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[ORP-Mkhulu] Hippo Hunt [Closed; for pride members] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [>] [»|]

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Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:55 am
"You wouldn't dare." Bangizwe threatened in a mockingly shocked tone followed by a heart laugh that shook his mane and earned him a look from the a couple of the lionesses.

"I believe you all have waited long enough," He added on, giving the group of lionesses and a few other lions a once-over. "With the time spent, you should have the privilege of beginning to eat just as the sun rises. I'm sure that will be something special." There was a bit of jealousy in the Umholi's voice, but there was always next time and so it was nothing to dwell on. Someone did need to stay behind after all to watch over the lionesses and their cubs. "I believe it's time for the Mkhulu to be underway and for us to get out of your way! You are those who took up this call, who want to prove themselves in the pride's first Mkhulu! I wish you luck, I ask you to stay safe and most of all, good hunting!" Bangizwe punctuated his cry with a low roar that echoed only slightly thanks to the brush, the trees and all of the scattered rocks.

He turned from the group that was now scampering to get in good lucks and good-byes and knocked foreheads with Andhaka, "And you be careful. I don't think the pride could handle losing another Umholi so soon." Bangizwe added quickly with a hushed voice.


"I hope so." Umthunzi added to Inkungu's reassurance to her. Just as the huria was about to reply to Sian, Bangizwe began speaking louder than before and it seemed he was addressing the group itself, not just the other Umholi. She turned her head to listen and couldn't help but smile as he wished the hunting party luck and a good hunt. They'd definitely need it if they were going after what all the rumors said they were.

As the last of the golden Umholi's words fell away, a roar rung in the ex-huria's ears. A few of the other lionesses joined in with him, adding their own roars to his and eachothers. It was exhilirating and just the sounds of the pre-hunt got her heart racing.



Okay, so...all non-participating members will no longer be able to post after my next post as they'll begin heading back towards where the pride's rock formation and the actual hunting party will be off. There will be another follow-up ORP that will run concurrently to this one for everyone not participating in the Mkhulu, so no need to feel left out. <3

If you want to try and get to five posts, be quick about it as I'll be posting again a little after noon CST!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:32 am
OOC: Going to try and get her 5 posts real quick before you post again since I just got her. About to blow up this thread with some one on one posts. I can do that right? We shall see.

User Image Liyana had helped scout out the herd that the lionesses were about to stalk. It wasn't going to be a pretty sight, she knew that much and she very much hoped that the hunt went well. She wondered if her mother or brother would be here but she doubted it. Her brother was an Enda and he was rarely around. She was pretty excited about the whole Mkhulu, mostly because this was the prides first one! She glanced around the area and tried to find a familiar face and spotted Yimvelo with her sisters. She figured she'd move over there and say hello before she had to leave. She wasn't going to be going on this hunt, but she knew her and her sisters were. "Good morning Yimvelo!" She said happily as she approached the female with a smile. She knew her and her sisters for the most part, probably yimvelo the best. She had been young when they had lost their mother but she remembered them.

User ImageBrown eyes turned as the Cinga approached and she gave her a cheerful smile in return and got up and walked over to her. "Ana, It's nice to see you. It's been a while." She knew the lioness was busy, her job was a rather significant one to the pride. She had grown up with her as cubs though due to their different job sets hadn't gotten too much time to spend together while they aged. Such was the life in the pride though right? She knew her brother had been fortunate enough to be an Enda! She thought it fortunate enough for both siblings to have vultures, especially her brother. "Anything new as of late?" She asked.  



Winter Wolf



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:46 am
User Image She really hadn't much to tell, minus the news of the location for the Mkhulu. "Unfortunately not. Though I did want to come by and wish you and your sisters a safe hunt this morning. I'm sorry that I will not be joining." She said sincerely. She very much enjoyed her job but still liked to hunt on occasions, she knew her job had it's importance though she didn't want anyone to think she was a freeloader and that was all she did. "I'm sure we're probably going to be swarming in cubs not to long from now. What do you think?" With the abundance of food, and new leadership, she was most certain that some cubs were bound to happen in the very near future.

User Image She gave her a bow of her head in thanks. She looked at her sisters and gave a reassuring smile. Inside she was scared though, this WAS going to be dangerous and she wasn't entirely sure if everyone would prevail without any injuries. She was definitely thankful for the well wishes. "We appreciate your words. Perhaps you'll be able to join on the next one?" She said looking around, checking out the red and black leader again. She raised her brow and gave a half smile with a chuckle. "Oh I believe it! I'm sure we're going to be outnumbered in no time." She wouldn't mind having a little brood of her own, but she wasn't sure she was ready for that just yet. Though even if she wasn't, there were plenty of lionesses here for support.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:57 am
User Image "I suppose we shall see." She said looking around at the large number of lions that had showed up to see everyone off. There quite a few pregnant females that she could see so she wondered how many were due soon. "I'm quite certain a few are about to pop in a couple days time it seems. She said looking at some of the soon to be mothers. She knew one of which had cubs that were from the recently departed Inselelo. She frowned slightly but it was the way it was. She noticed Yimvelo eyeing the Umholi. "He's quite the looker isn't he?" She said with a coy grin. She had to admit he was striking with his red pelt, though she preferred Bangizwes more natural coloration. "Personally I'd have my eyes set on Bangizwe." She said in a hushed whisper, nothing but joy in her voice.

User Image She nodded her head in agreement. "Oh yes, I'm surprised they made it over here at all." She said with a small giggle. She swatted at her when she caught her looking at the Umholi. "I don't know what you're talking about... But yes, he is quite handsome." She said giggling like some silly cub that had some secret to share with trusted friends. But Bangizwe was just as handsome, but his fur wasn't as striking but still. He was quite look able as well. NOT that colors had anything to do with it but still. "I think you'd have striking cubs with him."



Winter Wolf



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:13 am
User Image She knew she would have to start heading over to the rock formation. "Well, you never know! Little brown and red cubs with black markings?" She said nudging her shoulder as she joked with her. Though she tried to picture what cubs from him would look like with her coloration. She still thought Bangizwe was a more ideal pick. Besides, his dusty tan with white socks? They'd be simply adorable. If she were to breed at all that was. She had been away from the pride for quite a number of days so the interaction right now was much needed. Not that her vulture companion wasn't a good conversationalist.

User Image "Oh stop! You're going to make me blush." She said nudging the lioness back with a laugh. She would have to make sure she sought her out after the hunt to see how her scouting had been going. There had to be more going on outside the pride than what she was letting on. "It seems that we will be getting ready to head out here soon." She looked over at Kokulzawa and grinned at her words. "Don't worry, I don't plan on having cubs THAT soon." She said teasing her sister. She liked to worry her, but not in a way that wasn't unhealthy.

"And don't worry I'm certain as long as we stick together and pay attention we will walk away from this without a scratch." She looked back over towards Ana and gave her a nod as she knew she was going to have to head out now. "We will definitely have to catch up after the hunt Ana."

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:16 am
User Image "You ladies stay safe and I'll search you out afterwards to make sure everyone is still in tact." She said with a smile. She knew that the three of them were excellent hunters so she didn't think anything would happen to them, at least she hoped. She gave them a nod and turned and started to head out away from the hunting party to join the rest of the pride as they were to await for the hunt to end.

She still didn't see her mother or brother around, perhaps they would be at the feast afterwards because she was most certain there was going to be quite a lot of food from this kill and there were going to be many full and happy lions, along with their vulture companions.

ooc: was what I did alright? XD  



Winter Wolf


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:20 am
Udaka glanced over at Bangizwe as he spoke up, addressing the group as a whole now. The roars made her blood pump a bit faster and she added one of her own to the mix before stretching and shaking herself off. Now was the time to act. She padded away from those that would be staying, ready to get this show on the road. There was a hippo to find and kill.


Sturm turned as he heard one of the lead males speak - he still needed to get to know their names, but he was mildly worried about going to meet them. He didn't want to seem a threat! That's why he was going today, sort of, to show that he was strong but willing to take orders and not get in the way.

"Well, see you later," he said cheerfully to Kala, turning to give her a grin. "Next time you see us there'll be a big ol' feast to go along with us!" He trotted away after that, tail bouncing behind him.



Han flinched slightly as Bangizwe spoke up to address the crowd. Oh dear...it was time for them to go. She looked back at Kokumo and pushed herself to her feet, nuzzling her once more before she had to go. "I will. Take care of yourself," she said gently before starting to waddle away. She'd take a lot longer than the rest of the group to head out, so she needed to get a head start.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:38 am
ooc: totally copying Astoria and boosting Ukungcola's post count here real quick.

Ukungcola's ears perked up at the sound of the crowd brimming to it's high point. All the lions who had volunteered for the hunt were now beginning to move together and were ready for the hunt to start up. It brought a smile to Cola's face as she watched her sister leave to join them, and she could proudly say there was no regret in her own decision to stay behind while the others hunted.

Twisting her head the dark lioness spotted the young female she had come with here earlier, not quite pacing but not quite moving to join the others yet either. Standing she moved towards her at somewhat of a sluggish pace, "Uthuli." She chirped.


The paler coated of the two sharply turned her face to look at the calm features of Ukungcola moving towards her. "Yeah?" She asked simply. Had maybe the dark coated girl changed her mind? "What, you want to come with us now?" She let loose a small snort, "A bit of a last minute decision isn't it?"

Ukungcola shook her head. "I have no intention of going on the hunt..." She examined the other female curiously. "What troubles you, hmm?"  


Shy Prophet


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:44 am
Uthuli's fur bristled. "Nothing, I'm fine." She reported back with a slightly glare in her eyes. Ukungcola didn't seem to mind however.

In fact the dark lioness settled herself back on the ground near where Uthuli was pacing- er, walking, no, wait! Um... something. Honestly she didn't know what Uthuli was doing. Digging? No... She looked like she was just pawing the ground.

Ukungcola let loose a chuckle that lifted her shoulders slightly. "Heh. You're nervous aren't you?"

"Nervous? Me?" Uthuli blinked. "Nah, I'm doing great!" She wasn't nervous, there was no need to be nervous. She was going to bring down a hippo with a bunch of other lionesses and it was going to be fantastic. She had no reason to worry at all!

So why did she feel that way?

"Really, I'm fine. Just... Getting my blood pumping is all." She watched as Ukungcola gave her a 'yeah-right' stare. "I am!" She insisted.

"If that's what you say." Ukungcola grinned. "There is no need for you to worry. You will do perfectly fine." She reassured the other with a smile. "Just be sure to play nice with the others." She added with a wink.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:53 am
Uthuli's mouth grew into a large gaping as she struggled to find words to respond to Ukungcola. She wasn't nervous. She wasn't. It just wasn't possible for her to be nervous, excited maybe but not worried! Not her!

"Thanks but I don't need your advice." Uthuli snorted briskly. "Your not even going on this hunt why do I need to listen to you?"

Cola was taken slightly aback by Uthuli's rush to insult her. Only Ukungcola knew better and she didn't really take it as an insult. "Many of us are staying behind." She pointed out. "It's not really a crime or anything..." She added with a sigh.

"Now I already told you, you will do well." Probably. The word probably rung in Ukngcola's mind. She would probably do well, there was no guarantee. Not with Uthuli who was acting like a hyper cub. "Go join them." She prompted. "Look, everyone is about ready to leave, go have fun." At that she stood and turned tail to head to the meeting rock. That was where everyone was going, yes?

The pale lioness made a few noises in attempt to talk back to Ukungcola again, but by then the lioness had already left. Clamping her jaw shut the female stood for a few moments, contemplating this decision.

She wasn't nervous... She wasn't nervous...

Okay maybe she was a little nervous, but that okay. Lifting her head she exhaled a large breath and then trotted over to join the others, arriving in time to pipe up and add her own roar to the growing noise. It didn't matter if she was nervous, all that mattered was that she was participating in this hunt, and that it'd be a feast afterwords if everything went well!  


Shy Prophet

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:40 am
"Watch me," Andhaka countered with a grin, but his expression quickly settled back into seriousness when Bangizwe raised his voice to address the gathering. He took the time to scan which of the group seemed to be going, and was cautiously relieved not to see anyone he knew really disliked him. It was a relative minority, but still, they could be a rather vocal one, and it would be good not to have to tiptoe around them on this venture.

He returned the golden male's head-bump with an affectionate rumble and the brief return of a grin. "That would be a blaze of glory no one would forget, wouldn't it? Chomped in two by a hippo." He chuckled. "Don't worry, when i go out it will at least be with dignity, and not anytime soon."

"A pity they're not old enough for solid food. Hippo would be quite the first meal!" But no, they were a long way off from anything but milk, though Sian knew the time was sure to fly past, and they would be grown before she knew it. It was difficult to imagine, as tiny as they were now.

Siantaidh nodded her agreement with Inkungu. "Yes, you will be! And there's no shortage of help if you need it."

She quieted down when Bangizwe spoke up, and after he finished said to Umthunzi, "Good luck!"


PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:10 am
Kokulzawa shakes her head. Her sisters were her world and as worried as as she was, she was starting to feel the excitement of the hunt as her sisters up and paced around again. She nods to the darker lioness as she paces away. "Good fortune on the hunt!" She calls getting to her own paws. She head butts both of her sisters. "Get ready girls, it looks like the group is muster."

She looks once again over the group she didn't really know, she wasn't much for socialising except with her sisters, but, perhaps with thus great hunt she would form some new bonds.

Nodding the eldest lioness took s deep breath "ready to go."

Syrius Lionwing

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:18 am
Yet while she watched the anticipation build amongst the present pride members. The motherly lioness allowed her mind to wander. It had been a hard life really, having lost their mother at such a young age, she, as first born had taken on the mission to love, protect and raise her two siblings.

She liked to think she had done a good job with her fun living sisters. She knew she could be stern and rather strict sometimes but she worried about her sisters a lot and that would never change. She worried even more that one day they would find mates and have children. She had no idea what she would do then. Fret over new members of her family? Probably.

She chuckles and looks between her sisters and sighs, they were all adults, perhaps she should listen the apron strings a little.
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