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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 7:07 am

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Name: Ailbhe
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutant Regular
Herd: The Wonderlands?
Rank: ???

Parents: Emile x Redondo
Siblings: Louvia, Rosiotti
Mate: Karloff; ???
Children: None

Height: 15hh
Accent?: None
Personality and Backstory: Ail's parents weren't on exactly friendly terms from the time she and her siblings were born. Their father was a Cheshire Cat with a warped fondness for a Flutter mare who keeps stabbing him. Their mother was a sweet-natured young lady from a good family. This did not a match in heaven make, and the three foals felt it, as their mother never really forgave their father. Redondo did care for the foals, and snuck in to visit with his children when their mom wasn't looking, resulting in them taking after him in more than looks. All three have a bit of the Cheshire Cat to their personalities, making them strangelings, mischief-makers, and very feline.

Ail's Cheshire nature was tempered by her mother's sweetness. Her main weirdness from foalhood was using her feline fangs to bite things to see what they bleed. She's largely grown out of this strange and warped curiosity on her end, but that was just one facet of her strangeness. Perhaps the person who influenced her out of biting first and asking questions afterward was her one-time lifemate, Karloff, who was also her childhood sweetheart.

Karloff's childhood had been destroyed and very much ruled by the fact that a Batwalker mare had killed his parents. He was frequently filled with self-doubt and fear, to the point of literally running away from his relationships with other Soquili for fear that this Batwalker would come back and harm his loved ones. This caused a lot of tears on Ail's end.

As adults, Karloff returned, and this time, it was to stay. He accepted the happiness they both wanted with each other, and they even adopted the schizophrenic colt Lucian, who considered Ail and Karl to be his real parents. The little family was quite happy during this time, and were preparing to start a biological family of their own. Ail met and bonded with a white rabbit named Yuzuki, a highly organized little thing who likes helping Ail. Yuzuki hadn't been long with Ail when disaster struck

The little hollow they inhabited was attacked after Lucian had grown up and moved on. The Batwalker had sadistically opted to chase Karl in response to his fears, rather than out of any real vindictiveness. Ail and Karl were separated during the attack, and they haven't been able to find each other since. Karl has assumed that Ail was murdered, and while Ail hopes that Karl is alive, safe, and happy, she's also saddened and scared by the idea that Karl has either died, or moved on with someone else. In the aftermath, Ail has decided to go live among other strangeling Soquili in the Wonderlands, hoping to find other Cheshires and the like with whom she can connect.

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PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 7:09 am

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Ailbhe + Black Prince - Ongoing?

"To Bite or..."
Ailbhe + Karloff - Finished

Scars....Tear My Heart Open
Ailbhe + Karloff - Finished

Meeting the New Editions
Ail, Rosi, Albert, Meru, Emile, Louvia, Merashik + Merashik's foals
Legend of Dragoon Clan - Dead

This is Only the Beginning
Ail + Karl - Ongoing

The Grandest Adventure
Ail + Legend of Dragoon Clan - Dead

Hearts and Minds
Ail, Karl + Lucian Basket - Ongoing

Claws and Voices
Ail + Perdita - Finished

Labyrinthine Forest
Ail - Finished

A Leg to Stand On
Ail + Parva - Finished

A Mother's Wish
Knight's Watch Herd - Ongoing

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:01 am

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Name: Esmerelda
Gender: Female
Breed: Wind
Herd: Silver Willow Bell
Rank: ???

Parents: Alienore x Blake
Siblings: Nerissa, 'Ailana
Mate: Flavius
Children: None

Height: 15hh
Accent?: None
Personality and Backstory: Esme's childhood was largely the happy, prosaic childhood of the Shidelle family to which she, her mother, and sisters belong. Protected by her mother's bear and her father, adored by her mother, close to her little sister Nerissa, daddy wasn't crazy about his little girl dating...very much a normal family in the Kawani lands. Plus a grandma who hooked a silver bell on her ear personally? Definitely typical for the Shidelle line, graced by the ribbons and bells that Adelle gave to all her family members.

Where this went wrong early on was that her elder sister 'Ailana was kidnapped shortly after birth, and this had a dark effect on the family. Esme shifted to being the tomboy who protected her remaining sister, getting into a lot of trouble and mischief, and making sure no one took 'Ailana away from the family. She grew to have a fascination for trickery and magic, to the point of playfully falling out of trees on top of people who aren't smaller and/or meaner than her. This doesn't exactly make her popular with those around her, and it will likely get her into trouble someday.

When she first started dating Flavius, her father objected, on the basis that many fathers have had over the ages toward those who date their daughters: Nobody is dating my baby girl. Esme, having already developed into a bit of an independent-spirited child, didn't listen, and has been happy with Flavius. With the founding of the Silver Willow Bell Herd, the twosome have moved in to support her Grandma Adelle. However, of her immediate family, so far, Esme is the only one in the herd. 'Ailana is still missing, Nerissa hasn't joined, and their parents...well...their parents broke up, and Esme has had to watch her mother get all broken up over being alone for a long time.

This has certainly been a difficult point in her life. Not only is her elder sister still gone, her father has left for someone else she gathers has never liked her mother at all. She hasn't seen her younger sister in a while, and her mother is kind of in a phase of wandering the world on the verge of getting eaten alive by her fears and anxieties. Not knowing when she'll see her mother again, but wanting to help her, Esme has started to attempt to learn to make things out of willow that might soothe her mother's broken heart.

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:03 am

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Winter Bells
Esme + Flavius - Dead

Strange Blossoms
Esme + Thuraya - Finished

Medical Surfeit
Esme + Thuraya - Finished

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:22 am

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Name: Martin d'Hiver
Gender: Male
Breed: Regular
Herd: ???
Rank: ???

Parents: ??? x ???
Siblings: ???
Mate: Baileys
Children: None

Height: 17hh
Accent?: French
Personality and Backstory: Opinionated, good singer, flirt, and go-big-or-go-home are the words and phrases used to describe M. Martin d'Hiver, who was born in a place of pale-skinned two-leggers he calls France. A country of lovers and artists, of people with high opinions acting as a veneer over a gregarious nature, it's easy to see where Martin's personality comes from.

Despite not having specific beliefs, he was born next to a cathedral, and took that place of birth seriously. He got a good enough appreciation of art and a fine enough singing voice that he developed a fan base of country mares, which seems to have swelled his ego and meant that he's never felt the need to run particularly fast or far to catch or entice some poor young mare to chase him.

Arrival in the Kawani Lands has proven something of a shock to him. Yes, lots of new Soquili to meet, a new language to learn, plenty to flirt with and sing with, but the churches...yeesh. Ramshackle, rusty choir voices if at all, no stained glass, minimal carvings if at all. Not up to his standard as a Soquili whose opinions were influenced by the cathedral he was born by. It was probably due to these situations that Martin got loose and strayed so far from the pale-skinned two-leggers from his homeland to be a wild Soquili.

It was around this time that he met the spirited mare Baileys, who had a similar opinion on chasing and doing the chasing of the opposite sex. They've turned out to be quite the enthusiasts together, and it's probable that any foals they have will have quite the attitude.

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:24 am

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New World Snows
Martin d'Hiver + Baileys - Dead

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:48 am

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Name: Aoibheann
Gender: Female
Breed: Kiriangeni
Herd: ???
Rank: ???

Parents: ??? x ???
Siblings: ???
Mate: Azumet?
Children: None

Height: 15hh
Accent?: None
Personality and Backstory: Aoibh is a kind and motherly soul, loyal, brave, true, caring, affectionate, and spiritual. Underneath this, however, is a touch of anxiety. Aoibh came from a very brightly colored family with lots of peacock features, and of the lot of them, Aoibh...looks like the plain, earth-colored peahen. It makes her shy about her looks, uncertain if she really does look as good as those around her.

Not much can be said about her backstory. She drifted in from a distant forest one day, and hasn't met too many other Soquili. She can generally be found anywhere where life is in great abundance, where the flowers bloom and the birds sing, where mothers raise their young, where it seems to be an ongoing springtime.

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:59 am

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What's in a Horn?
Aoibheann + Ni'awtu - Ongoing

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:19 am

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Name: Morena na Zima
Gender: Female
Breed: Owl Purewalker
Herd: ???
Rank: ???

Parents: ??? x ???
Siblings: ???
Mate: Dardanos; ???
Children: Perdita de Helcegaear, Kaneonuskastew, Mauhur

Height: 18hh
Accent?: Russian
Personality and Backstory: It is said that dark things lurk in the night. Morena puts paid to that. In her homeland, which has been translated as "Russia," owls are omens of death, and the night is a terribly dark and evil time. And the winter is personified as a warrior who reaps the lives of the people.

It is unclear what blew this dark lady in, but it can safely be said that, in her homeland, anyone seeing her would've thought that Death had come for them, and that they really were doomed to die. Which works perfectly for a Skinwalker, although Morena isn't exactly a traditional soulless monster.

Oh, no. Morena is sort of like a paladin, gone very, very wrong. She believes that the world is so wrong and broken and evil that the only way to fix and redeem the world is to destroy it to the point where the Spirits will take over and hit the reset button. This isn't exactly an easy task, but she doesn't mind that. However, now that she's in the highly populated Kawani lands, which is filled with those who won't just roll over and die so easily, not as long as there's still hope, Morena's finding this to be such a difficult task that she's gonna need help. And so she's hatched a plan, a plan she's always heard will never work right.

A herd. The only way to speed up world destruction is to get everyone on the same page. Everyone who disagrees can die first, as do those who won't help. When the herd's goals are accomplished, mass suicide/homicide will occur. Foals are acceptable, as long as the children swear allegiance to Morena's cause and goals, as help will be needed to end the world.

Even as she's coldly, rationally planning this war of hers, an army of Soqs dedicated to fend off Skinwalkers is rising. If Morena wants to end the world, she's gonna have to take down the Knight's Watch. Who's up for ending the world ASAP, terrorizing the world with the ultimate nightmare, or at least keeping such a sociopath from actually succeeding in her lethal, impossible goals?

Someday in the relatively near future, she's going to discover the benefits of charming, and get herself charmed. It'll open up a new, brighter world, one in which she has hope for herself and the future, one in which Morena wakes up in the morning to an extended family of charmed 'Walkers, who hunt only for food, not for the extermination of all living things, and can see the good things in this world.

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:20 am

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The Eternal Struggle
Hartekellion + Morena na Zima - Ongoing?

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:33 am

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Name: Tethys Ceto
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutant Kelpi
Herd: ???
Rank: ???

Parents: Cetioscolopendra Aeliani x Gahz'rilla
Siblings: Centioscolopendra Aeliania
Mate: A troll or grandchild of Swampeye Jarl?
Children: None

Height: 16hh
Accent?: Faint Russian
Personality and Backstory: Tethys and her sister are very much the culmination of what their parents wanted in children: strong, brave, fierce, capable of holding their own in a fight, and capable of exploring and terrorizing the land. However, both girls take more strongly after their mother, rather than their father, meaning that they may not automatically be recognized to their father's old worshippers as the heiresses of the troll demigod Gahz'rilla.

It's a disappointment that has not been noted to be on either young mare's mind.

Fortunately for Gahzi's goals, Tethys is very much the young explorer, deeply curious and intelligent, prone to wandering too far away. It's quite likely that she'll be able to rove the world for her father. However, there will come a day when a troll/Kelpi stallion shall take her wandering far away to live among other Kelpis who hail from WoW or are descended from those who hail from WoW, like herself. What her life will be like during the journey and afterward is a surprise Tethys looks forward to.

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:34 am

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The Pearl Diver
Tethys + Darya - Finished

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:17 am

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Name: Perdita de Helcegaear
Gender: Female
Breed: Cat Purewalker
Herd: ???
Rank: ???

Parents: Morena na Zima x Dardanos
Siblings: Kaneonuskastew, Mauhur
Mate: ???
Children: None

Height: 18hh
Accent?: Faint Russian
Personality and Backstory: Some say that sanity and logic and soul are not the strong points of Skinwalkers. They definitely are not the strong points of Perdita, who suffers from at least one or two psychological maladies that put her firmly in the Not Sane camp.

Like all successful pairings, her parents didn't get around to destroying the resulting baskets. Like most Skinwalker pairings, her parents didn't stay together. Unlike virtually any other Skinwalker, Morena decided to keep Perdita and her brothers alive for her own warped plans. Even though Mauhur has left, and Mommy Dearest has said that she'll kill him on sight, the three children are only alive as long as they serve Morena's purposes.

Perdita, the first and only daughter of this pairing, the only kitten, stays with Morena, and, as stated before, sanity isn't her suit at all. Perdita does have multiple personality disorder, and among those personalities are a sweet and innocent lost girl who doesn't understand why everything around her dies, and is just a mess of fear; and a mindless monster that likes blood, but knows instinctively not to try to attack Morena. Morena's not fond of Perdita, but needs the automatic loyalty Perdita gives her. Unless something gets Morena or Perdita first, Morena privately plans to strangle Perdita at the end of the world.

Odds are, if Perdita had baskets, she'd hide them somewhere she thought death couldn't happen. And then either promptly forget, or go back and maul them. It can be hoped that, if she has any offspring, they'll be sane, not 'Walkers, and won't get axed by their poor, mad mother right out of the gate.

Very soon, Perdita's going to find herself charmed, which will give her a new lease on life, a chance to live without the blood madness, and a chance to have a genuine family one day, with a mother, step-mother, younger siblings, lifemate, and children of her own, with all the 'Walkers in the family carefully charmed from birth. Happiness will be hers, symbolized by the jewel-bright charms the family will carry.

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:18 am

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Claws and Voices
Perdita + Ailbhe - Finished

Trail of Blood
Perdita + Bloodstone - Dead

Nightmares' End
Perdita + Alienore - Finished

The Nature of the Beast
Perdita, Alienore + Karloff - Finished

A Mother's Wish
Knight's Watch Herd - Ongoing

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Peaceful Senshi

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Peaceful Senshi

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:19 am


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