Deimos >>
.. loovemate ..
(this runs strong in the family apparently xD)
Part of the Black Skull kalona herd, he's kind of the muscle, a huge formidable stallion. He shows very little emotion and is a snarky butt head.
Deception for the most part thinks like a purist ... but he'll pork anything that he finds interesting / pretty enough,to draw his attention
(though he abandons the kids / moms to die or survive based on their strength) maaaybe returning for one that shows almost pure kalona heritage if they are worth his time.
He's never really felt love for another Soquili outside of his close family, so affection might not be somethings Deimos would get from him .. at least for a while.
Could also offer Diomed ..

He shows kelpi and mutant horns though *bricked* xD
Dio was raised by his fathers, a kalona and a carnivorous kelpi to be stubborn and proud. In general he is pretty laid back not a typical 'evil' .. he tends to be more chaotically neutral.. but he can have a brutal streak a mile long if you mess with someone or something he cares about.
He doesn't speak much as there are few he sees worthy of talking too, preferring to communicate with the movements of his headwings.
other than that .. he's still a fairly young blank slate whom hasn't done much