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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Bad Romance (Riyo/Titus) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:44 pm
Titus kept a steady pace with the kiss, not even taking a break to catch his breath. The delicate fingers pulling and tugging at his shirt only inspired him to keep going, a hand tracing down to the small of the demoness’ back. The kiss, the heat of Riyo’s body, and their general closeness was starting to turn him on in ways he wasn’t going to be able to hide soon.


The small voice was enough to make Titus open his eyes, pulling away from Riyo to look right and left until he finally settled on the small boil standing nearby staring at them. Well, if that wasn’t creepy.

Keep movin’ ya little s**t.” Titus hissed, wings flaring and teeth bared.

It was enough to make the small child back up a few paces before running off and back to where ever he had come from.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:45 pm
Riyo couldn't be sure what all this was building up to, but she couldn't be sure her resolve was strong enough to stop him at this point. He made her body feel things that she thought for the longest time were only stories to make her feel inadequate. It was all just... Too good to be true.

And of course, that's exactly what it ended up being as the illusion of the two being the only people in this dimension was immediately shattered. Her body tensed from the shock of another voice, eyes wide as she looked in that direction after Titus pulled away. It was like instant mortification.

While Titus may have successfully shooed the scareling away, Riyo didn't look pleased. Her lips pulled into a thin line, face ripe with embarrassment. "Aaaaand there went that." She mumbled, releasing the grip she had on his shirt to hide her face in her hands. "Are we ever going to do this in like... A normal place?" Like behind a closed, locked door where there was absolutely no chance of being seen?

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:47 pm
The crisis was averted or so Titus thought. The scareling was long gone but when he turned back to Riyo she was hiding her face in her hands. Jack damn it all! For once he didn’t want this to end so quickly.

He pulled away from the feline just enough to have a look around. “For anything close I don’t know about normal but private I think I can do.” Stepping back he reached for one of the hands that was pressed against her face and started to walk with a hurried pace from the park. Yeah so the park wasn’t the greatest of ideas but he had gotten caught up in the moment. The better option would be to wait and get back to school and just go to one of their dorms but Titus wasn’t sure he wanted to wait for that. He was feeling impatient and needy and wanted nothing more than to press his body against the feline’s again as he got a taste of her lips.

What about there?” There was a line of buildings not far off but none of them were currently in use. At one point they had probably been used for small events or maybe concerts with local bands considering there was a stage.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:50 pm

If the boil hadn't grabbed one of her hands and dragged her off, she would have given him a look that could only question his seriousness in the matter. What was going on with him? Usually he was so quick to give up the goat. "W-wait, what?" This was new. Usually she was the needy one. Riyo wasn't quite sure what to think of it all, and had a hard time keeping up with him as all these thoughts rushed through her mind.

Suddenly they were standing in front of some old buildings that had most likely gone unused for some time. "W-what about there?" She threw the question back at him, slow to catch up on his meaning. ".... You're serious?" Maybe she should just call it here. Count her losses and head back. It seemed like that car crash had damaged more than his ribs. It was a fine line they were dancing. She looked from the boil to the building nervously, searching for some affirmation that this wouldn't just go completely wrong.

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:51 pm
Maybe Titus had gotten some sort of brain damage from the fall. He had landed head first into a car from a pretty far distance after all but who said it couldn’t be for the better?

Looking to the buildings and back at Riyo, Titus tilted his head slightly, his hand giving her’s a light squeeze. “Yeah. Its away from prying eyes. Unless you’re having second thoughts?

If that was the case Titus wasn’t sure what he was going to do with himself. Kissing the ghoul before had been nice but he had never really experienced this craving to just hold her and touch her. The need was set deep down into his bones and if he was denied now he wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t go crazy. He could feel the phantom heat of her body pressed against him even now and he really wanted that again.

It was just too bad Titus wasn’t very good at verbally expressing himself otherwise he could have probably laid down some pretty good positives to give this whole thing the go ahead. Instead he stood there as patiently as his body would let him, waiting to see what Riyo would say but did think enough to add. “You said you wanted lots of kisses. I’m just trying to hold up my end of the deal.”  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:52 pm
"Uh, not exactly." She felt the light squeeze and sighed as she hesitantly looked back up to the building. It certainly wasn't the most romantic thing, but her life was not destined for a romance novel. This she was already painfully aware of.

"I did say that..." But she had neglected to specify she wanted them in a spot that at least had furniture and electricity. You didn't think about these things until met with the bare minimum, did you?

Her lips shifted to the side as she considered her options, silently thinking for a few moments. Her glance then shifted to the ground. "Fine." She grumbled, already wishing she hadn't agreed to this. "But they'd better be some damn good kisses." Still felt weird saying things like that.

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:54 pm
His lips pulled into a lopsided grin as the demon started to lead her in the direction of the buildings. “I will do my best.” Titus didn’t really see what the problem was in the first place but then again his mind wasn’t on the setting and mood.

The stage and the building behind it were the closest so Titus headed there first. He tried the first door and found it locked so moved to the next. The second door was thankfully a winner and Titus pushed it open and had a glance inside before entering. It looked like it had been used for storage at some point, the rather large room was filled with crates, wooden tables, and chairs. It at least didn’t look like it had been used in a while which meant they would have the privacy they wanted.

This should do I think.” Always the romantic. He pulled Riyo in after him and closed the door before bringing the ghoul close again savoring the contact as he leaned against her. “So where were we?”  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:56 pm
Riyo just ragdolled behind him as he pulled her in that direction. Seriously, this was strange.

She almost thanked Jack that the first building had been locked tight, hoping that the rest would follow and they could just walk back to the dorms, but no. Life was not so kind. The second door opened and, wouldn't you know it, Titus considered it fine. Yeah. Dusty cobwebby crated mess. Moreover, it smelled strange. Riyo's brow furrowed as she took in a deep breath through her nose. There was something nostalgic about it and she just couldn't put a finger on it. What was-

Then suddenly Titus. Regardless of the area, the boil did make it hard to focus on anything but him when he was in such close proximity. She shook her head as she draped her arms carefully over his shoulders, minding his horns. "With as anxious as you were to get me in here, I didn't think you'd have trouble remembering." She pressed herself against him, one hand gently combing through his short hair as she looked into his eyes. Perhaps it was bad that she was giving into his whims so easily, but it was hard to deny that parts of her didn't want the exact same things.

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:57 pm
Titus grinned at that, taking the liberty of placing his hands on Riyo’s waist and lifting her up so that she could sit on some of the crates nearby. He was in a little pain but he was able to manage that much without issue. Plus the crates sat Riyo a little higher so that he wouldn’t have to lean down as far. Overall it was a win and well worth the effort.

He stepped closer so that her legs were straddling his hips and brought up his hands to cup her face. Leaning in he started where he left off, pressing a hungry kiss to Riyo’s lips before he silently asked for entrance to her mouth again, craving the warm wet confines it provided.

Moving as close to the feline as he could manage Titus let one hand slip from her face so that it could rest on her thigh. He couldn’t feel much through his gloves but he still trailed a light pattern where he could feel skin or thin fabric. It was a gesture he honestly didn’t think much about, his hands just acted on their own. Though he also hadn’t given their position much thought it just seemed convenient.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:59 pm
"Wha-?" Riyo looked surprised as she was suddenly carted off and placed on a crate, dust flying as her butt met the filthy, and more than likely a little jagged, surface. She stifled a small cough and shot him a dirty look for his bright idea... At least until she glanced down and realized the position they were in.

... Oh boy. She took in a breath to perhaps say something about the precarious position he'd just placed her in, especially considering the fact that she was wearing a skirt, but any objections she had planned on making were swiftly ended by his lips. s**t, he was too good at that.

Her face reddened as her mouth eagerly accepted him, leg twitching at the very sudden and unexpected hand that was a little farther up her leg than she could really admit being comfortable with. Oh Jack... Oh Jack... Oh Jack... There went her heart again. He was going to kill her if he wasn't careful.

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:01 pm
Whatever small protests Riyo might have made physically didn’t seem to pick up on Titus’ radar. The boil kept at it, long fingers slipping from her face to the back of her skull to hold her head while his tongue explored her mouth. He could feel himself getting warmer, his heart thumping hard in his chest. This was a lot more involved than he had ever gotten and he liked it. Jack damn did he like it. Who knew that being a little bolder would actually pay off.

He felt her leg twitch beneath his other hand and moved it to the outside of her thigh to bring her leg closer to his body. Titus wanted every bit of her as close as possible but somehow he wanted more. There was a deep void he didn’t realize had been inside him and he wanted nothing more than to fill it but he wasn’t sure how far to really go. How ready was he to take the next step? How ready was Riyo?

He didn’t really have any of the answers but he decided to silently test the idea by moving the hand from her thigh up toward her waist to brush his fingers just under the hem of her shirt. Soon Riyo would feel leather gloves brush against the soft skin of her stomach and sides. His hand moved further up shortly after but circled around to her back as he did so, lifting her shirt slightly with his arm.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:01 pm
"Nnn..." Was the only sound she could muster as he pulled her leg closer, her tongue too preoccupied with his to make proper sounds. She could feel the material of his pants pressed against her, and just knowing how little fabric there was separating them from skin contact set her body ablaze. She felt light headed and faint, but that was nothing compared to the jolt that hit her when his hand slid under the material of her shirt.

The muscles in her abdomen had a small spasm from the unfamiliar touch, having little to no experience feeling an alien presence on the surface of her skin. Was he...? Was he going to...

She pulled her lips away from him with a desperate gasp of air, her eyes searching his face. "Titus..." She struggled for the right words, her arms slipping from his shoulders to his chest. She should tell him to stop. Tell him they couldn't go any farther because he was likely to break her like this. She wanted to, but... She wanted other things too. Her red eyes glanced downward as if she was ashamed. "A-at least... Take off your glove..." She spoke so softly it was almost inaudible, and she couldn't believe the words had left her mouth, but they had been taking baby steps with each other, and small as they were, progressing forward still meant that you had to accept new things as they came.

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:02 pm
His heart was thundering a mile a minute but it suddenly jolted up into his throat as Riyo pulled away, placing her hands on his chest. He felt like this moment was going to come to a sudden crashing stop and he wasn’t ready. His skin was on fire, his heart racing, he needed more and…

My gloves?” He rarely went without his gloves. Touching things with his bare hands was just something he didn’t do but he silently considered his options. Without another word he pulled the hand away from Riyo’s back and brought it up to his mouth so that he could bite down in the leather covered tip of his finger. With the glove secure between his teeth he pulled his hand free and quickly stuffed the glove in his pocket for safe keeping.

It was a foreign feeling being without the thin barrier of protection on his hand and he rubbed his thumb over his fingers to get a feel for it. He kept his eyes focused on Riyo the entire time as he brought his hand back to her waist, slipping under her shirt and touching her soft skin and feeling it for the first time so warm and giving under his fingers. “Is this better?” He was rather mystified by how nice she felt, seeking more skin to touch as his fingers splayed out over her sides. It made him feel….excited. Yes, that was probably the best word to use since he could feel a gathering of heat and tension a little bit lower now.

W-what other things would you like?

Despite having jumped into this head first Titus was still pretty new at the whole thing and other than a few games and movies he had no real resources that told him how to go about things. Kissing just seemed easy, it was something he didn’t think about but the rest of it had his brain working in overdrive with the risk of overheating.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:05 pm
Riyo hadn't quite thought about the fact that she'd never seen him without gloves, and perhaps if she knew how excited something like that would make him, the ghoul wouldn't have suggested it to begin with. Her eyes slowly looked back up at him as he seemed to struggle with the lack of leather. Then his hand moved back to where it had been, and though she felt the need to follow it with her eyes, she couldn't break his gaze. There was a small flinch from her at the contact, but she visibly relaxed shortly after. "Yeah." Was the short answer, closing her eyes for a brief moment as she focused on his fingers touching her bare skin. It felt...Wonderful.

Titus's question, however, caused the focus to be broken. "What do you mean?" She asked nervously, her ears folding against her head. "I-" She was at a loss. Was Titus... Expecting her to tell him how to do things to her? The ghoul's face grew redder. "I can't tell you how to do these things! I'm lucky to still be conscious after all this." And it was true. She was doing her very very best not to put too much thought into all this, but he was making it mighty difficult right now. "What do you... Want to do?" Maybe that was the wrong question to ask. Maybe she didn't really want to know what he had cooking in that brain, if anything.

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest



PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:05 pm
What did he mean? That certainly was a tricky question. Titus found himself floundering, reality catching up all at once. His confidence began to teeter and he struggled with the idea of pulling his hand back. “I just…don’t know what ghoul’s like. I know what I like but….” Thinking about what he wanted to say he came to a single realization. He wanted to make her feel good. It wasn’t just about pleasing himself he wanted to please her as well. It was a sobering conclusion to come to that he couldn’t bring himself to explain.

As far as what he wanted to do he knew what his body wanted. It was screaming at him to keep going, to just take the lead and let things play out. But he wasn’t sure that’s what the rest of him wanted. “I..don’t know.”  

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