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Total Votes : 52 |
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:23 pm
Much like how some staff have kept their LL breedings in breedings the same can be said for customs. There are some on staff who keep hoping for a roll.
Let staff decide what they want to do with their earned SC and if they want to spend it on others or not.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:00 pm
I still don't like the idea of having to be forced to prove your trying for the same custom. I think it should be 20 tries, period.
Many people, myself included a) don't like publicly saying what they are going after in customs and b) change their custom ideas depending on the colorists strengths. I don't think someone who hasn't gotten a custom for 20 tries is any less deserving just because they switched their concepts around - they STILL have gone customless a LONG time.
Unlike breedings - where these for one you have to publicly state what you're trying for (no one can steal your 'couple concept') and also you're allowed to try with more than one couple. Unlike customs, where people are basically just trying for the opportunity to get something custom.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:04 pm
I agree with Kamiki, Custom concepts get changed for a variety of reasons - Slots offered, Colorists, Plotlines and many many more. I think it should be X amount of tries.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:09 pm
I think if someone chooses to go for a cosplay when they have made it to LL status, then that's fine. Getting any custom rolled, if we go with the proposal of it doesn't matter on which concept you go for, will reset your LL counter. If you've been going for a custom design for 20+ tries, and you win through a LL list and you decide to get a cosplay instead then... that would be their choice? They just have to consciously give up the custom they've been shooting for all that time with the rolled slot. Besides, even if you make it to a LL list, there's no guarentee you're going to get picked. Presuming you still have to post your form - or at least the "I'm not revealing the cosplay I'm going for" abbreviated form, you're still having to choose the concept you're going for in advance.
And unike with breedings, you can only win ONE custom ever two months - where as in with breedings you can try for two couples at the same time.
I really think that winning any custom would reset your LL counter. Otherwise, if you are separating it by concept. it can get like breedings where you are rotating between 2-3 customs depending on colorist and could in theory get LL with all your concepts at hte same time given enough attempts, and then be on the LL list that many times in a row. And like Kamiki said, if you HAVE been going for a cosplay for 20+ attempts, maybe even not posting the form to keep it close to the chest, and someone elsse gets the cosplay, you've just lost out on all those attempts towards LL.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:24 pm
Okay after reading things through here's how I see LL Customs
- Allow cosplays, people have been trying for cosplays for a long time. Just because they get LL should not disqualify them from something they want. Especially if every custom entry they link to is that cosplay.
- Want to prevent unfairness of changing forms? How about the following for lists in customs Mini Common/Uncommon Rare Super Rare Low Luck
With that, people STILL have to be required to post at the top of their form what type of custom they're going for. If they switch it out, colorists will know because their name will be on the assigned list for their custom type. This way people's names appear twice more or less. Once on the custom type they're going for and once on the LL list IF AND ONLY IF they qualify as LL. Obviously they have to prove that on their entry form.
- This way LL qualifications can be 20 links. Period. Whatever you enter for and win for will be based on the rarity header in your winning entry.
- Allow CC obviously because the person is on the open list anyway, regardless of their LL status.
- Winning a custom regardless of if you get rolled from the Open or LL lists resets your counter 100%. You got your custom, try again 20 more times to re-qualify.
I don't see how this can then be labeled as unfair. LL breedings get two entries the majority of the time that I've seen. Usually they get listed on either the Open/Edited/Unedited/Whatever list AND the LL list.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:18 pm
Mameha Otome Okay after reading things through here's how I see LL Customs - Allow cosplays, people have been trying for cosplays for a long time. Just because they get LL should not disqualify them from something they want. Especially if every custom entry they link to is that cosplay. - Want to prevent unfairness of changing forms? How about the following for lists in customs Mini Common/Uncommon Rare Super Rare Low Luck With that, people STILL have to be required to post at the top of their form what type of custom they're going for. If they switch it out, colorists will know because their name will be on the assigned list for their custom type. This way people's names appear twice more or less. Once on the custom type they're going for and once on the LL list IF AND ONLY IF they qualify as LL. Obviously they have to prove that on their entry form. - This way LL qualifications can be 20 links. Period. Whatever you enter for and win for will be based on the rarity header in your winning entry. - Allow CC obviously because the person is on the open list anyway, regardless of their LL status. - Winning a custom regardless of if you get rolled from the Open or LL lists resets your counter 100%. You got your custom, try again 20 more times to re-qualify. I don't see how this can then be labeled as unfair. LL breedings get two entries the majority of the time that I've seen. Usually they get listed on either the Open/Edited/Unedited/Whatever list AND the LL list. This sounds rather fair. Also, I just want to clarify--I don't think people who are trying for cosplays shouldn't get LL, but I think they should have to prove they've been going for it or something. I know people don't like to talk about their cosplays--for the very same reason why I don't think you should be allowed to get LL then go for just anything--people can decide to go for it after they win. What if it was based on the majority of what you went for in those 20? (If you go by 20 chances=qualified).Like...instead of trying 4 out of 20 for let's say a Kalona (rare) and being able to go for that, you'd have to go for the category or categories you'd tried most for. Example 4 tries for kalona, 8 for common, 4 for mini 4 for angeni. Then you'd have to stick with the common category. Or if you'd listed cosplay (unspecified, don't want to share) vs. other. IDK, I think I've said everything I want to/can think of. *goes back to the rafters*
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:44 pm
I think that if LL customs come into being the counter should be based upon entry number regardless of whether you have switched concepts. This is not only because someone may swap between customs depending on the colorist's strengths, but like Sabin said, if you've been questing for a cosplay and someone else wins then you're efforts have been erased plus the fact that the cosplay you had quested for is no longer available. An exception to the rule at that point would be difficult, it could hardly be said then that you could just move the counter to a different one of your quests after the matter.
In terms of a person only trying for a cosplay or a more heavily edited etc. custom once on the LL list doesn't make much sense to me. Nyx mentioned that a colorist could get stuck with more difficult customs if this was allowed, but there isn't an advantage to placing a more complicated soquili in the stead of another that you had previously been questing. There isn't a discount or anything like that. Just because your odds have improved doesn't mean that the result will be better or guarantee you a win. It seems to me if someone really wanted a custom or a breeding or whatever they wouldn't change it when their chances increased because you want that certain quest not any more complicated one. A person would have swapped which form they were entering prior to gaining LL status if they really wanted the more complicated one. etc. (I hope that makes sense and I wasn't just rambling)
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:15 pm
I would have to agree with the OP because it is true that I have seen the same people win customs over and over and over... where others have tried and failed over and over and over. If LL is considered viable for breedings, then it is just as viable for customs; I can't really see any objection to one that wouldn't apply to the other.
I also agree it should be 20 tries period, regardless of category. If you change your concept midway through, you still spend all that time trying and failing for customs, yes? So it is still valid.