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oo Ded

Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:54 pm
Urit'alya challenges Godlum!

The sight of the corporal lunging was signal enough for Alya. She had been watching the group, muscles tensed and ready for attack, gold eyes pressed towards her intended target; the tall lion with the bone marking. The lioness was ready for the moment, claws unsheathed and fangs bared as the large and muscled lioness pushed through the sand. Her mind was focused; she was out for blood. No prisoners. She would have no qualms with such a request.

Aly had been waiting for this moment. Training for this moment. Her claws sought Nergui flesh.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:16 am
oo DeD

Godlum watched the lioness's charge as though it were folding out in slow motion. Had he dreamed this before, he wondered? He did not smile, but his chin raised just a notch. For Godlum, this was a rare show of pleasure. It was not the battle that flowed through his veins, but the sense that Graos Oma guided him.

Perhaps he would carve through this female, and reach his son.

By the time that thought had crossed through his mind only a few short seconds had passed. Alya plowed into him with a strength that almost unseated him, and he could feet the string of her claws raking against his side.

When his reaction finally came, it would likely seem strangely delayed. His jaws opened wide in another breathless roar, and his long paw thrashed out to slap at her cheek.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:32 am

Kuimsoem’s smile curled into something more vicious than it had a right to be. Her exceptional eyes absorbing a wealth of information as her claws pulsed into the dry ground below her. She’d been told that the Firekin were not so quick to go for the kill, that they had more lenience than that. Yet here they were making the first move and it seemed they were prepared to go the whole way.

Named for the mountain she had been found on, Kuimsoem had been accepted into the Nergui as an adolescent and had been true to them ever since. Their ideals made sense and it had given her a purpose; something that she had never had before. Males had fought for her and she had borne a wonderful son and raised him to adolescence. Unfortunately, at that time, they had embarked on their conquest of the Hongshan and she had lost both of them during the violence that had followed. Her mate too bold and her son too inexperienced. She had mourned them and praised their names in song until the hardness in her heart had weathered. She’d see them again someday, but not any time soon, if things went according to plan.

And then one of the Firekin females was leaping at her and she snarled in return, dodging swiftly to the side to avoid being struck by the full force of the red one’s body. She kicked up dust as she ground to a halt and snarled angrily.

“You chose the wrong lioness this day,” she spoke in unpractised common, taking a long stride forwards and driving a paw up towards the other female’s face.


Slow was right. Beneath the burden of the stolen rarec, Gren was uncomfortably restricted. Being such a large and bulky female had always impaired her agility, but with the heavy links draped around her throat and the bangles on her paws – all a little tight because the goddess had been so puny – she was far more restrained than normal. For an instant, Gren panicked, and for that instant it showed in her eyes – gleaming there for anyone to see.

Claws were coming at her face now and it was all the ugly female could do to turn her head away so that they missed sensitive eyes and nose and scored down the side of her neck instead. Her grunt of pain was alarmingly loud and suddenly all she could think of was her duty to Graos Oma. She needed to get the artefacts back. She could not fail now.

She lowered her stance to try and avoid any follow up attack---when in that instant the young male hyena came to her rescue.

With a snap of teeth, the male hyena, Brocdkoca, was there; young but well-versed in a brawl. He’d been assigned to keep watch over Gren – though she did not know it – and he meant to carry out his duty well.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:44 pm

The lioness' attitude only irked Pele further and in truth her temper made her lose a little of her composure. Not only did she miss the female but her blow in retaliation caught the side of Pele's face, narrowly missing her eye. The lioness was swift and though she had trained before, she had never been in a fight of this nature. Pele chose to issue no reply but to press on with her attack.

But there was no plan for her to give up before she'd even started. Her face stung but she growled and twisted her body around in a way that seemed more than simply feline. Paying close attention to the female's potential areas of escape, she lunged again, her brow furrowed as the blood began to wet her face.


Fashionable Bear

oo Ded

Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:11 pm

Her enemy's muted and delayed reaction, his silent roar, it was all jarring and unexpected. In retrospect, the image of it all would send shivers down her spine. Now, though. Now was not a time for such reflections.

Alya buried the confusion and the feeling of unease quickly enough to just avoid the blow to her face. Not fast enough, however, as the felt the tips of the foreign lion's claws pull through skin at the edge of her cheek. The sting made her snarl. She felt her cheek moisten with dewdrops of sticky blood.

'You are not fighting your kin,' the lioness reminded herself. This was a foreigner. This was Nergui. And she'd be damned if she let him through alive.

Godlum's breathless roar was met with her own, audible and fierce as she turned towards him. He was too close for comfort. Then again, war was not a comfortable thing.

Alya struck at the bulk of Godlum's large frame, her full weight behind her as her claws moved to strike at his face.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:07 am
oo DeD

Godlum reared back as the lioness continued to drive him back. These firekin were strong, even one as strangely detached as he could decipher that. But coordinated fighting wasn't where the nergui excelled. The nergui had always exemplified the strange and the unknown.

So he let her shred at his face, the blood quickly staining the white, bone-like markings that she'd find there. He waited until her charge brought her back to all fours before pushing back against her. His teeth searched for some purchase, and he wasn't particularly picky.

But although he was at least capable in some fashion, a moment of grappling would reveal that Godlum was not used to fighting on malleable terrain. The sand was already slipping from beneath his feet.

A well placed swipe might be enough to topple him.



Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:53 pm

Mat felt a surge of triumph as her claws found purchase on the lioness, although she had to admit she'd have liked to struck her face rather than her side. It looked as though she needed a bit of re-arranging, with her teeth sticking out like they were. The fear on the lioness' face fueled Mat as her paws pulled away, leaving red streaks in their wake. Good, she had drawn blood. Her first real fight and her first real wound inflicted! This was exciting!

Turning to hug the ground, Mat bared her teeth at the other female, her eyes flicking to the odd decorations around her neck. What were they? Whatever they were, they were covered in blood. She didn't have much time to study them, though, as a young hyena suddenly made an appearance. Mat gave a startled snarled as she was knocked to the ground, the force of the hyena enough to knock her from her paws. She was quick to regain her stance, though, fur bristling. Two against one, eh? Bring it on!

"Disgusting Nergui scum!" she roared, charging the tiny hyena. He didn't look to be an adult yet, although he was close, but Mat was of proud Firekin blood and her size proved it. The small hyena didn't scare her in the least. That might have had something to do with her youth as well, but all she knew was she needed to chase these vermin away. Teeth bared, she pounced on the hyena, claws already bloody from the previous attack, and she was seeking to wet her paws a bit more.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:30 am
Somehow Ro had managed to move too late to take part in any one-on-one conflicts, but he would not let that deter him from fighting alongside the other Firekin against their enemies the Nergui. He had learned about the hateful Nergui during the time he'd spent being educated in the ways of his new pride, and he had been genuinely looking forward to tearing into them. It was infuriating that it seemed he would have to double team one of the enemy in his first battle. Somehow it felt like his contribution as a fighter would mean less this way, even though he knew it wasn't the case. The strength was in the unit, he had been told, and the unit, it looked like, was managing reasonably well, all things considered. Well, of course it was. The Nergui were rabble.  


Lonely Bookworm


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:14 am
[ I need to apologise for holding this up ya'll. This should be concluded by next weekend. ]


The scent of blood was in her head now and, panting, the strange-eyed lioness lunged forwards again - at almost the exact same time as Pele. For a moment all thought of keeping herself safe from harm was gone, replaced by the need to bleed and kill the red-coat beast in front of her.

Her claws and teeth sought flesh even as she felt the force of Pele's attack against her own body; her shoulders, her neck.

A bubble of a roar that didn't quite make it out of her throat was as close as she got to wording her delight and fury.


The hyena lowered himself into a balanced stance - something clearly practised since his youth - and laid bare his teeth. The thrill of the fight was running through his veins, fixing his paws so that he might be able to shove back if she tackled him bodily.

Behind him he was aware of the female, Gren, preparing to come to his defense and the realization that he was not alone bolstered him -- though this new-found confidence was not enough to shelter him from Mat's counter.

He braced himself for impact, the lioness colliding against his shoulders and in moments his strong stance was buckling under her sheer weight. He twisted, dropping onto his side and swung out with his jaws, intending to rent flesh and crush bone.

But Gren was there, then, thrusting out with a paw, anger writ all over her face.


And meanwhile...

On a ridge of rock, spattered with blood, Azar'bijan and a now unmasked Muunokhoi, were locked together in mortal combat. The Firekin, bloodied at the shoulder and flank, was sinking low in his stance, his teeth locked in on the Nergui Warlord's shoulder, seemed to be holding on with the last of his strength.

The Nergui warlord gave a fierce roar and, with a move that risked grave injury, shoved the red lion in the side.

Azar's grip came loose with a mouthful of bloodied fur, hitting the rocks and gritty sand below him with a horrible thud. For a moment he tried to stand but the breath had been knocked out of him and his claws seemed unable to find purchase.

exclaim Any Firekin not currently involved in a duel with a Nergui may feel free to intercept and drive Muunokhoi away from Azar.



oo DeD





PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:35 am
Mat realized the pickle she'd tossed herself into a bit too late: the hyena and lioness, on their own, would have been a fight she could handle, but two of them? It was something she had trained for, certainly, but never thought she'd have to deal with. As the hyena twisted, jaws open, she let her massive paw connect with his skull to at least stun him. That left her open to the paw coming across from the lioness she had bloodied earlier, but honestly, she'd rather have claws rake down her side than jaws clamp down on her. Claws were fleeting and painful, jaws were constant and deadly.

She jumped away from the hyena after the lioness scored a hit, her dark side becoming wet with blood. It hurt, but she'd been raised for this, for battle, for pain. It distracted her long enough to pause in the battle, breathing heavily as excitement and pain ran through her.


Kasoro's intended target was forgotten in favor of the lion that had led them to this place. He was a bit bloodied himself by this point, but he could tell Azar was in a tight spot. The white lion watched as Azar struggled to stand, and he knew he couldn't simply stand by. Kasoro wasn't trained here, but the desire to protect those that he had come to call family rose within him as he charged up to the ridge, a warning roar preceding him. Perhaps he could summon a few other Firekin to his aid: he was a massive lion thanks to his goddess mother, but he lacked the mentality those born within the pride had.

Reaching the ridge, he thrust himself between the bleeding Azar and the terrifying Muunokhoi. He bared his teeth in warning but otherwise remained silent. Hopefully the Nergui leader was too tired to fight a fairly fresh lion.  


Offensive Hero


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:37 am
With fighting breaking out all around him, Kai was doing his bet to help others take out their targets. He had been preparing to help another fellow Firekin when his attention was pulled to Azar and the lion who dared lead this army into Firekin territory. Shifting his attention, Kai bounded up to the ridge. His wounds, minor that they were, seeped blood into his already red pelt as he exerted his muscle to come to Azar's aid.

Kasoro beat Kai to Azar's side. Kai roared a challenge as he bounded up the ridge, as unlike Kasoro did not halt at his struggling comrades side but charged past them at the Nergui, claws and teeth ready to sink into flesh. As much as Kai hated the ruthlessness that his grandfather had, and did his best to not be like him, there were moments like this one where the resemblence between Kai and Kimeti could be quite startling. After all, the Firekin was his home, and in Kai's mind. NOTHING was going to endanger his pride and get away with it.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:03 pm

For a moment the young hyena saw stars. Brocdkoca was enthusiastic but he was not experienced in facing real life fighting situations like this one. His head still buzzing he looked up to see Gren had come to his rescue, gratitude and fear welling up inside him.

"Aeui must rim!" he called, somewhat surprised by the taste of blood in his mouth. The disorientation was taken a while to fade and the hit Mat had struck him had clearly taken its toll.

The giant, marsh-coloured female hesitated, her crooked teeth laid bare as she snarled.

"The rarec,"

And the hyena surged up with his head, almost blindly, jaws snapping wildly as he tried to catch the lioness and drag her down to the ground. And yet, despite his valiant efforts, the ugly lioness still stood her ground, tail whipping back and forth; eyes fixed on the red Firekin as if she were gearing herself up to deal a fatal blow.

And then the roar: Kai's challenge to their leader, Muunokhoi.

Gren startled, her eyes snapping across to where her commander stood victorious, the big red lion bleeding on the ground. Ha! They were weak, these desert cats. Seeing Muunokhoi there in all his unmasked glory was enough to get anyone's blood pumping.


They were ganging up on him.

"Muunokhoi Oma," she breathed.



Muunokhoi looked down upon the gathering Firekin with a haughtiness that surely was belying - considering the situation. And yet, despite the thick trail of blood running down his shoulder and foreleg from an open wound, he seemed as if he were king of all the world. Beyond his vanquished foe, nergui fought firekin and the sight filled him with a delight that had his heart hammering in his chest.

The strength in his people, it made him proud.

And then a Firekin appeared between him and his downed foe..and then another, roaring for all the world to hear and his eyes tipped downwards, his face - bearing old scars - creasing in distaste.

"Aeui will soksa the kvaas bite uk death."

He smiled, cruel and steely, as he swung to face Kai - the first with the courage to approach. He raised a paw high, swinging it at the young male with all the force he could muster.


exclaim Boss Battle

Firekin unite! Take out the commander and the rest will crumble to nothing. Those ICly able to break away from current battles or those not tied up with a specific opponent may now join the fight to take down Muunokhoi (or try to, anyway).

Rules are simple.

1. Roll a 5-sided dice. (Lower numbers being glancing attacks or misses and higher numbers being stronger attacks). You may continue attacking until Muunkhoi's HP drains to 0.
2. Do not post twice in a row - give everyone a chance to have in on the action!

Muunokhoi's current HP: 30


Fuzzy Kitten

SilverLutz generated a random number between 1 and 5 ... 2!


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:12 pm
Mat held her ground as she waited, looking between the two attackers. The hyena was stunned, the lioness holding her ground. They spoke to one another for a moment before the hyena surged up, deadly jaws snapping, They closed on her leg which caused the young female to roar in pain, her free paw slashing wildly, large teeth biting at the hyena's head. She needed that paw, you see, so she really needed it to be uninjured. Hyena teeth and jaws weren't something to mess around with.


As Kasoro was joined by a native member of the pride his confidence boosted a bit. He wasn't alone anymore. Two against one, surely they could do some damage. The Nergui leader raised a paw, completely focused on Kai. That was when Kasoro darted forward. He wasn't sure if he'd land a hit or simply surprise the other lion, but he did so with speed and a ferocious snarl.

Not wanting to further injure himself, though, he kept his movement fleeting. He reached out with his own massive paw to strike at the Nergui's raised one, drawing blood from just above his paw. Nothing too game-changing, but it would certainly throw him off-guard, hopefully giving Kai a better chance to attack.

28/30 HP  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:27 am

Pele wasn't yet versed enough in fighting to understand whether or not she was winning, or stood at chance at all. She did know, however, that she was still standing, and had managed to get a few blows in. Suddenly, hot claws sliced down her neck and her shoulder, deeper this time. The pain radiated down her side and gave a stiffness to her legs. Letting out a roar of pain and anger, Pele pressed forward, aiming a bite at the females ear.  


Fashionable Bear

DragonsRage24 generated a random number between 1 and 5 ... 4!


PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:29 pm
((sorry for absence, broken arm and now abdominal issues been keeping me away ;; ))

So much had happened in a whirlwind the twins felt overwhelmed, but when Azar was being overtaken, something ignited in their hearts. Ka and Kai roared in unison and darted across the sands.

"Stay with me-" Ka shouted to his sister, but the words fell on deaf ears.

Smaller, faster, she took off as if aflight on the dunes and closed the gap. Toes splayed, claws posed and struck the nergui attacking Azar.

Rage fueled her...dangerously.

Her brother watched on, and tried to catch up quickly, knowing rage could assist, but also harm if relied upon.

They knew all too well.


24/30 HP  
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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