingless
Heritage Herd: Backstory: Parents: Links to Relatives:
Relationships Mate: Breedings: 1. Will fling with Insane Butterfly's Madalayne agreement here 2. 3. Offspring: Links to Offspring: Breeding RP:
RP/Character Development Personality: Plot Ideas: Current RP: Finished RP: Character Goals: RP Color: #CD5C5C
RP/Character Development Personality: Name means purple glow in Japanese
Her parents are sweet, intelligent mares and in that way she is much the same: she is observant, understanding, and even-tempered. However, the Wishing Star took some liberties when they created her and she does not speak. Instead, the glow at her throat changes hue to communicate her thoughts and feelings -- brighter, fainter, lighter, darker, etc. She has also gained enough fine motor control over it that she can extend it in small tendrils when she needs.
Tsuya has a deep connection with the energy that surrounds her and seeks connections with Soquili who are easy for her to be around. These tend to be either those who are open and accepting or who also have some sort of 'abnormal' thing about them which keeps them balanced between the visible world and one that exists metaphysically.
Plot Ideas: * first family: At this point, she needs situation in which she can form a deep bond with another Soquili, but this will not be the final place she settles down. She will want to stay for a while, form connections and community, and be an integral part of the family until any children are grown and can choose their own paths, but at some point it will be time for her to move on and give her love to a different group.
Current RP: Finished RP: Character Goals: RP Color: #CC7722
RP/Character Development Personality: Name: Eran Parallax Temper: Forward
Eran is a name meaning vigilant and parallax is a term used in describing some parts of the Magellanic clouds. Also, it fits in pretty well with what my brain has brewing for his personality --
Lax is direct, watchful, and speaks his mind in no uncertain terms when he is asked for his input. It can be hard to get close to him, but those he holds dear are those he would put his life on the line for. He finds rules and expectations to be loose guidelines more than anything. He is fiercely loyal to his few loved ones and generally lets everyone else be, though he can be a bit callous or crass. He's also just a little bit ... strange and offputting, although exactly how is something I am still unclear on. Others tend to have quite varied views of who and how he is, depending on how close they are to him, and he rather enjoys the air of mystery which that brings. Plot Ideas: Current RP: Finished RP: Character Goals: RP Color: #EF98AA
Heritage Herd: Backstory: Prior to the curse, Shen was a gentle giant, methodical and generous, with a big heart. He identified with the meaning of his name ("deep" and "cautious", though he never was a coward, only thoughtful in his actions), and chuckled good-naturedly at those who ribbed him about its other meaning -- "god" or "spirit". However, after the curse, he knew this hidden meaning had been a prophecy, a hint at where the Fates would take him. He had been fortunate enough to have his eyes opened to his godliness, and fully embraced this about himself. Any who dared to treat him as anything other than a god would certainly meet with his wrath.
For as kind as generous as he had been, he is now equally greedy and cruel. Shen demands obedience, deference, and to be handed everything he desires on a metaphorical silver platter. Anything it seems he cannot have, he takes. This formerly gentle giant has now become a towering menace. Parents: N/A Links to Relatives: